For development purposes it is beneficial to setup a local db service.
The SQL database of choice for COMPASS is PostgreSQL. It is a open source relational database system and is easy to install.
There are different options for setting up a Postgres instance locally. Two are described in the following sections.
For any variant of installation please make sure to use the correct version of Postgres. The db schema for compass doesn’t have special requirements on the RDBMS, but it is tested and know to be working with Postgres in version 12.
To start an instance with docker, follow the documentation on Postgres image documentation. Please pay special attention to the section Where to Store Data.
Follow the OS specific documentation on PostgreSQL Downloads to install Postgres onto your local machine.
Put your db migration scripts here and comply with the naming rules of Flyway. Copy the questionnaire here and paste it to SQL-command.
oc login
was called and the correct project is selected -
DB runs on default port (5432)
DB deployment name is database
Identify the pod that runs the DB: oc get pod -l name=database -o name
Run following command (replace the pod name) to create a port forwarding to the remote database:
oc port-forward <pod-name> <local-port>:<remote-port>
E.g. oc port-forward database-1-ptdq5 15432:5432
To check that everything is working run npx flyway -c db/flyway.js info
from the project root folder.
From the project root folder run npx flyway -c db/flyway.js migrate
(When you run Flyway the first time, it downloads some binaries and exits. Rerun the command to start the migration.) User and password can be found in the secret database-creds.
The output should look like this (flyway an postgres versions might differ):
$ npx flyway -c db/flyway.js migrate
Database user: MY_DB_USER
Database password:
Flyway Community Edition 7.5.0 by Redgate
Database: jdbc:database://localhost:15432/compass (PostgreSQL 12.1)
Successfully validated 6 migrations (execution time 00:00.038s)
Current version of schema "public": 001
Migrating schema "public" to version "002 - Initial Data"
Migrating schema "public" to version "003 - Queue Data"
Migrating schema "public" to version "004 - Api User"
Migrating schema "public" to version "005 - Store Device Token"
Migrating schema "public" to version "006 - Questionnaire Version History"
Successfully applied 6 migrations to schema "public", now at version v006 (execution time 00:00.153s)
The scripts will setup:
6 tables
1 api user (API_ID = "test", API_KEY = "gKdKLYG2g0-Y1EllI0-W")
2 study participants
17 exemplary queue items (you won’t be able to decrypt those with your key, they are just for reference)
It will not setup an exemplary questionnaire. Therefore, before you can connect the mobile application to the backend, ensure that you add a questionnaire to the table called 'questionnaires'. You can find an exemplary questionnaire here.
Instead of inserting questionnaires into the database using sql, you can use REST calls. Those endpoints are described in the openapi documentation, reachable under http://{your-backend-url}/docs.
pgAdmin 4 is installed on your local machine
Port forwarding is established. See Connect to Database
Open PGAdmin
Click Add new Server
Fill in a Server Name
Open tab Connection
- as address
Enter Username and Password (can be found in the secret database-creds)
Click Save