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FasterTransformer T5

The FasterTransformer T5 implements the huggingface t5 model (

Table Of Contents


This document describes what FasterTransformer provides for the T5 model, explaining the workflow and optimization. We also provide a guide to help users to run the T5 model on FasterTransformer. Finally, we provide benchmark to demonstrate the speed of FasterTransformer on T5.

Supported features

  • Checkpoint converter
    • Huggingface
    • Megatron
    • NeMo Megatron
  • Data type
    • FP32
    • FP16
    • BF16
  • Feature
    • Multi-GPU multi-node inference
    • Dynamic random seed
    • Stop tokens
    • Beam search and sampling are both supported
    • Loading FP32 or FP16 weights
  • Frameworks
    • PyTorch
    • Triton backend

Model architecture


The source codes are put in src/fastertransformer/models/t5.

  • Constructor of T5 Encoder
Classification Name Data Type Description
[0] max_batch_size size_t Deprecated, move to input
[1] max_seq_len size_t Deprecated, move to input
[2] head_num size_t Head number for model configuration
[3] size_per_head size_t Size per head for model configuration
[4] inter_size size_t The inter size of feed forward network. It is often set to 4 * head_num * size_per_head.
[5] d_model size_t The dimension of embedding of transformer input.
[6] num_layer size_t Number of transformer layers for model configuration
[7] num_bucket_or_max_seq_len size_t Number of bucket in relative position embedding, or max sequence length for absolute position embedding
[8] max_distance size_t Max distance for relative position embedding
[9] sm int The compute capacity of GPU
[10] q_scaling float It is used to scale the query before the batch multiplication of query and key
[11] stream cudaStream_t CUDA stream
[12] cublas_wrapper cublasMMWrapper* Pointer of cuBLAS wrapper, which is declared in src/fastertransformer/utils/cublasMMWrapper.h
[13] allocator IAllocator* Pointer of memory allocator, which is declared in src/fastertransformer/utils/allocator.h
[14] is_free_buffer_after_forward bool If setting to be true, FasterTransformer will allocate buffer before forward, and free buffer after forward. When the allocator is based on memory pool, setting to true may help reducing the memory usage during inference.
[15] attention_type AttentionType Determine fusing the attention or not, remove padding or not, which is declared in src/fastertransformer/layers/attention_layers/BaseAttentionLayer.h
[16] sparse bool Is using sparsity. Experimental feature
[17] activation_type ActivationType Determine the activation in FFN, which is declared in src/fastertransformer/layers/attention_layers/FfnLayer.h
[18] layernorm_type LayerNormType Determine using pre-layernorm or post-layernorm, which is declared in src/fastertransformer/kernels/layernorm_kernels.h. Note that only pre_layernorm is supported at the moment.
[19] tensor_para NcclParam Tensor Parallel information, which is declared in src/fastertransformer/utils/nccl_utils.h
[20] pipeline_para NcclParam Pipeline Parallel information, which is declared in src/fastertransformer/utils/nccl_utils.h
[21] prompt_learning_start_id int The start id of virtual token in p/prompt-tuning
[22] prompt_learning_type PromptLearningType The type of prompt learning when we load the prompt embedding in constructor. FT supports no_prompt, soft_prompt, prefix_prompt, p_prompt_tuning now
[23] custom_all_reduce_comm AbstractCustomComm Custom all reduction communication for custom all reduction in model parallelism. It is only supported in 8-way tensor parallelism
[24] enable_custom_all_reduce int Flag of enabling custom all reduction or not
  • Input of T5 Encoder
Name Tensor/Parameter Shape Location Data Type Description
input_ids [batch_size, seq_len] GPU int The input ids
sequence_length [batch_size] GPU int The lengths of input ids
inputs_embeds [batch_size, seq_len, d_model] GPU fp32/fp16/bf16 Optional. The embedding after embedding lookup. If this input is not null, using this embedding as input of transformer
prompt_learning_task_name_ids [batch_size] CPU int Optional. Task name ids for prompt learning.
request_prompt_lengths [batch_size], GPU int Optional. Length of prefix soft prompt embedding. This describes how many tokens of soft prompt embedding in each sentence.
request_prompt_embedding [batch_size, max_prompt_length, hidden_units] GPU float Optional. Prefix soft prompt embedding. FT will concat them with results of embedding lookup kernel
ia3_tasks [batch_size] GPU int Optional. Which IA3 weights to use for each sequence.
  • Output of T5 Encoder
Name Tensor/Parameter Shape Location Data Type Description
output_hidden_state [batch_size, sequence_length, d_model_] GPU fp32/fp16/bf16 The output of transformer layer
  • Constructor of T5 Decoding
Classification Name Data Type Description
[0] max_batch_size size_t Deprecated, move to input
[1] max_seq_len size_t Deprecated, move to input
[2] mem_max_seq_len size_t Deprecated, move to input
[3] beam_width size_t Deprecated, move to input
[4] head_num size_t Head number for model configuration
[5] size_per_head size_t Size per head for model configuration
[6] inter_size size_t The inter size of feed forward network. It is often set to 4 * head_num * size_per_head
[7] d_model size_t The dimension of embedding of transformer input.
[8] num_layer size_t Number of transformer layers for model configuration
[9] vocab_size size_t Vocabulary size for model configuration
[10] num_bucket size_t Number of bucket in relative position embedding, or max sequence length for absolute position embedding
[11] max_distance size_t Max distance for relative position embedding
[12] q_scaling float It is used to scale the query before the batch multiplication of query and key
[13] start_id int Start id for vocabulary
[14] end_id int End id for vocabulary
[15] beam_search_diversity_rate float Deprecated, move to input
[16] top_k size_t Deprecated, move to input
[17] top_p float Deprecated, move to input
[18] temperature float Deprecated, move to input
[19] len_penalty float Deprecated, move to input
[20] repetition_penalty float Deprecated, move to input
[21] stream cudaStream_t CUDA stream
[22] cublas_wrapper cublasMMWrapper* Pointer of cuBLAS wrapper, which is declared in src/fastertransformer/utils/cublasMMWrapper.h
[23] allocator IAllocator* Pointer of memory allocator, which is declared in src/fastertransformer/utils/allocator.h
[24] is_free_buffer_after_forward bool If setting to be true, FasterTransformer will allocate buffer before forward, and free buffer after forward. When the allocator is based on memory pool, setting to true may help reducing the memory usage during inference.
[25] cuda_device_prop cudaDeviceProp* Pointer of CUDA device properties, which is used to get the properties of hardware like size of shared memory
[26] tensor_para NcclParam Tensor Parallel information, which is declared in src/fastertransformer/utils/nccl_utils.h
[27] pipeline_para NcclParam Pipeline Parallel information, which is declared in src/fastertransformer/utils/nccl_utils.h
[28] activation_type ActivationType Determine the activation in FFN, which is declared in src/fastertransformer/layers/attention_layers/FfnLayer.h
[29] tie_word_embeddings bool A flag controlling the scale of transformer output
[30] custom_all_reduce_comm AbstractCustomComm Custom all reduction communication for custom all reduction in model parallelism. It is only supported in 8-way tensor parallelism
[31] enable_custom_all_reduce int Flag of enabling custom all reduction or not
  • Input of T5 Decoding
Name Tensor/Parameter Shape Location Data Type Description
encoder_output [batch_size, mem_max_seq_len, memory_d_model] GPU fp32/fp16/bf16 The output of T5 Encoder
encoder_sequence_length [batch_size] GPU int The sequence length of encoder input/output
stop_words_list [batch_size, 2, stop_words_length] GPU int Optional. When FT generates words in this list, it will stop the generation. An extension of stop id
bad_words_list [batch_size, 2, bad_words_length] GPU int Optional. The words in the list will never be sampled.
start_id [batch_size] CPU int Optional. If FT receives this input, FT will replace default start id by it
end_id [batch_size] CPU int Optional. If FT receives this input, FT will replace default end id by it
runtime_top_k [1] or [batch_size] CPU uint Optional. top_k value for top k sampling
runtime_top_p [1] or [batch_size] CPU float Optional. top_p value for top p sampling
beam_search_diversity_rate [1] or [batch_size] CPU float Optional. A hyper hyper-parameter for simple diverse decoding
temperature [1] or [batch_size] CPU float Optional. Temperature applied to logits for both beam search and sampling
len_penalty [1] or [batch_size] CPU float Optional. Length penalty applied to logits for only beam search
repetition_penalty [1] or [batch_size] CPU float Optional. Repetition penalty applied to logits for both beam search and sampling. Exclusive with presence_penalty
presence_penalty [1] or [batch_size] CPU float Optional. Presence penalty - additive type of repetition penalty - applied to logits for both beam search and sampling. Exclusive with repetition_penalty.
min_length [1] or [batch_size] CPU int Optional. Minimum number of tokens to generate
random_seed [1] or [batch_size] CPU unsigned long long int Optional. Random seed to initialize the random table in sampling.
ia3_tasks [batch_size] GPU int Optional. Which IA3 weights to use for each sequence.
  • Output of T5 Decoding
Name Tensor/Parameter Shape Location Data Type Description
output_ids [batch_size, beam_width, max_output_seq_len] GPU int The output ids. It contains the input_ids and generated ids
sequence_length [batch_size, beam_width] GPU int The lengths of output ids
output_log_probs [batch_size, beam_width, request_output_seq_len] GPU float Optional. It records the log probability of logits at each step for sampling.
cum_log_probs [batch_size, beam_width] GPU float Optional. Cumulative log probability of generated sentences
cross_attentions [num_layer / pipeline_para_size, batch_size, beam_width, head_num / tensor_para_size, max_seq_len, mem_max_seq_len] GPU float Optional. The attention scores of cross attention


  1. Kernel optimization: First, since the sequence length of query in SelfAttention and CrossAttention is always 1, we use customed fused multi-head attention kernel to optimize. Second, we fuse many small operations into one kernel. For example, AddBiasResidualLayerNorm combines the adding bias, adding residual of previous block and the computation of layer normalization into 1 kernel. Third, we optimize top k operation and sampling to accelerate the beam search and sampling. Finally, to prevent from recomputing the previous keys and values, we allocate a buffer to store them at each step. Although it takes some additional memory usage, we can save the cost of recomputing, allocating buffer at each step, and the cost of concatenation.


The following section lists the requirements to use FasterTransformer.


  • CMake >= 3.13 for PyTorch
  • CUDA 11.0 or newer version
  • NCCL 2.10 or newer version
  • Python: Only verify on Python 3.
  • PyTorch: Verify on 1.10.0, >= 1.5.0 should work.

Recommend use nvcr image like

Ensure you have the following components:

For more information about how to get started with NGC containers, see the following sections from the NVIDIA GPU Cloud Documentation and the Deep Learning Documentation:

For those unable to use the NGC container, to set up the required environment or create your own container, see the versioned NVIDIA Container Support Matrix.

Build FasterTransformer


You can choose the pytorch version and python version you want. Here, for pytorch user, we suggest image, which contains the PyTorch 1.13.0 and python 3.8. For tensorflow user, we suggest image, which contains tensorflow 2.9.1 and python 3.8.

nvidia-docker run -ti --shm-size 5g --rm bash
git clone
mkdir -p FasterTransformer/build
cd FasterTransformer/build
git submodule init && git submodule update

Build the project

  • Note: the xx of -DSM=xx in following scripts means the compute capability of your GPU. The following table shows the compute capability of common GPUs.
GPU compute capacity
P40 60
P4 61
V100 70
T4 75
A100 80
A30 80
A10 86

By default, -DSM is set by 70, 75, 80 and 86. When users set more kinds of -DSM, it requires longer time to compile. So, we suggest setting the -DSM for the device you use only. Here, we use xx as an example due to convenience.

  1. build with PyTorch

    make -j12

    This will build the TorchScript custom class. Please make sure that the PyTorch >= 1.5.0.

  2. build with TensorRT Can use docker image, too.

    make -j12
  3. build with Tensorflow 2

    cmake -DSM=80 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_TF2=ON -DTF_PATH=/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/tensorflow/ -DBUILD_MULTI_GPU=ON ..
    make -j12

How to use

Translation process

  1. Run FasterTransformer T5 on PyTorch

    Please install utils first before running the demos by

    pip install -r ../examples/pytorch/t5/requirement.txt

    1.1 Generate the file:

    ./bin/t5_gemm can generate the best GEMM configuration.

    Assume the settings of decoding are as follows.

    • batch_size = 8
    • beam_width = 4
    • max_mem_seq_len = 32
    • encoder_d_model = 512
    • encoder_head_num = 8
    • encoder_size_per_head = 64
    • encoder_inter_size = 2048
    • decoder_d_model = 512
    • decoder_head_num = 8
    • decoder_size_per_head = 64
    • decoder_inter_size = 2048
    • decoder_vocab_size = 32128
    • data_type = 0 (FP32) or 1 (FP16) or 2 (BF16)
    • tensor_para_size = 2

    Then the following scripts can generate the best GEMM configuration under such settings and record the configuration into the file.

    ./bin/t5_gemm 8 4 32 512 8 64 2048 512 8 64 2048 32128 0 2 1

    If the application may have multiple different shapes (like different batch size), users can run multiple time and set is_append to be true. For example

    ./bin/t5_gemm 8 4 32 512 8 64 2048 512 8 64 2048 32128 0 2 1 # bs 8, not append, will create a new gemm_config.ini
    ./bin/t5_gemm 16 4 32 512 8 64 2048 512 8 64 2048 32128 0 2 1 # bs 16, append results in existed gemm_config.ini

    1.2 Run the PyTorch T5 example:

    python ../examples/pytorch/t5/ \
            --batch_size 32 \
            --beam_width 4 \
            --max_seq_len 128 \
            --data_type fp32 \
            --test_time 0123 \
            --sampling_topk 4 \
            --model t5-small

    Data Type can be fp32, fp16 and bf16

    The outputs should be like to the following:

    [INFO] hf-beamsearch translates 94 batches taking 157.58 sec to translate 62591 tokens, BLEU score: 26.21, 397 tokens/sec.
    [INFO] ft-beamsearch translates 94 batches taking 14.45 sec to translate 61763 tokens, BLEU score: 26.45, 4274 tokens/sec.
    [INFO] hf-sampling translates 94 batches taking 99.17 sec to translate 62022 tokens, BLEU score: 25.35, 625 tokens/sec.
    [INFO] ft-sampling translates 94 batches taking 7.93 sec to translate 62096 tokens, BLEU score: 17.61, 7827 tokens/sec.

    1.3 Run T5 with model parallel

    mpirun -n 4 --allow-run-as-root \
      python ../examples/pytorch/t5/ \
            --batch_size 32 \
            --beam_width 4 \
            --max_seq_len 128 \
            --data_type fp32 \
            --test_time 0123 \
            --sampling_topk 4 \
            --model t5-small \
            --tensor_para_size 2 \
            --pipeline_para_size 2
  2. Run FasterTransformer T5 on TensorRT

    Please install transformers first before running the demos by

    pip install -r ../examples/pytorch/t5/requirement.txt
    # get T5Model weight for test (need Internet or pre-downloaded model)
    # Note that the model is saved in ./ft_t5_small/1-gpu, but not ./ft_t5_small
    python ../examples/tensorrt/t5/ \
            -in_file t5-small \
            -saved_dir ./ft_t5_small
    python ../examples/tensorrt/t5/ \
            --batch_size 32 \
            --beam_width 4 \
            --max_seq_len 128 \
            --data_type fp16 \
            --ckpt_path ./ft_t5_small/1-gpu
  • Input/Output Tensor/Parameter of T5Encoder Plugin
Classification Tensor/Parameter Shape Data Type Description
input tensor
[0] [batch_size,max_seq_len] int32 input token after tokenization
[1] [batch_size] int32 real sequence length of each input
input parameter
[0] [] int32 max_batch_size
[1] [] int32 max_seq_len
[2] [] int32 beam_width (keep the same as decoding)
[3] [] int32 sm
[4] [] int32 useFP16
[5] [] string checkpoint path of converted FT model
output tensor
[0] [batch_size,max_seq_len,d_model] foat32/float16 encoder output
  • Input/Output Tensor/Parameter of T5Decoding Plugin
Classification Tensor/Parameter Shape Data Type Description
input tensor
[0] [batch_size,max_seq_len,d_model] foat32/float16 encoder output
[1] [batch_size] int32 real sequence length of each input
[2] [1] or [batch_size] int32 top_k
[3] [1] or [batch_size] float32 top_p
[4] [1] or [batch_size] float32 beam_search_diversity_rate
[5] [1] or [batch_size] float32 temperature
[6] [1] or [batch_size] float32 len_penalty
[7] [1] or [batch_size] float32 repetition_penalty
input parameter
[0] [] int32 max_batch_size
[1] [] int32 max_seq_len
[2] [] int32 mem_max_seq_len
[3] [] int32 beam_width
[4] [] int32 useFp16
[5] [] string checkpoint path of converted FT model
output tensor
[0] [batch_size,beam_width,max_seq_len] float32/float16 decoding output
[1] [batch_size,beam_width] float32/float16 real sequence length of each output

The model configuration are stored in config.ini of checkpoint path. For example, after running,

python ../examples/tensorrt/t5/ \
            -in_file t5-small \
            -saved_dir ./ft_t5_small`

users can see the model configuration in ./ft_t5_small/1-gpu/config.ini

  1. Run FasterTransformer T5 on Tensorflow 2

    Please install utils first before running the demos by

    pip install -r ../examples/tensorflow/t5/requirement.txt

    3.1 Generate the file:

    ./bin/t5_gemm can generate the best GEMM configuration.

    Assume the settings of decoding are as follows.

    • batch_size = 8
    • beam_width = 4
    • max_mem_seq_len = 32
    • encoder_d_model = 512
    • encoder_head_num = 8
    • encoder_size_per_head = 64
    • encoder_inter_size = 2048
    • decoder_d_model = 512
    • decoder_head_num = 8
    • decoder_size_per_head = 64
    • decoder_inter_size = 2048
    • decoder_vocab_size = 32128
    • data_type = 0 (FP32) or 1 (FP16) or 2 (BF16)
    • tensor_para_size = 2

    Then the following scripts can generate the best GEMM configuration under such settings and record the configuration into the file.

    ./bin/t5_gemm 8 4 32 512 8 64 2048 512 8 64 2048 32128 0 2 1

    3.2 Run the Tensorflow T5 example:

    python ../examples/tensorflow/t5/ \
        --batch_size 32 \
        --beam_width 4 \
        --max_seq_len 128 \
        --data_type fp32 \
        --test_time 13 \
        --sampling_topk 4 \
        --model t5-small

    Data Type can be fp32, fp16 and bf16

    The outputs should be like to the following:

    2022-11-09 01:34:30,687 __main__ [INFO] ft-beamsearch translates 94 batches taking 17.75 sec to translate 99719 tokens, BLEU score: 25.38, 5617 tokens/sec. (62035 words, 3494 words/sec)
    2022-11-09 01:34:30,687 __main__ [INFO] ft-sampling translates 94 batches taking 14.80 sec to translate 99745 tokens, BLEU score: 25.36, 6740 tokens/sec. (62029 words, 4191 words/sec)

    3.3 Run the Tensorflow T5 v1_1 example:

    python ../examples/tensorflow/t5/ \
        --batch_size 32 \
        --beam_width 4 \
        --max_seq_len 128 \
        --data_type fp32 \
        --test_time 0123 \
        --sampling_topk 4 \
        --max_ite 10 \
        --model google/t5-v1_1-small

    Data Type can be fp32, fp16 and bf16

    The outputs should be like to the following:

    2022-11-18 08:53:25,056 __main__ [INFO] hf-beamsearch translates 10 batches taking 218.60 sec to translate 12261 tokens, BLEU score: 0.41, 56 tokens/sec. (8198 words, 38 words/sec)
    2022-11-18 08:53:25,056 __main__ [INFO] ft-beamsearch translates 10 batches taking 3.28 sec to translate 10488 tokens, BLEU score: 0.47, 3201 tokens/sec. (7016 words, 2141 words/sec)
    2022-11-18 08:53:25,056 __main__ [INFO] hf-sampling translates 10 batches taking 124.60 sec to translate 11607 tokens, BLEU score: 0.29, 93 tokens/sec. (7842 words, 63 words/sec)
    2022-11-18 08:53:25,056 __main__ [INFO] ft-sampling translates 10 batches taking 2.91 sec to translate 11755 tokens, BLEU score: 0.29, 4034 tokens/sec. (8113 words, 2784 words/sec)

Running UL2 on FasterTransformer Pytorch op

UL2 (Unifying Language Learning Paradigms) is published by Google. The following is its introduction:

UL2 is a unified framework for pretraining models that are universally effective across datasets and setups. UL2 uses Mixture-of-Denoisers (MoD), apre-training objective that combines diverse pre-training paradigms together. UL2 introduces a notion of mode switching, wherein downstream fine-tuning is associated with specific pre-training schemes.

We show how to sever UL2 by FasterTransformer PyTorch op on huggingface's model in this section.

  1. Download model (It requires some time because the model size is about 40GBs)

    sudo apt-get install git-lfs
    git lfs install
    git lfs clone
  2. Convert the checkpoint to FT

    Because loading UL2 model on pytorch and do prprocessing takes long time, and only supports loading FT's model from binary files, we convert the pytorch checkpoint to FasterTransformer by converter

    python3 ../examples/pytorch/t5/utils/ \
            -saved_dir ul2/c-models \
            -in_file ul2/ \
            -inference_tensor_para_size 2 \
            -weight_data_type fp32
  3. Run UL2 on summarization task

    mpirun -n 2 python3 ../examples/pytorch/t5/  \
                          --ft_model_location ul2/c-models/ \
                          --hf_model_location ul2/ \
                          --test_ft \
                          --data_type bf16 \
                          --tensor_para_size 2

    The results would be like

    rouge1 : 23.673944166014593
    rouge2 : 5.946485383012474
    rougeL : 14.749827731626247
    rougeLsum : 20.217932008044144

Running t5-v1.1

  1. Download model (It requires some time because the model size is about 40GBs)

    sudo apt-get install git-lfs
    git lfs install
    git lfs clone
  2. Convert the checkpoint to FT

    python3 ../examples/pytorch/t5/utils/ \
            -saved_dir t5-v1_1-base/c-models \
            -in_file t5-v1_1-base/ \
            -inference_tensor_para_size 1 \
            -weight_data_type fp32
  3. Run t5-v1.1 on summarization task

    python3 ../examples/pytorch/t5/  \
            --ft_model_location t5-v1_1-base/c-models/ \
            --hf_model_location t5-v1_1-base/ \
            --test_ft \

    The results would be like

    Hugging Face (total latency: 21.826529 sec)
    rouge1 : 10.786476875527406
    rouge2 : 1.8231246974441166
    rougeL : 8.652689713627165
    rougeLsum : 10.326607305635523
    Faster Transformers (total latency: 7.036808000000001 sec)
    rouge1 : 10.91735083630513
    rouge2 : 1.8454654301092783
    rougeL : 8.76872604148143
    rougeLsum : 10.453229536094794
  • Note that these models are not fine-tuned, so running with FP16 or setting topk > 1 may lead to unstable results.

Running mt5

  1. Download model (It requires some time because the model size is about 40GBs)

    sudo apt-get install git-lfs
    git lfs install
    git lfs clone
  2. Convert the checkpoint to FT

    python3 ../examples/pytorch/t5/utils/ \
            -saved_dir mt5-base/c-models \
            -in_file mt5-base/ \
            -inference_tensor_para_size 1 \
            -weight_data_type fp32
  3. Run mt5 on summarization task

    python3 ../examples/pytorch/t5/  \
            --ft_model_location mt5-base/c-models/ \
            --hf_model_location mt5-base/ \
            --test_ft \

    The results would be like

    Hugging Face (total latency: 3.143815 sec)
    rouge1 : 4.636193727758547
    rouge2 : 0.20661157024793395
    rougeL : 3.7990194456844026
    rougeLsum : 4.274724726798723
    Faster Transformers (total latency: 1.3952859999999998 sec)
    rouge1 : 4.726148174547172
    rouge2 : 0.20818875780707846
    rougeL : 3.8698557495145516
    rougeLsum : 4.3507453221528
    • Note that these models are not fine-tuned, so running with FP16 or setting topk > 1 may lead to unstable results.


Hardware settings:

  • CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6132 CPU @ 2.60GHz
  • V100-16GB (with mclk 877MHz, pclk 1380MHz) with Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2698 v4 @ 2.20GHz (dgx-1 server)
  • A100-40GB
  • A100-80GB (with mclk 1593, pclk 1410) with AMD EPYC 7742 64-Core Processor

To run the following benchmark, we need to install the unix computing tool "bc" by

apt-get install bc

End-to-end translation performance on PyTorch

We demonstrate the throughput of huggingface and FT for end-to-end translation on V100 and A100. We also skip the BLEU score because the score of PyTorch, FT Decoder and FT Decoding are close.

Although the bleu scores of all methods are close, the results may be little different, and the number of generated tokens may be also different. So, we use throughput but not latency to show the performance in this benchmark.

T5-3B on A100-80GB

  • T5-3B on FP16 with beamsearch
Batch Size beamsearch Precision FT Decoding
Throughput (token/sec)
1 4 FP16 192
1 32 FP16 140
8 4 FP16 787
8 32 FP16 271
32 4 FP16 1540
32 32 FP16 OOM
128 4 FP16 1907
128 32 FP16 OOM

When batch size is 32, beam width is 32, the k/v caches require about 90GBs and lead to OOM.

  • T5-3B on FP16 with sampling
Batch Size sampling Precision FT Decoding
Throughput (token/sec)
1 4 FP16 218
1 0.5 FP16 217
8 4 FP16 932
8 0.5 FP16 908
32 4 FP16 2416
32 0.5 FP16 2344
128 4 FP16 5004
128 0.5 FP16 4891

T5-base on A100-40GB

  • T5-base on FP32 with beamsearch
Batch Size beamsearch Precision Huggingface
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
1 4 FP32 46 422 9.17
1 32 FP32 34 339 9.97
8 4 FP32 194 1779 9.17
8 32 FP32 98 516 5.26
32 4 FP32 486 2939 6.04
32 32 FP32 OOM OOM -
128 4 FP32 810 3445 4.25
128 32 FP32 OOM OOM -
  • T5-base on FP16 with beamsearch
Batch Size beamsearch Precision Huggingface
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
1 4 FP16 44 671 15.25
1 32 FP16 25 517 20.68
8 4 FP16 139 2807 20.19
8 32 FP16 77 1573 20.42
32 4 FP16 368 7102 19.29
32 32 FP16 123 1830 14.87
128 4 FP16 656 11312 17.24
128 32 FP16 OOM 1845 -
  • T5-base on FP32 with sampling
Batch Size sampling Precision Huggingface
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
1 4 FP32 66 334 5.06
1 0.5 FP32 65 323 4.97
8 4 FP32 217 1887 8.70
8 0.5 FP32 200 1765 8.83
32 4 FP32 718 5211 7.26
32 0.5 FP32 656 4731 7.21
128 4 FP32 2115 8782 4.15
128 0.5 FP32 1805 8212 4.55
  • T5-base on FP16 with sampling
Batch Size sampling Precision Huggingface
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
1 4 FP16 46 746 16.21
1 0.5 FP16 43 706 16.41
8 4 FP16 212 3293 15.53
8 0.5 FP16 191 3049 15.96
32 4 FP16 501 8783 17.53
32 0.5 FP16 432 7961 18.42
128 4 FP16 1426 18137 12.71
128 0.5 FP16 1414 16680 11.79

T5-base on V100-16GB

  • T5-base on FP32 with beamsearch
Batch Size beamsearch Precision Huggingface
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
1 4 FP32 28 257 9.17
1 32 FP32 20 175 8.75
8 4 FP32 105 953 9.07
8 32 FP32 50 196 3.92
32 4 FP32 247 1400 5.66
32 32 FP32 0 OOM x
128 4 FP32 0 1448 x
128 32 FP32 OOM OOM x
  • T5-base on FP16 with beam search
Batch Size beamsearch Precision Huggingface
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
1 4 FP16 21 359 17.09
1 32 FP16 14 250 17.85
8 4 FP16 76 1418 18.65
8 32 FP16 40 526 13.15
32 4 FP16 221 2962 13.40
32 32 FP16 OOM 684 x
128 4 FP16 345 4079 11.82
128 32 FP16 OOM OOM x
  • T5-base on FP32 with sampling
Batch Size sampling Precision Huggingface
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
1 4 FP32 26 226 8.69
1 0.5 FP32 27 219 8.11
8 4 FP32 115 1153 10.02
8 0.5 FP32 130 1075 8.26
32 4 FP32 327 3021 9.23
32 0.5 FP32 297 2773 9.33
128 4 FP32 1162 4184 3.60
128 0.5 FP32 797 3975 4.98
  • T5-base on FP16 with sampling
Batch Size sampling Precision Huggingface
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
1 4 FP16 19 364 19.15
1 0.5 FP16 20 353 17.65
8 4 FP16 83 1733 20.87
8 0.5 FP16 98 1599 16.31
32 4 FP16 337 4517 13.40
32 0.5 FP16 301 4207 13.97
128 4 FP16 956 8519 8.91
128 0.5 FP16 723 7997 11.06

T5-small on V100-16GB

  • T5-small on FP32 with beamsearch
Batch Size beamsearch Precision Huggingface
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
1 4 FP32 51 626 12.27
1 32 FP32 30 413 13.76
8 4 FP32 192 2462 12.82
8 32 FP32 72 563 7.81
32 4 FP32 383 4316 11.26
32 32 FP32 104 668 6.42
128 4 FP32 554 4747 8.56
128 32 FP32 OOM OOM x
  • T5-small on FP16 with beamsearch
Batch Size beamsearch Precision Huggingface
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
1 4 FP16 35 776 22.17
1 32 FP16 28 553 19.75
8 4 FP16 163 3467 21.26
8 32 FP16 71 1140 16.05
32 4 FP16 365 7154 19.60
32 32 FP16 108 1359 12.58
128 4 FP16 524 11285 21.53
128 32 FP16 0 942※ 0.00

※: Out of memory on single GPU. Run by 2 ways tensor parallel.

  • T5-small on FP32 with sampling
Batch Size sampling Precision Huggingface
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
1 4 FP32 60 577 9.61
1 0.5 FP32 57 524 9.19
8 4 FP32 243 2821 11.60
8 0.5 FP32 221 2345 10.61
32 4 FP32 765 7865 10.28
32 0.5 FP32 634 6365 10.03
128 4 FP32 2238 12134 5.42
128 0.5 FP32 1611 10439 6.47
  • T5-small on FP16 with sampling
Batch Size sampling Precision Huggingface
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
1 4 FP16 46 934 20.30
1 0.5 FP16 42 862 20.52
8 4 FP16 194 3510 18.09
8 0.5 FP16 182 3235 17.77
32 4 FP16 592 10692 18.06
32 0.5 FP16 553 9008 16.28
128 4 FP16 1921 19446 10.12
128 0.5 FP16 1307 16810 12.86