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Daily temp and precip flag lookup

CT White edited this page Dec 14, 2023 · 2 revisions

# notes from TK draft ppt manuscript/nwt renewal:

NWT daily value flagging:

  • note these are different from D1, SDL, and C1 gapfilled hourly temp and precip flagging

## NWT daily precip

Flag 1:

A - Data recorded at Target Station (see Source Station field for specific gauge information)
B - Data infilled using Method 1 with a p value <.05
C - Data infilled using Method 1 with a p value >.05
D - Data infilled using Method 2 with a p value <.05
E - Data infilled using Method 2 with a p value >.05

Flag 2:

A - Daily value, not adjusted for any period total
B - Daily value, adjusted for period total as recorded by Belfort Recording Gauge: Shielded.
C - Daily value, adjusted for period total as recorded by US Weather Bureau Totalizing Gauge: Unshielded
D - Daily value, adjusted for period total as recorded by US Weather Bureau Totalizing Gauge: Shield-corrected
E - Daily value, adjusted for period total as recorded by Other Belfort Recording Gauge dataset - 1960: Different instrument & shield than in 'B'
F - Daily value, adjusted for period total as recorded by Other Belfort Recording Gauge dataset - 1964: Unshielded-period for gauge in 'B'
G - Period Total of zero recorded at Target Station, so all days in period given zero value
*H - Period Total recorded at Target Station divided by number of days in period 
**I - Daily value, entire period filled from same source station with non-zero PPT value during the period that has best pvalue/rsquared, and adjusted for period total as recorded by Belfort Recording Gauge: Shielded.
**J - Daily value, entire period filled from same source station with non-zero PPT value during the period that has best pvalue/rsquared, and adjusted for period total as recorded by US Weather Bureau Totalizing Gauge: Unshielded
**K - Daily value, entire period filled from same source station with non-zero PPT value during the period that has best pvalue/rsquared, and adjusted for period total as recorded by US Weather Bureau Totalizing Gauge: Shield-corrected
**L - Daily value, entire period filled from same source station with non-zero PPT value during the period that has best pvalue/rsquared, and adjusted for period total as recorded by Other Belfort Recording Gauge dataset - 1960: Different instrument & shield than in 'B'
**M - Daily value, entire period filled from same source station with non-zero PPT value during the period that has best pvalue/rsquared, and adjusted for period total as recorded by Other Belfort Recording Gauge dataset - 1964: Unshielded-period for gauge in 'B'

* occurs only when there are no valid, non-zero data from any of the source stations with which to infill and match the period total
** these occur when the "best" infilled values for each day of a period are all zeros even though there is a non-zero total recorded for the period.

## NWT daily temp

Flag 1:

A = no infilling; 
B = method 1 p<.05; 
C = method 1 p>.05; 
D = method 2 p<.05; 
E = method 2 p>.05

Flag 2:

A = no infilling; 
B = unadjusted infilling; 
C = infilled adjusted for known Tmin; 
D = infilled adjusted for known Tmax

Flag 3:

A = no infilling; 
B = DTR p<.05; 
C = DTR 1 p>.05

# * method 2 = seasonal, same-year regression infill (for temp, 14 days before and after target infill window)

# * method 1 = multi-year (historic), same-day (+-3 days) regression infill

# * when a tmin or tmax is known (re: flag 2), TK used the predicted DTR and re-calculated tmean and calculated missing other temp val based on known val (i.e. he didn’t use the predicted tmean when a tmax or tmin was known, even if r2 greater for tmean equation relative to dtr r2)


## Quality Control flags included:

Flag Name Description

V      Valid               Validated Data
N      No Profile          No profile for automated validation
E      Edit                Edit, minor adjustment for sensor noise
B      Back Estimate       Regression-based estimate for homogenizing collocated Snow Course and Snow Pillow data sets
K      Estimate            Estimate
X      External Estimate   External estimate
S      Suspect             Suspect data

## Quality Assurance flags included:

Flag Name Description

U      Unknown             Unknown
R      Raw                 No Human Review
P      Provisional         Preliminary Human Review
A      Approved            Processing and Final Review Completed


3 domains of many flags, best to look at the doc online:

In attribute column, will see string of 3- or 4-comma separated values. If 4 are present, 4th is time of observation. First three (and in some cases only three present) are the M-, Q- and S-flags.


MFLAG is the measurement flag. There are ten possible values:

Blank = no measurement information applicable
B = precipitation total formed from two 12-hour totals
D = precipitation total formed from four six-hour totals
H = represents highest or lowest hourly temperature (TMAX or TMIN) or the average of hourly values (TAVG)
K = converted from knots
L = temperature appears to be lagged with respect to reported hour of observation
O = converted from oktas
P = identified as “missing presumed zero” in DSI 3200 and 3206
T = trace of precipitation, snowfall, or snow depth
W = converted from 16-point WBAN code (for wind direction)


Q-FLAG is the measurement quality flag. There are fourteen possible values:

Blank = did not fail any quality assurance check
D = failed duplicate check
G = failed gap check
I = failed internal consistency check
K = failed streak/frequent-value check
L = failed check on length of multiday period
M = failed mega consistency check
N = failed naught check
O = failed climatological outlier check
R = failed lagged range check
S = failed spatial consistency check
T = failed temporal consistency check
W = temperature too warm for snow
X = failed bounds check
Z = flagged as a result of an official Datzilla Investigation


S-FLAG is the source flag for the observation. There are twenty nine possible values (including blank, upper and lower case letters):

Blank = No source (i.e., data value missing)
0 = U.S. Cooperative Summary of the Day (NCDC DSI-3200)
6 = CDMP Cooperative Summary of the Day (NCDC DSI-3206)
7 = U.S. Cooperative Summary of the Day – Transmitted via WxCoder3 (NCDC SI-3207)
A = U.S. Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) real-time data (since January 1, 2006)
a = Australian data from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology
B = U.S. ASOS data for October 2000-December 2005 (NCDC DSI-3211)
b = Belarus update
C = Environment Canada
E = European Climate Assessment and Dataset (Klein Tank et al., 2002)
F = U.S. Fort data
G = Official Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) or other government-supplied data
H = High Plains Regional Climate Center real-time data
I = International collection (non U.S. data received through personal contacts)
K = U.S. Cooperative Summary of the Day data digitized from paper observer forms (from 2011 to present)
M = Monthly METAR Extract (additional ASOS data)
N = Community Collaborative Rain, Hail,and Snow (CoCoRaHS)
Q = Data from several African countries that had been “quarantined”, that is, withheld from public release until permission was granted from the respective meteorological services
R = NCEI Reference Network Database (Climate Reference Network and Regional Climate Reference Network)
r = All-Russian Research Institute of Hydro-meteorological Information-World Data Center
S = Global Summary of the Day (NCDC DSI-9618)NOTE: “S” values are derived from hourly synoptic reports exchanged on the Global Telecommunications System (GTS). Daily values derived in this fashion may differ significantly from “true” daily data, particularly for precipitation (i.e., use with caution).
s = China Meteorological Administration/National Meteorological Information Center/Climatic Data Center (
T = SNOwpack TELemtry (SNOTEL) data obtained from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service
U = Remote Automatic Weather Station (RAWS) data obtained from the Western Regional Climate Center
u = Ukraine update
W = WBAN/ASOS Summary of the Day from NCDC’s Integrated Surface Data (ISD).
X = U.S. First-Order Summary of the Day (NCDC DSI-3210)
Z = Datzilla official additions or replacements
z = Uzbekistan update

When data are available for the same time from more than one source, the highest priority source is chosen according to the following priority order (from highest to lowest): - Z,R,0,6,C,X,W,K,7,F,B,M,r,E,z,u,b,s,a,G,Q,I,A,N,T,U,H,S

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