This backend application is designed for a Vue-based learning program, enabling users to record and manage points of interest they have visited. It facilitates user interaction with their profile to add, update, and delete points.
- Retrieve Points: Users can retrieve all points they have visited, which are stored under their profile.
- Add Points: Users can add new points with details like title, description, and images.
- Update Points: Users can update the details of the points they have visited.
- Delete Points: Users can delete points from their profile.
- Signup: New users can create an account by providing their name, email, and password. The application checks for existing emails and encrypts passwords before storing them.
- Login: Users can log in with their email and password to receive access tokens for secure routes.
- Refresh Token: Implements token refresh functionality to maintain user sessions.
- Logout: Users can log out, which clears their session information from the database.
- Models: Utilizes Mongoose models for storing and managing
data. - Middlewares: Custom middlewares for authentication and authorization using JWT and Passport.
- Security: Passwords are encrypted using bcrypt before being stored in the database.
- Tokens: Generation and validation of access and refresh tokens to manage user sessions.
- The backend is implemented with Node.js using Mongoose for database operations and Express.js for routing.