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NB Levanter configs and utils

TPU creation

Check zones for allowed quota

  • TPUv4-32 on-demand
export TPU_NAME=levanter-pod-32
gcloud alpha compute tpus queued-resources create $TPU_NAME --node-id $TPU_NAME --project mimir-411610 --zone us-central2-b --accelerator-type v4-32 --runtime-version tpu-vm-v4-base
  • TPUv4-32 pre-emptible
export TPU_NAME=levanter-pod-32-pre
gcloud alpha compute tpus queued-resources create $TPU_NAME --node-id $TPU_NAME --project mimir-411610 --zone us-central2-b --accelerator-type v4-32 --runtime-version tpu-vm-v4-base --best-effortt
  • Check status
gcloud alpha compute tpus queued-resources list --zone us-central2-b
  • Stop pod
gcloud alpha compute tpus queued-resources stop $TPU_NAME --zone us-central2-b
  • Delete pod (only stop pods can be deleted)
gcloud alpha compute tpus queued-resources delete $TPU_NAME --zone us-central2-b


Locally, download ttconnect to connect to the pod using the ubuntu user:

export TPU_NAME=levanter-pod-32
./ttconnect $TPU_NAME ubuntu

Once in the pod, run the next script to create a venv, install dependencies, and mount the NFS volume (first line avoids dialog in interactive mode):

curl -s "" | bash

Or this other other one if NFS is not needed:

curl -s "" | bash

Optionally, mount an NFS volume:

sudo apt-get -qq install -y nfs-common
export NFS_SERVER=
export MOUNT_POINT="/share"
sudo mkdir -p ${MOUNT_POINT}
export CURRENT_NFS_ENTRY=$(grep ${NFS_SERVER} /etc/fstab)
export DESIRED_NFS_ENTRY="${NFS_SERVER}:/share ${MOUNT_POINT} nfs defaults 0 0"
grep -v "${NFS_SERVER}" /etc/fstab > /tmp/
echo "${DESIRED_NFS_ENTRY}" >> /tmp/
sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.orig
sudo mv /tmp/ /etc/fstab
sudo mount -a

Optionally, login into Weights and Biases, HuggingFace, and GitHub:

gh auth login
wandb login
hugginface-cli login


Then it's a matter of creating a config in /share/nb-levanter/configs or a GCP bucket and run it in all VMs:

WANDB_API_KEY=<YOUR KEY HERE> HF_TOKEN=$(cat ~/.cache/huggingface/token) levanter/infra/ python levanter/src/levanter/main/ --config_path /share/nb-levanter/configs/mimir-mistral-7b-extended.yaml

For resuming, you can create an extra config file os just invoke the same command but passing in a couple of extra parameters, --trainer.wandb.resume true <WANDB_ID>


  1. If getting a BarrierTimeoutException: DEADLINE_EXCEEDED: Barrier timed out when writing checkpoints, try setting TENSORSTORE_CURL_LOW_SPEED_TIME_SECONDS=360 TENSORSTORE_CURL_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT_BYTES=256 to force retry.
  2. When processing very long documents, Ray might get OOM or fail to start or finish tokenization/cahing of the dataset. In this case, it might help to reduce the number of CPUs so the global memory is not exhausted with SLURM_CPUS_ON_NODE=16 TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM=false.
  3. Some options for optimization (untested): LIBTPU_INIT_ARGS='--xla_jf_spmd_threshold_for_windowed_einsum_mib=0 --xla_tpu_spmd_threshold_for_allgather_cse=10000 --xla_enable_async_all_gather=true --xla_tpu_enable_latency_hiding_scheduler=true TPU_MEGACORE=MEGACORE_DENSE'
  4. Add --trainer.fsdp_axis=null for smaller models (below 1B).