- an account on a wallabag instance
- a valid wallabag api client credentials (client/secret)
- python 3.4.7 or above
If you want to run wallabag-cli directly from source you also need the following python modules:
- beautifulsoup4 4.5.1 or above
- pycrypto 2.6.1 or above
- requests 2.11.1 or above
Wallabag-cli only works with wallabag version 2.1.1 or above. To find the version number log into your wallabag-account and click on "about". (Hint: Some features need a higher wallabag version.)
To host your own instance please read the official documentation.
If you have no api client credentials, you can create them on the web interface.
Log in and click on "developer". Click on "Create a new client". Use a reasonable name (e.g. wallabag-cli). The value "Redirect URIs" can be ignored.
After creation you can find your client ID and client secret under "Existing clients".
Please look on the official site in order to install python on your system.