This folder contains the information of how to use Tuxedo ART Runtime with Docker. Customers and users are welcome to use them as starters, and customize/tweak, or create from scratch new scripts and Dockerfiles.
This folder contains dockerfile based on the Oracle Tuxedo image, in which it has installation of Tuxedo Application Runtime installation, Cobol-IT, and Oracle instance client.
- Use btrfs with docker: With big image size, it is better to use btrfs with docker, please follow the link below to set Docker using btrfs.
How to build and run Pre-installation:
- Download the binaries and copy them to
/bin- Download all the files from this GitHub repository
- Download the binary of ART Runtime
- Download Oracle instance client rpm from oracle-instantclient12.2-basic- oracle-instantclient12.2-sqlplus- oracle-instantclient12.2-devel- oracle-instantclient12.2-precomp-
- Download Cobol-IT installer For Cobol-IT license, after container started, copy the licnese file to /opt/cobol-it-64.
- Optionally download Tuxedo and Tuxedo ART Runtime patches
Before you run, if proxy is needed to access network, you need to set environment variables at first: http_proxy, https_proxy, ftp_proxy, no_proxy $ ./ -v 12.2.2 Or $ docker build -t oracle/tuxedoartrt:12.2.2 . Note, before you run, if your Tuxedo ART was other than 12.2.2, you need change above command according to version.
You should end up with a docker image tagged oracle/tuxedoartrt:, version is Tuxedo ART version number you may modify in
You can then start the image in a new container with: docker run -d -v \${LOCAL_DIR}:/u01/oracle/user_projects oracle/tuxedoartrt:12.2.2