- Build Tuxedo 12.2.2 Docker image by following the TuxedoCore 12.2.2 for 12.2.2.
- Execute:
Or:docker build -t oracle/tuxedojolt .
You can then start the image in a new container with:
docker run -d -h jolthost -p 11304:1304 -v ${LOCAL_DIR}:/u01/oracle/user_projects --name tuxedojolt oracle/tuxedojolt
In the container, it starts the tuxedo jolt domain. To run a jolt client outside the container, you can:
- Into a empty dir, compose your own joltclient 'joltclient.java' to call service 'TOUPPER', and update the APPADDRESS to: sattr.setString(sattr.APPADDRESS, "//$host_machine:11304"); //$host_machine is the machine name of the docker host machine
- Set environment variable, $ source $TUXDIR/tux.env
- Set CLASSPATH $ export CLASSPATH=.:$JAVA_HOME/lib/dt.jar:$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar:$TUXDIR/udataobj/jolt/jolt.jar:$TUXDIR/udataobj/jolt/joltadmin.jar
- Build the client $ javac joltclient.java
- Run the client $ java joltclient