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Wingtips Changelog / Release Notes

All notable changes to Wingtips will be documented in this file. Wingtips adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Why pre-1.0 releases?

Wingtips is used heavily and is stable internally at Nike, however the wider community may have needs or use cases that we haven't considered. Therefore Wingtips will live at a sub-1.0 version for a short time after its initial open source release to give it time to respond quickly to the open source community without ballooning the version numbers. Once its public APIs have stabilized again as an open source project it will be switched to the normal post-1.0 semantic versioning system.

0.x Releases

Released on 2022-01-31.


  • Fixed the Wingtips-to-Zipkin conversion in WingtipsToZipkinSpanConverterDefaultImpl to bulletproof against null tag keys/values or null timestamped annotation values in the Wingtips Span. The Zipkin spans don't allow those fields to be null. Now you will see "NULL_KEY" OR "NULL_VALUE" strings set on those fields in the Zipkin spans.
  • Fixed the error/warning log message output by WingtipsToZipkinLifecycleListener when a conversion error occurs to include the full exception stack trace. This makes tracking down the source of conversion errors much easier. This log message is rate limited to once per minute, so it should not spam your logs.

Released on 2022-01-28.


  • Updated dependency versions to the latest for transitive dependencies exported by Wingtips:
    • SLF4J 1.7.25 -> 1.7.35
    • Zipkin 2 2.10.1 -> 2.23.16
    • Zipkin 2 Reporter 2.7.6 -> 2.16.3
    • Apache Commons Codec 1.11 -> 1.15
    • Updated by Nic Munroe in pull request #133.

Released on 2022-01-24.

Potentially Breaking Changes

  • The upgrade to Gradle required adjusting how library dependencies are declared. Mostly this means dependencies declared in gradle as compile scope turned into api scope. This shouldn't affect you - the resulting POMs published to Maven Central appear to be identical. Just calling it out as a possibility that something unexpected might result.
  • As mentioned in the Fixed section below, SpringBoot 2.6 added a breaking change that we had to work around. This should be an invisible fix, however it is Spring so things may break anyway for some users. See the Fixed section for details.


  • While testing out newer versions of SpringBoot 2, it was discovered that SB 2 changed their threading behavior for their WebFlux WebClient HTTP client. This means you can no longer rely on Wingtips to automatically pull the correct tracing state from the current thread when executing WebClient calls. Instead you need to specify the tracing state explicitly using WebClient.attribute(TracingState.class.getName(), tracingState). See the javadoc changes to WingtipsSpringWebfluxExchangeFilterFunction and the wingtips-spring-webflux readme changes as part of PR #130 for details.


  • In SB 2.6 they added a breaking change, which causes a circular reference error when starting up a SB app and using WingtipsSpringBoot2WebfluxConfiguration (see SB 2.6 release notes here for details on Spring's breaking change). We fixed this circular reference by adjusting how we're exposing the WingtipsSpringWebfluxWebFilter in WingtipsSpringBoot2WebfluxConfiguration. This should be an invisible fix - you should not notice any errors or problems with this, however it is Spring so it's possible this might break someone even though it's not supposed to.

Project Build

  • Moved to Github actions for CI build, and switched to building on Java 11 (does not affect compatibility for library consumers).
  • Renamed the default branch in Github to main.
  • Updated to Gradle 7.3.3.
  • Moved to publishing to Maven Central via Sonatype OSSRH.

Released on 2020-08-07.


  • Fixed WingtipsToZipkinLifecycleListener and WingtipsToLightStepLifecycleListener to only report spans that are sampled (where span.isSampleable() is true). Previously all spans were reported, including unsampled spans.

Released on 2020-08-05.


  • Added some helper methods to AsyncWingtipsHelper and AsyncWingtipsHelperStatic to make it easy to surround various operations with a child span and automatically tag and complete the operations when they finish (e.g. CompletableFuture). See the javadocs on the wrap*WithSpan(...) methods in AsyncWingtipsHelper or AsyncWingtipsHelperStatic for details.

Unit Tests

  • Upgraded Mockito from 1.9.5 -> 3.4.4.

Released on 2020-07-11.


  • Fixed the possibility of ConcurrentModificationExceptions occurring in Tracer when reading from Tracer.spanLifecycleListeners while changes were happening to that same list. This could occur when one thread started or completed a span at the same time another thread was adding or removing a SpanLifecycleListener.

Released on 2020-02-19.


  • Added a hook for Project Reactor that enables automatic propagation of Wingtips tracing state across async boundaries when using Mono or Flux types along with subscribeOn and publishOn operators. Enabled via the new wingtips.reactor-enabled property when you're using the wingtips-spring-boot2-webflux library dependency. (WARNING: The tracing state that will be propagated is the tracing state on the thread at the time the Mono or Flux is subscribed to, not where the Mono/Flux is defined.)

Released on 2019-10-07.

Breaking Changes

  • The HttpSpanFactory.fromHttpServletRequestOrCreateRootSpan(...) method was removed. This method was a bad mix of two competing use cases and was guaranteed to do the wrong thing at some point no matter what you're trying to use it for. We don't believe anybody was using this method, but if you were, then you need to rethink what you're trying to use it for and do the right thing instead. Most likely you'd want to follow a pattern similar to RequestTracingFilter.createNewSpanForRequest(...). See that method for ideas and examples.
  • Removed the deprecated wingtips-zipkin and wingtips-zipkin-spring-boot modules. These were tied to Zipkin v1. We now have wingtips-zipkin2 and wingtips-zipkin2-spring-boot to replace those old modules, which are based on Zipkin v2 but can still output in Zipkin v1 format if necessary. So those Zipkin v2 modules are full replacements and you should migrate to them if you haven't already. The readmes in the old modules contain migration instructions.



  • Fixed the behavior when callers send trace ID but don't send span ID. Previously, the server's overall request span would be generated with a random parent ID that doesn't point to anything real. Now, the server's overall request span will be generated with a null parent ID, and it will include a caller_did_not_send_span_id=true tag to indicate the reason for the null parent ID so you can search for this situation and potentially track down bad callers.


  • Removed the HttpSpanFactory.fromHttpServletRequestOrCreateRootSpan(...) method. This is a breaking change. See the "Breaking Changes" section above for full details.
  • Removed the deprecated wingtips-zipkin and wingtips-zipkin-spring-boot modules.

Released on 2019-07-01.


  • The library jars for the 0.20.0 release may not have been published properly. This 0.20.1 release should fix any problems with the 0.20.0 artifacts.

Project Build

  • Upgraded to Gradle 5.4.1 and got rid of plugins for console summaries.

Released on 2019-07-01.

WARNING - the library jars for this release may not have been published correctly. Please use version 0.20.1 instead!

Breaking Changes

  • The span's full serialized JSON will no longer be included in the logger MDC by default. Now, only the span's trace ID is included in the logger MDC by default. This should only affect you if your logger pattern includes %X{spanJson} and you rely on that behavior. If you do rely on the full %X{spanJson} MDC behavior, you can do the following after updating Wingtips to revert to the previous behavior: Tracer.getInstance().setSpanFieldsForLoggerMdc(Tracer.SpanFieldForLoggerMdc.TRACE_ID, Tracer.SpanFieldForLoggerMdc.FULL_SPAN_JSON).
  • Span.getTags() and Span.getTimestampedAnnotations() now return unmodifiable collections. You must use the other methods on Span to modify tags/annotations rather than through the collections directly.


  • Tracer now has a few new methods for dealing with SpanLifecycleListeners: addSpanLifecycleListenerFirst(SpanLifecycleListener) and removeAllSpanLifecycleListeners(). The addSpanLifecycleListenerFirst(...) method in particular is useful if you need a specific listener to come first so that changes it makes can be seen by other listeners.
  • Tracer now allows you to select which Span fields are included in the logger MDC via the Tracer.setSpanFieldsForLoggerMdc(...) methods. You can choose from one or more of: trace ID, span ID, parent span ID, and full span JSON. (Trace ID is now the only field included by default, for performance reasons.)


  • Fixed Tracer so that SpanLifecycleListener.notifySpanCompleted(Span) is called on all SpanLifecycleListeners after the span is completed but before it is logged. This gives you a chance to make final changes to the span (e.g. span name, tags, annotations, etc) after it is completed and have those changes reflected in the span info log output.
  • Improved the precision of Span.getSpanStartTimeEpochMicros() for spans that are generated as sub/child spans. This affects spans generated through Tracer.startSubSpan(...), Tracer.startSpanInCurrentContext(...), and Span.generateChildSpan(...).
  • Fixed Span to clear cached JSON and key/value string serializations after any state change (span completion, span name change, tags, or timestamped annotations). Previously, only span completion would clear cached string serializations. NOTE: In order to enforce this behavior, Span.getTags() and Span.getTimestampedAnnotations() now return unmodifiable collections. You must use the other methods on Span to modify tags/annotations rather than through the collections directly.
  • Prevented span-to-string serializations for logging when those log statements would be ignored due to having debug or info logging turned off. This should result in a performance boost in some cases.
  • Fixed span completion to be atomic, guaranteeing that a completed span will only be logged once and SpanLifecycleListener.notifySpanCompleted(Span) only called once for each listener. Additionally, there are some valid asynchronous use cases where multiple completion attempts may occur due to a race condition (i.e. certain types of errors triggering simultaneous completion attempts from different areas of code), so this situation is no longer considered an error, and will therefore only be logged as a debug warning instead of triggering an exception or error log message.
  • Fixed some tests throughout the Wingtips codebase that were brittle due to race conditions.


  • Changed WingtipsToZipkinSpanConverterDefaultImpl and WingtipsToLightStepLifecycleListener to add sanitized IDs as sanitized_[trace|span|parent]_id tags on the Wingtips Span rather than as separate log messages. This should reduce log spam if you're receiving trace/span/parent IDs in an invalid format, it'll be easier to correlate sanitized IDs with the span they're associated with, and will have no effect for requests where the IDs don't need sanitization.
  • Changed the verbosity of the default JRETracer in WingtipsToLightStepLifecycleListener from 4 down to 1. This will eliminate log spam in the event the WingtipsToLightStepLifecycleListener has trouble communicating with the span ingestor.
  • Changed the default logger MDC behavior of Wingtips. The span's full serialized JSON will no longer be included in the logger MDC by default. This should only affect you if your logger pattern includes %X{spanJson} and you rely on that behavior. Trace ID is now the only field that is included by default. This should result in a performance boost for many users.

Project Build

  • Upgraded to Jacoco 0.8.4.
  • Changed the Travis CI config to use openjdk8 instead of oraclejdk8.

Released on 2019-06-14.


  • Span now implements Serializable. This is needed for Flink, Spark, and similar use cases.

Released on 2019-04-25.


  • Fixed WingtipsToLightStepLifecycleListener to set the LightStep trace and span IDs to always match the Wingtips trace and span IDs. Also cleaned up a few unnecessary tags.

Released on 2019-04-24.


  • Added a WingtipsToLightStepLifecycleListener for sending Wingtips spans to LightStep satellites for ingestion.


  • Optimized the ID sanitization logic done by WingtipsToZipkinSpanConverterDefaultImpl and WingtipsToLightStepLifecycleListener for speed/performance. If you receive a heavy volume of traffic with IDs that need to be sanitized, then this change should significantly reduce the CPU hit caused by sanitization.

Released on 2018-11-06.


  • Fixed Span key/value serialization format so that it will now unicode-escape any commas it finds in tag keys. This is in addition to spaces and equals signs, which it was already unicode-escaping for tag keys. This is necessary to facilitate programmatic parsing of Spans serialized in key/value format, since commas that are not surrounded by quotes (i.e. not part of a value) are a special character that separates key/value pairs, and tag keys are not surrounded by quotes.

Released on 2018-11-02.


  • Fixed a bug that could cause a child span to sometimes inherit the tags of its parent.


  • Added the ability to add custom timestamped annotations to Spans. See the Custom Timestamped Span Annotations section of the readme for details.
    • Added by Nic Munroe in pull request #84.
    • Resolves issue #23 (along with the changes from Wingtips version 0.16.0).
  • Added Wingtips annotations to Zipkin spans when utilizing the Wingtips -> Zipkin functionality found in wingtips-zipkin2 module (and the deprecated wingtips-zipkin).

Released on 2018-10-30.


  • Added automatic Span tagging to HTTP server and client Wingtips instrumentation.
    • Affects Servlet instrumentation (RequestTracingFilter), Apache HttpClient instrumentation (WingtipsHttpClientBuilder and WingtipsApacheHttpClientInterceptor), and Spring RestTemplate HTTP client instrumentation (WingtipsClientHttpRequestInterceptor and WingtipsAsyncClientHttpRequestInterceptor).
    • By default Zipkin tags and conventions are used (ZipkinHttpTagStrategy), however you can provide different strategies and adapters if needed.
    • Added by Brandon Currie and Nic Munroe in pull requests #81 and #82.
    • Resolves issue #21.


  • Changed the default span name format for HTTP instrumentation (Servlet, Spring, and Apache) to follow Zipkin conventions. In particular, Span names no longer include the full URL. This is because visualization and analytics systems like Zipkin parse the span names in order to identify different logical endpoints, but the full URL can be high cardinality due to unique IDs or query strings (http://.../some/path/12345?foo=bar67890), even though they logically point to the same HTTP endpoint (http://.../some/path/{id}). Instead, span names now follow the Zipkin convention of HTTP_METHOD /http/route, where the HTTP route is the low-cardinality URL "template" that logically identifies the endpoint, e.g.: GET /foo/bar/{id}. The full path and/or URL can be found in the span tags now, instead of the span name. Note that the HTTP route/path template is not available for all frameworks and libraries. In those cases the span name will simply be: HTTP_METHOD (you'll still be able to extract the full path/URL from the span tags).

Breaking Changes

  • The span name format change (described above) is breaking if you were relying on seeing the full URL/path in the span name for any reason, i.e. automated parsing.

Code-level breaking changes:

  • The getSubspanSpanName() method signature for several classes was adjusted to take in two new args for the span-tag-and-naming strategy and adapter. Classes affected: (Apache) WingtipsApacheHttpClientInterceptor, (Apache) WingtipsHttpClientBuilder, (Spring) WingtipsClientHttpRequestInterceptor, and (Spring) WingtipsAsyncClientHttpRequestInterceptor.
  • WingtipsApacheHttpClientUtil.getSubspanSpanName() changed to getFallbackSubspanSpanName() to better reflect its purpose as a fallback rather than primary span namer.
  • HttpRequestTracingUtils.getSubspanSpanNameForHttpRequest() changed to generateSafeSpanName() with adjusted arguments to match the new span naming format.
  • RequestTracingFilter.setupTracingCompletionWhenAsyncRequestCompletes(...) method signature adjusted to also take in the response and span-tag-and-naming strategy and adapter. Same with ServletRuntime.setupTracingCompletionWhenAsyncRequestCompletes(...).
  • WingtipsRequestSpanCompletionAsyncListener.completeRequestSpan(...) method signature adjusted to take AsyncEvent arg.

Most of the breaking changes are to protected methods or methods that aren't likely to be used by end-users, so these code-level breaking changes should hopefully be invisible to many (most?) Wingtips users.

Released on 2018-08-28.


  • Added initial support for tagging Spans with key/value pairs. These will be included in Span.toKeyValueString() and Span.toJSON() output, so you will see tags when Tracer logs Spans. These tags are now also sent to Zipkin when using WingtipsToZipkinLifecycleListener. You can take advantage of known Zipkin and/or OpenTracing tag constants via KnownZipkinTags and KnownOpenTracingTags. Span serialization and deserialization logic (both for key/value format and JSON format) has been moved to a new SpanParser class, so some of the parsing-related methods and constants that were in Span have been deprecated (but not yet removed) in favor of moving to SpanParser. Some more details about tags can be found in the main readme. NOTE: timestamped annotations are not yet implemented, and neither has server/client instrumentation been updated to take advantage of tags (i.e. automatically tagging spans with http.method, http.path, http.status_code, error, etc). Those features and functionality will come later.
  • wingtips-zipkin2's WingtipsToZipkinSpanConverterDefaultImpl now has an alternate constructor that sets it up to "sanitize" IDs (Trace IDs, Span IDs, Parent Span IDs) that aren't Zipkin compatible. This can be necessary when you are reporting spans from Wingtips to Zipkin via WingtipsToZipkinLifecycleListener, but callers into your system are not sending IDs that conform to the Zipkin B3 spec. When a non-Zipkin-compatible ID is detected and you've configured WingtipsToZipkinSpanConverterDefaultImpl to sanitize, then the invalid IDs will be converted to valid IDs in a deterministic way, a correlation log message will be output, and the original bad IDs will be sent to Zipkin as tags on the span: invalid.trace_id, invalid.span_id. and/or invalid.parent_id. This sanitization feature is not turned on by default - you must explicitly opt-in by creating the span converter using the alternate constructor. See WingtipsToZipkinSpanConverterDefaultImpl for more details.
  • wingtips-zipkin2-spring-boot's WingtipsWithZipkinSpringBootConfiguration now allows you to override the WingtipsToZipkinSpanConverter that is used when converting Wingtips spans to Zipkin spans for reporting to Zipkin. This is accomplished via a @Bean that exposes the WingtipsToZipkinSpanConverter impl you want used. See the wingtips-zipkin2-spring-boot readme for details.


  • Fixed issues around value-escaping when serializing spans to string using Span.toKeyValueString() and Span.toJSON(). For key/value format and JSON format, values are now escaped using minimal JSON-escaping rules. See RFC 7159 Section 7 for full details on these rules, but in particular note that we are only escaping the bare minimum required characters: quotation mark, reverse solidus (backslash), and the control characters (U+0000 through U+001F). Additionally, for key/value format we are now surrounding all values with quotes, i.e. some_key="some JSON-escaped value".

Released on 2018-07-14.


  • Added wingtips-zipkin2 and wingtips-zipkin2-spring-boot modules. These serve the same purpose as wingtips-zipkin and wingtips-zipkin-spring-boot but support the Zipkin 2 API and span format. You can still send span data to Zipkin 1 API / span format servers with these new modules, so they are full replacements and the old modules are now deprecated.


  • Changed the Wingtips Spring, Spring Boot, and Apache HttpClient related modules to no longer export Spring, Spring Boot, or Apache HttpClient dependencies. These Wingtips modules aren't likely to be used in an environment where those dependencies are missing, and this change avoids the Wingtips modules causing version conflicts with whatever Spring, Spring Boot, or Apache HttpClient version your project is already using. The readmes for these Wingtips modules have more details in case you were somehow relying on the transitive dependencies.


Project Build

Released on 2018-03-22.


  • Changed Span to implement Closeable instead of AutoCloseable. Closeable extends AutoCloseable and the Span.close() method signature did not change, so this has no effect other than to enable using Spans with code that requires a Closeable. For example, after this change Spans can now be used with Apache Commons IOUtils.closeQuietly(span).

Released on 2017-11-14.


  • Fixed WingtipsSpringBootProperties and WingtipsZipkinProperties to not be a Spring @Component. This was causing multiple-bean-definition errors when component scanning those classes. Those springboot autoconfig classes now work when component scanning or when manually imported into an application.
  • Fixed WingtipsSpringBootConfiguration to set RequestTracingFilter to the highest precedence so that it will execute as the first Servlet filter, since overall-request-spans should encompass as much of the request as possible.

Released on 2017-11-06.



  • Removed the "auto resurrect tracing state from SLF4J MDC" behavior from Tracer when the tracing state doesn't exist in Tracer explicitly. This was possible with some SLF4J implementations where MDC state is inherited by child threads, however this could cause spans to hop threads when you don't want them to (e.g. long-lived background threads). We now have helper classes and methods for explicitly and intentionally hopping threads in a way that isn't surprising like the MDC auto-resurrect behavior so those features should be used instead for async thread-hopping. Note that this brings Wingtips in line with Logback, which also intentionally removed the "MDC inheritance in child thread" behavior for similar reasons (see the Logback version 1.1.5 notes in the logback changelog). For Wingtips users that relied on this auto-resurrection-from-MDC behavior in Wingtips please refer to the async section of the main readme and/or the readme for the Java 8 module for information on explicitly and intentionally causing tracing state to hop threads.

Released on 2017-10-25.



  • Fixed RequestTracingFilter to work properly for both Servlet 2.x and Servlet 3+ environments. Part of this fix includes not exposing Servlet API as a transitive dependency of the wingtips-servlet-api module. This means you may need to pull in the Servlet API into your project if it's not already there, although it is usually provided by your Servlet container. See the "Servlet API dependency required at runtime" section of the wingtips-servlet-api readme for details.

Released on 2017-09-27.


  • Fixed RequestTracingFilter to work properly with async servlet requests. Previously the overall request span was completing instantly when the endpoint method returned rather than waiting for the async request to finish. Tests have been added that execute against a real running Jetty server equipped with RequestTracingFilter and several different types of servlet endpoints - these tests prevent regression and verify proper Wingtips behavior for the following use cases: synchronous/blocking servlet, async servlet, blocking-forwarded servlet (using the request dispatcher to forward the request to a different blocking servlet), async-forwarded servlet (using the AsyncContext.dispatch(...) method to forward the request to a different async servlet), and an async servlet that errors-out due to hitting its request timeout.


  • With the fixes to RequestTracingFilter, several methods and classes are no longer needed and have been marked @Deprecated. They will be removed in a future update. Full deprecation/migration instructions are in the @deprecated javadocs, but here is a short list:
    • RequestTracingFilterNoAsync class - this class is no longer needed since RequestTracingFilter is no longer abstract. Move to using RequestTracingFilter directly.
    • RequestTracingFilter.isAsyncDispatch(HttpServletRequest) method - this method is no longer needed or used by RequestTracingFilter. It remains to prevent breaking subclasses that overrode it, but it will not be used.
    • RequestTracingFilter.ERROR_REQUEST_URI_ATTRIBUTE field - this field is no longer used. If you still need it for some reason you can refer to javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher.ERROR_REQUEST_URI instead.
    • Deprecated by Nic Munroe in pull request #42.


Released on 2017-09-18.



  • Zipkin modules updated to use Zipkin version 1.16.2.
  • Updated SLF4J API dependency to version 1.7.25.

Project Build

  • Upgraded to Gradle 4.1.
  • Updated Logback dependency to 1.2.3 (only affects tests).
  • Changed Travis CI to use oraclejdk8 when building Wingtips.

Released on 2016-09-17.


  • 32 character (128 bit) trace IDs are now gracefully handled by throwing away the high bits (any characters left of 16 characters). This allows the tracing system to more flexibly introduce 128bit trace ID support in the future.
  • Zipkin modules updated to use Zipkin version 1.11.1

Released on 2016-09-05.


  • Zipkin updated to version 1.8.4.

Released on 2016-08-20.


  • Trace and span ID generation changed to conform to Zipkin/B3 standards by encoding IDs in lowercase hexadecimal format.

Released on 2016-08-11.


Released on 2016-07-19.


  • Javadoc jar, doc, Travis CI badge in readme, Download badge in readme, artifact publishing support.


Released on 2016-06-07.


  • Initial open source code drop for Wingtips.