Releases: NilsRo/OctoPrint-SlicerEstimator
S3D fixes
Creality Slicer support
- Creality Slicer support
- small optimizations
New option for standard metadata
Most slicers generates metadata entries by default in its own format. This metadata is detected also now and can be viewed in OctoPrint. For this the setting page for metadata was upgraded with a new filter function.
Bugfixes and Super Slicer Support (experimental)
- New warning if now time gcodes are found in file but slicer is known
- experimental Support for Super Slicer
- Bugfix for Prusa Slicer that the remaining time is not updated
- Bugfix for metadata search in files after plugin installation (reupload necessary only for the time estimation as the file is changed during upload)
Bugfix: false notification on upload
Bugfix: false notification on upload
User notifications
- Added user notifications in OctoPrint UI
- some smaller bugfixes
Bugfix printer view
Bugfix to show the right information in printer state view for file selected
General support for M600 and MMU, totally reworked file parsing
The handling of files are totally reworked to simplify parsing and also made a unified Slicer Estimator Model. This simplified the programming and also supports M600 and MMU commands in general now. As Cura is now natively supported M117 command support is dropped. Also you have to upload a file again that Slicer Estimator supports it as the file is altered during upload using OctoPrints APIs.
- Reworked handling of all metadata
- Dropped Cura M117 support as it is not necessary anymore
- Parsing is directly done during uploading by using OctoPrint API with more or less no degradation of upload or printing performance
- M600 and T (MMU) commands are supported for every slicer now
As GCODE files are altered they have to be uploaded again to support everything like M600. Old metadata would be still available without uploading it...
Shows time to next tool/filament change, new German translation
- To know the time to the next tool/filament changes it is now shown during print and also in OctoPrints filebrowser
- new German translation
Estimation Bugfix and minor improvements
Bugfix for a wrong estimation using the print progress
Small improvements to settings