The script below can be used on the computing cluster abel, or any other cluster using the slurm queing system, to run mothur on a dataset with a textfile that contains the commands to analysis the dataset of interest.
## a script to run mothur on abel with an input file having commands
## Version 20180226
#SBATCH --account=nn9305k
#SBATCH --time=0:30:00
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=3800M
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=16
#SBATCH --job-name=mothur
## adding email notification
## replace mail address with your own.
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
## adding logfile creation
## replace username with your own username
#SBATCH --output=/work/projects/nn9305k/home/thhaverk/amplicons/slurm_out/mothur_run_%j.txt
## check location
## changing to MiSeq_SOP directory
cd ../MiSeq_SOP/
## check input file
##loading modules
module load mothur/1.38.1
mothur commands_edit.txt
echo finished
Make sure you have the following datastructure in your home area on abel
In that folder create three directories:
save the above script in the folder: slurm_scripts
run the script from the folder with the command:
sbatch run_mothur.slurm