An example unity project that is setup to receive keyboard input from an Arduino and output Serial via COM3 back to the Arduino.
A unity game object with the script SerialArduino.cs
sets up the connection.
The same object also has a KeyboardController.cs
script that reads keyboard input
and calls the SerialArduino.writeSerial() method.
Version 2017.3.0f3
O - Turns light on S - Turns light off
'O' - Turn LED on pin 13 on 'F' - Turn LED on pin 13 off
Version 1.8.4 Adafruit Itsybitsy (Leonardo) Libraries Used: Bounce2, Keyboard
###Pins: Button1 - pin 12 (INPUT_PULLUP) Button2 - pin 11 (INPUT_PULLUP) LED - pin 13