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Fluidity PyOP2 on CX1
To install Fluidity/PyOP2 on CX1 it is necessary to perform the following steps:
1 - Edit your bash.rc file and add the following line #module load python/2.7.3
(To configure and build fluidity:) 2 - before executing the steps on the acmg website: module load python/2.7.3 export PYTHON_VERSION=2.7
3 - execute the script provided by the AMCG website at the following link: http://amcg.ese.ic.ac.uk/files/fluidity-build-cx1.pbs
To use PyOP2:
cd mkdir local
To install.. 4a) ..decorator wget http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/d/decorator/decorator-3.4.0.tar.gz tar xzf decorator-3.4.0.tar.gz cd decorator-3.4.0 python setup.py install --prefix=~/local
4b) ..yaml wget http://pyyaml.org/download/pyyaml/PyYAML-3.10.tar.gz tar xzf PyYAML-3.10.tar.gz cd PyYAML-3.10 python setup.py install --prefix=~/local
4c) ..instant wget https://launchpad.net/instant/1.0.x/1.0.0/+download/instant-1.0.0.tar.gz tar xzf instant-1.0.0.tar.gz cd instant-1.0.0 python setup.py install --prefix=~/local
- Inside your PyOP2 clone, create a file cx1.env with the following content:
module load cython
export OP2_DIR=/path/to/op2/repo/op2
export PYTHONPATH=pwd
- For using the FFC interface, you need to install the following components
The FFC interface depends on various FEniCS components:
UFL > 1.0~2 FFC pyop2 branch FIAT (depends on ScientificPython) UFC
From now on, for simplicity, we assume these components are installed on your home.
- (TEMPORARY PATCH) In order to be able to enable just-in-time compilation, we need to instruct icc on where to get the python2.7 library. So, be sure to add the following string /apps/python/2.7.3/lib to eack instant/numpy call. For example, if your beckend is the sequential one, you will invoke inline_with_numpy in the following way:
_fun = inline_with_numpy(....., library_dirs=[OP2_LIB, "/apps/python/2.7.3/lib"], ......)
- Finally, to run a fluidity test case, you can modify this template script:
#PBS -l mem=4gb #PBS -l ncpus=1 #PBS -l ngpus=0 #PBS -W block=true
PBS_O_WORKDIR=/where/the/fluidity/flml_file/is/located PROJECT=project_name EXECUTABLE=filename.flml
module load intel-suite/11.1 module load gmsh module load mpi module load vtk/5.8.0 module load valgrind module load libgmp module load matplotlib
export PYTHONPATH=${FLUIDITY_DIR}/python:${FLUIDITY_DIR}/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/ufl:/ffc:/PyOP2:/local/lib64/python2.6/site-packages:/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH
export OP2_DIR=/path/to/op2/repo/op2
#cp the fluidity executable and project files on tmp EXECDIR=$TMPDIR/$PROJECT
mkdir $EXECDIR -p
cp path/to/fluidity/binaries/fluidity $EXECDIR cp * $EXECDIR
./fluidity $EXECUTABLE
#cp results back in my directory, if any cp your_file_containing_results