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Migrating from v3 to v4


@arbitrum/sdk v4 introduces significant changes to improve support Orbit chains from Offchain Labs. This guide outlines the breaking changes to know before migrating your existing v3 code to v4.

Major Changes Overview

  1. Terminology change from L1/L2 to parent/child
  2. Network types and functions updated
  3. Updates to AssetBridger and Erc20Bridger classes
  4. Changes to Message classes

Detailed Changes

1. Terminology change from L1/L2 to parent/child

Most instances of "L1" and "L2" have been replaced with "parent" and "child" respectively. This change reflects the more general parent-child relationship between chains in the Arbitrum ecosystem.

  • In most circumstances, when referring to a parent-child relationship between chains, the terms "parent" and "child" are used.
  • Though, when referring explicitly to "L1", "L2", or "L3", those specific terms are still used.

2. Network types and functions updated

  • The L1Network is no longer required to be registered before bridging.
  • Only Arbitrum networks need to be registered.
  • Arbitrum networks are defined as Arbitrum One, Arbitrum testnets, and any Orbit chain.
  • If you need a full list of Arbitrum networks, you can use the new getArbitrumNetworks function.
  • To list all of the children of a network, use the new getChildrenForNetwork function.
v3 Name v4 Name
L2Network ArbitrumNetwork
getL2Network getArbitrumNetwork
l2Networks getArbitrumNetworks
addCustomNetwork registerCustomArbitrumNetwork
Network removed
L1Network removed
getL1Network removed
getParentForNetwork removed

ArbitrumNetwork type

Network type has been replaced with the ArbitrumNetwork type and some properties have been removed or renamed.

v3 Name v4 Name
chainID chainId
partnerChainID parentChainId
explorerUrl removed
isArbitrum removed
partnerChainIDs removed
nitroGenesisBlock removed
nitroGenesisL1Block removed
depositTimeout removed
blockTime removed

TokenBridge type

The TokenBridge type within theArbitrumNetwork object has been updated.

v3 Name v4 Name
l1CustomGateway parentCustomGateway
l1ERC20Gateway parentErc20Gateway
l1GatewayRouter parentGatewayRouter
l1MultiCall parentMultiCall
l1ProxyAdmin parentProxyAdmin
l1Weth parentWeth
l1WethGateway parentWethGateway
l2CustomGateway childCustomGateway
l2ERC20Gateway childErc20Gateway
l2GatewayRouter childGatewayRouter
l2Multicall childMultiCall
l2ProxyAdmin childProxyAdmin
l2Weth childWeth
l2WethGateway childWethGateway

3. Updates to AssetBridger and Erc20Bridger classes

AssetBridger Class Methods

The AssetBridger class methods and properties have been renamed to reflect the new parent-child terminology.

v3 Name v4 Name
l2Network childNetwork
checkL1Network checkParentNetwork
checkL2Network checkChildNetwork

AssetBridger Class Method Parameters

The objects passed to the class methods of classes that inherit from AssetBridger (EthBridger and Erc20Bridger) have been renamed.

v3 Name v4 Name
erc20L1Address erc20ParentAddress
l1Provider parentProvider
l2Provider childProvider
l1Signer parentSigner
l2Signer childSigner

Erc20Bridger Class Methods

v3 Name v4 Name
getL1GatewayAddress getParentGatewayAddress
getL2GatewayAddress getChildGatewayAddress
getL2WithdrawalEvents getWithdrawalEvents
getL1TokenContract getParentTokenContract
getL1ERC20Address getParentErc20Address
getL2TokenContract getChildTokenContract
getL2ERC20Address getChildErc20Address
l1TokenIsDisabled isDepositDisabled
l1Provider parentProvider
getL1GatewaySetEvents getParentGatewaySetEvents
getL2GatewaySetEvents getChildGatewaySetEvents

Erc20L1L3Bridger Class Methods

v3 Name v4 Name
getL2ERC20Address getL2Erc20Address
getL3ERC20Address getL3Erc20Address

4. Changes to Message classes

Message classes have been renamed and their methods updated:

v3 Name v4 Name
L1TransactionReceipt ParentTransactionReceipt
L1ContractTransaction ParentContractTransaction
L1ToL2Message ParentToChildMessage
L1ToL2MessageWriter ParentToChildMessageWriter
L1ToL2MessageReader ParentToChildMessageReader
L1ToL2MessageReaderClassic ParentToChildMessageReaderClassic
L1ToL2MessageStatus ParentToChildMessageStatus
L1ToL2MessageGasEstimator ParentToChildMessageGasEstimator
L2TransactionReceipt ChildTransactionReceipt
L2ContractTransaction ChildContractTransaction
L2ToL1Message ChildToParentMessage
L2ToL1MessageWriter ChildToParentMessageWriter
L2ToL1MessageReader ChildToParentMessageReader
L2ToL1MessageStatus ChildToParentMessageStatus
EthDepositStatus EthDepositMessageStatus
EthDepositMessageWaitResult EthDepositMessageWaitForStatusResult
L1ToL2MessageWaitResult ParentToChildMessageWaitForStatusResult


v3 Name v4 Name
getL2ToL1Events getChildToParentEvents


v3 Name v4 Name
getL2ToL1Events getChildToParentEvents


v3 Name v4 Name
getL2ToL1Events getChildToParentEvents
getL2ToL1Messages getChildToParentMessages


v3 Name v4 Name
EthDepositStatus EthDepositMessageStatus


v3 Name v4 Name


v3 Name v4 Name
getL1ToL2MessagesClassic getParentToChildMessagesClassic
getL1ToL2Messages getParentToChildMessages


v3 Name v4 Name
waitForL2 waitForChildTransactionReceipt


v3 Name v4 Name
waitForL2 waitForChildTransactionReceipt