Omni X is the first natively omnichain NFT launchpad
With a valid .env file in place, first deploy your contract.
Then, copy the deployment address and paste it in to replace DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS
in this command:
npx hardhat verify --network ropsten DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS "Hello, Hardhat!"
For faster runs of your tests and scripts, consider skipping ts-node's type checking by setting the environment variable TS_NODE_TRANSPILE_ONLY
to 1
in hardhat's environment. For more details see the documentation.
- npx hardhat verifyOmniX --network fuji
- npx hardhat verifyOmniX --network bsct
Caution TransferManagerGhosts should be deployed as same address to all networks.
- npx hardhat deployOmniX --network fuji
- npx hardhat deployOmniX --network bsct
- npx hardhat prepareOmniX --network fuji
- npx hardhat prepareOmniX --network bsct
- npx hardhat linkOmniX --network fuji --dstchainname bsct
- npx hardhat linkOmniX --network bsct --dstchainname fuji
- npx hardhat prepareStargate --network fuji
- npx hardhat prepareStargate --network bsct
- npx hardhat setupBridge --network fuji --dstchainname bsct
- npx hardhat setupBridge --network bsct --dstchainname fuji
- maker is on fuji
- taker is on bsct
- GhostlyGhosts NFT #1, #2 should be minted to maker before start to test on rinkeby
- on fuji TransferManagerGhosts contract should have some balances to pay the gas fees for cross transferring.
npx hardhat testOmniX --step listing --tokenid 1 --nonce 1 --network fuji
npx hardhat testOmniX --step prepare --network bsct
npx hardhat testOmniX --step buy --tokenid 1 --network bsct
npx hardhat testOmniX --step status --tokenid 1 --network fuji
npx hardhat testOmniX --step status --tokenid 1 --network bsct
Caution This test should be executed after the above one is done.
- npx hardhat deployNormal --network fuji
- npx hardhat deployNormal --network bsct
- npx hardhat linkNormal --network fuji --dstchainname bsct
- npx hardhat linkNormal --network bsct --dstchainname fuji
- npx hardhat testNormal --step preparemaker --network fuji
- npx hardhat testNormal --step preparetaker --network bsct
- npx hardhat testNormal --step listing --tokenid 1 --nonce 2 --network fuji
- npx hardhat testNormal --step buy --tokenid 1 --network bsct
- npx hardhat deployAllX --e testnet [mainnet]
- npx hardhat prepareAllX --e testnet [mainnet]
- npx hardhat linkAllX --e testnet [mainnet]
Caution If the collection is only on a certain chain, then TransferSelector can't determine TransferManager. In this case you need to set the corresponding TransferManager for the collection.