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Contributing methodology #31

Answered by NuclearPhoenixx
kaklik asked this question in Q&A
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Based on that I suspect that the forked projects should be renamed and rebranded with a new logo. Ok, but what is the best way to handle contributions pull requests from that modified repositories?

Basically this:

  • If you fork to make any changes and create PRs for them here (like you do atm), that is totally fine. You do not have to remove any logos or branding for this, that would be ridiculous and impede collaboration.
  • If you fork and do not make any changes at all (e.g., to archive the repo), that is totally fine as well. You do not have to remove any logos or branding for archiving.
  • If you fork and make (significant) changes without contributing these to the original repository, yo…

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Answer selected by NuclearPhoenixx
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