This code component provides a wrapper around the Fluent UI Spinner control for use in canvas & custom pages.
Canvas apps | Custom pages | Model-driven apps | Portals |
✅ | ✅ | ⬜ | ⬜ |
The control accepts the following properties:
- Label - Optional label for spinner.
- SpinnerSize - The size of spinner to be rendered
- xSmall
- Small
- Medium
- Large
- SpinnerAlignment - Aligning Spinner
- Center
- Left
- Right
- LabelPosition - Optional placing of spinner label to a particular position
- Bottom
- Top
- Left
- Right
- Theme - Accepts a JSON string that is generated using Fluent UI Theme Designer ( Leaving this blank will use the default theme defined by Power Apps.
- AccessibilityLabel - Screen reader aria-label
The following is an example of setting the theme based on the output from the Fluent UI Theme Designer (
Set(varThemeBlue, {
palette: {
themePrimary: ColorValue("#0078d4"),
themeLighterAlt: ColorValue("#eff6fc"),
themeLighter: ColorValue("#deecf9"),
themeLight: ColorValue("#c7e0f4"),
themeTertiary: ColorValue("#71afe5"),
themeSecondary: ColorValue("#2b88d8"),
themeDarkAlt: ColorValue("#106ebe"),
themeDark: ColorValue("#005a9e"),
themeDarker: ColorValue("#004578"),
neutralLighterAlt: ColorValue("#faf9f8"),
neutralLighter: ColorValue("#f3f2f1"),
neutralLight: ColorValue("#edebe9"),
neutralQuaternaryAlt: ColorValue("#e1dfdd"),
neutralQuaternary: ColorValue("#d0d0d0"),
neutralTertiaryAlt: ColorValue("#c8c6c4"),
neutralTertiary: ColorValue("#a19f9d"),
neutralSecondary: ColorValue("#605e5c"),
neutralPrimaryAlt: ColorValue("#3b3a39"),
neutralPrimary:ColorValue( "#323130"),
neutralDark: ColorValue("#201f1e"),
black: ColorValue("#000000"),
white: ColorValue("#ffffff")
""themePrimary"": ""#0078d4"",
""themeLighterAlt"": ""#eff6fc"",
""themeLighter"": ""#deecf9"",
""themeLight"": ""#c7e0f4"",
""themeTertiary"": ""#71afe5"",
""themeSecondary"": ""#2b88d8"",
""themeDarkAlt"": ""#106ebe"",
""themeDark"": ""#005a9e"",
""themeDarker"": ""#004578"",
""neutralLighterAlt"": ""#faf9f8"",
""neutralLighter"": ""#f3f2f1"",
""neutralLight"": ""#edebe9"",
""neutralQuaternaryAlt"": ""#e1dfdd"",
""neutralQuaternary"": ""#d0d0d0"",
""neutralTertiaryAlt"": ""#c8c6c4"",
""neutralTertiary"": ""#a19f9d"",
""neutralSecondary"": ""#605e5c"",
""neutralPrimaryAlt"": ""#3b3a39"",
""neutralPrimary"": ""#323130"",
""neutralDark"": ""#201f1e"",
""black"": ""#000000"",
""white"": ""#ffffff""
The Theme JSON string is passed to the component property, whilst the varTheme can be used to style other standard components such as buttons using the individual colors.