The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Dweb passport service: use DID based URLs for all passport identifiers
- Set a "last seen date" triple for DIDs
- Change the gemini CSS
- SparQLResultsModel: properly handle datetime Literals in data()
- Register a default aioipfs jsonld document loader early on (this fixes some jsonld normalization operations where the default "requests" document loader couldn't pull schemas from ipfs)
- asyncify the galacteek.ld.signatures module
- goliath (guardian): add a processor for ips://galacteek.ld/GenericReaction
- Implement a simple IPFS HTTP gateway availability checker
- Show the HTTP gateway response time and status in the gateways menus
- IPFSPath: implement publicSubDomainUrlForGateway()
- QQuickWebEngineProfile: install all URL schemes in quickClone()
- SparQLResultsModel: always use Literal.value in data()
- Implement a synchronous thread-based version of NativeIPFSSchemeHandler that's now used by the ipfs:// scheme handler
- Show the hovered URL tooltip at the bottom left corner of the QtWebEngineView widget
- ChatGPT
- Resize generated images
- Add an "Open" button to import generated images to IPFS and open them
- Implement image variations (up to 9 images in one call)
- IPFSPath: fix parsing of "subdomain gateway" URLs
- ChatGPT: Add a QDial widget to control the text completion's "temperature"
- Better resizing policy for the QTextEdit containing the text completion
- Web Passwords vault implementation: save passwords from HTML forms and autofill passwords
- ChatGPT integration with the openai python module
- Implement basics: text completion, image generation
- Implement translation to languages supported by ChatGPT
- Implement QML code generation with live preview in a QtQuickWidget
- openai pypi requirement: ==0.27.2
- Add some more hugo themes for hugo pyramids
- Add a new pronto event: GraphModelUpdateEvent
- Group pyramid clipboard actions in a single menu
- Text editor: use the pathlib.Path API
- Update the tags model and rebuild the hashmarks menu when the default content language is changed
- Tag preferences model: honor the content language from the settings
- Hashmarks manager
- Prevent a double menu update on startup
- Fix issue with wrong tag language code
- Optimize menu update when tagging/untagging hashmarks from the tags dialog
- Add an action to remove a subscription to a tag
Support for building websites with hugo (a static website generator)
- New dialog to automatically download and install hugo (extended version)
- Support for changing the hugo theme from a list of standalone themes
- Add a menu action to copy the pyramid's URL using one of the public IPFS HTTP gateways
- Add a menu action to pin the pyramid's content locally or to a remote IPFS pinning service
- Text editor: flash the pyramid drop button after a modification to a file is made to draw attention
- Freeze kubo repo migrations for v13
- LDSearcher widget: linked-data searcher
- Tags dialog: make it possible to add new tags by querying wikidata or dbpedia
- New themes: breeze-dark and indigo
- Add --config-apply cmdline arg
- Upgrade pillow req to v9.2.0
- Tag URIs are always lowercased
- Catch/silence asyncio.CancelledError in dbpedia CONSTRUCT tasks
- UI dialog to create tags
- Settings: add a setting to enable/disable the resource blocker (disabled by default)
- An action in the clipboard item menu to copy the URL in the clipboard for a specific gateway.
- Show the meaning of a tag (i18n resource abstract, live from dbpedia) in the tags dialog
- Open up the ws toolbar when a QML dapp is loaded
- ontolochain: urn:ipg:i:i0 is the default output graph
- ipfs-search UI: make the JS side call initialize() on the handler after all the signals are connected
- P2P smartql service: Only allow POST requests on /sparql
- P2P smartql service rate-limiting: require a sufficient log size before deciding to block a request or not
- browser: Monkeypatch fetch() to support loading IPFS objects natively without any JS requirements
- Interceptor: add http://domain.eth to ens://domain.eth redirection
- Add a resource blocking system (with python-adblock; block lists are pulled from IPFS)
- Add the ips:// URL scheme (renders IPS JSON-LD schemas)
- Add a UI action to view IPS schemas
- Implement intelligent RDF tags (inspired from "Meaning of a tag")
- pronto: support for subconjunctive graphs (parent store)
- pubsub sniffer: nicer UI (add topic filter and max messages widgets)
- Add UI elements in the settings to configure the various webprofiles
- Add support for Greasemonkey scripts
- Use a popup (vs a tab previously) for the pinning status widget
- Add support for configurable dark theme inside QtWebEngine widgets
- browser: Detect page's language from lang tag and pass it to addHashmark
- Hashmarks: use RDF storage (old hashmarks db is deprecated, possible to migrate from the UI)
- js-ipfs-http-client: upgrade to v49.0.2
- IPFS search UI
- Add an IPFS gateway UI selector
- Add an exact MIME type filter
- Add a filter for "last seen period" (helps to filter out dead content)
- Search results are buffered in a RDF graph and periodically flushed
- Embed audio and video content in the search results
- Pubsub sniffer UI (bugfix): unhook PS listeners when the widget is destroyed
- Fix "Repeated subscription to key" aiopubsub message warnings
- prontog:/ Implement RDF ttl graph highlighting with pygments
- Use kubo v0.15.0 and fs-repo-migrations v2.0.2 in the runtime images
- Add galacteek.ipfs.asyncipfsd.ipfsMigrationLatest (to get the latest available migration version with fs-repo-migrations)
- Use aioipfs==0.5.7 (works with the latest kubo)
- Put the browser tab URL address bar code in a separate module
- Implement the URL clouding widget in a QML QuickItem component
- Pin all major pypi requirements
- Fix a bug when the first browser tab in a workspace wouldn't get its tab title updated when the page's title changes
- Functions to reencode PeerIDs into different base encodings
- Support for the ipfs+http(s):// protocol
- UI: add actions to create HTTP forward DID services
- Implement list-based and item-based Qt SparQL models
- ipfs URL scheme handler: use chunking algorithm for downloading objects
- ipfs URL scheme handler: use QIODevice.Append as the default QBuffer open mode
- Use SparQL models for the various peers, DID, and DID services models
- EthDNS resolving: use the service instead of ( is now unavailable).
- ipfs:// URL scheme handler
- Don't preinstantiate QBuffer for each request
- Fix a bug with relative URLs when cat() tells us a DAG is a unixfs directory: use a redirect with a trailing / so that QtWebEngine can properly compute relative URLs
- Add a way to define datasets in the pronto config
- Add a console script: rdfifier (converts YAML-LD to RDF)
- MFS model: add an API to trigger UnixFS listing from external agents (like a QML dapp)
- ipfs dweb channel: Add API for remote pinning
- Allow file:// URLs to be passed from QML code
- CI: distribute wheel
- httpFetch returns a Path and sha512 checksum
- Set SSL_CERT_FILE from certifi for dmg and AppImage
- IPFSOperator: isPinned() can receive a pin type argument
- RDF hashmarks store
- Qt SparQL models API: add async support
- Add MIME type recognition for turtle (ttl), YAML
- Add UI to browse pronto graphs from a browser tab
- Improve the Curve25519 pubsub API
- SmartQL P2P service
- Implement a peer-dependent authentication middleware for the http service
- Pronto
- galacteek.ld.pronto: pubsub service is now encrypted with curve25519
- Use time-rotating peer-dependent credentials for the smartql p2p service
- Use Sleepycat as the default RDF store
- Mediaplayer:
- Deprecate old MFS+JSON playlists storage
- Store playlists as RDF (schema is: ips://galacteek.ld/MultimediaPlaylist)
- Playlists by default are stored in a private RDF store
- Playlists can be published to a public RDF store
- Public playlists are synchronized between peers via a SparQL script
- Content providers peering: separate Pinata nodes config by region
- Update Pillow to v9.0.1
- EthDNS resolver: use DNS over HTTPs requests using the JSON API from
- IPS contexts loader: add TTLCache for small schemas
- inter:/ URL scheme j2 templates are now dynamically loaded from an icapsule
- AppImage: fix xkb issue when running in Wayland (set XKB_CONFIG_ROOT)
- ICapsules registry system (based on YAML-LD)
- Automatic peering with popular IPFS content providers (provides better/faster content finding)
- Introduce the gem protocol (P2P gemini capsules)
- Add a new type of pyramid (gems, gemini IPFS capsules)
- Add a DID service to serve gems over IPFS streams (accessible via the gemi:/ URL scheme)
- New python dependency: custom aiogemini
- Changes in the pronto ontolochain system
- Store the sync date after each chain upgrade
- Send pronto pubsub messages at random intervals
- Focus bug fix in the text editor widget
This release brings support for the gemini protocol.
Updating is recommended, as the go-ipfs upgrade fixes potential performance issues ocurring with go-ipfs 0.9.0.
- Support for the great gemini protocol via the gemini:// scheme
- Gemini capsule browsing
- Support for gemini's input system (try gemini://
- Support for raw files download via gemini:// (tested with PDF files)
- Use go-ipfs version 0.9.1 (see the release notes for more details)
- 1st iteration of a semantic dweb engine
- Support translation of IPFS objects (mainly DAGs) to RDF graphs
- Support querying the RDF graphs via SparQL from QML dapps
- P2P SparQL services and exchange of objects over IPFS-P2P tunnels
- Enable the use of the new experimental AcceleratedDHTClient go-ipfs setting (this activates an alternative, faster DHT client)
- Support for IPFS URL browsing from QML (QtWebEngine QML integration)
- i:/ URL scheme
- Use go-ipfs version 0.9.0
- Use fs-repo-migrations version 2.0.1
- Bug fix: "link to QA toolbar action"
This release introduces support for remote pinning.
All IPFS services (pubsub, p2p) are now part of the application's services graph (the application is now designed as a graph of services, you can view the graph in the Settings workspace).
- Use go-ipfs version: 0.8.0
- Use PyQt version: 5.15.2
- Use PyQtWebEngine version: 5.15.2
- Support for remote pinning services (yay!)
- Configure your RPS from the settings (tested with Pinata)
- From the PIN object buttons (blue pin) you can choose to pin with a remote service or to your IPFS node
- Add a status icon for remote pinning (basic for now)
- Add a workspace action to view the application's services graph (you need graphviz installed for this to work)
- Add coroutines to load services dynamically from the services Python package
- Support for mkdocs themes (bootswatch) for your dwebsites (darkly is the default)
- Easier to publish/unpublish websites, dynamic content .. on your DID
- Easier to create and publish a markdown website
- QA toolbar: modernize, should now support large number of items
- Use a dock instead of a status bar
- MFS: recursive collapse when double-clicking an already-expanded directory
- Pubsub services are now part of the services tree
- P2P services (like the DIDauth service) are now part of the services tree
- Fix mkdocs website creation on non-Linux platforms
- Focus bug in the markdown editor
This is build 42 (the end of the cycle).
RIP Douglas Adams, and thanks for all the fun.
BitMessage support
Themes support. moon3 is the default theme
Hierarchical, per-module config system based on omegaconf
Introduce APIs to dynamically start P2P services associated with a DID service
Introduce protocol versioning by default for P2P services /p2p/Qm..../x/pizza/1.0.0
Async logging handlers (logbook)
galacteek.ipfs.ipfsops.IPFSOperator: add coroutines to dial P2P services from a full service address, e.g /p2p/Qm..../x/myservice
Python dependencies
- Combine async services (GService) with in-app JSON-LD PubSub messaging. This should become the official way of pushing events throughout the app.
- Use dynamic, configurable processing throttlers for all pubsub services
- galacteek.ipfs.asyncipfsd.AsyncIPFSDaemon: the daemon's configuration is now done in an atomic call (by externally calling ipfs config replace). This makes the boot process faster.
- Configurable webprofiles
- Memory leak in the BrowserTab class (Qt reparenting)
- UTF-8 rendering of blog posts
Tor support
- Tor proxying on all platforms (enabled manually from the status bar for now, very soon there'll be finer control of the relays via stem)
- Proxying of ipfs-search and cyber requests via Tor
Add a new anonymous web profile
Automatically fetch favicons when hashmarking an http(s) website
Handle SSL certificate errors
New python dependencies
- aiohttp-socks >=0.5.5
- validators >= 0.18.1
Browser tab UI
- Use a block-style cursor for the address bar
- Typing an .eth domain name automatically loads it through ens://
- Run IPFS searches or searches with popular engines (duckduckgo, ..) from the address bar
- Change the history lookup interface
The @Earth workspace is now the first/default workspace in the WS stack
Workspace APIs
- Changed wsRegisterTab(): accept a position argument to insert tabs at the end of the tabs list or after the current tab
- Bookmarking of clearnet URLs
Lightweight BT client integration (asyncio-based)
- Add torrents from .torrent files, magnet links
- Automatically transform magnet links stored in the clipboard to .torrent files stored in IPFS
- Torrent to IPFS transfer: from the BT client you can easily transfer completed downloads to IPFS and have them linked in your downloads MFS directory.
New python dependencies
- colour >= 0.1.5
- magnet2torrent >= 1.1.1
- Log to time-rotated log files by default (use --log-stderr if you want logs to be sent to stderr instead)
- Per-module color styling of log records
- IPFS daemon init dialog
- Add a combo box to select the IPFS content routing mode
- Add a Quit button
Support for Windows (packaged as a one-file EXE and NSIS installer)
Continuous Integration with Github Actions (Travis CI is still supported)
- CI workflow for ubuntu (Bionic), MacOS and windows
- Automatically embed CHANGELOG contents in GH releases
- Move from quamash to asyncqt (v 0.8.0)