Exploratory Analysis of the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) Delay data from the City of Toronto data portal, cross-examined with historical TTC ridership statistics and Toronto weather data.
TTC delay data was sourced for the following modes: Subway, Streetcar, Bus
The TTC ridership data was sourced from the City of Toronto website, Progress Portal.
From the above site, using the 'Export Data' option, the 2 measures included in the data extract were:
- 'TTC Average Weekday Ridership', and
- 'TTC Monthly Ridership
Selecting these measures will output the raw .csv file 'TorontoMeasureData.csv' within this repository.
Weather data was sourced from Canada Weather Stats, extracted manually from the data download page using the following parameters:
Daily Climate Data:
- 'Climate Daily/Forecast/Sun'
- Row limit: 2,400
Hourly Climate Data:
- 'Climate Hourly'
- Row limit: 60,000
Hourly data was extracted to allow for extra granularity when analyzing relationships between weather and TTC delays as weather can change drastically throughout the day and is expected to affect delay occurences and durations. Daily data was extracted to capture snow and rain data per day (as hourly data set did not contain these features).
Additional information on the data, features, and methods can be found here.
The data cleaning procedures are outlined in detail within the 'data_cleaning' notebook.
Cleaned data sets are subsequently moved under the 'data/cleaned_final' folder.