copyright | lastupdated | ||
2019-03-07 |
{:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:new_window: target="_blank"} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:screen: .screen} {:tip: .tip} {:pre: .pre}
{: #android-mobile-push-analytics}
Learn how easy it is to quickly create a native Android application with high-value mobile service like {{}} on {{}}.
This tutorial walks you through the creation of a mobile starter application, adding a mobile service, setting up client SDK, importing the code to Android Studio and then further enhancing the application.
{: #objectives}
- Create a mobile app with {{}} service.
- Obtain FCM credentials.
- Download the code and complete required setup.
- Configure, send, and monitor {{}}.
{: #products}
This tutorial uses the following products:
{: #prereqs}
- Android Studio for importing and enhancing your code.
- Google account to log into Firebase console for Sender ID and Server API Key.
{: #get_code} The {{}} Mobile Dashboard allows you to fast-track your mobile app development by creating your app from a Starter Kit.
Navigate to Mobile Dashboard
Enter an app name, this can be your android project name as well.
Select Android as your platform and click Create.
Click on Add Resource > Mobile > Push Notifications and select the location you want to provision the service, resource group and Lite pricing plan.
Click Create to provision {{}} service. A new App will be created under Apps tab.
Note: {{}} service should be added with the Empty Starter. In the next step, you will obtain Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) credentials.
In the next step, you will download the scaffolded code and setup the Push Android SDK.
{: #download_code}
If you haven't downloaded the code yet, then use {{}} Mobile dashboard to get the code by clicking on the Download Code button under Apps > Your Mobile App. The downloaded code comes with {{}} client SDK included. The client SDK is available on Gradle and Maven. For this tutorial, you will use Gradle.
- Launch Android Studio > Open an existing Android Studio project and point to the downloaded code.
- Gradle build will automatically be triggered and all the dependencies will be downloaded.
- Add the Google Play services dependency to your Module level
build.gradle (Module: app)
file at the end, after thedependencies{.....}
apply plugin: ''
- Copy the
file that you have created and downloaded to your Android application module root directory. Note that thegoogle-service.json
file includes the added package names. - The required permissions are all inside the
file and dependencies. Push and Analytics are included in build.gradle (Module: app). - Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) intent service and intent filters for the
event notifications are included inAndroidManifest.xml
{: #obtain_fcm_credentials}
Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) is the gateway used to deliver {{}} to Android devices, Google Chrome browser, and Chrome Apps & Extensions. To set up the {{}} service on the console, you need to get your FCM credentials (Sender ID and API key).
The API key is stored securely and used by the {{}} service to connect to the FCM server and the sender ID (project number) is used by the Android SDK and the JS SDK for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox on the client side. To set up FCM and obtain your credentials, complete the steps:
- Visit the Firebase Console - A Google user account is required.
- Select Add project.
- In the Create a project window, provide a project name, choose a country/region and click Create project.
- On the left navigation pane, select Settings (Click on Settings Icon next to Overview)> Project settings.
- Choose the Cloud Messaging tab to obtain your project credentials - Server API Key and a Sender ID. Note: Server key listed in FCM is the same as Server API Key.
You would also need to generate the google-services.json
file. Complete the following steps:
In the Firebase console, click the Project Settings icon > General tab under the project you created above and select Add Firebase to your Android App
In Add Firebase to your Android app modal window, add as the Package Name to register {{}} android sdk. The App nickname and SHA-1 fields are optional. Click REGISTER APP > Continue > Finish.
Click ADD APP > Add Firebase to your app. Include the package name of your application by entering the package name then proceed to add Firebase to your Android app window. The App nickname and SHA-1 fields are optional. Click REGISTER APP > Continue > Finish. Note: You can find the package name of your application in
file once you download the code. -
Download the latest config file
under Your apps.Note: FCM is the new version of Google Cloud Messaging (GCM). Ensure that you use FCM credentials for new apps. Existing apps would continue to function with GCM configurations.
The steps and Firebase console UI is subject to change, refer to Google documentation for the Firebase part if needed
{: #configure_push}
{{}} SDK is already imported into the app and Push initialization code can be found in
file.Note: The service credentials are part of
file. -
Registration for notifications happens in
. (Optional) Provide a unique USER_ID. -
Run the app on a physical device or Emulator to receive notifications.
Open {{}} service under Mobile Services > Existing services on {{}} Mobile dashboard and to send basic {{}}, complete the following steps:
Click Manage > Configure.
Select Mobile and then update the GCM/FCM Push Credentials tab with the Sender ID/Project number and API Key(Server Key) which you initially created on Firebase console.
Click Save. The {{}} service is now configured.
Select Send Notifications, and compose a message by choosing a send option. The supported options are device by tag, device id, user id, android devices, IOS devices, web notifications, and all devices. Note: When you select the All Devices option, all devices subscribed to {{}} will receive notifications.
In the Message field, compose your message. Choose to configure the optional settings as required.
Click Send and verify that your physical device has received the notification.
You should see a notification on your Android device.
You can monitor your sent notifications by navigating to Monitoring on the {{}} Service. The IBM {{}} service now extends capabilities to monitor the push performance by generating graphs from your user data. You can use the utility to list all the sent {{}}, or to list all the registered devices and to analyze information on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
{: #related_content}