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If you, like many developers, prefer native JavaScript to jQuery, but can't live without those one or two essential features, then you need Utils.js!

Note: For production code, the minified version utils.min.js should be used. There's also utilsES5.js. It's been converted to the older ES5 standard, so should be more compatible with older browsers. Expect IE. Literally no one cares about IE :(

More detailed usage & help available in utils.js!

The most commonly functions in this library are:

utils.mkEl(t,p,c,s,i) utils.mkDiv(p,c,s,i) To use these quickly and efficiently, just remember PCSI: Parent, class, style, innerHTML![,only[,type]]) Does what it says on the tin! Input an Element, choose whether you want X, Y, or by default, both, and change the centering type.

UtilRect Getting the bounds/position of an element used to be a complete mess with incompatibilities across every browser. Not anymore! Use UtilRects to keep track of your object positions! Simply access the boundingRect property of any Element and you can access it's top, bottom, left, right, width, and height on the client's screen! If you need this relative to the top of the page, it's as simple as + window.scrollY

[Function].wrap This can be quite useful in combination with functions like setTimeout, for example setTimeout(console.log.wrap("Hello!"), 50). Also sets the this object inside the function to arguments, in case you want to access the calling arguments as well!

Custom Classes

  • UtilRect Better class for working with element bounds.
  • Easing Easing functions for use with

Prototype Extensions

  • [Function].wrap(...) returns Function Wrap a function so that it always has a preset argument list when called.
  • String.trim() polyfill
  • [String].startsWith(s) returns Boolean Like Java.
  • [String].endsWith(s) returns Boolean Like Java.
  • [Array].clean(kz) Remove 'empty' elements like 0, false, ' ', undefined, and NaN from an array. Set 'kz' to true to keep '0's
  • [Array].remove(item) returns Boolean Remove first instance of item from array. Returns false if not found.
  • [Array].each(fn[,start[,end]]) returns Any Calls fn on each index of array, with optional start and end index.
  • Number [Element].index Represents an element's index in it's parent. Set to -1 if the element has no parent.
  • [Element].insertChildAt(el,i) Inserts child at index. Appends child to end if index exceeds child count.
  • UtilRect [Element].boundingRect Element's bounding rect as a UtilRect object.
  • Math.cot(x) returns Number No idea why this isn't built-in, but it's not.
  • [TouchList].get(id) returns Touch Gets touch by id, returns null if none found.

Main utils Class

  • String utils.VER Current library version.
  • Number utils.w and Number utils.h Cross-platform window width and height.
  • Boolean Will be true if running on a mobile device, based on the UserAgent.
  • utils.setCookie(name,value,exp,secure) Set a cookie.
  • utils.getCookie(name) returns String or null Get a cookie by name.
  • utils.remCookie(name) Remove a cookie by name.
  • utils.setPropSafe(obj, path, val, onlyNull=false) Set a nested property, even if higher levels don't exist. Useful for defining settings in a complex config object.
  • utils.getPropSafe(obj, path) returns Object Gets a nested property, returns undefined if any level doesn't exist.
  • utils.copy(o[,sub]) returns Object Deep (recursive) Object.create. Copies down to given sub levels, all levels if undefined.
  • utils.skinnedInput(el) Fallback for when css 'appearance:none' doesn't work. Generates container for input field for css skinning on unsupported browsers.
  • utils.numField(field[,min[,max[,decMax]]]) Turns your boring input field into a mobile-friendly number entry field with max/min & negative support!
  • utils.costField(field[,sym]) Turns your boring input field into a mobile-friendly currency entry field, optionally with custom currency symbol.
  • utils.formatCost(n[,sym]) returns String Format Number as currency. Uses '$' by default.
  • utils.fromDateTimeBox(el) returns Date Convert value from 'datetime-local' input to Date object.
  • utils.toDateTimeBox(d[,sec]) returns String Convert Date object into format to set 'datetime-local' optionally including seconds if 'sec' is true.
  • utils.formatDate(d[,opts]) returns String Format Date object into a pretty string, with various options.
  • utils.months Array of months from Jan to Dec.
  • utils.suffix(n) returns String Add appropriate suffix to number. (ex. 31st, 12th, 22nd)
  • utils.goBack() For AJAX navigation. Presses back button.
  • utils.goForward() For AJAX navigation. Presses forward button.
  • utils.go(url, data) Push new history state for AJAX navigation. You can provide additional data to access later.
  • utils.onNav = function(data) Callback called when the browser wants to navigate to a page. Provides the optional data argument supplied to utils.go. Also called when the page is first loaded, directly after window.onload.
  • utils.mkEl(tag,parent,class,styles,innerHTML) returns Element Quickly create element with parent, classes, style properties (as key/value pairs), and innerHTML content. All parameters (except for tag) are optional.
  • utils.mkDiv Same as utils.mkEl, but assumes 'div' for tag.
  • utils.addText(el,text) Appends a TextNode with given text to element.
  • utils.textWidth(text,font) returns Number Get predicted width of text given css font style.
  • utils.define(obj,name,get,set) Add getter/setter pair to an existing object. Set get or set to null to disable variable read or write.
  • utils.isBlank(o) returns Boolean Check if string, array, or other object is empty.
  • utils.firstEmpty(arr) returns Number Finds first empty (undefined/null) slot in array.
  • utils.firstEmptyChar(obj) returns String Like firstEmpty, but uses letters from utils.numToChar instead.
  • utils.numToChar(n) returns String Converts a number into letters (upper and lower) from a to Z.
  • utils.merge(target,source[,source2...]) returns target Merges two (or more) objects, giving the last precedence. If both objects contain a property at the same index, and both are Arrays/Objects, they are merged.
  • utils.bounds(n,min=0,max=1) returns Number Keeps value within max/min bounds. Also handles NaN or null.
  • utils.norm OR utils.normalize(n,min=0,max=1) returns Number 'Normalizes' a value so that it ranges from min to max, but unlike utils.bounds, this function retains input's offset. This can be used to normalize angles.
  • utils.cutStr(s,rem) returns String Finds and removes all instances of 'rem' contained within String 's'
  • utils.dCut(data,startString,endString[,index[,searchStart]]) returns String Cuts text out of 'data' from first instance of 'startString' to next instance of 'endString'.
  • utils.dCutToLast(data,startString,endString[,index[,searchStart]]) returns String Same as utils.dCut but using lastIndexOf for end search.
  • utils.dCutLast(data,startString,endString[,index[,searchStart]]) returns String Same as utils.dCut but using lastIndexOf for start search.
  • utils.parseCSS(prop) returns Object Given css property value 'prop', returns object with space-separated values from the property string.
  • utils.buildCSS(obj) returns String Rebuilds css string from a parseCSS object.
  • utils.addClass(class,propList) Create a css class and append it to the current document. Fill 'propList' object with key/value pairs repersenting the properties you want to add to the class.
  • utils.addId(id,propList) Create a css selector and append it to the current document.
  • utils.addKeyframe(name,content) Create a css keyframe and append it to the current document.
  • utils.removeSelector(name) Remove a specific css selector (including the '.' or '#') from all stylesheets in the current document.
  • utils.getId(id[,parent]) returns Element Shorthand way to get element by id. Parent defaults to document.
  • utils.getClassList(class[,parent]) returns Array Shorthand way to get list of elements with class name. Parent defaults to document.
  • utils.getClassFirst(class[,parent]) returns Element Get first element with class, otherwise return null. Parent defaults to document.
  • utils.getClassOnly(class[,parent]) returns Element Get element with class if there's only one, otherwise return null. Parent defaults to document.
  • utils.hexToRgb(hex) returns Number Converts HEX color to 24-bit RGB.
  • utils.rand(min,max[,res[,ease]]) returns Number Generates random from min to max, optionally with a decimal resolution (10, 100, 1000, etc.) or custom ease, changing the probability of various numbers being generated.
  • utils.fromQuery(str) returns Object Parses a url query string into an Object.
  • utils.toQuery(obj) returns String Converts an object into a url query string.
  •[,only[,type]]) Center objects with JavaScript, using a variety of methods. See utils.js for details.
  • utils.loadAjax(path,[callback[, meth[, body[, hdList]]]]) Loads a file and returns it's contents, using GET by default. See utils.js for details.
  • utils.loadJSONP(path,callback,timeout) Loads a file at the address from a JSONP-enabled server. Callback is fired with either received data, or false if unsuccessful.
  • utils.loadFile(path,callback,timeout) Good fallback for utils.loadAjax. Loads a file at the address via HTML object tag. Callback is fired with either received data, or false if unsuccessful.
  • utils.dlFile(filename,uri) returns Promise Downloads a file from a link.
  • utils.dlData(filename,data) Downloads a file generated from a Blob or ArrayBuffer.
  • utils.rad(deg) / utils.deg(rad) Convert between radians and degrees.
  •,minIn,maxIn,minOut,maxOut,ease) returns Number For unit translation and JS animation! See ease functions in untils.js.
  • utils.delay(ms) returns Promise setTimeout but async.


The ultimate JavaScript companion library. You'll never need jQuery again!







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