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-- INSTALL file for SLiM --


  • cmake (version 3.10.2)
  • A C++ Compiler (g++)
  • PkgConfig (pkg-config (0.29-4))
  • fontconfig (2.11.0-6.7)
  • libpam0g (libpam0g-dev)
  • libfreetype (libfreetype6-dev)
  • libxft-dev (2.3.2-1+b2)
  • libxmu (libxmu6 2:1.1.2-2)
  • libpng (libpng-dev) and compression with:
  • zlib (zlib1g-dev "1.2.8")
  • libjpeg (libjpeg9-dev)
  • or XFree86

Optionally may also require:

  • libck-connector0
  • libdbus-1-3
(These latter two should be auto-detected cached and reported 
at _initial_ cmake time.)


On a deb based system (Devuan ascii) approximate this to get started and drag in most of the depends::

 sudo apt-get install cmake pkg-config fontconfig libpam0g libpam0g-dev\
 libfreetype6-dev libxft-dev libpng-dev libjpeg9-dev libxmu-dev\
 libxrandr-dev x11proto-randr-dev build-essential

External Applications

For Operations::

- At least one Window Manager and or Desktop Environment to _login_ to.
  --  _F1_ Allows choice between installed environments.
  openbox enlightenment mate and gnome type desktops test OK
  KDE *should* be OK but not tested by this writer ...
- "console" Requires an Xterm or equivalent

- _F11_  configured as screenshot:
  -- Requires "import" e.g as found in the imagemagick suite.
  -- Alternatively: slim has been tested with "scrot"

The Build Process

Here is the short version::

mkdir build ;
cd ./build ;
cmake ../  -DUSE_PAM=yes ;

Step by step

  1. Create a clean space to build the software::

     $ mkdir build

Optionally edit the CMakefile.txt to adjust libraries and paths to your Operating System (if needed). For example: CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "/usr/local"

  1. Work from the clean dir::

     $ cd build
  2. Configure your final make files::

     $ cmake ../


The above minimal instruction would be a reasonable first attempt. You will possibly need some login functionality. (It does serve as a minimal test of the build requirement's though.)

Configure Options

Here is a useful minimal tested configuration with cmake: This enables PAM for login / session authorisation. Nothing much else other than themes.

Default Build .............

These two should be equivalent if PAM is available on the build system. ::

$ cmake ../ -DUSE_PAM=yes
$ cmake ..	

(you may set -DUSE_PAM=no)

Successful builds print output that looks much like this::

$ cmake ../ -DUSE_PAM=yes
	FontConfig Found
	OK: PAM functions included
    OK: Slimlock Possible
    Note: slimlock screen locker is NOT enabled
    OK ConsoleKit disabled
-- Enable shared library building
	OK slimlock not to be built
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /some/place/at-yours/slim/build

Hint ....

Treat "NOTFOUND" errors as a missing dependency (at least at first). e.g.::

  CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, 
  but they are set to NOTFOUND

More Complex Builds ...................

This next incantation should get you a fulsome build. With slimlock ConsoleKit and Desktop Bus (DBUS) support::


To Disallow ConsoleKit (N.B. and by extension DBUS) and NOT build shared libraries::


This is the stage you may want to tweak the new make files. Or more probably not so::

 $ make
 $ ls

Configure Stage notes .....................

  • Cmake caches assertively.
  • It is safe to remove the ./build/ level cache files. Re-runs do rebuild them. This approach extends to the clean build directory itself.
  • On a project of this modest size the compile time is short. The debug time possibly less so ?

Simple test

Test the freshly made executable::

 $ ./slim -v
 slim version 1.3.9

Testing Themes

To test a fresh built slim. From a logged in X session::

- first install *xnest* - Nested X server
- just the package *xnest* suffices.

Then from the top level of the slim source tree::

$ ./build/slim -p ./themes/default
$ ./build/slim -p ./themes/xamplar

This allows testing of most functionality. Including the four account field commands. exit reboot halt console.


The GNU Makefile produced by cmake has some interesting targets. Also Consider current CMake settings: CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "/usr/local" ** $ sudo make install/local ** (may be reassuring or useful.)

The classic::

$ sudo make install

Test a new, installed, system theme from a running X session::

 $ slim -p /usr/local/share/slim/themes/default


Either a system wide xsession default needs to be established and / or a .xinitrc is required per user.

There is an example .xinitrc in this source code.

Some notes hints and paths from the wilds::

 $ make clean
 $ cmake --help
 $ make local/install

(all run from the build directory)

Remove the "build" directory tree (only) to start over.

Daemon Time

By default a sysV type slim.init (executable) is installed to /etc/init.d/ . There is also a untested systemd service file that may be installed. (shrug) Finally there is a NetBSD style rc script (or just mod the sysV one) in the top of the source tree.

You will have to manually enable them via whichever mechanisms works best for you.


There is a bash script in the top of the source tree that should enable a clean UN-install.

Path Manifest

Here is a listing of typical installed paths as output by an "updating" run of "make install" Notice only rebuilt files are re-installed ::

Install the project...
/usr/bin/cmake -P cmake_install.cmake
-- Install configuration: ""
-- Up-to-date: /usr/local/bin/slim
-- Up-to-date: /usr/local/bin/slimlock
-- Up-to-date: /usr/local/lib/
-- Up-to-date: /usr/local/lib/
-- Up-to-date: /usr/local/share/man/man1/slim.1
-- Up-to-date: /usr/local/share/man/man1/slimlock.1
-- Up-to-date: /etc/slim.conf
-- Up-to-date: /lib/systemd/system/slim.service
-- Installing: /usr/local/share/slim/themes/default/slim.theme
-- Installing: /usr/local/share/slim/themes/default/panel.png
-- Installing: /usr/local/share/slim/themes/default/background.jpg

Linked Libraries ................

This is a typical linkage string passed to the compiler for the final slim (elf) executable. (With ConsoleKit and DBUS.)


-lfontconfig -lpam -ldbus-1 -lck-connector -lm -lrt
-lcrypt -lX11 -lXft -lXrender -lXrandr -lXmu -lfreetype
-ljpeg -lpng -lz -ljpeg -lpng -lz

$ ldd slim
$ objdump [options] ./slim

$ file slim

May more or less approximate::

 ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV),
 dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/,
 for GNU/Linux 2.6.32,
 BuildID[sha1]=b44698a3baf559d0a79e517221c0ad6cea2b5504, not stripped

Convenience Installable Archiver

Cmake has an archive maker thingy... From the build directory::

$ fakeroot cpack --config CPackConfig.cmake
