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Interaction with the Chart

Philipp Jahoda edited this page Mar 5, 2015 · 30 revisions

This library allows you to fully customize the possible touch (and gesture) interaction with the chart-view and react to the interaction via callback-methods.

Enabling / disabling interaction

  • setTouchEnabled(boolean enabled): Allows to enable/disable all possible touch-interactions with the chart.
  • setTouchEnabled(boolean enabled): Allows to enable/disable all possible touch-interactions with the chart.
  • setDragEnabled(boolean enabled): Enables/disables dragging (panning) for the chart.
  • setScaleEnabled(boolean enabled): Enables/disables scaling for the chart.
  • setPinchZoom(boolean enabled): If set to true, pinch-zooming is enabled. If disabled, x- and y-axis can be zoomed separately.
  • setHighlightEnabled(boolean enabled): If set to true, highlighting/selecting values via touch is possible on the chart.
  • setHighlightIndicatorEnabled(boolean enabled): If set to true, the indicator lines (or bars) that show which value has been selected are drawn.

Highlighting programmatically

  • highlightValues(Highlight[] highs): Highlights the values at the given indices in the given DataSets. Provide null or an empty array to undo all highlighting.

Selection callbacks

This library provides a number of listeners for callbacks upon interaction. One of them is the OnChartValueSelectedListener, for callbacks when highlighting values via touch:

public interface OnChartValueSelectedListener {
    * Called when a value has been selected inside the chart.
    * @param e The selected Entry.
    * @param dataSetIndex The index in the datasets array of the data object
    * the Entrys DataSet is in.
    * @param h the corresponding highlight object that contains information
    * about the highlighted position
    public void onValueSelected(Entry e, int dataSetIndex, Highlight h);
    * Called when nothing has been selected or an "un-select" has been made.
    public void onNothingSelected();

Simply let your class that should receive the callbacks implement this interface and set it as a listener to the chart:


Gesture callbacks

The OnChartGestureListener will allow you to react to gestures made on the chart:

public interface OnChartGestureListener {

     * Callbacks when the chart is longpressed.
     * @param me
    public void onChartLongPressed(MotionEvent me);

     * Callbacks when the chart is double-tapped.
     * @param me
    public void onChartDoubleTapped(MotionEvent me);

     * Callbacks when the chart is single-tapped.
     * @param me
    public void onChartSingleTapped(MotionEvent me);

     * Callbacks then a fling gesture is made on the chart.
     * @param me1
     * @param me2
     * @param velocityX
     * @param velocityY
    public void onChartFling(MotionEvent me1, MotionEvent me2, float velocityX, float velocityY);

Simply let your class that should receive the callbacks implement this interface and set it as a listener to the chart:


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