v0.17.0 (2020-01-14)
Fixed bugs:
- Highlight fails on neighbouring words #201
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Use GitHub actions #211 (richrace)
- Correctly handle huge selection. #210 (elarivie)
- Bump eslint-utils from 1.3.1 to 1.4.2 #205 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump lodash from 4.17.11 to 4.17.14 #204 (dependabot[bot])
- 201 fix regex #202 (richrace)
- Bump js-yaml from 3.12.1 to 3.13.1 #200 (dependabot[bot])
v0.16.0 (2019-03-24)
Closed issues:
- Rewrite to JS #175
Merged pull requests:
v0.15.0 (2019-03-17)
Fixed bugs:
- Selected tab and space #182
Closed issues:
- Use Grammar Non Word Characters #183
Merged pull requests:
- Limit the maximum number of highlight markers #193 (wbinnssmith)
- Block only whitespace selections #190 (Arcanemagus)
- Use the grammar's definition of nonWordCharacters #189 (Arcanemagus)
v0.14.0 (2018-07-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- Integrate with scroll-marker to highlight matches on the scrollbar #173
- Doesn't work for unicode words #105
- Support for same file in multiple panes #82
Fixed bugs:
- Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'visibleMarkerLayer' of undefined #179
- Split pane issues #178
Closed issues:
- Update Readme #176
- Option to highlight one-letter variables #170
- Uncaught Error: PCRE does not support \L, \l, \N{name}, \U, or \u #169
- Uncaught Error: PCRE does not support /L, \l, \N{name}, \U, or \u #168
- Change text when highlighted #160
- Cyrillic letters #157
- feature: show highlights in scrollbar #155
- Chinese character cannot be highlighted #153
- Uncaught TypeError: escapeRegExp is not a function #152
- Highlight Background Only on Selected Words #151
- HighlightedAreaView.onDidAddSelectedMarker is deprecated. #149
- HighlightedAreaView.onDidAddMarker is deprecated. #147
- Selection not highlighted when hardware acceleration is disabled #146
- Whole Words option should support the "$" symbol for JS files #141
- $variables cannot be highlighted #132
- Word-boundaries not in line with language settings #117
- Highlight any selection (without double-clicking) #113
- Missing highlight when line is folded #108
- Need to highlight variable names starting with $ in Perl as well #107
- Hightlight status bar shows incorrect num of matches #103
- Can't select non latin symbols #102
- Feature Request: Create Cursors On Marked Areas #99
- Feature request: PHP $ 'special case' should be an option #88
Merged pull requests:
- add command to select all markers #164 (econtal)
- Add configuration to adjust the string in the status bar #163 (fuelingtheweb)
- Add special case for Perl
variables #162 (Wigginns) - Allow highlighting across word boundaries #154 (ion201)
v0.13.1 (2017-03-24)
Closed issues:
- Deprecation Notice #145
- Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'scanInBufferRange' of undefined #127
Merged pull requests:
v0.13.0 (2017-03-23)
Closed issues:
- Failed to activate the highlight-selected package #142
- Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'push' of undefined #140
- Deprecated selector in
#134 - Deprecated selector in
Merged pull requests:
- Add HACK grammar to $ special handling #143 (zertosh)
- Add a Gitter chat badge to README.md #86 (gitter-badger)
v0.12.0 (2017-01-11)
Closed issues:
- Deprecation warnings in Atom 1.13.0 #138
- Can't change selection "shading" color, only the border color #137
- Feature request: Highlight selected word on mini-map #135
- if the view is splict to left and right, possible to highlight right when click left #123
- Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'item' on 'HTMLCollection': 1 argument required, but only 0 present. #122
- Crashes when pointer position is changed #121
- High startup time #118
- [Suggestion] Match only whole word #116
- Mouse button release not being detected #114
- Performance on large files #104
- Highlight only when match found #90
- How to add a keybinding to highlight the word under the cursor? #87
- Failed to activate the remember-session package #55
Merged pull requests:
- Retire :host and ::shadow pseudo-selectors #136 (pyrotechnick)
- Switches to Marker Layers API #128 (dbachko)
- Highlight selection across active panes #126 (mswiszcz)
v0.11.2 (2016-02-02)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
v0.11.1 (2015-11-15)
v0.11.0 (2015-11-15)
Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
- Plugin should only select fully matching items #101
- Don't highlight partial matches #95
- Status bar number of highlight/occurrences is one off #93
- I cannot install this package #91
- Only highlight occurences in lines below/above selected word #89
- Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'dispose' of undefined #85
Merged pull requests:
v0.10.1 (2015-06-17)
Fixed bugs:
- Not closing the bottom/top of the highlight on line 144/145 #84
Closed issues:
- Highlight with one click #83
v0.10.0 (2015-06-14)
Implemented enhancements:
- Only highlight after timeout #75
Closed issues:
- Highlight not always working with double click to select word #77
- Can not use cmd key to multi-select content #74
- Whole Words option should support the "$" symbol for PHP files #73
- can't see which ones are selected #71
- An error message shows up with no obvious abnormal behavior #70
- Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'dispose' of undefined #69
Merged pull requests:
v0.9.3 (2015-05-15)
Closed issues:
- Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'dispose' of undefined #67
- Failed to load the highlight-selected package #65
- Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function #61
Merged pull requests:
- Remove dependency on 'atom-space-pen-views' #78 (jccr)
- fix #67 #68 (yongkangchen)
- Update README.md #66 (simon-clay)
- Test minimap dependencies #62 (richrace)
v0.9.2 (2015-04-18)
Fixed bugs:
- Hide highlight on multiselect #56
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
v0.9.1 (2015-03-01)
Implemented enhancements:
- Minimum length #36
Closed issues:
- hide panel on startup #54
- Atom.Object.defineProperty.get is deprecated. #50
- Styling has no effect on highlighting #41
Merged pull requests:
v0.9.0 (2015-02-13)
Closed issues:
- Atom.Object.defineProperty.get is deprecated. #47
- Atom.Object.defineProperty.get is deprecated. #45
- Atom.Object.defineProperty.get is deprecated. #44
- Deprecated Selectors #42
- Atom.Object.defineProperty.get is deprecated. #40
- Atom.Object.defineProperty.get is deprecated. #39
- Atom.Object.defineProperty.get is deprecated. #38
- Atom.Object.defineProperty.get is deprecated. #37
- Atom.Object.defineProperty.get is deprecated. #34
- Use new Events API #29
Merged pull requests:
v0.8.0 (2015-02-02)
Closed issues:
- Atom.Object.defineProperty.get is deprecated. #35
Merged pull requests:
v0.7.0 (2014-12-17)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Fix #30 #33 (yongkangchen)
v0.6.3 (2014-11-20)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- fix hideHighlightOnSelectedWord sometimes not work #32 (yongkangchen)
v0.6.2 (2014-09-20)
Merged pull requests:
v0.6.1 (2014-09-15)
Closed issues:
- Editor.getSelection is deprecated. #25
- Package broken on commit be1d4ee5dc7c125bcd7ffb0f97af6414bcba6e7d of atom #23
- Ignore 1-char selections #22
v0.6.0 (2014-08-23)
v0.5.5 (2014-08-22)
Closed issues:
v0.5.4 (2014-08-19)
v0.5.3 (2014-08-18)
v0.5.2 (2014-08-18)
Closed issues:
- Feature request: highlight words in full color, not only with canvas. #15
- The highlighted words are almost invisible in light theme #14
v0.5.1 (2014-08-18)
v0.5.0 (2014-08-17)
Closed issues:
- Use decorations #17
- Having highlight-selected installed breaks Atom specs #16
- If I edit one occurence of the highlighted word it should edit the others too #13
- Poor performance with large files #3
Merged pull requests:
v0.4.1 (2014-07-19)
Implemented enhancements:
- Consider current selected don't have border #11
Closed issues:
- Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'pixelPositionForScreenPosition' of null -React- #10
v0.4.0 (2014-07-03)
Closed issues:
- Cannot call method 'pixelPositionForScreenPosition' of null when using React editor #8
Merged pull requests:
- React Editor pixelPositionForScreenPosition fix #9 (taylorludwig)
v0.3.0 (2014-06-29)
Merged pull requests:
v0.2.11 (2014-04-06)
v0.2.10 (2014-04-06)
Closed issues:
- Only highlight whole words #5
v0.2.9 (2014-03-22)
Closed issues:
- Match "$" and "@" #4
v0.2.8 (2014-03-15)
v0.2.7 (2014-03-15)
v0.2.6 (2014-03-13)
v0.2.5 (2014-03-05)
v0.2.4 (2014-03-05)
Fixed bugs:
v0.2.3 (2014-03-05)
v0.2.2 (2014-03-04)
v0.2.1 (2014-03-04)
v0.2.0 (2014-03-04)
v0.1.3 (2014-03-03)
v0.1.2 (2014-03-02)
v0.1.1 (2014-03-02)
v0.1.0 (2014-03-02)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator