A PyQt app used to modify tracked variables and display live data on the car.
- Configure the dashboard.json to point to the required file paths
- Install the required python packages with the command
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Connect a USB Canable
- Run main.py
Files contained in the raspi folder need to go on the raspberry pi under /home/pi/DAQ. Create a directory /home/pi/DAQ/logs as well. Move the daq service and daq logging services to /etc/systemd/system/. To enable, use sudo systemctl enable daq_telem_service.service
and repeat for the logging service. Add the following line to /etc/rc.local before exit 0: /home/pi/DAQ/canup.sh
The logger will log CAN frames as long as GPIO 26 is pulled to 3.3 V. It will create a new log file every 15 minutes while logging is enabled.
The server accepts a tcp connection on port 8080 and is meant to be interfaced with via /communication/client.py.
To trigger circle ci to do a build: git tag #.#.# git push origin #.#.#