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File metadata and controls

88 lines (81 loc) · 3.29 KB

Prez provides an OGC Features compliant API

The API is mounted as a sub application at "/catalogs/{catalogId}/collections/{recordsCollectionId}/features" by default. It can be mounted at a different path by setting the configuration setting ogc_features_mount_path (or corresponding upper cased environment variable).

Queryables are a part of the OGC Features specifications which provide a listing of which parameters can be queried. The queryables are a flat set of properties on features.

Because Prez consumes an RDF Knowledge Graph, it is desirable to query more than top level properties. To achieve this, Prez provides a mechanism to declare paths through the graph as queryables. To declare these paths, you can use SHACL.

An example is provided below:

@prefix cql: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix dwc: <> .
@prefix ex: <> .
@prefix sh: <> .
@prefix sname: <> .
@prefix sosa: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

  a sh:PropertyShape ;
  a cql:Queryable ;
  sh:path (
      [ sh:inversePath sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest ]
      ) ;
  sh:name "Scientific Name" ;
  dcterms:identifier "scientificname" ;
  sh:datatype xsd:string ;
  sh:in (
) ;

It is recommended that templated SPARQL queries are used to periodically update the sh:in values, which correspond to enumerations.

When Prez starts, it will query the remote repository (typically a triplestore) for all Queryables. It queries for them using a CONSTRUCT query, serializes this as JSON-LD, and does a minimal transformation to produce the OGC Features compliant response. The query is:

    PREFIX cql: <>
    PREFIX dcterms: <>
    PREFIX sh: <>
    PREFIX rdf: <>
    ?queryable cql:id ?id ;
    	cql:name ?title ;
    	cql:datatype ?type ;
    	cql:enum ?enums .
    WHERE {?queryable a cql:Queryable ;
        dcterms:identifier ?id ;
        sh:name ?title ;
        sh:datatype ?type ;
        sh:in/rdf:rest*/rdf:first ?enums ;

And the output after transformation is of the form (which is the format required for OGC Features):

  "$schema": "",
  "$id": "http://localhost:8000/catalogs/dtst:bdr/collections/syn:68a782a8-d7fe-4b3e-8377-c76c9cc245cc/features/queryables",
  "type": "object",
  "title": "Global Queryables",
  "description": "Global queryable properties for all collections in the OGC Features API.",
  "properties": {
    "scientificname": {
      "title": "Scientific Name",
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [

Separately, Prez internally translates the declared SHACL Property Path expression into SPARQL and injects this into queries when the queryable, e.g. scientificname, in the example above, is requested.