- Project Structure
- How To: Registering A Customer Account
- How To: Registering An Employee Account
- How To: Add a service to an employee
- How To: Remove a service from an employee
- How To: Create a Booking
- How To: Edit Employee's Working Hours
+- Backend
+- sbbackend
+- loaders
| +- BookingLoader.java
| +- EmployeeLoader.java
| +- ServiceLoader.java
| +- WorkingHoursLoader.java
+- model
| +- Account.java
| +- Admin.java
| +- Booking.java
| +- Customer.java
| +- Employee.java
| +- Service.java
| +- WorkingHours.java
| +- AccountRepository.java
| +- BookingRepository.java
| +- CustomerRepository.java
| +- EmployeeRepository.java
| +- ServiceRepository.java
| +- WorkingHoursRepository.java
| +- AccountService.java
| +- BookingService.java
| +- CustomerService.java
| +- EmployeeService.java
| +- ServiceService.java
| +- WorkingHoursService.java
| +- BookingController.java
| +- CustomerController.java
| +- EmployeeController.java
| +- LoggingInController.java
| +- RegisterController.java
| +- ServiceController.java
| +- WorkingHoursController.java
+- Frontend
+- components
+- Bookings
| +- AddBooking.js
| +- BookingsButton.js
| +- Booking.css
+- Customer
+- Employee
| +- hoursButton.js
| +- HoursDisplay.js
| +- HoursNoEditable.js
| +- Hours.css
+- Layout
+- Login
+- Register
+- Service
+- services
+- bookingService.js
+- employeeService.js
+- http-common.js
+- loginService.js
+- registerService.js
+- servicesService.js
+- workingHoursService.js
- To quickly start the project, do the following activities:
BUILD: In IntelliJ, 'Build' SbBackendApplication under root -->Backend --> springboot-backend --> src --> main --> ... --> SbBackendApplication
RUN BACKEND: Run SbBackendApplication. This will create an instance of the Back-end servers, running on H2-Embedded Database.
- The contents of the backend can be accessed on http:/localhost:8080/h2-console
- On the website, the specific 'url' should match 'spring.datasource.url' found in Backend --> springboot-backend --> src --> main --> resources --> application.properties.
RUN FRONTEND: Access the Front End folders, and then open the folder, react-front-end.
- When the user is within react-front-end, open the terminal and type 'npm start'
- This command will begin an instance of the front-end.
- Assuming both the front-end and back-end is running, then the user can register for a customer account.
- Registration as a customer can be completed in the following steps:
- Navigate to the 'Register' link located on the top right of the header.
- Press 'Register'
- Enter sufficient, and legitimate details for existing inputs
- Note: Password must be at least 5 characters or more
- Note: Phone number should be between 8-10 characters
- Submit, to successfully create your account.
- You should now be redirected to your dashboard.
- Assuming both the front-end and back-end is running, then the Admin can register an account for an employee.
- Registration for an employee can be completed in the following steps:
- Log in with your admin credentials
- In the dashboard, navigate to 'Add Employee' button
- Enter sufficient, and legitimate details for existing inputs
- Note: Password must be at least 5 characters or more
- Note: Phone number should be between 8-10 characters.
- Submit, to successfully create their account!
- You should now be redirected to your dashboard.
- Assuming both the front-end and back-end is running, then the Admin can edit an employees services.
- navigate to localhost:3000/ChangeService
- Under the Add a service, select the employee from the first dropdown box
- Select the service to add from the second dropdown box
- press the submit button
- The Service is now Added to the employee
- Assuming both the front-end and back-end is running, then the Admin can edit an employees services.
- navigate to localhost:3000/ChangeService
- Under the Remove a service, select the employee from the first dropdown box
- Select the service to add from the second dropdown box
- press the submit button
- The Service is now removed from the employee
- Assuming both the front-end and back-end is running, then a booking can be created.
- Navigate to localhost:3000/Bookings (Found on the header banner)
- Select a service
- If available select an employee; after which the available times will be displayed
- Hover over a time block to see the details
- Click on a time block to submit the booking
- Assuming both the front-end and back-end is running, then a booking can be created.
- Navigate to localhost:3000/Admin (Link on to edit provided on page)
- Select an employee from the dropdown box.
- Time blocks will be displayed in half hour increments. Green are scheduled, red are unscheduled.
- Click and or drag to toggle a timeblock. (When the mouse leaves a block or is released on one the toggle with execute)
- Toggled time blocks are automatically saved.
- To delete hours, toggle all time blocks to red.
- To add new hours select a date and press submit. A default time of 8:30 to 10:30 will be added to the desired day.