Observation 1. LLMs struggle to perceive order of user historie, but can be triggered to perceive the orders
LLMs can utilize historical behaviors for personalized ranking, but struggle to perceive the order of the given sequential interaction histories.
By employing specifically designed promptings, such as recency-focused prompting and in-context learning, LLMs can be triggered to perceive the order of historical user behaviors, leading to improved ranking performance.
LLMs struggle to perceive the order of the given historical user behaviors.
cd llmrank/ # ML-1M python evaluate.py -m Rank -d ml-1m-full # Games python evaluate.py -m Rank -d Games-6k
Ours (Random Order)
cd llmrank/ # ML-1M python evaluate.py -m RandOrder -d ml-1m-full # Games python evaluate.py -m RandOrder -d Games-6k
Ours (Fake History)
cd llmrank/ # ML-1M python evaluate.py -m FakeHis -d ml-1m-full # Games python evaluate.py -m FakeHis -d Games-6k
cd llmrank/ # ML-1M for length in 5 10 20 50 do python evaluate.py -m Rank --max_his_len=${length} -d ml-1m-full done
LLMs can be triggered to perceive the orders.
By employing specifically designed promptings, such as recency-focused prompting and in-context learning, LLMs can be triggered to perceive the order of historical user behaviors, leading to improved ranking performance.
Sequential [code]
cd llmrank/ # ML-1M python evaluate.py -m Rank -d ml-1m-full # Games python evaluate.py -m Rank -d Games-6k
Recency-Focused [code]
cd llmrank/ # ML-1M python evaluate.py -m RF -d ml-1m-full # Games python evaluate.py -m RF -d Games-6k
In-Context Learning [code]
cd llmrank/ # ML-1M python evaluate.py -m ICL -d ml-1m-full # Games python evaluate.py -m ICL -d Games-6k
cd llmrank/ # ML-1M python evaluate.py -m BM25 -d ml-1m-full # Games python evaluate.py -m BM25 -d Games-6k
from [link], and downloadUniSRec-FHCKM-300.pth
from [link].cd llmrank/ # ML-1M python evaluate.py -m UniSRec -d ml-1m-full -p pretrained_models/UniSRec-FHCKM-300.pth # Games python evaluate.py -m UniSRec -d Games-6k -p pretrained_models/UniSRec-FHCKM-300.pth
from [link], and downloadVQRec-FHCKM-300-20230315.pth
from [link].cd llmrank/ # ML-1M python evaluate.py -m VQRec -d ml-1m-full -p pretrained_models/VQRec-FHCKM-300-20230315.pth # Games python evaluate.py -m VQRec -d Games-6k -p pretrained_models/VQRec-FHCKM-300-20230315.pth
Pre-trained models can be downloaded following the instructions in [downloading pre-trained models].
cd llmrank/ # ML-1M # python run_baseline.py -m BPR -d ml-1m # mv xxx.pth pretrained_models/BPR-ml-1m.pth python evaluate.py -m BPR -d ml-1m-full -p pretrained_models/BPR-ml-1m.pth # Games # python run_baseline.py -m BPR -d Games # mv xxx.pth pretrained_models/BPR-Games.pth python evaluate.py -m BPR -d Games-6k -p pretrained_models/BPR-Games.pth
cd llmrank/ # ML-1M # python run_baseline.py -m Pop -d ml-1m # mv xxx.pth pretrained_models/Pop-ml-1m.pth python evaluate.py -m Pop -d ml-1m-full -p pretrained_models/Pop-ml-1m.pth # Games # python run_baseline.py -m Pop -d Games # mv xxx.pth pretrained_models/Pop-Games.pth python evaluate.py -m Pop -d Games-6k -p pretrained_models/Pop-Games.pth
cd llmrank/ # ML-1M # python run_baseline.py -m SASRec -d ml-1m # mv xxx.pth pretrained_models/SASRec-ml-1m.pth python evaluate.py -m SASRec -d ml-1m-full -p pretrained_models/SASRec-ml-1m.pth # Games # python run_baseline.py -m SASRec -d Games # mv xxx.pth pretrained_models/SASRec-Games.pth python evaluate.py -m SASRec -d Games-6k -p pretrained_models/SASRec-Games.pth