From eece46a290e3c1741bcf4e66938f3d7b4a646542 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jagad Bumi <> Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2024 14:43:51 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 01/11] Continue my translate work --- _raw/locales/id_ID | 2029 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2029 insertions(+) create mode 100644 _raw/locales/id_ID diff --git a/_raw/locales/id_ID b/_raw/locales/id_ID new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..e1b1360d34d --- /dev/null +++ b/_raw/locales/id_ID @@ -0,0 +1,2029 @@ +{ + "page": { + "transactions": { + "title": "Transaksi", + "empty": { + "title": "Tidak ada transaksi", + "desc": " Tidak ada transaksi ditemukan pada <1>jaringan yang didukung" + }, + "explain": { + "approve": "Setujui {{amount}} {{symbol}} untuk {{project}}", + "unknown": "Interaksi Kontrak", + "cancel": "Transaksi tertunda dibatalkan" + }, + "txHistory": { + "tipInputData": "Transaksi dengan menyertakan pesan", + "parseInputDataError": "Gagal mengurai pesan", + "scamToolTip": "Transaksi ini dilakukan oleh penipu dengan mengirimkan token dan NFT palsu. Mohon untuk tidak berinteraksi dengan token dan NFT palsu tersebut." + }, + "modalViewMessage": { + "title": "Tampilkan Pesan" + }, + "filterScam": { + "title": "Sembunyikan transaksi penipuan", + "loading": "Pemuatan memerlukan waktu beberapa saat, dan kemungkinan terjadi penundaan data", + "btn": "Sembunyikan transaksi penipuan" + } + }, + "chainList": { + "title": "{{count}} jaringan yang didukung", + "mainnet": "Jaringan Utama", + "testnet": "Jaringan Uji" + }, + "signTx": { + "nftIn": "NFT masuk", + "gasLimitNotEnough": "Batas gas kurang dari 21000. Transaksi tidak dapat dikirim", + "gasLimitLessThanExpect": "Batas gas rendah. Kemungkinan sebesar 1% transaksi gagal.", + "gasLimitLessThanGasUsed": "Batas gas terlalu rendah. Kemungkinan sebesar 95% transaksi gagal", + "nativeTokenNotEngouthForGas": "Anda tidak mempunyai cukup gas di dompet Anda", + "nonceLowerThanExpect": "Nonce terlalu rendah, nilai minimumnya adalah {{0}}", + "canOnlyUseImportedAddress": "Anda hanya dapat menggunakan alamat yang diimpor untuk menandatangani", + "multiSigChainNotMatch": "Alamat multi-tanda tangan tidak ada dalam jaringan ini dan tidak dapat memulai transaksi", + "safeAddressNotSupportChain": "Alamat yang aman saat ini tidak didukung pada jaringan {{0}}", + "noGasRequired": "Gas tidak dibutuhkan", + "gasSelectorTitle": "Gas", + "failToFetchGasCost": "Gagal mengambil biaya gas", + "gasMoreButton": "Lebih banyak", + "manuallySetGasLimitAlert": "Anda telah mengatur batas Gas secara manual ke", + "gasNotRequireForSafeTransaction": "Biaya gas tidak diperlukan untuk transaksi yang Aman", + "gasPriceTitle": "Biaya Gas (Gwei)", + "maxPriorityFee": "Biaya Prioritas Maksimum (Gwei)", + "eip1559Desc1": "Pada jaringan yang mendukung EIP-1559, Biaya Prioritas adalah tip untuk penambang agar memproses transaksi. Anda dapat menghemat biaya gas akhir dengan menurunkan Biaya Prioritas, yang mungkin membuat transaksi Anda diproses lebih lama.", + "eip1559Desc2": "Di Rabby, Biaya Prioritas (Tip) = Biaya Maksimum - Biaya Dasar. Setelah Anda mengatur Biaya Prioritas Maksimum, Biaya Dasar akan dikurangi dan sisanya akan diberikan kepada penambang.", + "hardwareSupport1559Alert": "Pastikan firmware dompet perangkat keras Anda telah diupgrade ke versi yang mendukung EIP 1559", + "gasLimitTitle": "Batas gas", + "recommendGasLimitTip": "Estimasi {{est}}. Saat ini {{current}}x, yand direkomendasikan ", + "nonceTitle": "Nonce", + "gasLimitModifyOnlyNecessaryAlert": "Modifikasi hanya jika diperlukan", + "gasPriceMedian": "Median dari 100 transaksi terakhir di jaringan: ", + "myNativeTokenBalance": "Saldo {{symbol}} saya: {{amount}} {{symbol}}", + "gasLimitEmptyAlert": "Silakan masukkan batas gas", + "gasLimitMinValueAlert": "Batas gas harus lebih dari 21000", + "balanceChange": { + "successTitle": "Hasil Simulasi", + "failedTitle": "Simulasi Gagal", + "noBalanceChange": "Tidak ada perubahan saldo", + "tokenOut": "Token keluar", + "tokenIn": "Token masuk", + "errorTitle": "Gagal memuat perubahan saldo", + "notSupport": "Simulasi tidak Didukung", + "nftOut": "NFT keluar" + }, + "enoughSafeSigCollected": "Tanda tangan yang dibutuhkan tercukupi", + "moreSafeSigNeeded": "memerlukan {{0}} konfirmasi", + "safeAdminSigned": "Ditandatangani", + "swap": { + "title": "Tukar Token", + "payToken": "Bayar", + "receiveToken": "Terima", + "failLoadReceiveToken": "Gagal memuat", + "valueDiff": "Perbedaan nilai", + "simulationFailed": "Simulasi transaksi gagal", + "simulationNotSupport": "Simulasi transaksi tidak didukung pada jaringan ini", + "minReceive": "Penerimaan Minimum", + "slippageFailToLoad": "Gagal memuat toleransi slippage", + "slippageTolerance": "Slippage toleransi", + "receiver": "Penerima", + "notPaymentAddress": "Bukan alamat pembayaran", + "unknownAddress": "Alamat tidak dikenal" + }, + "crossChain": { + "title": "Lintas Jaringan" + }, + "swapAndCross": { + "title": "Tukar Tokan dan Lintas Jaringan" + }, + "wrapToken": "Bungkus Token", + "unwrap": "Buka Bungkus Token", + "send": { + "title": "Kirim Token", + "sendToken": "Kirim token", + "sendTo": "Kirim ke", + "receiverIsTokenAddress": "Alamat token", + "contractNotOnThisChain": "Alamat kontrak tidak ada di jaringan ini", + "notTopupAddress": "Bukan alamat top up", + "tokenNotSupport": "{{0}} tidak didukung", + "onMyWhitelist": "Ada di daftar putih saya", + "notOnThisChain": "Tidak ada di jaringan ini", + "cexAddress": "Alamat CEX", + "addressBalanceTitle": "Saldo saat ini", + "whitelistTitle": "Daftar Putih", + "notOnWhitelist": "Tidak ada di daftar putih" + }, + "tokenApprove": { + "title": "Token Approval", + "approveToken": "Approve token", + "myBalance": "My balance", + "approveTo": "Approve to", + "eoaAddress": "EOA address", + "trustValueLessThan": "Trust value ≤ {{value}}", + "deployTimeLessThan": "Deployed time < {{value}} days", + "amountPopupTitle": "Amount", + "flagByRabby": "Flagged by Rabby", + "contractTrustValueTip": "Trust value refers to the total token approved and exposed to this contract. A low trust value indicates either risk or inactivity for 180 days." + }, + "revokeTokenApprove": { + "title": "Revoke Token Approval", + "revokeFrom": "Revoke from", + "revokeToken": "Revoke token" + }, + "sendNFT": { + "title": "Send NFT", + "nftNotSupport": "NFT not supported" + }, + "nftApprove": { + "title": "NFT Approval", + "approveNFT": "Approve NFT", + "nftContractTrustValueTip": "Trust value refers to the top NFT approved and exposed to this contract. A low trust value indicates either risk or inactivity for 180 days." + }, + "revokeNFTApprove": { + "title": "Revoke NFT Approval", + "revokeNFT": "Revoke NFT" + }, + "nftCollectionApprove": { + "title": "NFT Collection Approval", + "approveCollection": "Approve collection" + }, + "revokeNFTCollectionApprove": { + "title": "Revoke NFT Collection Approval", + "revokeCollection": "Revoke collection" + }, + "deployContract": { + "title": "Deploy a Contract", + "descriptionTitle": "Description", + "description": "You are deploying a smart contract" + }, + "cancelTx": { + "title": "Cancel Pending Transaction", + "txToBeCanceled": "Transaction to be canceled", + "gasPriceAlert": "Set current gas price more than {{value}} Gwei to cancel the pending transaction" + }, + "submitMultisig": { + "title": "Submit Multisig Transaction", + "multisigAddress": "Multisig address" + }, + "contractCall": { + "title": "Contract Call", + "operation": "Operation", + "operationABIDesc": "Operation is decoded from ABI", + "operationCantDecode": "Operation is not decoded", + "payNativeToken": "Pay {{symbol}}" + }, + "revokePermit2": { + "title": "Revoke Permit2 Token Approval" + }, + "unknownAction": "Unknown Signature Type", + "interactContract": "Interact contract", + "markAsTrust": "Marked as trusted", + "markAsBlock": "Marked as blocked", + "interacted": "Interacted before", + "neverInteracted": "Never interacted before", + "transacted": "Transacted before", + "neverTransacted": "Never transacted before", + "importedAddress": "Imported address", + "fakeTokenAlert": "This is a scam token marked by Rabby", + "scamTokenAlert": "This is potentially a low-quality and scam token based on Rabby's detection", + "trusted": "Trusted", + "blocked": "Blocked", + "noMark": "No mark", + "markRemoved": "Mark removed", + "speedUpTooltip": "This accelerated transaction and the original transaction, only one of which will eventually be completed", + "decodedTooltip": "This signature is decoded by Rabby Wallet", + "signTransactionOnChain": "Sign {{chain}} Transaction", + "viewRaw": "View Raw", + "unknownActionType": "Unknown action type", + "sigCantDecode": "This signature can't be decoded by Rabby Wallet", + "nftCollection": "NFT Collection", + "floorPrice": "Floor price", + "contractAddress": "Contract address", + "protocolTitle": "Protocol", + "deployTimeTitle": "Deployed time", + "popularity": "Popularity", + "contractPopularity": "No.{{0}} on {{1}}", + "addressNote": "Address note", + "myMarkWithContract": "My mark on {{chainName}} contract", + "myMark": "My mark", + "collectionTitle": "Collection", + "addressTypeTitle": "Address type", + "firstOnChain": "First on-chain", + "trustValue": "Trust value", + "importedDelegatedAddress": "Imported delegated address", + "noDelegatedAddress": "No imported delegated address", + "coboSafeNotPermission": "This delegate address does not have permission to initiate this transaction", + "l2GasEstimateTooltip": "The gas estimate for L2 chain does not include the L1 gas fee. The actual fee will be higher than current estimate.", + "BroadcastMode": { + "instant": { + "title": "Instant", + "desc": "Transactions will be immediately broadcast to the network" + }, + "lowGas": { + "title": "Gas-saving", + "desc": "Transactions will be broadcast when network gas is low" + }, + "mev": { + "title": "MEV Guarded", + "desc": "Transactions will be broadcast to the designated MEV node" + }, + "title": "Broadcast Mode", + "tips": { + "walletConnect": "Not supported by WalletConnect", + "notSupportChain": "Not supported on this chain", + "customRPC": "Not supported when using custom RPC", + "notSupported": "Not supported" + }, + "lowGasDeadline": { + "label": "Timeout", + "1h": "1h", + "4h": "4h", + "24h": "24h" + } + }, + "SafeNonceSelector": { + "explain": { + "contractCall": "Contract Call", + "send": "Send Token", + "unknown": "Unknown Transaction" + }, + "optionGroup": { + "recommendTitle": "Recommended nonce", + "replaceTitle": "Replace the transaction in Queue " + }, + "option": { + "new": "New Transaction" + }, + "error": { + "pendingList": "Fail to load pending transactions, <1/><2>Retry" + } + }, + "coboSafeCreate": { + "safeWalletTitle": "Safe{Wallet}", + "descriptionTitle": "Description", + "title": "Create Cobo Safe" + }, + "coboSafeModificationRole": { + "title": "Submit Safe Role Modification", + "safeWalletTitle": "Safe{Wallet}", + "descriptionTitle": "Description" + }, + "coboSafeModificationDelegatedAddress": { + "title": "Submit Delegated Address Modification", + "safeWalletTitle": "Safe{Wallet}", + "descriptionTitle": "Description" + }, + "coboSafeModificationTokenApproval": { + "title": "Submit Token Approval Modification", + "safeWalletTitle": "Safe{Wallet}", + "descriptionTitle": "Description" + }, + "common": { + "description": "Description", + "interactContract": "Interact contract", + "descTipSafe": "Signature does not cause asset change or verify address ownership", + "descTipWarningPrivacy": "Signature may verify address ownership", + "descTipWarningAssets": "Signature may cause asset change", + "descTipWarningBoth": "Signature may cause asset change and verify address ownership" + } + }, + "signFooterBar": { + "requestFrom": "Permintaan dari", + "processRiskAlert": "Please process the alert before signing", + "ignoreAll": "Ignore all", + "gridPlusConnected": "GridPlus is connected", + "gridPlusNotConnected": "GridPlus is not connected", + "connectButton": "Connect", + "connecting": "Connecting...", + "ledgerNotConnected": "Ledger is not connected", + "keystoneNotConnected": "Keystone is not connected", + "keystoneConnected": "Keystone is connected", + "ledgerConnected": "Ledger is connected", + "signAndSubmitButton": "Sign and Create", + "walletConnect": { + "connectedButCantSign": "Connected but unable to sign.", + "switchToCorrectAddress": "Please switch to the correct address in mobile wallet", + "switchChainAlert": "Please switch to {{chain}} in mobile wallet", + "notConnectToMobile": "Not connected to {{brand}}", + "connected": "Connected and ready to sign", + "howToSwitch": "How to switch", + "wrongAddressAlert": "You've switched to a different address on mobile wallet. Please switch to the correct address in mobile wallet", + "connectBeforeSign": "{{0}} is not connected to Rabby, please connect before signing", + "chainSwitched": "You've switched to a different chain on mobile wallet. Please switch to {{0}} in mobile wallet", + "latency": "Latency", + "requestSuccessToast": "Request successfully sent", + "sendingRequest": "Sending signing request", + "signOnYourMobileWallet": "Please sign on your mobile wallet.", + "requestFailedToSend": "Signing request failed to send" + }, + "beginSigning": "Begin signing process", + "addressTip": { + "onekey": "OneKey address", + "trezor": "Trezor address", + "bitbox": "BitBox02 address", + "keystone": "Keystone address", + "airgap": "AirGap address", + "coolwallet": "CoolWallet address", + "privateKey": "Private Key address", + "seedPhrase": "Seed Phrase address", + "watchAddress": "Unable to sign with watch-only address", + "safe": "Safe address", + "coboSafe": "Cobo Argus Address", + "seedPhraseWithPassphrase": "Seed Phrase address (Passphrase)" + }, + "qrcode": { + "signWith": "Sign with {{brand}}", + "failedToGetExplain": "Failed to get explain", + "txFailed": "Fail to create", + "sigReceived": "Signature received", + "sigCompleted": "Transaction created", + "getSig": "Get signature", + "qrcodeDesc": "Scan with your {{brand}} to sign

After signing, click the button below to receive the signature", + "misMatchSignId": "Incongruent transaction data. Please check the transaction details.", + "unknownQRCode": "Error: We couldn't identify that QR code", + "afterSignDesc": "After signing, place the QR code on {{brand}} in front of your PC camera" + }, + "keystone": { + "signWith": "Switch to {{method}} for signing", + "misMatchSignId": "Incongruent transaction data. Please check the transaction details.", + "unsupportedType": "Error: The transaction type is unsupported or unknown.", + "siging": "Sending signing request", + "txRejected": "Transaction rejected", + "shouldRetry": "Some error occurred. Please retry.", + "hardwareRejectError": "Hardware rejects signature", + "mismatchedWalletError": "Mismatched wallet", + "verifyPasswordError": "Signature failure, please try again after unlocking", + "shouldOpenKeystoneHomePageError": "Please open Keystone home page" + }, + "ledger": { + "resent": "Resent", + "signError": "Ledger sign error:", + "notConnected": "Your wallet is not connected. Please re-connect.", + "siging": "Sending signing request", + "txRejected": "Transaction rejected", + "unlockAlert": "Please plug in and unlock your Ledger, open Ethereum on it", + "updateFirmwareAlert": "Please update the firmware and Ethereum App on your Ledger", + "txRejectedByLedger": "Transaction is rejected on your Ledger", + "blindSigTutorial": "Blind Signature Tutorial from Ledger", + "submitting": "Signed. Creating transaction", + "resubmited": "Resubmited" + }, + "common": { + "notSupport": "{{0}} is not supported" + }, + "resend": "Retry", + "submitTx": "Submit Transaction", + "testnet": "Testnet", + "mainnet": "Mainnet", + "cancelTransaction": "Cancel Transaction", + "detectedMultipleRequestsFromThisDapp": "Detected multiple requests from this Dapp", + "cancelCurrentTransaction": "Cancel current transaction", + "cancelAll": "Cancel all {{count}} requests from Dapp", + "blockDappFromSendingRequests": "Block Dapp from sending requests for 1 min", + "cancelConnection": "Cancel connection", + "cancelCurrentConnection": "Cancel current connection", + "imKeyNotConnected": "imKey is not connected", + "imKeyConnected": "imKey is connected" + }, + "signTypedData": { + "signTypeDataOnChain": "Sign {{chain}} Typed Data", + "safeCantSignText": "This is a Safe address, and it cannot be used to sign text.", + "permit": { + "title": "Permit Token Approval" + }, + "permit2": { + "title": "Permit2 Token Approval", + "sigExpireTimeTip": "The duration for this signature to be valid on-chain", + "sigExpireTime": "Signature expire time", + "approvalExpiretime": "Approval expire time" + }, + "swapTokenOrder": { + "title": "Token Order" + }, + "sellNFT": { + "title": "NFT Order", + "receiveToken": "Receive token", + "listNFT": "List NFT", + "specificBuyer": "Specific buyer" + }, + "signMultiSig": { + "title": "Confirm Transaction" + }, + "createKey": { + "title": "Create Key" + }, + "verifyAddress": { + "title": "Verify Address" + }, + "buyNFT": { + "payToken": "Pay token", + "receiveNFT": "Receive NFT", + "expireTime": "Expire time", + "listOn": "List on" + }, + "contractCall": { + "operationDecoded": "Operation is decoded from message" + } + }, + "activities": { + "title": "Signature Record", + "signedTx": { + "label": "Transactions", + "empty": { + "title": "No signed transactions yet", + "desc": "All transactions signed via Rabby will be listed here." + }, + "common": { + "unlimited": "unlimited", + "unknownProtocol": "Unknown protocol", + "unknown": "Unknown", + "speedUp": "Speed up", + "cancel": "Cancel", + "pendingDetail": "Pending detail" + }, + "tips": { + "pendingDetail": "Only one transaction will be completed, and it is almost always the one with the highest gas price", + "canNotCancel": "Cannot speed up or cancel: Not the first pending txn", + "pendingBroadcast": "Gas-saving mode: waiting for lower network fees. Max {{deadline}}h wait.", + "pendingBroadcastBtn": "Broadcast now", + "pendingBroadcastRetry": "Broadcast failed. Last attempt: {{pushAt}}", + "pendingBroadcastRetryBtn": "Re-broadcast" + }, + "status": { + "canceled": "Canceled", + "failed": "Failed", + "submitFailed": "Failed to submit", + "pending": "Pending", + "withdrawed": "Quick cancel", + "pendingBroadcasted": "Pending: broadcasted", + "pendingBroadcast": "Pending: to be broadcasted", + "pendingBroadcastFailed": "Pending: Broadcast failed" + }, + "txType": { + "initial": "Initial tx", + "cancel": "Cancel tx", + "speedUp": "Speed up tx" + }, + "explain": { + "unknown": "Unknown Transaction", + "send": "Send {{amount}} {{symbol}}", + "cancel": "Cancel {{token}} Approve for {{protocol}}", + "approve": "Approve {{count}} {{token}} for {{protocol}}", + "cancelNFTCollectionApproval": "Cancel NFT Collection Approval for {{protocol}}", + "cancelSingleNFTApproval": "Cancel Single NFT Approval for {{protocol}}", + "singleNFTApproval": "Single NFT Approval for {{protocol}}", + "nftCollectionApproval": "NFT Collection Approval for {{protocol}}" + }, + "CancelTxPopup": { + "title": "Cancel transaction", + "options": { + "quickCancel": { + "title": "Quick Cancel", + "desc": "Cancel before broadcasting, no gas fee", + "tips": "Only supported for transactions that haven't broadcast" + }, + "onChainCancel": { + "title": "On-chain Cancel", + "desc": "New transaction to cancel, requires gas" + } + } + }, + "MempoolList": { + "empty": "Not found in any node", + "reBroadcastBtn": "Re-broadcast", + "title": "Appeared in {{count}} RPC nodes" + }, + "message": { + "reBroadcastSuccess": "Re-broadcasted", + "broadcastSuccess": "Broadcasted", + "cancelSuccess": "Canceled" + }, + "gas": { + "noCost": "No Gas cost" + }, + "SkipNonceAlert": { + "alert": "Nonce #{{nonce}} skipped on {{chainName}} chain. This may cause pending transactions ahead. <5> <6>Submit a tx <7> on chain to resolve" + }, + "PredictTime": { + "time": "Predicted to be packed in {{time}}", + "noTime": "Packing time is being predicted", + "failed": "Packing time prediction failed" + } + }, + "signedText": { + "label": "Text", + "empty": { + "title": "No signed texts yet", + "desc": "All texts signed via Rabby will be listed here." + } + } + }, + "receive": { + "title": "Receive {{token}} on {{chain}}", + "watchModeAlert1": "This is a Watch Mode address.", + "watchModeAlert2": "Are you sure to use it to receive assets?" + }, + "sendToken": { + "addressNotInContract": "Not on address list. <1><2>Add to contacts", + "AddToContactsModal": { + "addedAsContacts": "Added as contacts", + "editAddr": { + "placeholder": "Enter Address Note", + "validator__empty": "Please enter address note" + }, + "editAddressNote": "Edit address note", + "error": "Failed to add to contacts" + }, + "allowTransferModal": { + "error": "incorrect password", + "placeholder": "Enter the Password to Confirm", + "validator__empty": "Please input password", + "addWhitelist": "Add to whitelist" + }, + "GasSelector": { + "confirm": "Confirm", + "level": { + "$unknown": "Unknown", + "custom": "Custom", + "fast": "Instant", + "normal": "Fast", + "slow": "Standard" + }, + "popupDesc": "The gas cost will be reserved from the transfer amount based on the gas price you set", + "popupTitle": "Set Gas Price (Gwei)" + }, + "header": { + "title": "Send" + }, + "modalConfirmAddToContacts": { + "confirmText": "Confirm", + "title": "Add to contacts" + }, + "modalConfirmAllowTransferTo": { + "cancelText": "Cancel", + "confirmText": "Confirm", + "title": "Enter the Password to Confirm" + }, + "sectionBalance": { + "title": "Balance" + }, + "sectionChain": { + "title": "Chain" + }, + "sectionFrom": { + "title": "From" + }, + "sectionTo": { + "addrValidator__empty": "Please input address", + "addrValidator__invalid": "This address is invalid", + "searchInputPlaceholder": "Search or enter address", + "title": "To" + }, + "sendButton": "Send", + "tokenInfoFieldLabel": { + "chain": "Chain", + "contract": "Contract Address" + }, + "tokenInfoPrice": "Price", + "whitelistAlert__disabled": "Whitelist disabled. You can transfer to any address.", + "whitelistAlert__notWhitelisted": "The address is not whitelisted. <1 /> I agree to grant temporary permission to transfer.", + "whitelistAlert__temporaryGranted": "Temporary permission granted", + "whitelistAlert__whitelisted": "The address is whitelisted", + "balanceWarn": { + "gasFeeReservation": "Gas fee reservation required" + }, + "balanceError": { + "insufficientBalance": "Insufficient balance" + }, + "max": "MAX", + "sectionMsgDataForEOA": { + "placeholder": "Optional", + "title": "Message", + "currentIsOriginal": "The current input is Original Data. UTF-8 is:", + "currentIsUTF8": "The current input is UTF-8. Original Data is:" + }, + "sectionMsgDataForContract": { + "placeholder": "Optional", + "title": "Contract call", + "parseError": "Fail to decode contract call", + "simulation": "Contract call simulation:", + "notHexData": "Only supported hex data" + } + }, + "sendTokenComponents": { + "GasReserved": "Reserved <1>0 {{ tokenName }} for gas cost" + }, + "sendNFT": { + "header": { + "title": "Send" + }, + "sectionChain": { + "title": "Chain" + }, + "sectionFrom": { + "title": "From" + }, + "sectionTo": { + "title": "To", + "addrValidator__empty": "Please input address", + "addrValidator__invalid": "This address is invalid", + "searchInputPlaceholder": "Search or enter address" + }, + "nftInfoFieldLabel": { + "Collection": "Collection", + "Contract": "Contract", + "sendAmount": "Send Amount" + }, + "sendButton": "Send", + "whitelistAlert__disabled": "Whitelist disabled. You can transfer to any address.", + "whitelistAlert__whitelisted": "The address is whitelisted", + "whitelistAlert__temporaryGranted": "Temporary permission granted", + "whitelistAlert__notWhitelisted": "The address is not whitelisted. <1 /> I agree to grant temporary permission to transfer.", + "tipNotOnAddressList": "Not on address list.", + "tipAddToContacts": "Add to contacts", + "confirmModal": { + "title": "Enter the Password to Confirm" + } + }, + "approvals": { + "header": { + "title": "Approvals on {{ address }}" + }, + "tab-switch": { + "contract": "By Contracts", + "assets": "By Assets" + }, + "component": { + "table": { + "bodyEmpty": { + "loadingText": "Loading...", + "noMatchText": "No Match" + } + }, + "ApprovalContractItem": { + "ApprovalCount_one": "Approval", + "ApprovalCount_other": "Approvals" + }, + "RevokeButton": { + "btnText_zero": "Revoke", + "btnText_one": "Revoke ({{count}})", + "btnText_other": "Revoke ({{count}})" + }, + "ViewMore": { + "text": "View more" + } + }, + "search": { + "placeholder": "Search {{ type }} by name/address" + }, + "tableConfig": { + "byContracts": { + "columnTitle": { + "contract": "Contract", + "contractTrustValue": "Contract Trust value", + "revokeTrends": "24h Revoke Trends", + "myApprovedAssets": "My Approved Assets", + "myApprovalTime": "My Approval Time" + }, + "columnTip": { + "contractTrustValue": "Trust value refers to the total asset value approved and exposed to this contract. A low trust value indicates either risk or inactivity for 180 days.", + "contractTrustValueWarning": "The contract trust value < $100,000", + "contractTrustValueDanger": "The contract trust value < $10,000" + } + }, + "byAssets": { + "columnTitle": { + "asset": "Asset", + "type": "Type", + "approvedAmount": "Approved Amount", + "approvedSpender": "Approved Spender", + "myApprovalTime": "My Approval Time" + }, + "columnCell": { + "approvedAmount": { + "tipApprovedAmount": "Approved Amount", + "tipMyBalance": "My Balance" + } + } + } + }, + "RevokeApprovalModal": { + "subTitleTokenAndNFT": "Approved Token and NFT", + "subTitleContract": "Approved to the following Contracts", + "selectAll": "Select All", + "confirm": "Confirm {{ selectedCount }}", + "title": "Approvals" + } + }, + "gasTopUp": { + "title": "Instant Gas Top Up", + "description": "Top up gas by sending us available tokens on another chain. Instant transfer as soon as your payment is confirmed, without waiting for it to be irreversible.", + "topUpChain": "Top Up Chain", + "Amount": "Amount", + "Continue": "Continue", + "InsufficientBalance": "There is not enough balance in Rabby's contract address for the current chain. Please try again later.", + "hightGasFees": "This top up amount is too small because the target network requires high gas fees.", + "No_Tokens": "No Tokens", + "InsufficientBalanceTips": "Insufficient balance", + "payment": "Gas Top Up Payment", + "Loading_Tokens": "Loading Tokens...", + "Including-service-fee": "Including {{fee}} service fee", + "service-fee-tip": "By providing the service for Gas Top Up, Rabby has to bear the loss of token fluctuation and the gas fee for the top up. Therefore a 20% service fee is charged.", + "Confirm": "Confirm", + "Select-from-supported-tokens": "Select from supported tokens", + "Value": "Value", + "Payment-Token": "Payment Token", + "Select-payment-token": "Select payment token", + "Token": "Token", + "Balance": "Balance" + }, + "swap": { + "title": "Swap", + "pendingTip": "Tx submitted. If the tx is pending for long hours, you can try to clear pending in settings.", + "Pending": "Pending", + "completedTip": "Transaction on chain, decoding data to generate record", + "Completed": "Completed", + "slippage_tolerance": "Slippage tolerance:", + "actual-slippage": "Actual Slippage:", + "gas-x-price": "Gas price: {{price}} Gwei.", + "no-transaction-records": "No transaction records", + "swap-history": "Swap history", + "InSufficientTip": "Insufficient balance to do transaction simulation and gas estimation. Original aggregator quotes are displayed", + "testnet-is-not-supported": "Testnet is not supported", + "not-supported": "Not supported", + "slippage-adjusted-refresh-quote": "Slippage adjusted. Refresh quote.", + "price-expired-refresh-quote": "Price expired. Refresh quote.", + "approve-x-symbol": "Approve {{symbol}}", + "swap-via-x": "Swap via {{name}}", + "get-quotes": "Get quotes", + "chain": "Chain", + "swap-from": "Swap from", + "to": "To", + "search-by-name-address": "Search by Name / Address", + "amount-in": "Amount in {{symbol}}", + "unlimited-allowance": "Unlimited allowance", + "insufficient-balance": "Insufficient balance", + "rabby-fee": "Rabby fee", + "preferMEV": "Prefer MEV Guarded", + "preferMEVTip": "Enable \"MEV Guarded\" feature for Ethereum swaps to reduce sandwich attack risks. Note: this feature is not supported if you use a custom RPC or wallet connect address", + "minimum-received": "Minimum received", + "there-is-no-fee-and-slippage-for-this-trade": "There is no slippage for this trade", + "approve-tips": "1.Approve → 2.Swap", + "best": "Best", + "unable-to-fetch-the-price": "Unable to fetch the price", + "fail-to-simulate-transaction": "Fail to simulate transaction", + "security-verification-failed": "Security verification failed", + "need-to-approve-token-before-swap": "Need to approve token before swap", + "this-exchange-is-not-enabled-to-trade-by-you": "This exchange is not enabled to trade by you.", + "enable-it": "Enable it", + "this-token-pair-is-not-supported": "Token pair is not supported", + "QuoteLessWarning": "The receiving amount is estimated from Rabby transaction simulation. The offer provided by dex is {{receive}}. You'll receive {{diff}} less than the expected offer.", + "by-transaction-simulation-the-quote-is-valid": "By transaction simulation, the quote is valid", + "wrap-contract": "Wrap Contract", + "directlySwap": "Wrapping {{symbol}} tokens directly with the smart contract", + "rates-from-cex": "Rates from CEX", + "edit": "Edit", + "tradingSettingTips": "{{viewCount}} exchanges offer quotes, and {{tradeCount}} enable trading", + "the-following-swap-rates-are-found": "Found following swap rates", + "sort-with-gas": "Sort with gas", + "est-payment": "Est. Payment:", + "est-receiving": "Est. Receiving:", + "est-difference": "Est. Difference:", + "selected-offer-differs-greatly-from-current-rate-may-cause-big-losses": "Selected offer differs greatly from current rate, may cause big losses", + "rate": "Rate", + "low-slippage-may-cause-failed-transactions-due-to-high-volatility": "Low slippage may cause failed transactions due to high volatility", + "transaction-might-be-frontrun-because-of-high-slippage-tolerance": "Transaction might be frontrun because of high slippage tolerance", + "recommend-slippage": "To prevent front-running, we recommend a slippage of <2>{{ slippage }}%", + "slippage-tolerance": "Slippage tolerance", + "select-token": "Select Token", + "enable-exchanges": "Enable Exchanges", + "exchanges": "Exchanges", + "view-quotes": "View quotes", + "trade": "Trade", + "dex": "Dex", + "cex": "Cex", + "enable-trading": "Enable Trading", + "i-understand-and-accept-it": "I understand and accept it", + "confirm": "Confirm", + "tradingSettingTip1": "1. Once enabled, you will interact with the contract from the exchange directly", + "tradingSettingTip2": "2. Rabby is not liable for any risks arising from the contract of the exchanges", + "gas-fee": "GasFee: {{gasUsed}}", + "estimate": "Estimate:", + "actual": "Actual:" + }, + "manageAddress": { + "no-address": "No address", + "no-match": "No match", + "current-address": "Current Address", + "address-management": "Address Management", + "update-balance-data": "Update balance data", + "search": "Search", + "manage-address": "Manage Address", + "deleted": "Deleted", + "whitelisted-address": "Whitelisted address", + "addressTypeTip": "Imported by {{type}}", + "delete-desc": "Before you delete, keep the following points in mind to understand how to protect your assets.", + "delete-checklist-1": "I understand that if I delete this address, the corresponding Private Key & Seed Phrase of this address will be deleted and Rabby will NOT be able to recover it.", + "delete-checklist-2": "I confirm that I have backuped the private key or Seed Phrase and I'm ready to delete it now.", + "confirm": "Confirm", + "cancel": "Cancel", + "delete-private-key-modal-title_one": "Delete {{count}} private key address", + "delete-private-key-modal-title_other": "Delete {{count}} private key addresses", + "delete-seed-phrase-title_one": "Delete seed phrase and its {{count}} address", + "delete-seed-phrase-title_other": "Delete seed phrase and its {{count}} addresses", + "delete-title_one": "Delete {{count}} {{brand}} address", + "delete-title_other": "Delete {{count}} {{brand}} addresses", + "delete-empty-seed-phrase": "Delete seed phrase and its 0 address", + "hd-path": "HD path:", + "no-address-under-seed-phrase": "You haven't imported any addresses under this seed phrase.", + "add-address": "Add address", + "delete-seed-phrase": "Delete seed phrase", + "confirm-delete": "Confirm Delete", + "private-key": "Private Key", + "seed-phrase": "Seed Phrase", + "watch-address": "Watch Address", + "backup-seed-phrase": "Backup Seed Phrase", + "delete-all-addresses-but-keep-the-seed-phrase": "Delete all addresses, but keep the seed phrase", + "delete-all-addresses-and-the-seed-phrase": "Delete all addresses and the seed phrase", + "seed-phrase-delete-title": "Delete seed phrase?", + "sort-by-balance": "Sort by balance", + "sort-by-address-type": "Sort by address type", + "sort-by-address-note": "Sort by address note", + "sort-address": "Sort Address", + "enterThePassphrase": "Enter the Passphrase", + "enterPassphraseTitle": "Enter Passphrase to Sign", + "passphraseError": "Passphrase invalid" + }, + "dashboard": { + "home": { + "offline": "The network is disconnected and no data is obtained", + "panel": { + "swap": "Swap", + "send": "Send", + "receive": "Receive", + "gasTopUp": "Gas Top Up", + "queue": "Queue", + "transactions": "Transactions", + "approvals": "Approvals", + "feedback": "Feedback", + "rabbyPoints": "Rabby Points", + "more": "More", + "manageAddress": "Manage Address", + "nft": "NFT" + }, + "comingSoon": "Coming soon", + "soon": "Soon", + "refreshTheWebPageToTakeEffect": "Refresh the web page to take effect", + "rabbyIsInUseAndMetamaskIsBanned": "Rabby is in use and Metamask is banned", + "flip": "Flip", + "metamaskIsInUseAndRabbyIsBanned": "MetaMask is in use and Rabby is banned", + "transactionNeedsToSign": "transaction needs to sign", + "transactionsNeedToSign": "transactions need to sign", + "view": "View", + "viewFirstOne": "View first one", + "rejectAll": "Reject All", + "pendingCount": "1 Pending", + "pendingCountPlural": "{{countStr}} Pendings", + "queue": { + "title": "Queue", + "count": "{{count}} in" + }, + "whatsNew": "What's new", + "importType": "Imported by {{type}}", + "missingDataTooltip": "Balance may not be updated due to current network issues with {{text}}.", + "chain": " chain, ", + "chainEnd": " chain" + }, + "recentConnection": { + "disconnected": "Disconnected", + "rpcUnavailable": "The custom RPC is unavailable", + "metamaskTooltip": "You prefer to use MetaMask with this dapp. Update this settings anytime in Settings > MetaMask Preferred Dapps", + "connected": "Connected", + "notConnected": "Not connected", + "connectedDapp": "Rabby is not connected to the current Dapp.To connect, find and click the connect button on the Dapp’s webpage.", + "noDappFound": "No Dapp found", + "disconnectAll": "Disconnect All", + "disconnectRecentlyUsed": { + "title_one": "Disconnect {{count}} connected Dapp", + "title_other": "Disconnect {{count}} connected Dapps", + "description": "Pinned DApps will remain connected" + }, + "title": "Connected Dapp", + "pinned": "Pinned", + "noPinnedDapps": "No pinned dapps", + "dragToSort": "Drag to sort", + "recentlyConnected": "Recently connected", + "noRecentlyConnectedDapps": "No recently connected Dapps", + "noConnectedDapps": "No connected Dapps", + "dapps": "Dapps" + }, + "feedback": { + "directMessage": { + "content": "Direct Message", + "description": "Chat with Rabby Wallet Official on DeBank" + }, + "proposal": { + "content": "Proposal", + "description": "Submit a proposal for Rabby Wallet on DeBank" + }, + "title": "Feedback" + }, + "nft": { + "empty": "No NFTs found in supported Collections", + "collectionList": { + "collections": { + "label": "Collections" + }, + "all_nfts": { + "label": "All NFTs" + } + }, + "listEmpty": "You haven't gotten any NFT yet", + "modal": { + "collection": "Collection", + "chain": "Chain", + "lastPrice": "Last Price", + "purchaseDate": "Purchase Date", + "sendTooltip": "Only ERC 721 and ERC 1155 NFTs are supported for now", + "send": "Send" + } + }, + "rabbyBadge": { + "imageLabel": "rabby badge", + "title": "Claim Rabby Badge for", + "enterClaimCode": "Enter claim code", + "swapTip": "You need to complete a swap with notable dex within Rabby Wallet first.", + "goToSwap": "Go to Swap", + "claim": "Claim", + "viewYourClaimCode": "View your claim code", + "noCode": "You haven’t activated claim code for this address", + "learnMoreOnDebank": "Learn more on DeBank", + "rabbyValuedUserNo": "Rabby Valued User No.{{num}}", + "claimSuccess": "Claim Success", + "viewOnDebank": "View on DeBank" + }, + "contacts": { + "noDataLabel": "no data", + "noData": "No data", + "oldContactList": "Old Contact List", + "oldContactListDescription": "Because of the merging of contacts and watch model addresses, the old contacts will be backed up for you here and after some time we will delete the list.Please add in time if you continue to use." + }, + "security": { + "tokenApproval": "Token Approval", + "nftApproval": "NFT Approval", + "comingSoon": "More features coming soon", + "title": "Security" + }, + "settings": { + "lock": { + "never": "Never" + }, + "7Days": "7 days", + "1Day": "1 day", + "4Hours": "4 hours", + "1Hour": "1 hour", + "10Minutes": "10 minutes", + "backendServiceUrl": "Backend Service URL", + "inputOpenapiHost": "Please input openapi host", + "pleaseCheckYourHost": "Please check your host", + "host": "Host", + "reset": "Restore initial setting", + "save": "Save", + "pendingTransactionCleared": "Pending transaction cleared", + "clearPending": "Clear Pending", + "clearPendingTip1": "This will clear all your pending transactions. This can help you solve the problem that in some cases the state of the transaction in Rabby does not match the state on-chain.", + "clearPendingTip2": "This will not change the balances in your accounts or require you to re-enter your seed phrase. All your assets and accounts information will remain secure.", + "autoLockTime": "Auto lock time", + "claimRabbyBadge": "Claim Rabby Badge!", + "cancel": "Cancel", + "enableWhitelist": "Enable Whitelist", + "disableWhitelist": "Disable Whitelist", + "enableWhitelistTip": "Once enabled, you can only send assets to the addresses in the whitelist using Rabby.", + "disableWhitelistTip": "You can send assets to any address once disabled", + "warning": "Warning", + "clearWatchAddressContent": "Do you make sure to delete all Watch Mode address?", + "updateVersion": { + "content": "A new update for Rabby Wallet is available. Click to check how to update manually.", + "okText": "See Tutorial", + "successTip": "You are using the latest version", + "title": "Update Available" + }, + "features": { + "label": "Features", + "lockWallet": "Lock Wallet", + "signatureRecord": "Signature Record", + "manageAddress": "Manage Address", + "connectedDapp": "Connected Dapp" + }, + "settings": { + "label": "Settings", + "enableWhitelistForSendingAssets": "Enable Whitelist For Sending Assets", + "customRpc": "Custom RPC", + "metamaskPreferredDapps": "MetaMask Preferred Dapps", + "currentLanguage": "Current Language", + "enableTestnets": "Enable Testnets", + "toggleThemeMode": "Theme Mode", + "themeMode": "Theme Mode" + }, + "aboutUs": "About us", + "currentVersion": "Current Version", + "updateAvailable": "Update Available", + "supportedChains": "Supported Chains", + "followUs": "Follow Us", + "testnetBackendServiceUrl": "Testnet Backend Service URL", + "clearWatchMode": "Clear Watch Mode", + "requestDeBankTestnetGasToken": "Request DeBank Testnet Gas Token" + }, + "tokenDetail": { + "blockedTip": "Blocked token will not be shown in token list", + "blocked": "Blocked", + "selectedCustom": "Token is not listed by Rabby. You've added it to the token list by custom.", + "notSelectedCustom": "Token is not listed by Rabby. It will be added to the token list if you switch on.", + "customized": "Customized", + "scamTx": "Scam tx", + "txFailed": "Failed", + "notSupported": "The token on this chain is not supported", + "swap": "Swap", + "send": "Send", + "receive": "Receive", + "noTransactions": "No Transactions", + "customizedButton": "customized", + "blockedButton": "blocked" + }, + "assets": { + "usdValue": "USD VALUE", + "amount": "AMOUNT", + "portfolio": { + "nftTips": "Calculated based on the floor price recognized by this protocol.", + "fractionTips": "Calculate based on the price of the linked ERC20 token." + }, + "tokenButton": { + "subTitle": "The token in this list will not be added to total balance" + }, + "table": { + "assetAmount": "Asset / Amount", + "price": "Price", + "useValue": "USD Value", + "healthRate": "Health rate", + "debtRatio": "Debt Ratio", + "unlockAt": "Unlock at", + "lentAgainst": "LENT AGAINST", + "type": "Type", + "strikePrice": "Strike price", + "exerciseEnd": "Exercise end", + "tradePair": "Trade pair", + "side": "Side", + "leverage": "Leverage", + "PL": "P&L", + "unsupportedPoolType": "Unsupported pool type", + "claimable": "Claimable", + "endAt": "End at", + "dailyUnlock": "Daily unlock", + "pool": "POOL", + "token": "Token", + "balanceValue": "Balance / Value", + "percent": "Percent", + "summaryTips": "Asset value divided by total net worth", + "summaryDescription": "All assets in protocols (e.g. LP tokens) are resolved to the underlying assets for statistical calculations", + "noMatch": "No Match", + "lowValueDescription": "Low value assets will be shown here", + "lowValueAssets": "{{count}} low value assets" + }, + "noAssets": "No assets", + "blockLinkText": "Search address to block token", + "blockDescription": "Token blocked by you will be shown here", + "unfoldChain": "Unfold 1 chain", + "unfoldChainPlural": "Unfold {{moreLen}} chains", + "customLinkText": "Search address to add custom token", + "customDescription": "Custom token added by you will be shown here", + "comingSoon": "Coming Soon...", + "searchPlaceholder": "Tokens" + }, + "hd": { + "howToConnectLedger": "How to Connect Ledger", + "howToConnectKeystone": "How to Connect Keystone", + "userRejectedTheRequest": "User rejected the request.", + "ledger": { + "doc1": "Plug in a single Ledger", + "doc2": "Enter pin to unlock", + "doc3": "Open Ethereum App", + "reconnect": "If it doesn't work, please try <1>reconnecting from the beginning." + }, + "keystone": { + "title": "*USB connect only for Keystone 3(Pro)", + "doc1": "Plug in a single Keystone", + "doc2": "Enter password to unlock", + "doc3": "Approve connection to computer", + "reconnect": "If it doesn't work, please try <1>reconnecting from the beginning." + }, + "howToSwitch": "How to switch", + "imkey": { + "doc1": "Plug in a single imKey", + "doc2": "Enter pin to unlock" + }, + "howToConnectImKey": "How to Connect imKey" + }, + "GnosisWrongChainAlertBar": { + "warning": "Safe address does not support {{chain}}" + } + }, + "nft": { + "floorPrice": "/ Floor Price:", + "title": "NFT", + "all": "All", + "starred": "Starred ({{count}})", + "empty": { + "title": "No Starred NFT", + "description": "You can select NFT from \"All\" and add to \"Starred\"" + }, + "noNft": "No NFT" + }, + "newAddress": { + "title": "Add an Address", + "importSeedPhrase": "Import Seed Phrase", + "importPrivateKey": "Import Private Key", + "importMyMetamaskAccount": "Import My MetaMask Account", + "addContacts": { + "content": "Add Contacts", + "description": "You can also use it as a watch-only address", + "required": "Please input address", + "notAValidAddress": "Not a valid address", + "scanViaMobileWallet": "Scan via mobile wallet", + "scanViaPcCamera": "Scan via PC camera", + "scanQRCode": "Scan QR codes with WalletConnect-compatible wallets", + "walletConnect": "Wallet connect", + "walletConnectVPN": "WalletConnect will be unstable if you use VPN.", + "cameraTitle": "Please scan the QR code with your camera", + "addressEns": "Address / ENS" + }, + "unableToImport": { + "title": "Unable to import", + "description": "Importing multiple QR-based hardware wallets is not supported. Please delete all addresses from {{0}} before importing another device." + }, + "connectHardwareWallets": "Connect Hardware Wallets", + "connectMobileWalletApps": "Connect Mobile Wallet Apps", + "connectInstitutionalWallets": "Connect Institutional Wallets", + "createNewSeedPhrase": "Create New Seed Phrase", + "importKeystore": "Import KeyStore", + "selectImportMethod": "Select Import Method", + "theSeedPhraseIsInvalidPleaseCheck": "The seed phrase is invalid, please check!", + "seedPhrase": { + "importTips": "You can paste your entire secret recovery phrase in 1st field", + "whatIsASeedPhrase": { + "question": "What is a Seed Phrase?", + "answer": "A 12, 18, or 24-word phrase used to control your assets." + }, + "isItSafeToImportItInRabby": { + "question": "Is it safe to import it in Rabby?", + "answer": "Yes, it will be stored locally on your browser and only accessible to you." + }, + "importError": "[CreateMnemonics] unexpected step {{0}}", + "importQuestion1": "If I lose my seed phrase, my assets will be lost forever.", + "importQuestion2": "If I share my seed phrase with others, my assets will be stolen.", + "importQuestion3": "The seed phrase is only stored on my computer, and Rabby has no access to it.", + "importQuestion4": "If I uninstall Rabby without backing up the seed phrase, Rabby cannot retrieve it for me.", + "riskTips": "Before you start, please read and keep the following security tips in mind.", + "showSeedPhrase": "Show Seed Phrase", + "backup": "Backup Seed Phrase", + "backupTips": "Make sure no one else is watching your screen when you back up the seed phrase", + "copy": "Copy seed phrase", + "saved": "I've Saved the Phrase", + "pleaseSelectWords": "Please select words", + "verificationFailed": "Verification failed", + "createdSuccessfully": "Created Successfully", + "verifySeedPhrase": "Verify Seed Phrase", + "fillInTheBackupSeedPhraseInOrder": "Fill in the backup seed phrase in order", + "wordPhrase": "I have a <1>{{count}}-word phrase", + "wordPhraseAndPassphrase": "I have a <1>{{count}}-word phrase with Passphrase", + "clearAll": "Clear All", + "pastedAndClear": "Pasted and clipboard cleared", + "invalidContent": "Invalid content", + "inputInvalidCount_one": "1 input do not conform to Seed Phrase norms, please check.", + "inputInvalidCount_other": "{{count}} inputs do not conform to Seed Phrase norms, please check.", + "passphrase": "Passphrase" + }, + "metamask": { + "step1": " Export seed phrase or private key from MetaMask
<1>Click to view tutorial <1/>", + "step2": "Import the seed phrase or private key in Rabby", + "step3": "Import is completed and all your assets will
appear automatically", + "how": "How to import my MetaMask Account?", + "step": "Step", + "importSeedPhrase": "Import the seed phrase or private key", + "importSeedPhraseTips": "It will only be stored locally on the browser. Rabby will never have access to your private information.", + "tips": "Tips:", + "tipsDesc": "Your seed phrase/private key does not belong to MetaMask or any specific wallet; it only belongs to you." + }, + "privateKey": { + "required": "Please input Private key", + "placeholder": "Enter your Private key", + "whatIsAPrivateKey": { + "question": "What is a private key?", + "answer": "A string of letters and numbers used to control your assets." + }, + "isItSafeToImportItInRabby": { + "question": "Is it safe to import it in Rabby?", + "answer": "Yes, it will be stored locally on your browser and only accessible to you." + }, + "isItPossibleToImportKeystore": { + "question": "Is it possible to import KeyStore?", + "answer": "Yes, you can <1> import KeyStore here." + }, + "notAValidPrivateKey": "Not a valid private key" + }, + "importedSuccessfully": "Imported Successfully", + "ledger": { + "title": "Connect Ledger", + "cameraPermissionTitle": "Allow Rabby to access the camera", + "cameraPermission1": "Allow Rabby to access the camera in the browser pop-up", + "allowRabbyPermissionsTitle": "Allow Rabby permissions to:", + "ledgerPermission1": "Connect to an HID device", + "ledgerPermissionTip": "Please click \"Allow\" below and authorize access to your Ledger in the following pop-up window.", + "permissionsAuthorized": "Permissions Authorized", + "nowYouCanReInitiateYourTransaction": "Now you can re-initiate your transaction.", + "allow": "Allow" + }, + "keystone": { + "title": "Connect Keystone", + "allowRabbyPermissionsTitle": "Allow Rabby permissions to:", + "keystonePermission1": "Connect to an USB device", + "keystonePermissionTip": "Please click \"Allow\" below and authorize access to your Keystone in the following pop-up window.", + "noDeviceFoundError": "Plug in a single Keystone", + "deviceIsLockedError": "Enter password to unlock", + "deviceRejectedExportAddress": "Approve connection to Rabby", + "deviceIsBusy": "Device is busy", + "exportAddressJustAllowedOnHomePage": "Export address just allowed on home page", + "unknowError": "Unknown error, please try again" + }, + "walletConnect": { + "connectYour": "Connect your", + "viaWalletConnect": "via Wallet Connect", + "connectedSuccessfully": "Connected successfully", + "qrCodeError": "Please check your network or refresh the QR code", + "qrCode": "QR code", + "url": "URL", + "changeBridgeServer": "Change bridge server", + "status": { + "received": "Scan successful. Waiting to be confirmed", + "rejected": "Connection canceled. Please scan the QR code to retry.", + "brandError": "Wrong wallet app.", + "brandErrorDesc": "Please use {{brandName}} to connect", + "accountError": "Address not match.", + "accountErrorDesc": "Please switch address in your mobile wallet", + "connected": "Connected", + "duplicate": "The address you're are trying to import is duplicate", + "default": "Scan with your {{brand}}" + }, + "title": "Connect with {{brandName}}", + "disconnected": "Disconnected", + "accountError": {}, + "tip": { + "accountError": { + "tip1": "Connected but unable to sign.", + "tip2": "Please switch to the correct address in mobile wallet" + }, + "disconnected": { + "tip": "Not connected to {{brandName}}" + }, + "connected": { + "tip": "Connected to {{brandName}}" + } + }, + "button": { + "disconnect": "Disconnect", + "connect": "Connect", + "howToSwitch": "How to switch" + } + }, + "hd": { + "tooltip": { + "removed": "The address is removed from Rabby", + "added": "The address is added to Rabby", + "connectError": "Connect has stopped. Please refresh the page to connect again.", + "disconnected": "Unable to connect to Hardware wallet. Please try to re-connect." + }, + "waiting": "Waiting", + "clickToGetInfo": "Click to get the information on-chain", + "addToRabby": "Add to Rabby", + "basicInformation": "Basic information", + "addresses": "Addresses", + "loadingAddress": "Loading {{0}}/{{1}} addresses", + "notes": "Notes", + "getOnChainInformation": "Get on-chain information", + "hideOnChainInformation": "Hide on-chain information", + "usedChains": "Used chains", + "firstTransactionTime": "First transaction time", + "balance": "Balance", + "ledger": { + "hdPathType": { + "ledgerLive": "Ledger Live: Ledger official HD path. In the first 3 addresses, there are addresses used on-chain.", + "bip44": "BIP44 Standard: HDpath defined by the BIP44 protocol. In the first 3 addresses, there are addresses used on-chain.", + "legacy": "Legacy: HD path used by MEW / Mycrypto. In the first 3 addresses, there are addresses used on-chain." + }, + "hdPathTypeNoChain": { + "ledgerLive": "Ledger Live: Ledger official HD path. In the first 3 addresses, there are no addresses used on-chain.", + "bip44": "BIP44 Standard: HD path defined by the BIP44 protocol. In the first 3 addresses, there are no addresses used on-chain.", + "legacy": "Legacy: HD path used by MEW / Mycrypto. In the first 3 addresses, there are no addresses used on-chain." + } + }, + "trezor": { + "hdPathType": { + "bip44": "BIP44: HDpath defined by the BIP44 protocol." + }, + "hdPathTypeNoChain": { + "bip44": "BIP44: HDpath defined by the BIP44 protocol." + }, + "message": { + "disconnected": "{{0}}Connect has stopped. Please refresh the page to connect again." + } + }, + "onekey": { + "hdPathType": { + "bip44": "BIP44: HDpath defined by the BIP44 protocol." + }, + "hdPathTypeNoChain": { + "bip44": "BIP44: HDpath defined by the BIP44 protocol." + } + }, + "mnemonic": { + "hdPathType": { + "default": "Default: The Default HD path for importing a seed phrase is used.", + "bip44": "BIP44 Standard: HDpath defined by the BIP44 protocol.", + "ledgerLive": "Ledger Live: Ledger official HD path.", + "legacy": "Legacy: HD path used by MEW / Mycrypto." + }, + "hdPathTypeNoChain": { + "default": "Default: The Default HD path for importing a seed phrase is used." + } + }, + "gridplus": { + "hdPathType": { + "ledgerLive": "Ledger Live: Ledger official HD path. In the first 3 addresses, there are addresses used on-chain.", + "bip44": "BIP44 Standard: HDpath defined by the BIP44 protocol. In the first 3 addresses, there are addresses used on-chain.", + "legacy": "Legacy: HD path used by MEW / Mycrypto. In the first 3 addresses, there are addresses used on-chain." + }, + "hdPathTypeNochain": { + "ledgerLive": "Ledger Live: Ledger official HD path. In the first 3 addresses, there are no addresses used on-chain.", + "bip44": "BIP44 Standard: HD path defined by the BIP44 protocol. In the first 3 addresses, there are no addresses used on-chain.", + "legacy": "Legacy: HD path used by MEW / Mycrypto. In the first 3 addresses, there are no addresses used on-chain." + }, + "switch": { + "title": "Switch to a new GridPlus device", + "content": "It's not supported to import multiple GridPlus devices If you switch to a new GridPlus device, the current device's address list will be removed before starting the import process." + }, + "switchToAnotherGridplus": "Switch to another GridPlus" + }, + "keystone": { + "hdPathType": { + "bip44": "BIP44: HDpath defined by the BIP44 protocol.", + "ledgerLive": "Ledger Live: Ledger official HD path. You can only manage 10 addresses with Ledger Live path.", + "legacy": "Legacy: HD path used by MEW / Mycrypto." + }, + "hdPathTypeNochain": { + "bip44": "BIP44: HDpath defined by the BIP44 protocol.", + "ledgerLive": "Ledger Live: Ledger official HD path. You can only manage 10 addresses with Ledger Live path.", + "legacy": "Legacy: HD path used by MEW / Mycrypto." + } + }, + "bitbox02": { + "hdPathType": { + "bip44": "BIP44: HDpath defined by the BIP44 protocol." + }, + "hdPathTypeNoChain": { + "bip44": "BIP44: HDpath defined by the BIP44 protocol." + }, + "disconnected": "Cannot connect to BitBox02. Please refresh the page to connect again. Reason: {{0}}" + }, + "selectHdPath": "Select HD path:", + "selectIndexTip": "Select the serial number of addresses to start from:", + "manageAddressFrom": "Manage address from {{0}} to {{1}}", + "advancedSettings": "Advanced Settings", + "customAddressHdPath": "Custom Address HD path", + "connectedToLedger": "Connected to Ledger", + "connectedToTrezor": "Connected to Trezor", + "connectedToOnekey": "Connected to OneKey", + "manageSeedPhrase": "Manage Seed Phrase", + "manageGridplus": "Manage GridPlus", + "manageKeystone": "Manage Keystone", + "manageAirgap": "Manage AirGap", + "manageImtokenOffline": "Manage imToken", + "manageCoolwallet": "Manage CoolWallet", + "manageBitbox02": "Manage BitBox02", + "done": "Done", + "addressesIn": "Addresses in {{0}}", + "addressesInRabby": "Addresses in Rabby{{0}}", + "qrCode": { + "switch": { + "title": "Switch to a new {{0}} device", + "content": "It's not supported to import multiple {{0}} devices If you switch to a new {{0}} device, the current device's address list will be removed before starting the import process." + }, + "switchAnother": "Switch to another {{0}}" + }, + "manageImKey": "Manage imKey" + }, + "importYourKeystore": "Import Your KeyStore", + "incorrectPassword": "incorrect password", + "keystore": { + "description": "Select the keystore file you want to import and enter the corresponding password", + "password": { + "required": "Please input Password", + "placeholder": "Password" + } + }, + "coboSafe": { + "inputSafeModuleAddress": "Input Safe Module address", + "invalidAddress": "Invalid address", + "whichChainIsYourCoboAddressOn": "Which chain is your cobo address on", + "addCoboArgusAddress": "Add Cobo Argus address", + "findTheAssociatedSafeAddress": "Find the associated safe address", + "import": "Import" + }, + "imkey": { + "title": "Connect imKey" + } + }, + "unlock": { + "btn": { + "unlock": "Unlock" + }, + "password": { + "required": "Enter the Password to Unlock", + "placeholder": "Enter the Password to Unlock", + "error": "incorrect password" + } + }, + "addToken": { + "noTokenFound": "No token found", + "tokenSupported": "Token has been supported on Rabby", + "tokenCustomized": "Current token has already been added to customized", + "tokenNotFound": "Token not found from this contract address", + "title": "Add custom token to Rabby", + "balance": "Balance", + "tokenOnMultiChains": "Token address on multiple chains. Please choose one", + "noTokenFoundOnThisChain": "No token found on this chain" + }, + "switchChain": { + "title": "Switching to {{chain}}", + "chainNotSupport": "The requested chain is not supported by Rabby yet", + "testnetTip": "Please turn on \"Enable Testnets\" under \"More\" before connecting to testnets", + "chainNotSupportYet": "The requested chain is not supported by Rabby yet", + "chainId": "Chain ID:", + "unknownChain": "Unknown chain", + "requestsReceived": "1 request received", + "requestsReceivedPlural": "{{count}} requests received", + "requestRabbyToSupport": "Request Rabby to Support" + }, + "signText": { + "title": "Sign Text", + "message": "Message", + "createKey": { + "interactDapp": "Interact Dapp", + "description": "Description" + } + }, + "securityEngine": { + "yes": "Yes", + "no": "No", + "whenTheValueIs": "when the value is {{value}}", + "currentValueIs": "Current value is {{value}}", + "viewRules": "View security rules", + "undo": "Undo", + "riskProcessed": "Risk Processed", + "ignoreAlert": "Ignore the alert", + "ruleDisabled": "Security rules have been disabled. For your safety, you can turn it on anytime.", + "unknownResult": "Unknown result because security rule is unavailable", + "alertTriggerReason": "Alert triggered reason:", + "understandRisk": "I understand and accept responsibility for any loss", + "forbiddenCantIgnore": "Found forbidden risk that can't be ignored.", + "ruleDetailTitle": "Rule Detail", + "enableRule": "Enable the rule", + "viewRiskLevel": "View risk level" + }, + "connect": { + "listedBy": "Listed by", + "sitePopularity": "Site popularity", + "myMark": "My Mark", + "flagByRabby": "Flagged by Rabby", + "flagByMM": "Flagged by MetaMask", + "flagByScamSniffer": "Flagged by ScamSniffer", + "verifiedByRabby": "Verified by Rabby", + "foundForbiddenRisk": "Found forbidden risks. Connection is blocked.", + "markAsTrustToast": "Mark as \"Trusted\"", + "markAsBlockToast": "Mark as \"Blocked\"", + "markRemovedToast": "Mark removed", + "title": "Connect to Dapp", + "selectChainToConnect": "Select a chain to connect for", + "markRuleText": "My mark", + "connectBtn": "Connect", + "noWebsite": "None", + "popularLevelHigh": "High", + "popularLevelMedium": "Medium", + "popularLevelLow": "Low", + "popularLevelVeryLow": "Very Low", + "noMark": "No mark", + "blocked": "Blocked", + "trusted": "Trusted", + "addedToWhitelist": "Added to your whitelist", + "addedToBlacklist": "Added to your blacklist", + "removedFromAll": "Removed from all lists", + "notOnAnyList": "Not on any list", + "onYourBlacklist": "On your blacklist", + "onYourWhitelist": "On your whitelist", + "manageWhiteBlackList": "Manage whitelist/blacklist", + "SignTestnetPermission": { + "title": "Signing permission" + }, + "ignoreAll": "Ignore all" + }, + "addressDetail": { + "add-to-whitelist": "Add to Whitelist", + "remove-from-whitelist": "Remove from Whitelist", + "address-detail": "Address Detail", + "backup-private-key": "Backup Private Key", + "backup-seed-phrase": "Backup Seed Phrase", + "delete-address": "Delete address", + "delete-desc": "Before you delete, keep the following points in mind to understand how to protect your assets.", + "direct-delete-desc": "This address is a {{renderBrand}} address, Rabby does not store the private key or seed phrase for this address, you can just delete it", + "admins": "Admins", + "tx-requires": "Any transaction requires <2>{{num}} confirmations", + "edit-memo-title": "Edit address note", + "please-input-address-note": "Please input address note", + "address": "Address", + "address-note": "Address Note", + "assets": "Assets", + "qr-code": "QR Code", + "source": "Source", + "hd-path": "HD Path", + "manage-seed-phrase": "Manage Seed Phrase", + "manage-addresses-under-this-seed-phrase": "Manage addresses under this Seed Phrase", + "safeModuleAddress": "Safe Module Address", + "coboSafeErrorModule": "Address has expired, please delete and import the address again.", + "importedDelegatedAddress": "Imported Delegated address" + }, + "preferMetamaskDapps": { + "title": "MetaMask Preferred Dapps", + "desc": "The following dapps will remain connected through MetaMask, regardless of the wallet you've flipped to", + "howToAdd": "How to Add", + "howToAddDesc": "Right click on the website and find this option", + "empty": "No dapps" + }, + "customRpc": { + "opened": "Opened", + "closed": "Closed", + "empty": "No custom RPC", + "title": "Custom RPC", + "desc": "Enabling custom RPC will replace Rabby as the default node. To continue using Rabby, please disable or remove the custom RPC node.", + "add": "Add RPC", + "EditRPCModal": { + "invalidRPCUrl": "Invalid RPC URL", + "invalidChainId": "Invalid Chain ID", + "rpcAuthFailed": "RPC authentication failed", + "title": "Edit RPC", + "rpcUrl": "RPC URL", + "rpcUrlPlaceholder": "Enter the RPC URL" + } + }, + "requestDebankTestnetGasToken": { + "title": "Request DeBank Testnet Gas Token", + "mintedTip": "Rabby Badge holders can request once a day", + "notMintedTip": "Request available for Rabby Badge holders only", + "claimBadgeBtn": "Claim Rabby Badge", + "time": "Per day", + "requested": "You have requested today", + "requestBtn": "Request" + }, + "safeQueue": { + "title": "Queue", + "sameNonceWarning": "These transactions conflict as they use the same nonce. Executing one will automatically replace the other(s).", + "loading": "Loading pending transactions", + "noData": "No pending transactions", + "loadingFaild": "Due to the instability of Safe server, the data is not available, please check again after 5 minutes", + "accountSelectTitle": "You can submit this transaction using any address", + "LowerNonceError": "Transaction with nonce {{nonce}} needs to be executed first", + "submitBtn": "Submit transaction", + "unknownTx": "Unknown Transaction", + "cancelExplain": "Cancel {{token}} Approve for {{protocol}}", + "unknownProtocol": "Unknown protocol", + "approvalExplain": "Approve {{count}} {{token}} for {{protocol}}", + "unlimited": "unlimited", + "action": { + "send": "Send", + "cancel": "Cancel Pending Transaction" + }, + "viewBtn": "View", + "replaceBtn": "Replace", + "ReplacePopup": { + "options": { + "send": "Send Token", + "reject": "Reject Transaction" + }, + "title": "Select how to replace this transaction", + "desc": " A signed transaction cannot be removed but it can be replaced with a new transaction with the same nonce." + } + }, + "importSuccess": { + "title": "Imported Successfully", + "addressCount": "{{count}} addresses", + "gnosisChainDesc": "This address was found deployed on {{count}} chains" + }, + "backupSeedPhrase": { + "title": "Backup Seed Phrase", + "alert": "This Seed Phrase is the credential to your assets. DO NOT lose it or reveal it to others, otherwise you might lose your assets forever. Please view it in a secure environment and keep it carefully.", + "clickToShow": "Click to show Seed Phrase", + "copySeedPhrase": "Copy seed phrase" + }, + "backupPrivateKey": { + "title": "Backup Private Key", + "alert": "This Private Key is the credential to your assets. DO NOT lose it or reveal it to others, otherwise you might lose your assets forever. Please view it in a secure environment and keep it carefully.", + "clickToShow": "Click to show private key", + "clickToShowQr": "Click to show private key QR Code" + }, + "ethSign": { + "alert": "Signing with 'eth_sign' can lead to asset loss. For your safety, Rabby does not support this method." + }, + "createPassword": { + "title": "Set Password", + "passwordRequired": "Please input Password", + "passwordMin": "Password must be at least 8 characters long", + "passwordPlaceholder": "Password must be at least 8 characters long", + "confirmRequired": "Please Confirm Password", + "confirmError": "Passwords do not match", + "confirmPlaceholder": "Confirm password", + "agree": "I have read and agree to the<1/> <2>Terms of Use" + }, + "welcome": { + "step1": { + "title": "Access All Dapps", + "desc": "Rabby connects to all Dapps that MetaMask supports" + }, + "step2": { + "title": "Self-custodial", + "desc": "Private keys are stored locally with sole access to you", + "btnText": "Get Started" + } + }, + "importSafe": { + "title": "Add Safe address", + "placeholder": "Please input address", + "error": { + "invalid": "Not a valid address", + "required": "Please input address" + }, + "loading": "Searching the deployed chain of this address", + "gnosisChainDesc": "This address was found deployed on {{count}} chains" + }, + "importQrBase": { + "desc": "Scan the QR code on the {{brandName}} hardware wallet", + "btnText": "Try Again" + }, + "pendingDetail": { + "Header": { + "predictTime": "Predicted to be packed in" + }, + "TxStatus": { + "completed": "Completed", + "pendingBroadcasted": "Pending: Broadcasted", + "pendingBroadcast": "Pending: To be broadcast", + "reBroadcastBtn": "Re-broadcast" + }, + "TxHash": { + "hash": "Tx Hash" + }, + "TxTimeline": { + "pending": "Checking status...", + "created": "Transaction created", + "broadcasted": "Recently broadcasted", + "broadcastedCount_ordinal_one": "{{count}}st broadcast", + "broadcastedCount_ordinal_two": "{{count}}nd broadcast", + "broadcastedCount_ordinal_few": "{{count}}rd broadcast", + "broadcastedCount_ordinal_other": "{{count}}th broadcast" + }, + "MempoolList": { + "col": { + "nodeName": "Node name", + "nodeOperator": "Node operator", + "txStatus": "Transaction status" + }, + "txStatus": { + "appeared": "Appeared", + "appearedOnce": "Appeared once", + "notFound": "Not found" + }, + "title": "Appeared in {{count}} RPC nodes" + }, + "PendingTxList": { + "title": "GasPrice Ranks #{{rank}} in All Pending Txs", + "titleNotFound": "No Rank in All Pending Txs", + "filterBaseFee": { + "label": "Only meets Base fee requirement", + "tooltip": "Show only transactions whose Gas Price meets the block's Base fee requirements" + }, + "col": { + "gasPrice": "Gas Price", + "action": "Transaction Action", + "balanceChange": "Balance change", + "actionType": "Action type", + "interact": "Interact with" + }, + "titleSame": "GasPrice Ranks #{{rank}} in Same as Current", + "titleSameNotFound": "No Rank in Same as Current" + }, + "Empty": { + "noData": "No data found" + }, + "PrePackInfo": { + "col": { + "prePackContent": "Pre-pack content", + "expectations": "Expectations", + "prePackResults": "Pre-pack results", + "difference": "Check results" + }, + "type": { + "pay": "Pay", + "receive": "Receive" + }, + "noLoss": "No loss found", + "noError": "No error found", + "title": "Pre-pack Check", + "error": "{{count}} error found", + "loss": "{{lossCount}} loss found", + "desc": "Simulation executed in the latest block, updated {{time}}" + }, + "Predict": { + "completed": "Transaction Completed", + "predictFailed": "Packing time prediction failed", + "skipNonce": "Your address has Nonce skipped on Ethereum chain causing current transaction can’t complete" + } + }, + "dappSearch": { + "selectChain": "Select Chain", + "searchResult": { + "foundDapps": "Found <2>{{count}} Dapps", + "totalDapps": "Total <2>{{count}} Dapps" + }, + "expand": "Expand", + "emptyFavorite": "No Favorite Dapp", + "favorite": "Favorites", + "emptySearch": "No Dapp Found", + "listBy": "Dapp has been list by" + }, + "rabbyPoints": { + "title": "Rabby Points", + "out-of-x-current-total-points": "Out of {{total}} Total Distributed Points", + "share-on": "Share on", + "referral-code-copied": "Referral code copied", + "earn-points": "Earn Points", + "top-100": "Top 100", + "claimItem": { + "claim": "Claim", + "disabledTip": "No points to be claimed now", + "go": "Go", + "earnTip": "Once a day limit. Please earn points after 00:00 UTC+0", + "claimed": "Claimed" + }, + "claimModal": { + "title": "Claim Initial Points", + "snapshotTime": "Snapshot time: {{time}}", + "placeholder": "Enter Referral Code for extra points (optional)", + "claim": "Claim", + "addressBalance": "Wallet balance", + "MetaMaskSwap": "MetaMask Swap", + "rabbyUser": "Rabby Active User", + "rabbyValuedUserBadge": "Rabby Valued User Badge", + "rabbyDesktopGenesisNft": "Rabby Desktop Genesis NFT", + "referral-code": "Referral Code", + "invalid-code": "invalid code" + }, + "referralCode": { + "referral-code-cannot-be-empty": "Referral code cannot be empty", + "referral-code-cannot-exceed-15-characters": "Referral code cannot exceed 15 characters", + "referral-code-already-exists": "Referral code already exists", + "referral-code-available": "Referral code available", + "my-referral-code": "My referral code", + "refer-a-new-user-to-get-50-points": "Refer a new user to get 50 points", + "set-my-code": "Set my code", + "set-my-referral-code": "Set my referral code", + "once-set-this-referral-code-is-permanent-and-cannot-change": "Once set, this referral code is permanent and cannot be changed.", + "max-15-characters-use-numbers-and-letters-only": "Max 15 characters, use numbers and letters only.", + "confirm": "Confirm", + "verifyAddressModal": { + "verify-address": "Verify Address", + "please-sign-this-text-message-to-verify-that-you-are-the-owner-of-this-address": "Please sign this text message to verify that you are the owner of this address", + "cancel": "Cancel", + "sign": "Sign" + } + }, + "code-set-successfully": "Referral code set successfully" + } + }, + "component": { + "AccountSearchInput": { + "noMatchAddress": "No match address", + "AddressItem": { + "whitelistedAddressTip": "Whitelisted address" + } + }, + "AccountSelectDrawer": { + "btn": { + "cancel": "Cancel", + "proceed": "Proceed" + } + }, + "AddressList": { + "AddressItem": { + "addressTypeTip": "Imported by {{type}}" + } + }, + "AuthenticationModal": { + "passwordError": "incorrect password", + "passwordRequired": "Please input password", + "passwordPlaceholder": "Enter the Password to Confirm" + }, + "ConnectStatus": { + "connecting": "Connecting...", + "connect": "Connect", + "gridPlusConnected": "GridPlus is connected", + "gridPlusNotConnected": "GridPlus is not connected", + "ledgerNotConnected": "Ledger is not connected", + "ledgerConnected": "Ledger is connected", + "keystoneConnected": "Keystone is connected", + "keystoneNotConnected": "Keystone is not connected", + "imKeyrNotConnected": "imKey is not connected", + "imKeyConnected": "imKey is connected" + }, + "Contact": { + "AddressItem": { + "notWhitelisted": "This address is not whitelisted", + "whitelistedTip": "Whitelisted address" + }, + "EditModal": { + "title": "Edit address note" + }, + "EditWhitelist": { + "backModalTitle": "Discard Changes", + "backModalContent": "Changes you made will not be saved", + "title": "Edit Whitelist", + "tip": "Select the address you want to whitelist and save.", + "save": "Save to Whitelist ({{count}})" + }, + "ListModal": { + "title": "Select Address", + "whitelistEnabled": "Whitelist is enabled. You can only send assets to a whitelisted address or you can disable it in \"Settings\"", + "whitelistDisabled": "Whitelist is disabled. You can send assets to any address", + "editWhitelist": "Edit Whitelist", + "whitelistUpdated": "Whitelist Updated", + "authModal": { + "title": "Save to Whitelist" + } + } + }, + "LoadingOverlay": { + "loadingData": "Loading data..." + }, + "MultiSelectAddressList": { + "imported": "Imported" + }, + "NFTNumberInput": { + "erc1155Tips": "Your balance is {{amount}}", + "erc721Tips": "Only one NFT of ERC 721 can be sent at a time" + }, + "TiledSelect": { + "errMsg": "The seed phrase order is wrong, please check" + }, + "Uploader": { + "placeholder": "Select a JSON file" + }, + "WalletConnectBridgeModal": { + "title": "Bridge server URL", + "requiredMsg": "Please input bridge server host", + "invalidMsg": "Please check your host", + "restore": "Restore initial setting" + }, + "PillsSwitch": { + "NetSwitchTabs": { + "mainnet": "Mainnets", + "testnet": "Testnets" + } + }, + "ChainSelectorModal": { + "searchPlaceholder": "Search chain", + "noChains": "No chains" + }, + "TokenSelector": { + "listTableHead": { + "assetAmount": { + "title": "ASSET / AMOUNT" + }, + "price": { + "title": "PRICE" + }, + "usdValue": { + "title": "USD VALUE" + } + }, + "searchInput": { + "placeholder": "Search by Name / Address" + }, + "header": { + "title": "Select a token" + }, + "noTokens": "No Tokens", + "noMatch": "No Match", + "noMatchSuggestion": "Try to search contract address on {{ chainName }}" + }, + "ModalPreviewNFTItem": { + "FieldLabel": { + "Collection": "Collection", + "Chain": "Chain", + "PurschaseDate": "Purchase Date", + "LastPrice": "Last Price" + } + }, + "signPermissionCheckModal": { + "title": "You only allow this Dapp to sign on testnets", + "reconnect": "Reconnect Dapp" + }, + "testnetCheckModal": { + "title": "Please turn on \"Enable Testnets\" under \"More\" before sign on testnets" + } + }, + "global": { + "appName": "Rabby Wallet", + "appDescription": "The game-changing wallet for Ethereum and all EVM chains", + "copied": "Copied", + "confirm": "Confirm", + "next": "Next", + "back": "Back", + "ok": "OK", + "refresh": "Refresh", + "failed": "Failed", + "scamTx": "Scam tx", + "gas": "Gas", + "unknownNFT": "Unknown NFT", + "copyAddress": "Copy address", + "watchModeAddress": "Watch Mode address", + "assets": "assets", + "Confirm": "Confirm", + "Cancel": "Cancel", + "Clear": "Clear", + "Save": "Save", + "confirmButton": "Confirm", + "cancelButton": "Cancel", + "backButton": "Back", + "proceedButton": "Proceed", + "editButton": "Edit", + "addButton": "Add", + "closeButton": "Close", + "Deleted": "Deleted", + "Loading": "Loading", + "nonce": "nonce", + "Balance": "Balance", + "Done": "Done", + "Nonce": "Nonce", + "tryAgain": "Try Again" + }, + "background": { + "error": { + "noCurrentAccount": "No current account", + "invalidChainId": "Invalid chain id", + "notFindChain": "Can not find chain {{chain}}", + "unknownAbi": "unknown contract abi", + "invalidAddress": "Not a valid address", + "notFoundGnosisKeyring": "No Gnosis keyring found", + "notFoundTxGnosisKeyring": "No transaction in Gnosis keyring found", + "addKeyring404": "failed to addKeyring, keyring is undefined", + "emptyAccount": "the current account is empty", + "generateCacheAliasNames": "[GenerateCacheAliasNames]: need at least one address", + "invalidPrivateKey": "the private key is invalid", + "invalidJson": "the input file is invalid", + "invalidMnemonic": "The seed phrase is invalid, please check!", + "notFoundKeyringByAddress": "Can't find keyring by address", + "txPushFailed": "Transaction push failed", + "unlock": "you need to unlock wallet first", + "duplicateAccount": "The account you're are trying to import is duplicate", + "canNotUnlock": "Cannot unlock without a previous vault" + }, + "transactionWatcher": { + "submitted": "Transaction submitted", + "more": "click to view more information", + "txCompleteMoreContent": "{{chain}} #{{nonce}} completed. Click to view more.", + "txFailedMoreContent": "{{chain}} #{{nonce}} failed. Click to view more.", + "completed": "Transaction completed", + "failed": "Transaction failed" + }, + "alias": { + "HdKeyring": "Seed Phrase", + "simpleKeyring": "Private Key", + "watchAddressKeyring": "Contact" + } + }, + "constant": { + "KEYRING_TYPE_TEXT": { + "HdKeyring": "Created by Seed Phrase", + "SimpleKeyring": "Imported by Private Key", + "WatchAddressKeyring": "Contact" + }, + "IMPORTED_HD_KEYRING": "Imported by Seed Phrase", + "SIGN_PERMISSION_OPTIONS": { + "MAINNET_AND_TESTNET": "Mainnet & Testnet", + "TESTNET": "Only Testnets" + }, + "IMPORTED_HD_KEYRING_NEED_PASSPHRASE": "Imported by Seed Phrase (Passphrase)" + } +} From 744ae721e645c84012f272bd4b6e2c0e40a601ba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jagad Bumi <> Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2024 16:05:36 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 02/11] Update id_ID Update translation --- _raw/locales/id_ID | 606 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- 1 file changed, 303 insertions(+), 303 deletions(-) diff --git a/_raw/locales/id_ID b/_raw/locales/id_ID index e1b1360d34d..72aad931227 100644 --- a/_raw/locales/id_ID +++ b/_raw/locales/id_ID @@ -111,312 +111,312 @@ "notOnWhitelist": "Tidak ada di daftar putih" }, "tokenApprove": { - "title": "Token Approval", - "approveToken": "Approve token", - "myBalance": "My balance", - "approveTo": "Approve to", - "eoaAddress": "EOA address", - "trustValueLessThan": "Trust value ≤ {{value}}", - "deployTimeLessThan": "Deployed time < {{value}} days", - "amountPopupTitle": "Amount", - "flagByRabby": "Flagged by Rabby", - "contractTrustValueTip": "Trust value refers to the total token approved and exposed to this contract. A low trust value indicates either risk or inactivity for 180 days." - }, - "revokeTokenApprove": { - "title": "Revoke Token Approval", - "revokeFrom": "Revoke from", - "revokeToken": "Revoke token" - }, - "sendNFT": { - "title": "Send NFT", - "nftNotSupport": "NFT not supported" - }, - "nftApprove": { - "title": "NFT Approval", - "approveNFT": "Approve NFT", - "nftContractTrustValueTip": "Trust value refers to the top NFT approved and exposed to this contract. A low trust value indicates either risk or inactivity for 180 days." - }, - "revokeNFTApprove": { - "title": "Revoke NFT Approval", - "revokeNFT": "Revoke NFT" - }, - "nftCollectionApprove": { - "title": "NFT Collection Approval", - "approveCollection": "Approve collection" - }, - "revokeNFTCollectionApprove": { - "title": "Revoke NFT Collection Approval", - "revokeCollection": "Revoke collection" - }, - "deployContract": { - "title": "Deploy a Contract", - "descriptionTitle": "Description", - "description": "You are deploying a smart contract" - }, - "cancelTx": { - "title": "Cancel Pending Transaction", - "txToBeCanceled": "Transaction to be canceled", - "gasPriceAlert": "Set current gas price more than {{value}} Gwei to cancel the pending transaction" - }, - "submitMultisig": { - "title": "Submit Multisig Transaction", - "multisigAddress": "Multisig address" - }, - "contractCall": { - "title": "Contract Call", - "operation": "Operation", - "operationABIDesc": "Operation is decoded from ABI", - "operationCantDecode": "Operation is not decoded", - "payNativeToken": "Pay {{symbol}}" - }, - "revokePermit2": { - "title": "Revoke Permit2 Token Approval" - }, - "unknownAction": "Unknown Signature Type", - "interactContract": "Interact contract", - "markAsTrust": "Marked as trusted", - "markAsBlock": "Marked as blocked", - "interacted": "Interacted before", - "neverInteracted": "Never interacted before", - "transacted": "Transacted before", - "neverTransacted": "Never transacted before", - "importedAddress": "Imported address", - "fakeTokenAlert": "This is a scam token marked by Rabby", - "scamTokenAlert": "This is potentially a low-quality and scam token based on Rabby's detection", - "trusted": "Trusted", - "blocked": "Blocked", - "noMark": "No mark", - "markRemoved": "Mark removed", - "speedUpTooltip": "This accelerated transaction and the original transaction, only one of which will eventually be completed", - "decodedTooltip": "This signature is decoded by Rabby Wallet", - "signTransactionOnChain": "Sign {{chain}} Transaction", - "viewRaw": "View Raw", - "unknownActionType": "Unknown action type", - "sigCantDecode": "This signature can't be decoded by Rabby Wallet", - "nftCollection": "NFT Collection", - "floorPrice": "Floor price", - "contractAddress": "Contract address", - "protocolTitle": "Protocol", - "deployTimeTitle": "Deployed time", - "popularity": "Popularity", - "contractPopularity": "No.{{0}} on {{1}}", - "addressNote": "Address note", - "myMarkWithContract": "My mark on {{chainName}} contract", - "myMark": "My mark", - "collectionTitle": "Collection", - "addressTypeTitle": "Address type", - "firstOnChain": "First on-chain", - "trustValue": "Trust value", - "importedDelegatedAddress": "Imported delegated address", - "noDelegatedAddress": "No imported delegated address", - "coboSafeNotPermission": "This delegate address does not have permission to initiate this transaction", - "l2GasEstimateTooltip": "The gas estimate for L2 chain does not include the L1 gas fee. The actual fee will be higher than current estimate.", - "BroadcastMode": { - "instant": { - "title": "Instant", - "desc": "Transactions will be immediately broadcast to the network" - }, - "lowGas": { - "title": "Gas-saving", - "desc": "Transactions will be broadcast when network gas is low" - }, - "mev": { - "title": "MEV Guarded", - "desc": "Transactions will be broadcast to the designated MEV node" - }, - "title": "Broadcast Mode", - "tips": { - "walletConnect": "Not supported by WalletConnect", - "notSupportChain": "Not supported on this chain", - "customRPC": "Not supported when using custom RPC", - "notSupported": "Not supported" - }, - "lowGasDeadline": { - "label": "Timeout", - "1h": "1h", - "4h": "4h", - "24h": "24h" - } - }, - "SafeNonceSelector": { - "explain": { - "contractCall": "Contract Call", - "send": "Send Token", - "unknown": "Unknown Transaction" - }, - "optionGroup": { - "recommendTitle": "Recommended nonce", - "replaceTitle": "Replace the transaction in Queue " - }, - "option": { - "new": "New Transaction" - }, - "error": { - "pendingList": "Fail to load pending transactions, <1/><2>Retry" - } - }, - "coboSafeCreate": { - "safeWalletTitle": "Safe{Wallet}", - "descriptionTitle": "Description", - "title": "Create Cobo Safe" - }, - "coboSafeModificationRole": { - "title": "Submit Safe Role Modification", - "safeWalletTitle": "Safe{Wallet}", - "descriptionTitle": "Description" - }, - "coboSafeModificationDelegatedAddress": { - "title": "Submit Delegated Address Modification", - "safeWalletTitle": "Safe{Wallet}", - "descriptionTitle": "Description" - }, - "coboSafeModificationTokenApproval": { - "title": "Submit Token Approval Modification", - "safeWalletTitle": "Safe{Wallet}", - "descriptionTitle": "Description" - }, - "common": { - "description": "Description", - "interactContract": "Interact contract", - "descTipSafe": "Signature does not cause asset change or verify address ownership", - "descTipWarningPrivacy": "Signature may verify address ownership", - "descTipWarningAssets": "Signature may cause asset change", - "descTipWarningBoth": "Signature may cause asset change and verify address ownership" - } + "title": "Penyetujuan Token", + "approveToken": "Setujui token", + "myBalance": "Saldo saya", + "approveTo": "Setujui ke", + "eoaAddress": "Alamat EOA", + "trustValueLessThan": "Nilai kepercayaan ≤ {{value}}", + "deployTimeLessThan": "Waktu penyebaran < {{value}} hari", + "amountPopupTitle": "Jumlah", + "flagByRabby": "Ditandai oleh Rabby", + "contractTrustValueTip": "Nilai kepercayaan mengacu pada total token yang disetujui dan terkena dampak kontrak ini. Nilai kepercayaan yang rendah mengindikasikan risiko atau tidak aktif selama 180 hari." +}, +"revokeTokenApprove": { + "title": "Cabut Penyetujuan Token", + "revokeFrom": "Cabut dari", + "revokeToken": "Cabut token" +}, +"sendNFT": { + "title": "Kirim NFT", + "nftNotSupport": "NFT tidak didukung" +}, +"nftApprove": { + "title": "Penyetujuan NFT", + "approveNFT": "Setujui NFT", + "nftContractTrustValueTip": "Nilai kepercayaan mengacu pada NFT teratas yang disetujui dan terkena dampak kontrak ini. Nilai kepercayaan yang rendah mengindikasikan risiko atau tidak aktif selama 180 hari." +}, +"revokeNFTApprove": { + "title": "Cabut Penyetujuan NFT", + "revokeNFT": "Cabut NFT" +}, +"nftCollectionApprove": { + "title": "Penyetujuan Kumpulan NFT", + "approveCollection": "Setujui kumpulan" +}, +"revokeNFTCollectionApprove": { + "title": "Cabut Penyetujuan Kumpulan NFT", + "revokeCollection": "Cabut kumpulan" +}, +"deployContract": { + "title": "Deploy Kontrak", + "descriptionTitle": "Deskripsi", + "description": "Anda sedang menyebarkan kontrak pintar" +}, +"cancelTx": { + "title": "Batalkan Transaksi Tertunda", + "txToBeCanceled": "Transaksi yang akan dibatalkan", + "gasPriceAlert": "Atur harga gas saat ini lebih dari {{value}} Gwei untuk membatalkan transaksi tertunda" +}, +"submitMultisig": { + "title": "Kirim Transaksi Multisig", + "multisigAddress": "Alamat multisig" +}, +"contractCall": { + "title": "Panggilan Kontrak", + "operation": "Operasi", + "operationABIDesc": "Operasi didekode dari ABI", + "operationCantDecode": "Operasi tidak dapat didekode", + "payNativeToken": "Bayar {{symbol}}" +}, +"revokePermit2": { + "title": "Cabut Penyetujuan Token Permit2" +}, +"unknownAction": "Tipe Tanda Tangan Tidak Diketahui", +"interactContract": "Berinteraksi dengan kontrak", +"markAsTrust": "Ditandai sebagai terpercaya", +"markAsBlock": "Ditandai sebagai diblokir", +"interacted": "Pernah berinteraksi", +"neverInteracted": "Belum pernah berinteraksi", +"transacted": "Pernah bertransaksi", +"neverTransacted": "Belum pernah bertransaksi", +"importedAddress": "Alamat impor", +"fakeTokenAlert": "Ini adalah token scam yang ditandai oleh Rabby", +"scamTokenAlert": "Ini berpotensi menjadi token berkualitas rendah dan scam berdasarkan deteksi Rabby", +"trusted": "Terpercaya", +"blocked": "Diblokir", +"noMark": "Tidak ada tanda", +"markRemoved": "Tanda dihapus", +"speedUpTooltip": "Transaksi ini dipercepat dan transaksi asli, hanya salah satunya yang akan selesai", +"decodedTooltip": "Tanda tangan ini didekode oleh Rabby Wallet", +"signTransactionOnChain": "Tandatangani Transaksi {{chain}}", +"viewRaw": "Lihat Raw", +"unknownActionType": "Tipe tindakan tidak diketahui", +"sigCantDecode": "Tanda tangan ini tidak dapat didekode oleh Rabby Wallet", +"nftCollection": "Kumpulan NFT", +"floorPrice": "Harga dasar", +"contractAddress": "Alamat kontrak", +"protocolTitle": "Protokol", +"deployTimeTitle": "Waktu penyebaran", +"popularity": "Popularitas", +"contractPopularity": "No.{{0}} di {{1}}", +"addressNote": "Catatan alamat", +"myMarkWithContract": "Tanda saya di kontrak {{chainName}}", +"myMark": "Tanda saya", +"collectionTitle": "Kumpulan", +"addressTypeTitle": "Tipe alamat", +"firstOnChain": "Pertama di rantai", +"trustValue": "Nilai kepercayaan", +"importedDelegatedAddress": "Alamat delegasi impor", +"noDelegatedAddress": "Tidak ada alamat delegasi impor", +"coboSafeNotPermission": "Alamat delegasi ini tidak memiliki izin untuk memulai transaksi ini", +"l2GasEstimateTooltip": "Estimasi gas untuk rantai L2 tidak termasuk biaya gas L1. Biaya sebenarnya akan lebih tinggi dari perkiraan saat ini.", +"BroadcastMode": { + "instant": { + "title": "Instan", + "desc": "Transaksi akan segera disiarkan ke jaringan" }, - "signFooterBar": { - "requestFrom": "Permintaan dari", - "processRiskAlert": "Please process the alert before signing", - "ignoreAll": "Ignore all", - "gridPlusConnected": "GridPlus is connected", - "gridPlusNotConnected": "GridPlus is not connected", - "connectButton": "Connect", - "connecting": "Connecting...", - "ledgerNotConnected": "Ledger is not connected", - "keystoneNotConnected": "Keystone is not connected", - "keystoneConnected": "Keystone is connected", - "ledgerConnected": "Ledger is connected", - "signAndSubmitButton": "Sign and Create", - "walletConnect": { - "connectedButCantSign": "Connected but unable to sign.", - "switchToCorrectAddress": "Please switch to the correct address in mobile wallet", - "switchChainAlert": "Please switch to {{chain}} in mobile wallet", - "notConnectToMobile": "Not connected to {{brand}}", - "connected": "Connected and ready to sign", - "howToSwitch": "How to switch", - "wrongAddressAlert": "You've switched to a different address on mobile wallet. Please switch to the correct address in mobile wallet", - "connectBeforeSign": "{{0}} is not connected to Rabby, please connect before signing", - "chainSwitched": "You've switched to a different chain on mobile wallet. Please switch to {{0}} in mobile wallet", + "lowGas": { + "title": "Hemat gas", + "desc": "Transaksi akan disiarkan ketika gas jaringan rendah" + }, + "mev": { + "title": "MEV Terlindungi", + "desc": "Transaksi akan disiarkan ke node MEV yang ditentukan" + }, + "title": "Mode Siaran", + "tips": { + "walletConnect": "Tidak didukung oleh WalletConnect", + "notSupportChain": "Tidak didukung pada rantai ini", + "customRPC": "Tidak didukung saat menggunakan RPC kustom", + "notSupported": "Tidak didukung" + }, + "lowGasDeadline": { + "label": "Timeout", + "1h": "1h", + "4h": "4h", + "24h": "24h" + } +} + "SafeNonceSelector": { + "explain": { + "contractCall": "Panggilan Kontrak", + "send": "Kirim Token", + "unknown": "Transaksi Tidak Diketahui" + }, + "optionGroup": { + "recommendTitle": "Nonce yang Disarankan", + "replaceTitle": "Ganti transaksi dalam Antrian" + }, + "option": { + "new": "Transaksi Baru" + }, + "error": { + "pendingList": "Gagal memuat transaksi tertunda, <1/>Coba Lagi" + } +}, +"coboSafeCreate": { + "safeWalletTitle": "Safe{Wallet}", + "descriptionTitle": "Deskripsi", + "title": "Buat Cobo Safe" +}, +"coboSafeModificationRole": { + "title": "Kirim Modifikasi Peran Safe", + "safeWalletTitle": "Safe{Wallet}", + "descriptionTitle": "Deskripsi" +}, +"coboSafeModificationDelegatedAddress": { + "title": "Kirim Modifikasi Alamat Delegasi", + "safeWalletTitle": "Safe{Wallet}", + "descriptionTitle": "Deskripsi" +}, +"coboSafeModificationTokenApproval": { + "title": "Kirim Modifikasi Penyetujuan Token", + "safeWalletTitle": "Safe{Wallet}", + "descriptionTitle": "Deskripsi" +}, +"common": { + "description": "Deskripsi", + "interactContract": "Berinteraksi dengan kontrak", + "descTipSafe": "Tanda tangan tidak menyebabkan perubahan aset atau memverifikasi kepemilikan alamat", + "descTipWarningPrivacy": "Tanda tangan dapat memverifikasi kepemilikan alamat", + "descTipWarningAssets": "Tanda tangan dapat menyebabkan perubahan aset", + "descTipWarningBoth": "Tanda tangan dapat menyebabkan perubahan aset dan memverifikasi kepemilikan alamat" +}, +"signFooterBar": { + "requestFrom": "Permintaan dari", + "processRiskAlert": "Silakan proses peringatan sebelum menandatangani", + "ignoreAll": "abaikan semua", + "gridPlusConnected": "GridPlus terhubung", + "gridPlusNotConnected": "GridPlus tidak terhubung", + "connectButton": "Hubungkan", + "connecting": "Menghubungkan...", + "ledgerNotConnected": "Ledger tidak terhubung", + "keystoneNotConnected": "Keystone tidak terhubung", + "keystoneConnected": "Keystone terhubung", + "ledgerConnected": "Ledger terhubung", + "signAndSubmitButton": "Tandatangani dan Buat", + "walletConnect": { + "connectedButCantSign": "Terhubung tetapi tidak dapat menandatangani.", + "switchToCorrectAddress": "Silakan beralih ke alamat yang benar di dompet seluler", + "switchChainAlert": "Silakan beralih ke {{chain}} di dompet seluler", + "notConnectToMobile": "Tidak terhubung ke {{brand}}", + "connected": "Terhubung dan siap untuk menandatangani", + "howToSwitch": "Cara beralih", + "wrongAddressAlert": "Anda telah beralih ke alamat yang berbeda di dompet seluler. Silakan beralih ke alamat yang benar di dompet seluler", + "connectBeforeSign": "{{0}} tidak terhubung ke Rabby, silakan hubungkan sebelum menandatangani", + "chainSwitched": "Anda telah beralih ke rantai yang berbeda di dompet seluler. Silakan beralih ke {{0}} di dompet seluler", "latency": "Latency", - "requestSuccessToast": "Request successfully sent", - "sendingRequest": "Sending signing request", - "signOnYourMobileWallet": "Please sign on your mobile wallet.", - "requestFailedToSend": "Signing request failed to send" - }, - "beginSigning": "Begin signing process", - "addressTip": { - "onekey": "OneKey address", - "trezor": "Trezor address", - "bitbox": "BitBox02 address", - "keystone": "Keystone address", - "airgap": "AirGap address", - "coolwallet": "CoolWallet address", - "privateKey": "Private Key address", - "seedPhrase": "Seed Phrase address", - "watchAddress": "Unable to sign with watch-only address", - "safe": "Safe address", - "coboSafe": "Cobo Argus Address", - "seedPhraseWithPassphrase": "Seed Phrase address (Passphrase)" - }, - "qrcode": { - "signWith": "Sign with {{brand}}", - "failedToGetExplain": "Failed to get explain", - "txFailed": "Fail to create", - "sigReceived": "Signature received", - "sigCompleted": "Transaction created", - "getSig": "Get signature", - "qrcodeDesc": "Scan with your {{brand}} to sign

After signing, click the button below to receive the signature", - "misMatchSignId": "Incongruent transaction data. Please check the transaction details.", - "unknownQRCode": "Error: We couldn't identify that QR code", - "afterSignDesc": "After signing, place the QR code on {{brand}} in front of your PC camera" - }, - "keystone": { - "signWith": "Switch to {{method}} for signing", - "misMatchSignId": "Incongruent transaction data. Please check the transaction details.", - "unsupportedType": "Error: The transaction type is unsupported or unknown.", - "siging": "Sending signing request", - "txRejected": "Transaction rejected", - "shouldRetry": "Some error occurred. Please retry.", - "hardwareRejectError": "Hardware rejects signature", - "mismatchedWalletError": "Mismatched wallet", - "verifyPasswordError": "Signature failure, please try again after unlocking", - "shouldOpenKeystoneHomePageError": "Please open Keystone home page" - }, - "ledger": { - "resent": "Resent", - "signError": "Ledger sign error:", - "notConnected": "Your wallet is not connected. Please re-connect.", - "siging": "Sending signing request", - "txRejected": "Transaction rejected", - "unlockAlert": "Please plug in and unlock your Ledger, open Ethereum on it", - "updateFirmwareAlert": "Please update the firmware and Ethereum App on your Ledger", - "txRejectedByLedger": "Transaction is rejected on your Ledger", - "blindSigTutorial": "Blind Signature Tutorial from Ledger", - "submitting": "Signed. Creating transaction", - "resubmited": "Resubmited" - }, - "common": { - "notSupport": "{{0}} is not supported" - }, - "resend": "Retry", - "submitTx": "Submit Transaction", - "testnet": "Testnet", - "mainnet": "Mainnet", - "cancelTransaction": "Cancel Transaction", - "detectedMultipleRequestsFromThisDapp": "Detected multiple requests from this Dapp", - "cancelCurrentTransaction": "Cancel current transaction", - "cancelAll": "Cancel all {{count}} requests from Dapp", - "blockDappFromSendingRequests": "Block Dapp from sending requests for 1 min", - "cancelConnection": "Cancel connection", - "cancelCurrentConnection": "Cancel current connection", - "imKeyNotConnected": "imKey is not connected", - "imKeyConnected": "imKey is connected" + "requestSuccessToast": "Permintaan berhasil dikirim", + "sendingRequest": "Mengirim permintaan penandatanganan", + "signOnYourMobileWallet": "Silakan tandatangani di dompet seluler Anda.", + "requestFailedToSend": "Permintaan penandatanganan gagal dikirim" }, - "signTypedData": { - "signTypeDataOnChain": "Sign {{chain}} Typed Data", - "safeCantSignText": "This is a Safe address, and it cannot be used to sign text.", - "permit": { - "title": "Permit Token Approval" - }, - "permit2": { - "title": "Permit2 Token Approval", - "sigExpireTimeTip": "The duration for this signature to be valid on-chain", - "sigExpireTime": "Signature expire time", - "approvalExpiretime": "Approval expire time" - }, - "swapTokenOrder": { - "title": "Token Order" - }, - "sellNFT": { - "title": "NFT Order", - "receiveToken": "Receive token", - "listNFT": "List NFT", - "specificBuyer": "Specific buyer" - }, - "signMultiSig": { - "title": "Confirm Transaction" - }, - "createKey": { - "title": "Create Key" - }, - "verifyAddress": { - "title": "Verify Address" - }, - "buyNFT": { - "payToken": "Pay token", - "receiveNFT": "Receive NFT", - "expireTime": "Expire time", - "listOn": "List on" + "beginSigning": "Mulai proses penandatanganan", + "addressTip": { + "onekey": "Alamat OneKey", + "trezor": "Alamat Trezor", + "bitbox": "Alamat BitBox02", + "keystone": "Alamat Keystone", + "airgap": "Alamat AirGap", + "coolwallet": "Alamat CoolWallet", + "privateKey": "Alamat Kunci Pribadi", + "seedPhrase": "Alamat Seed Phrase", + "watchAddress": "Tidak dapat menandatangani dengan alamat hanya-baca", + "safe": "Alamat Safe", + "coboSafe": "Alamat Cobo Argus", + "seedPhraseWithPassphrase": "Alamat Seed Phrase (Kata Sandi)" + }, + "qrcode": { + "signWith": "Tandatangani dengan {{brand}}", + "failedToGetExplain": "Gagal mendapatkan penjelasan", + "txFailed": "Gagal membuat", + "sigReceived": "Tanda tangan diterima", + "sigCompleted": "Transaksi dibuat", + "getSig": "Dapatkan tanda tangan", + "qrcodeDesc": "Pindai dengan {{brand}} Anda untuk menandatangani

Setelah menandatangani, klik tombol di bawah untuk menerima tanda tangan", + "misMatchSignId": "Data transaksi tidak konsisten. Silakan periksa detail transaksi.", + "unknownQRCode": "Kesalahan: Kami tidak dapat mengidentifikasi kode QR tersebut", + "afterSignDesc": "Setelah menandatangani, letakkan kode QR pada {{brand}} di depan kamera PC Anda" + }, + "keystone": { + "signWith": "Beralih ke {{method}} untuk menandatangani", + "misMatchSignId": "Data transaksi tidak konsisten. Silakan periksa detail transaksi.", + "unsupportedType": "Kesalahan: Tipe transaksi tidak didukung atau tidak dikenal.", + "siging": "Mengirim permintaan penandatanganan", + "txRejected": "Transaksi ditolak", + "shouldRetry": "Terjadi beberapa kesalahan. Silakan coba lagi.", + "hardwareRejectError": "Perangkat keras menolak tanda tangan", + "mismatchedWalletError": "Dompet tidak cocok", + "verifyPasswordError": "Kegagalan tanda tangan, silakan coba lagi setelah membuka kunci", + "shouldOpenKeystoneHomePageError": "Silakan buka halaman beranda Keystone" + }, + "ledger": { + "resent": "Kirim ulang", + "signError": "Kesalahan tanda tangan Ledger:", + "notConnected": "Dompet Anda tidak terhubung. Silakan hubungkan kembali.", + "siging": "Mengirim permintaan penandatanganan", + "txRejected": "Transaksi ditolak", + "unlockAlert": "Silakan colokkan dan buka kunci Ledger Anda, buka Ethereum di dalamnya", + "updateFirmwareAlert": "Silakan perbarui firmware dan Aplikasi Ethereum di Ledger Anda", + "txRejectedByLedger": "Transaksi ditolak di Ledger Anda", + "blindSigTutorial": "Tutorial Tanda Tangan Buta dari Ledger", + "submitting": "Ditandatangani. Membuat transaksi", + "resubmited": "Dikirim ulang" +"common": { + "notSupport": "{{0}} tidak didukung" +}, + "resend": "Coba Lagi", + "submitTx": "Kirim Transaksi", + "testnet": "Testnet", + "mainnet": "Mainnet", + "cancelTransaction": "Batalkan Transaksi", + "detectedMultipleRequestsFromThisDapp": "Terdeteksi beberapa permintaan dari Dapp ini", + "cancelCurrentTransaction": "Batalkan transaksi saat ini", + "cancelAll": "Batalkan semua {{count}} permintaan dari Dapp", + "blockDappFromSendingRequests": "Blokir Dapp dari mengirim permintaan selama 1 menit", + "cancelConnection": "Batalkan koneksi", + "cancelCurrentConnection": "Batalkan koneksi saat ini", + "imKeyNotConnected": "imKey tidak terhubung", + "imKeyConnected": "imKey terhubung" + }, + "signTypedData": { + "signTypeDataOnChain": "Tandatangani {{chain}} Typed Data", + "safeCantSignText": "Ini adalah alamat Safe, dan tidak dapat digunakan untuk menandatangani teks.", + "permit": { + "title": "Izin Penyetujuan Token" + }, + "permit2": { + "title": "Izin Penyetujuan Token Permit2", + "sigExpireTimeTip": "Durasi tanda tangan ini berlaku di rantai", + "sigExpireTime": "Waktu kedaluwarsa tanda tangan", + "approvalExpiretime": "Waktu kedaluwarsa persetujuan" + }, + "swapTokenOrder": { + "title": "Urutan Token" + }, + "sellNFT": { + "title": "Pesanan NFT", + "receiveToken": "Terima token", + "listNFT": "Daftar NFT", + "specificBuyer": "Pembeli khusus" + }, + "signMultiSig": { + "title": "Konfirmasi Transaksi" + }, + "createKey": { + "title": "Buat Kunci" + }, + "verifyAddress": { + "title": "Verifikasi Alamat" + }, + "buyNFT": { + "payToken": "Bayar token", + "receiveNFT": "Terima NFT", + "expireTime": "Waktu kedaluwarsa", + "listOn": "Daftar di" + } +} }, "contractCall": { "operationDecoded": "Operation is decoded from message" From 4f66c6574b48293997237bf39939a7f00fa3e57b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jagad Bumi <> Date: Wed, 1 Jan 2025 02:17:36 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 03/11] Create messages.json Add Indonesia language --- _raw/_locales/id_ID/messages.json | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 _raw/_locales/id_ID/messages.json diff --git a/_raw/_locales/id_ID/messages.json b/_raw/_locales/id_ID/messages.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..8b137891791 --- /dev/null +++ b/_raw/_locales/id_ID/messages.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + From 2aca8f09fe9a7b5054dc2e3f65bbc8268728244a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jagad Bumi <> Date: Wed, 1 Jan 2025 22:13:08 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 04/11] Delete _raw/_locales/id_ID directory wrong folder --- _raw/_locales/id_ID/messages.json | 1 - 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-) delete mode 100644 _raw/_locales/id_ID/messages.json diff --git a/_raw/_locales/id_ID/messages.json b/_raw/_locales/id_ID/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index 8b137891791..00000000000 --- a/_raw/_locales/id_ID/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ - From 0eeef64b29f07c9532ca544f4955940786d5ac26 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jagad Bumi <> Date: Wed, 1 Jan 2025 22:17:03 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 05/11] Delete _raw/locales/id_ID delete --- _raw/locales/id_ID | 2029 -------------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 2029 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 _raw/locales/id_ID diff --git a/_raw/locales/id_ID b/_raw/locales/id_ID deleted file mode 100644 index 72aad931227..00000000000 --- a/_raw/locales/id_ID +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2029 +0,0 @@ -{ - "page": { - "transactions": { - "title": "Transaksi", - "empty": { - "title": "Tidak ada transaksi", - "desc": " Tidak ada transaksi ditemukan pada <1>jaringan yang didukung" - }, - "explain": { - "approve": "Setujui {{amount}} {{symbol}} untuk {{project}}", - "unknown": "Interaksi Kontrak", - "cancel": "Transaksi tertunda dibatalkan" - }, - "txHistory": { - "tipInputData": "Transaksi dengan menyertakan pesan", - "parseInputDataError": "Gagal mengurai pesan", - "scamToolTip": "Transaksi ini dilakukan oleh penipu dengan mengirimkan token dan NFT palsu. Mohon untuk tidak berinteraksi dengan token dan NFT palsu tersebut." - }, - "modalViewMessage": { - "title": "Tampilkan Pesan" - }, - "filterScam": { - "title": "Sembunyikan transaksi penipuan", - "loading": "Pemuatan memerlukan waktu beberapa saat, dan kemungkinan terjadi penundaan data", - "btn": "Sembunyikan transaksi penipuan" - } - }, - "chainList": { - "title": "{{count}} jaringan yang didukung", - "mainnet": "Jaringan Utama", - "testnet": "Jaringan Uji" - }, - "signTx": { - "nftIn": "NFT masuk", - "gasLimitNotEnough": "Batas gas kurang dari 21000. Transaksi tidak dapat dikirim", - "gasLimitLessThanExpect": "Batas gas rendah. Kemungkinan sebesar 1% transaksi gagal.", - "gasLimitLessThanGasUsed": "Batas gas terlalu rendah. Kemungkinan sebesar 95% transaksi gagal", - "nativeTokenNotEngouthForGas": "Anda tidak mempunyai cukup gas di dompet Anda", - "nonceLowerThanExpect": "Nonce terlalu rendah, nilai minimumnya adalah {{0}}", - "canOnlyUseImportedAddress": "Anda hanya dapat menggunakan alamat yang diimpor untuk menandatangani", - "multiSigChainNotMatch": "Alamat multi-tanda tangan tidak ada dalam jaringan ini dan tidak dapat memulai transaksi", - "safeAddressNotSupportChain": "Alamat yang aman saat ini tidak didukung pada jaringan {{0}}", - "noGasRequired": "Gas tidak dibutuhkan", - "gasSelectorTitle": "Gas", - "failToFetchGasCost": "Gagal mengambil biaya gas", - "gasMoreButton": "Lebih banyak", - "manuallySetGasLimitAlert": "Anda telah mengatur batas Gas secara manual ke", - "gasNotRequireForSafeTransaction": "Biaya gas tidak diperlukan untuk transaksi yang Aman", - "gasPriceTitle": "Biaya Gas (Gwei)", - "maxPriorityFee": "Biaya Prioritas Maksimum (Gwei)", - "eip1559Desc1": "Pada jaringan yang mendukung EIP-1559, Biaya Prioritas adalah tip untuk penambang agar memproses transaksi. Anda dapat menghemat biaya gas akhir dengan menurunkan Biaya Prioritas, yang mungkin membuat transaksi Anda diproses lebih lama.", - "eip1559Desc2": "Di Rabby, Biaya Prioritas (Tip) = Biaya Maksimum - Biaya Dasar. Setelah Anda mengatur Biaya Prioritas Maksimum, Biaya Dasar akan dikurangi dan sisanya akan diberikan kepada penambang.", - "hardwareSupport1559Alert": "Pastikan firmware dompet perangkat keras Anda telah diupgrade ke versi yang mendukung EIP 1559", - "gasLimitTitle": "Batas gas", - "recommendGasLimitTip": "Estimasi {{est}}. Saat ini {{current}}x, yand direkomendasikan ", - "nonceTitle": "Nonce", - "gasLimitModifyOnlyNecessaryAlert": "Modifikasi hanya jika diperlukan", - "gasPriceMedian": "Median dari 100 transaksi terakhir di jaringan: ", - "myNativeTokenBalance": "Saldo {{symbol}} saya: {{amount}} {{symbol}}", - "gasLimitEmptyAlert": "Silakan masukkan batas gas", - "gasLimitMinValueAlert": "Batas gas harus lebih dari 21000", - "balanceChange": { - "successTitle": "Hasil Simulasi", - "failedTitle": "Simulasi Gagal", - "noBalanceChange": "Tidak ada perubahan saldo", - "tokenOut": "Token keluar", - "tokenIn": "Token masuk", - "errorTitle": "Gagal memuat perubahan saldo", - "notSupport": "Simulasi tidak Didukung", - "nftOut": "NFT keluar" - }, - "enoughSafeSigCollected": "Tanda tangan yang dibutuhkan tercukupi", - "moreSafeSigNeeded": "memerlukan {{0}} konfirmasi", - "safeAdminSigned": "Ditandatangani", - "swap": { - "title": "Tukar Token", - "payToken": "Bayar", - "receiveToken": "Terima", - "failLoadReceiveToken": "Gagal memuat", - "valueDiff": "Perbedaan nilai", - "simulationFailed": "Simulasi transaksi gagal", - "simulationNotSupport": "Simulasi transaksi tidak didukung pada jaringan ini", - "minReceive": "Penerimaan Minimum", - "slippageFailToLoad": "Gagal memuat toleransi slippage", - "slippageTolerance": "Slippage toleransi", - "receiver": "Penerima", - "notPaymentAddress": "Bukan alamat pembayaran", - "unknownAddress": "Alamat tidak dikenal" - }, - "crossChain": { - "title": "Lintas Jaringan" - }, - "swapAndCross": { - "title": "Tukar Tokan dan Lintas Jaringan" - }, - "wrapToken": "Bungkus Token", - "unwrap": "Buka Bungkus Token", - "send": { - "title": "Kirim Token", - "sendToken": "Kirim token", - "sendTo": "Kirim ke", - "receiverIsTokenAddress": "Alamat token", - "contractNotOnThisChain": "Alamat kontrak tidak ada di jaringan ini", - "notTopupAddress": "Bukan alamat top up", - "tokenNotSupport": "{{0}} tidak didukung", - "onMyWhitelist": "Ada di daftar putih saya", - "notOnThisChain": "Tidak ada di jaringan ini", - "cexAddress": "Alamat CEX", - "addressBalanceTitle": "Saldo saat ini", - "whitelistTitle": "Daftar Putih", - "notOnWhitelist": "Tidak ada di daftar putih" - }, - "tokenApprove": { - "title": "Penyetujuan Token", - "approveToken": "Setujui token", - "myBalance": "Saldo saya", - "approveTo": "Setujui ke", - "eoaAddress": "Alamat EOA", - "trustValueLessThan": "Nilai kepercayaan ≤ {{value}}", - "deployTimeLessThan": "Waktu penyebaran < {{value}} hari", - "amountPopupTitle": "Jumlah", - "flagByRabby": "Ditandai oleh Rabby", - "contractTrustValueTip": "Nilai kepercayaan mengacu pada total token yang disetujui dan terkena dampak kontrak ini. Nilai kepercayaan yang rendah mengindikasikan risiko atau tidak aktif selama 180 hari." -}, -"revokeTokenApprove": { - "title": "Cabut Penyetujuan Token", - "revokeFrom": "Cabut dari", - "revokeToken": "Cabut token" -}, -"sendNFT": { - "title": "Kirim NFT", - "nftNotSupport": "NFT tidak didukung" -}, -"nftApprove": { - "title": "Penyetujuan NFT", - "approveNFT": "Setujui NFT", - "nftContractTrustValueTip": "Nilai kepercayaan mengacu pada NFT teratas yang disetujui dan terkena dampak kontrak ini. Nilai kepercayaan yang rendah mengindikasikan risiko atau tidak aktif selama 180 hari." -}, -"revokeNFTApprove": { - "title": "Cabut Penyetujuan NFT", - "revokeNFT": "Cabut NFT" -}, -"nftCollectionApprove": { - "title": "Penyetujuan Kumpulan NFT", - "approveCollection": "Setujui kumpulan" -}, -"revokeNFTCollectionApprove": { - "title": "Cabut Penyetujuan Kumpulan NFT", - "revokeCollection": "Cabut kumpulan" -}, -"deployContract": { - "title": "Deploy Kontrak", - "descriptionTitle": "Deskripsi", - "description": "Anda sedang menyebarkan kontrak pintar" -}, -"cancelTx": { - "title": "Batalkan Transaksi Tertunda", - "txToBeCanceled": "Transaksi yang akan dibatalkan", - "gasPriceAlert": "Atur harga gas saat ini lebih dari {{value}} Gwei untuk membatalkan transaksi tertunda" -}, -"submitMultisig": { - "title": "Kirim Transaksi Multisig", - "multisigAddress": "Alamat multisig" -}, -"contractCall": { - "title": "Panggilan Kontrak", - "operation": "Operasi", - "operationABIDesc": "Operasi didekode dari ABI", - "operationCantDecode": "Operasi tidak dapat didekode", - "payNativeToken": "Bayar {{symbol}}" -}, -"revokePermit2": { - "title": "Cabut Penyetujuan Token Permit2" -}, -"unknownAction": "Tipe Tanda Tangan Tidak Diketahui", -"interactContract": "Berinteraksi dengan kontrak", -"markAsTrust": "Ditandai sebagai terpercaya", -"markAsBlock": "Ditandai sebagai diblokir", -"interacted": "Pernah berinteraksi", -"neverInteracted": "Belum pernah berinteraksi", -"transacted": "Pernah bertransaksi", -"neverTransacted": "Belum pernah bertransaksi", -"importedAddress": "Alamat impor", -"fakeTokenAlert": "Ini adalah token scam yang ditandai oleh Rabby", -"scamTokenAlert": "Ini berpotensi menjadi token berkualitas rendah dan scam berdasarkan deteksi Rabby", -"trusted": "Terpercaya", -"blocked": "Diblokir", -"noMark": "Tidak ada tanda", -"markRemoved": "Tanda dihapus", -"speedUpTooltip": "Transaksi ini dipercepat dan transaksi asli, hanya salah satunya yang akan selesai", -"decodedTooltip": "Tanda tangan ini didekode oleh Rabby Wallet", -"signTransactionOnChain": "Tandatangani Transaksi {{chain}}", -"viewRaw": "Lihat Raw", -"unknownActionType": "Tipe tindakan tidak diketahui", -"sigCantDecode": "Tanda tangan ini tidak dapat didekode oleh Rabby Wallet", -"nftCollection": "Kumpulan NFT", -"floorPrice": "Harga dasar", -"contractAddress": "Alamat kontrak", -"protocolTitle": "Protokol", -"deployTimeTitle": "Waktu penyebaran", -"popularity": "Popularitas", -"contractPopularity": "No.{{0}} di {{1}}", -"addressNote": "Catatan alamat", -"myMarkWithContract": "Tanda saya di kontrak {{chainName}}", -"myMark": "Tanda saya", -"collectionTitle": "Kumpulan", -"addressTypeTitle": "Tipe alamat", -"firstOnChain": "Pertama di rantai", -"trustValue": "Nilai kepercayaan", -"importedDelegatedAddress": "Alamat delegasi impor", -"noDelegatedAddress": "Tidak ada alamat delegasi impor", -"coboSafeNotPermission": "Alamat delegasi ini tidak memiliki izin untuk memulai transaksi ini", -"l2GasEstimateTooltip": "Estimasi gas untuk rantai L2 tidak termasuk biaya gas L1. Biaya sebenarnya akan lebih tinggi dari perkiraan saat ini.", -"BroadcastMode": { - "instant": { - "title": "Instan", - "desc": "Transaksi akan segera disiarkan ke jaringan" - }, - "lowGas": { - "title": "Hemat gas", - "desc": "Transaksi akan disiarkan ketika gas jaringan rendah" - }, - "mev": { - "title": "MEV Terlindungi", - "desc": "Transaksi akan disiarkan ke node MEV yang ditentukan" - }, - "title": "Mode Siaran", - "tips": { - "walletConnect": "Tidak didukung oleh WalletConnect", - "notSupportChain": "Tidak didukung pada rantai ini", - "customRPC": "Tidak didukung saat menggunakan RPC kustom", - "notSupported": "Tidak didukung" - }, - "lowGasDeadline": { - "label": "Timeout", - "1h": "1h", - "4h": "4h", - "24h": "24h" - } -} - "SafeNonceSelector": { - "explain": { - "contractCall": "Panggilan Kontrak", - "send": "Kirim Token", - "unknown": "Transaksi Tidak Diketahui" - }, - "optionGroup": { - "recommendTitle": "Nonce yang Disarankan", - "replaceTitle": "Ganti transaksi dalam Antrian" - }, - "option": { - "new": "Transaksi Baru" - }, - "error": { - "pendingList": "Gagal memuat transaksi tertunda, <1/>Coba Lagi" - } -}, -"coboSafeCreate": { - "safeWalletTitle": "Safe{Wallet}", - "descriptionTitle": "Deskripsi", - "title": "Buat Cobo Safe" -}, -"coboSafeModificationRole": { - "title": "Kirim Modifikasi Peran Safe", - "safeWalletTitle": "Safe{Wallet}", - "descriptionTitle": "Deskripsi" -}, -"coboSafeModificationDelegatedAddress": { - "title": "Kirim Modifikasi Alamat Delegasi", - "safeWalletTitle": "Safe{Wallet}", - "descriptionTitle": "Deskripsi" -}, -"coboSafeModificationTokenApproval": { - "title": "Kirim Modifikasi Penyetujuan Token", - "safeWalletTitle": "Safe{Wallet}", - "descriptionTitle": "Deskripsi" -}, -"common": { - "description": "Deskripsi", - "interactContract": "Berinteraksi dengan kontrak", - "descTipSafe": "Tanda tangan tidak menyebabkan perubahan aset atau memverifikasi kepemilikan alamat", - "descTipWarningPrivacy": "Tanda tangan dapat memverifikasi kepemilikan alamat", - "descTipWarningAssets": "Tanda tangan dapat menyebabkan perubahan aset", - "descTipWarningBoth": "Tanda tangan dapat menyebabkan perubahan aset dan memverifikasi kepemilikan alamat" -}, -"signFooterBar": { - "requestFrom": "Permintaan dari", - "processRiskAlert": "Silakan proses peringatan sebelum menandatangani", - "ignoreAll": "abaikan semua", - "gridPlusConnected": "GridPlus terhubung", - "gridPlusNotConnected": "GridPlus tidak terhubung", - "connectButton": "Hubungkan", - "connecting": "Menghubungkan...", - "ledgerNotConnected": "Ledger tidak terhubung", - "keystoneNotConnected": "Keystone tidak terhubung", - "keystoneConnected": "Keystone terhubung", - "ledgerConnected": "Ledger terhubung", - "signAndSubmitButton": "Tandatangani dan Buat", - "walletConnect": { - "connectedButCantSign": "Terhubung tetapi tidak dapat menandatangani.", - "switchToCorrectAddress": "Silakan beralih ke alamat yang benar di dompet seluler", - "switchChainAlert": "Silakan beralih ke {{chain}} di dompet seluler", - "notConnectToMobile": "Tidak terhubung ke {{brand}}", - "connected": "Terhubung dan siap untuk menandatangani", - "howToSwitch": "Cara beralih", - "wrongAddressAlert": "Anda telah beralih ke alamat yang berbeda di dompet seluler. Silakan beralih ke alamat yang benar di dompet seluler", - "connectBeforeSign": "{{0}} tidak terhubung ke Rabby, silakan hubungkan sebelum menandatangani", - "chainSwitched": "Anda telah beralih ke rantai yang berbeda di dompet seluler. Silakan beralih ke {{0}} di dompet seluler", - "latency": "Latency", - "requestSuccessToast": "Permintaan berhasil dikirim", - "sendingRequest": "Mengirim permintaan penandatanganan", - "signOnYourMobileWallet": "Silakan tandatangani di dompet seluler Anda.", - "requestFailedToSend": "Permintaan penandatanganan gagal dikirim" - }, - "beginSigning": "Mulai proses penandatanganan", - "addressTip": { - "onekey": "Alamat OneKey", - "trezor": "Alamat Trezor", - "bitbox": "Alamat BitBox02", - "keystone": "Alamat Keystone", - "airgap": "Alamat AirGap", - "coolwallet": "Alamat CoolWallet", - "privateKey": "Alamat Kunci Pribadi", - "seedPhrase": "Alamat Seed Phrase", - "watchAddress": "Tidak dapat menandatangani dengan alamat hanya-baca", - "safe": "Alamat Safe", - "coboSafe": "Alamat Cobo Argus", - "seedPhraseWithPassphrase": "Alamat Seed Phrase (Kata Sandi)" - }, - "qrcode": { - "signWith": "Tandatangani dengan {{brand}}", - "failedToGetExplain": "Gagal mendapatkan penjelasan", - "txFailed": "Gagal membuat", - "sigReceived": "Tanda tangan diterima", - "sigCompleted": "Transaksi dibuat", - "getSig": "Dapatkan tanda tangan", - "qrcodeDesc": "Pindai dengan {{brand}} Anda untuk menandatangani

Setelah menandatangani, klik tombol di bawah untuk menerima tanda tangan", - "misMatchSignId": "Data transaksi tidak konsisten. Silakan periksa detail transaksi.", - "unknownQRCode": "Kesalahan: Kami tidak dapat mengidentifikasi kode QR tersebut", - "afterSignDesc": "Setelah menandatangani, letakkan kode QR pada {{brand}} di depan kamera PC Anda" - }, - "keystone": { - "signWith": "Beralih ke {{method}} untuk menandatangani", - "misMatchSignId": "Data transaksi tidak konsisten. Silakan periksa detail transaksi.", - "unsupportedType": "Kesalahan: Tipe transaksi tidak didukung atau tidak dikenal.", - "siging": "Mengirim permintaan penandatanganan", - "txRejected": "Transaksi ditolak", - "shouldRetry": "Terjadi beberapa kesalahan. Silakan coba lagi.", - "hardwareRejectError": "Perangkat keras menolak tanda tangan", - "mismatchedWalletError": "Dompet tidak cocok", - "verifyPasswordError": "Kegagalan tanda tangan, silakan coba lagi setelah membuka kunci", - "shouldOpenKeystoneHomePageError": "Silakan buka halaman beranda Keystone" - }, - "ledger": { - "resent": "Kirim ulang", - "signError": "Kesalahan tanda tangan Ledger:", - "notConnected": "Dompet Anda tidak terhubung. Silakan hubungkan kembali.", - "siging": "Mengirim permintaan penandatanganan", - "txRejected": "Transaksi ditolak", - "unlockAlert": "Silakan colokkan dan buka kunci Ledger Anda, buka Ethereum di dalamnya", - "updateFirmwareAlert": "Silakan perbarui firmware dan Aplikasi Ethereum di Ledger Anda", - "txRejectedByLedger": "Transaksi ditolak di Ledger Anda", - "blindSigTutorial": "Tutorial Tanda Tangan Buta dari Ledger", - "submitting": "Ditandatangani. Membuat transaksi", - "resubmited": "Dikirim ulang" -"common": { - "notSupport": "{{0}} tidak didukung" -}, - "resend": "Coba Lagi", - "submitTx": "Kirim Transaksi", - "testnet": "Testnet", - "mainnet": "Mainnet", - "cancelTransaction": "Batalkan Transaksi", - "detectedMultipleRequestsFromThisDapp": "Terdeteksi beberapa permintaan dari Dapp ini", - "cancelCurrentTransaction": "Batalkan transaksi saat ini", - "cancelAll": "Batalkan semua {{count}} permintaan dari Dapp", - "blockDappFromSendingRequests": "Blokir Dapp dari mengirim permintaan selama 1 menit", - "cancelConnection": "Batalkan koneksi", - "cancelCurrentConnection": "Batalkan koneksi saat ini", - "imKeyNotConnected": "imKey tidak terhubung", - "imKeyConnected": "imKey terhubung" - }, - "signTypedData": { - "signTypeDataOnChain": "Tandatangani {{chain}} Typed Data", - "safeCantSignText": "Ini adalah alamat Safe, dan tidak dapat digunakan untuk menandatangani teks.", - "permit": { - "title": "Izin Penyetujuan Token" - }, - "permit2": { - "title": "Izin Penyetujuan Token Permit2", - "sigExpireTimeTip": "Durasi tanda tangan ini berlaku di rantai", - "sigExpireTime": "Waktu kedaluwarsa tanda tangan", - "approvalExpiretime": "Waktu kedaluwarsa persetujuan" - }, - "swapTokenOrder": { - "title": "Urutan Token" - }, - "sellNFT": { - "title": "Pesanan NFT", - "receiveToken": "Terima token", - "listNFT": "Daftar NFT", - "specificBuyer": "Pembeli khusus" - }, - "signMultiSig": { - "title": "Konfirmasi Transaksi" - }, - "createKey": { - "title": "Buat Kunci" - }, - "verifyAddress": { - "title": "Verifikasi Alamat" - }, - "buyNFT": { - "payToken": "Bayar token", - "receiveNFT": "Terima NFT", - "expireTime": "Waktu kedaluwarsa", - "listOn": "Daftar di" - } -} - }, - "contractCall": { - "operationDecoded": "Operation is decoded from message" - } - }, - "activities": { - "title": "Signature Record", - "signedTx": { - "label": "Transactions", - "empty": { - "title": "No signed transactions yet", - "desc": "All transactions signed via Rabby will be listed here." - }, - "common": { - "unlimited": "unlimited", - "unknownProtocol": "Unknown protocol", - "unknown": "Unknown", - "speedUp": "Speed up", - "cancel": "Cancel", - "pendingDetail": "Pending detail" - }, - "tips": { - "pendingDetail": "Only one transaction will be completed, and it is almost always the one with the highest gas price", - "canNotCancel": "Cannot speed up or cancel: Not the first pending txn", - "pendingBroadcast": "Gas-saving mode: waiting for lower network fees. Max {{deadline}}h wait.", - "pendingBroadcastBtn": "Broadcast now", - "pendingBroadcastRetry": "Broadcast failed. Last attempt: {{pushAt}}", - "pendingBroadcastRetryBtn": "Re-broadcast" - }, - "status": { - "canceled": "Canceled", - "failed": "Failed", - "submitFailed": "Failed to submit", - "pending": "Pending", - "withdrawed": "Quick cancel", - "pendingBroadcasted": "Pending: broadcasted", - "pendingBroadcast": "Pending: to be broadcasted", - "pendingBroadcastFailed": "Pending: Broadcast failed" - }, - "txType": { - "initial": "Initial tx", - "cancel": "Cancel tx", - "speedUp": "Speed up tx" - }, - "explain": { - "unknown": "Unknown Transaction", - "send": "Send {{amount}} {{symbol}}", - "cancel": "Cancel {{token}} Approve for {{protocol}}", - "approve": "Approve {{count}} {{token}} for {{protocol}}", - "cancelNFTCollectionApproval": "Cancel NFT Collection Approval for {{protocol}}", - "cancelSingleNFTApproval": "Cancel Single NFT Approval for {{protocol}}", - "singleNFTApproval": "Single NFT Approval for {{protocol}}", - "nftCollectionApproval": "NFT Collection Approval for {{protocol}}" - }, - "CancelTxPopup": { - "title": "Cancel transaction", - "options": { - "quickCancel": { - "title": "Quick Cancel", - "desc": "Cancel before broadcasting, no gas fee", - "tips": "Only supported for transactions that haven't broadcast" - }, - "onChainCancel": { - "title": "On-chain Cancel", - "desc": "New transaction to cancel, requires gas" - } - } - }, - "MempoolList": { - "empty": "Not found in any node", - "reBroadcastBtn": "Re-broadcast", - "title": "Appeared in {{count}} RPC nodes" - }, - "message": { - "reBroadcastSuccess": "Re-broadcasted", - "broadcastSuccess": "Broadcasted", - "cancelSuccess": "Canceled" - }, - "gas": { - "noCost": "No Gas cost" - }, - "SkipNonceAlert": { - "alert": "Nonce #{{nonce}} skipped on {{chainName}} chain. This may cause pending transactions ahead. <5> <6>Submit a tx <7> on chain to resolve" - }, - "PredictTime": { - "time": "Predicted to be packed in {{time}}", - "noTime": "Packing time is being predicted", - "failed": "Packing time prediction failed" - } - }, - "signedText": { - "label": "Text", - "empty": { - "title": "No signed texts yet", - "desc": "All texts signed via Rabby will be listed here." - } - } - }, - "receive": { - "title": "Receive {{token}} on {{chain}}", - "watchModeAlert1": "This is a Watch Mode address.", - "watchModeAlert2": "Are you sure to use it to receive assets?" - }, - "sendToken": { - "addressNotInContract": "Not on address list. <1><2>Add to contacts", - "AddToContactsModal": { - "addedAsContacts": "Added as contacts", - "editAddr": { - "placeholder": "Enter Address Note", - "validator__empty": "Please enter address note" - }, - "editAddressNote": "Edit address note", - "error": "Failed to add to contacts" - }, - "allowTransferModal": { - "error": "incorrect password", - "placeholder": "Enter the Password to Confirm", - "validator__empty": "Please input password", - "addWhitelist": "Add to whitelist" - }, - "GasSelector": { - "confirm": "Confirm", - "level": { - "$unknown": "Unknown", - "custom": "Custom", - "fast": "Instant", - "normal": "Fast", - "slow": "Standard" - }, - "popupDesc": "The gas cost will be reserved from the transfer amount based on the gas price you set", - "popupTitle": "Set Gas Price (Gwei)" - }, - "header": { - "title": "Send" - }, - "modalConfirmAddToContacts": { - "confirmText": "Confirm", - "title": "Add to contacts" - }, - "modalConfirmAllowTransferTo": { - "cancelText": "Cancel", - "confirmText": "Confirm", - "title": "Enter the Password to Confirm" - }, - "sectionBalance": { - "title": "Balance" - }, - "sectionChain": { - "title": "Chain" - }, - "sectionFrom": { - "title": "From" - }, - "sectionTo": { - "addrValidator__empty": "Please input address", - "addrValidator__invalid": "This address is invalid", - "searchInputPlaceholder": "Search or enter address", - "title": "To" - }, - "sendButton": "Send", - "tokenInfoFieldLabel": { - "chain": "Chain", - "contract": "Contract Address" - }, - "tokenInfoPrice": "Price", - "whitelistAlert__disabled": "Whitelist disabled. You can transfer to any address.", - "whitelistAlert__notWhitelisted": "The address is not whitelisted. <1 /> I agree to grant temporary permission to transfer.", - "whitelistAlert__temporaryGranted": "Temporary permission granted", - "whitelistAlert__whitelisted": "The address is whitelisted", - "balanceWarn": { - "gasFeeReservation": "Gas fee reservation required" - }, - "balanceError": { - "insufficientBalance": "Insufficient balance" - }, - "max": "MAX", - "sectionMsgDataForEOA": { - "placeholder": "Optional", - "title": "Message", - "currentIsOriginal": "The current input is Original Data. UTF-8 is:", - "currentIsUTF8": "The current input is UTF-8. Original Data is:" - }, - "sectionMsgDataForContract": { - "placeholder": "Optional", - "title": "Contract call", - "parseError": "Fail to decode contract call", - "simulation": "Contract call simulation:", - "notHexData": "Only supported hex data" - } - }, - "sendTokenComponents": { - "GasReserved": "Reserved <1>0 {{ tokenName }} for gas cost" - }, - "sendNFT": { - "header": { - "title": "Send" - }, - "sectionChain": { - "title": "Chain" - }, - "sectionFrom": { - "title": "From" - }, - "sectionTo": { - "title": "To", - "addrValidator__empty": "Please input address", - "addrValidator__invalid": "This address is invalid", - "searchInputPlaceholder": "Search or enter address" - }, - "nftInfoFieldLabel": { - "Collection": "Collection", - "Contract": "Contract", - "sendAmount": "Send Amount" - }, - "sendButton": "Send", - "whitelistAlert__disabled": "Whitelist disabled. You can transfer to any address.", - "whitelistAlert__whitelisted": "The address is whitelisted", - "whitelistAlert__temporaryGranted": "Temporary permission granted", - "whitelistAlert__notWhitelisted": "The address is not whitelisted. <1 /> I agree to grant temporary permission to transfer.", - "tipNotOnAddressList": "Not on address list.", - "tipAddToContacts": "Add to contacts", - "confirmModal": { - "title": "Enter the Password to Confirm" - } - }, - "approvals": { - "header": { - "title": "Approvals on {{ address }}" - }, - "tab-switch": { - "contract": "By Contracts", - "assets": "By Assets" - }, - "component": { - "table": { - "bodyEmpty": { - "loadingText": "Loading...", - "noMatchText": "No Match" - } - }, - "ApprovalContractItem": { - "ApprovalCount_one": "Approval", - "ApprovalCount_other": "Approvals" - }, - "RevokeButton": { - "btnText_zero": "Revoke", - "btnText_one": "Revoke ({{count}})", - "btnText_other": "Revoke ({{count}})" - }, - "ViewMore": { - "text": "View more" - } - }, - "search": { - "placeholder": "Search {{ type }} by name/address" - }, - "tableConfig": { - "byContracts": { - "columnTitle": { - "contract": "Contract", - "contractTrustValue": "Contract Trust value", - "revokeTrends": "24h Revoke Trends", - "myApprovedAssets": "My Approved Assets", - "myApprovalTime": "My Approval Time" - }, - "columnTip": { - "contractTrustValue": "Trust value refers to the total asset value approved and exposed to this contract. A low trust value indicates either risk or inactivity for 180 days.", - "contractTrustValueWarning": "The contract trust value < $100,000", - "contractTrustValueDanger": "The contract trust value < $10,000" - } - }, - "byAssets": { - "columnTitle": { - "asset": "Asset", - "type": "Type", - "approvedAmount": "Approved Amount", - "approvedSpender": "Approved Spender", - "myApprovalTime": "My Approval Time" - }, - "columnCell": { - "approvedAmount": { - "tipApprovedAmount": "Approved Amount", - "tipMyBalance": "My Balance" - } - } - } - }, - "RevokeApprovalModal": { - "subTitleTokenAndNFT": "Approved Token and NFT", - "subTitleContract": "Approved to the following Contracts", - "selectAll": "Select All", - "confirm": "Confirm {{ selectedCount }}", - "title": "Approvals" - } - }, - "gasTopUp": { - "title": "Instant Gas Top Up", - "description": "Top up gas by sending us available tokens on another chain. Instant transfer as soon as your payment is confirmed, without waiting for it to be irreversible.", - "topUpChain": "Top Up Chain", - "Amount": "Amount", - "Continue": "Continue", - "InsufficientBalance": "There is not enough balance in Rabby's contract address for the current chain. Please try again later.", - "hightGasFees": "This top up amount is too small because the target network requires high gas fees.", - "No_Tokens": "No Tokens", - "InsufficientBalanceTips": "Insufficient balance", - "payment": "Gas Top Up Payment", - "Loading_Tokens": "Loading Tokens...", - "Including-service-fee": "Including {{fee}} service fee", - "service-fee-tip": "By providing the service for Gas Top Up, Rabby has to bear the loss of token fluctuation and the gas fee for the top up. Therefore a 20% service fee is charged.", - "Confirm": "Confirm", - "Select-from-supported-tokens": "Select from supported tokens", - "Value": "Value", - "Payment-Token": "Payment Token", - "Select-payment-token": "Select payment token", - "Token": "Token", - "Balance": "Balance" - }, - "swap": { - "title": "Swap", - "pendingTip": "Tx submitted. If the tx is pending for long hours, you can try to clear pending in settings.", - "Pending": "Pending", - "completedTip": "Transaction on chain, decoding data to generate record", - "Completed": "Completed", - "slippage_tolerance": "Slippage tolerance:", - "actual-slippage": "Actual Slippage:", - "gas-x-price": "Gas price: {{price}} Gwei.", - "no-transaction-records": "No transaction records", - "swap-history": "Swap history", - "InSufficientTip": "Insufficient balance to do transaction simulation and gas estimation. Original aggregator quotes are displayed", - "testnet-is-not-supported": "Testnet is not supported", - "not-supported": "Not supported", - "slippage-adjusted-refresh-quote": "Slippage adjusted. Refresh quote.", - "price-expired-refresh-quote": "Price expired. Refresh quote.", - "approve-x-symbol": "Approve {{symbol}}", - "swap-via-x": "Swap via {{name}}", - "get-quotes": "Get quotes", - "chain": "Chain", - "swap-from": "Swap from", - "to": "To", - "search-by-name-address": "Search by Name / Address", - "amount-in": "Amount in {{symbol}}", - "unlimited-allowance": "Unlimited allowance", - "insufficient-balance": "Insufficient balance", - "rabby-fee": "Rabby fee", - "preferMEV": "Prefer MEV Guarded", - "preferMEVTip": "Enable \"MEV Guarded\" feature for Ethereum swaps to reduce sandwich attack risks. Note: this feature is not supported if you use a custom RPC or wallet connect address", - "minimum-received": "Minimum received", - "there-is-no-fee-and-slippage-for-this-trade": "There is no slippage for this trade", - "approve-tips": "1.Approve → 2.Swap", - "best": "Best", - "unable-to-fetch-the-price": "Unable to fetch the price", - "fail-to-simulate-transaction": "Fail to simulate transaction", - "security-verification-failed": "Security verification failed", - "need-to-approve-token-before-swap": "Need to approve token before swap", - "this-exchange-is-not-enabled-to-trade-by-you": "This exchange is not enabled to trade by you.", - "enable-it": "Enable it", - "this-token-pair-is-not-supported": "Token pair is not supported", - "QuoteLessWarning": "The receiving amount is estimated from Rabby transaction simulation. The offer provided by dex is {{receive}}. You'll receive {{diff}} less than the expected offer.", - "by-transaction-simulation-the-quote-is-valid": "By transaction simulation, the quote is valid", - "wrap-contract": "Wrap Contract", - "directlySwap": "Wrapping {{symbol}} tokens directly with the smart contract", - "rates-from-cex": "Rates from CEX", - "edit": "Edit", - "tradingSettingTips": "{{viewCount}} exchanges offer quotes, and {{tradeCount}} enable trading", - "the-following-swap-rates-are-found": "Found following swap rates", - "sort-with-gas": "Sort with gas", - "est-payment": "Est. Payment:", - "est-receiving": "Est. Receiving:", - "est-difference": "Est. Difference:", - "selected-offer-differs-greatly-from-current-rate-may-cause-big-losses": "Selected offer differs greatly from current rate, may cause big losses", - "rate": "Rate", - "low-slippage-may-cause-failed-transactions-due-to-high-volatility": "Low slippage may cause failed transactions due to high volatility", - "transaction-might-be-frontrun-because-of-high-slippage-tolerance": "Transaction might be frontrun because of high slippage tolerance", - "recommend-slippage": "To prevent front-running, we recommend a slippage of <2>{{ slippage }}%", - "slippage-tolerance": "Slippage tolerance", - "select-token": "Select Token", - "enable-exchanges": "Enable Exchanges", - "exchanges": "Exchanges", - "view-quotes": "View quotes", - "trade": "Trade", - "dex": "Dex", - "cex": "Cex", - "enable-trading": "Enable Trading", - "i-understand-and-accept-it": "I understand and accept it", - "confirm": "Confirm", - "tradingSettingTip1": "1. Once enabled, you will interact with the contract from the exchange directly", - "tradingSettingTip2": "2. Rabby is not liable for any risks arising from the contract of the exchanges", - "gas-fee": "GasFee: {{gasUsed}}", - "estimate": "Estimate:", - "actual": "Actual:" - }, - "manageAddress": { - "no-address": "No address", - "no-match": "No match", - "current-address": "Current Address", - "address-management": "Address Management", - "update-balance-data": "Update balance data", - "search": "Search", - "manage-address": "Manage Address", - "deleted": "Deleted", - "whitelisted-address": "Whitelisted address", - "addressTypeTip": "Imported by {{type}}", - "delete-desc": "Before you delete, keep the following points in mind to understand how to protect your assets.", - "delete-checklist-1": "I understand that if I delete this address, the corresponding Private Key & Seed Phrase of this address will be deleted and Rabby will NOT be able to recover it.", - "delete-checklist-2": "I confirm that I have backuped the private key or Seed Phrase and I'm ready to delete it now.", - "confirm": "Confirm", - "cancel": "Cancel", - "delete-private-key-modal-title_one": "Delete {{count}} private key address", - "delete-private-key-modal-title_other": "Delete {{count}} private key addresses", - "delete-seed-phrase-title_one": "Delete seed phrase and its {{count}} address", - "delete-seed-phrase-title_other": "Delete seed phrase and its {{count}} addresses", - "delete-title_one": "Delete {{count}} {{brand}} address", - "delete-title_other": "Delete {{count}} {{brand}} addresses", - "delete-empty-seed-phrase": "Delete seed phrase and its 0 address", - "hd-path": "HD path:", - "no-address-under-seed-phrase": "You haven't imported any addresses under this seed phrase.", - "add-address": "Add address", - "delete-seed-phrase": "Delete seed phrase", - "confirm-delete": "Confirm Delete", - "private-key": "Private Key", - "seed-phrase": "Seed Phrase", - "watch-address": "Watch Address", - "backup-seed-phrase": "Backup Seed Phrase", - "delete-all-addresses-but-keep-the-seed-phrase": "Delete all addresses, but keep the seed phrase", - "delete-all-addresses-and-the-seed-phrase": "Delete all addresses and the seed phrase", - "seed-phrase-delete-title": "Delete seed phrase?", - "sort-by-balance": "Sort by balance", - "sort-by-address-type": "Sort by address type", - "sort-by-address-note": "Sort by address note", - "sort-address": "Sort Address", - "enterThePassphrase": "Enter the Passphrase", - "enterPassphraseTitle": "Enter Passphrase to Sign", - "passphraseError": "Passphrase invalid" - }, - "dashboard": { - "home": { - "offline": "The network is disconnected and no data is obtained", - "panel": { - "swap": "Swap", - "send": "Send", - "receive": "Receive", - "gasTopUp": "Gas Top Up", - "queue": "Queue", - "transactions": "Transactions", - "approvals": "Approvals", - "feedback": "Feedback", - "rabbyPoints": "Rabby Points", - "more": "More", - "manageAddress": "Manage Address", - "nft": "NFT" - }, - "comingSoon": "Coming soon", - "soon": "Soon", - "refreshTheWebPageToTakeEffect": "Refresh the web page to take effect", - "rabbyIsInUseAndMetamaskIsBanned": "Rabby is in use and Metamask is banned", - "flip": "Flip", - "metamaskIsInUseAndRabbyIsBanned": "MetaMask is in use and Rabby is banned", - "transactionNeedsToSign": "transaction needs to sign", - "transactionsNeedToSign": "transactions need to sign", - "view": "View", - "viewFirstOne": "View first one", - "rejectAll": "Reject All", - "pendingCount": "1 Pending", - "pendingCountPlural": "{{countStr}} Pendings", - "queue": { - "title": "Queue", - "count": "{{count}} in" - }, - "whatsNew": "What's new", - "importType": "Imported by {{type}}", - "missingDataTooltip": "Balance may not be updated due to current network issues with {{text}}.", - "chain": " chain, ", - "chainEnd": " chain" - }, - "recentConnection": { - "disconnected": "Disconnected", - "rpcUnavailable": "The custom RPC is unavailable", - "metamaskTooltip": "You prefer to use MetaMask with this dapp. Update this settings anytime in Settings > MetaMask Preferred Dapps", - "connected": "Connected", - "notConnected": "Not connected", - "connectedDapp": "Rabby is not connected to the current Dapp.To connect, find and click the connect button on the Dapp’s webpage.", - "noDappFound": "No Dapp found", - "disconnectAll": "Disconnect All", - "disconnectRecentlyUsed": { - "title_one": "Disconnect {{count}} connected Dapp", - "title_other": "Disconnect {{count}} connected Dapps", - "description": "Pinned DApps will remain connected" - }, - "title": "Connected Dapp", - "pinned": "Pinned", - "noPinnedDapps": "No pinned dapps", - "dragToSort": "Drag to sort", - "recentlyConnected": "Recently connected", - "noRecentlyConnectedDapps": "No recently connected Dapps", - "noConnectedDapps": "No connected Dapps", - "dapps": "Dapps" - }, - "feedback": { - "directMessage": { - "content": "Direct Message", - "description": "Chat with Rabby Wallet Official on DeBank" - }, - "proposal": { - "content": "Proposal", - "description": "Submit a proposal for Rabby Wallet on DeBank" - }, - "title": "Feedback" - }, - "nft": { - "empty": "No NFTs found in supported Collections", - "collectionList": { - "collections": { - "label": "Collections" - }, - "all_nfts": { - "label": "All NFTs" - } - }, - "listEmpty": "You haven't gotten any NFT yet", - "modal": { - "collection": "Collection", - "chain": "Chain", - "lastPrice": "Last Price", - "purchaseDate": "Purchase Date", - "sendTooltip": "Only ERC 721 and ERC 1155 NFTs are supported for now", - "send": "Send" - } - }, - "rabbyBadge": { - "imageLabel": "rabby badge", - "title": "Claim Rabby Badge for", - "enterClaimCode": "Enter claim code", - "swapTip": "You need to complete a swap with notable dex within Rabby Wallet first.", - "goToSwap": "Go to Swap", - "claim": "Claim", - "viewYourClaimCode": "View your claim code", - "noCode": "You haven’t activated claim code for this address", - "learnMoreOnDebank": "Learn more on DeBank", - "rabbyValuedUserNo": "Rabby Valued User No.{{num}}", - "claimSuccess": "Claim Success", - "viewOnDebank": "View on DeBank" - }, - "contacts": { - "noDataLabel": "no data", - "noData": "No data", - "oldContactList": "Old Contact List", - "oldContactListDescription": "Because of the merging of contacts and watch model addresses, the old contacts will be backed up for you here and after some time we will delete the list.Please add in time if you continue to use." - }, - "security": { - "tokenApproval": "Token Approval", - "nftApproval": "NFT Approval", - "comingSoon": "More features coming soon", - "title": "Security" - }, - "settings": { - "lock": { - "never": "Never" - }, - "7Days": "7 days", - "1Day": "1 day", - "4Hours": "4 hours", - "1Hour": "1 hour", - "10Minutes": "10 minutes", - "backendServiceUrl": "Backend Service URL", - "inputOpenapiHost": "Please input openapi host", - "pleaseCheckYourHost": "Please check your host", - "host": "Host", - "reset": "Restore initial setting", - "save": "Save", - "pendingTransactionCleared": "Pending transaction cleared", - "clearPending": "Clear Pending", - "clearPendingTip1": "This will clear all your pending transactions. This can help you solve the problem that in some cases the state of the transaction in Rabby does not match the state on-chain.", - "clearPendingTip2": "This will not change the balances in your accounts or require you to re-enter your seed phrase. All your assets and accounts information will remain secure.", - "autoLockTime": "Auto lock time", - "claimRabbyBadge": "Claim Rabby Badge!", - "cancel": "Cancel", - "enableWhitelist": "Enable Whitelist", - "disableWhitelist": "Disable Whitelist", - "enableWhitelistTip": "Once enabled, you can only send assets to the addresses in the whitelist using Rabby.", - "disableWhitelistTip": "You can send assets to any address once disabled", - "warning": "Warning", - "clearWatchAddressContent": "Do you make sure to delete all Watch Mode address?", - "updateVersion": { - "content": "A new update for Rabby Wallet is available. Click to check how to update manually.", - "okText": "See Tutorial", - "successTip": "You are using the latest version", - "title": "Update Available" - }, - "features": { - "label": "Features", - "lockWallet": "Lock Wallet", - "signatureRecord": "Signature Record", - "manageAddress": "Manage Address", - "connectedDapp": "Connected Dapp" - }, - "settings": { - "label": "Settings", - "enableWhitelistForSendingAssets": "Enable Whitelist For Sending Assets", - "customRpc": "Custom RPC", - "metamaskPreferredDapps": "MetaMask Preferred Dapps", - "currentLanguage": "Current Language", - "enableTestnets": "Enable Testnets", - "toggleThemeMode": "Theme Mode", - "themeMode": "Theme Mode" - }, - "aboutUs": "About us", - "currentVersion": "Current Version", - "updateAvailable": "Update Available", - "supportedChains": "Supported Chains", - "followUs": "Follow Us", - "testnetBackendServiceUrl": "Testnet Backend Service URL", - "clearWatchMode": "Clear Watch Mode", - "requestDeBankTestnetGasToken": "Request DeBank Testnet Gas Token" - }, - "tokenDetail": { - "blockedTip": "Blocked token will not be shown in token list", - "blocked": "Blocked", - "selectedCustom": "Token is not listed by Rabby. You've added it to the token list by custom.", - "notSelectedCustom": "Token is not listed by Rabby. It will be added to the token list if you switch on.", - "customized": "Customized", - "scamTx": "Scam tx", - "txFailed": "Failed", - "notSupported": "The token on this chain is not supported", - "swap": "Swap", - "send": "Send", - "receive": "Receive", - "noTransactions": "No Transactions", - "customizedButton": "customized", - "blockedButton": "blocked" - }, - "assets": { - "usdValue": "USD VALUE", - "amount": "AMOUNT", - "portfolio": { - "nftTips": "Calculated based on the floor price recognized by this protocol.", - "fractionTips": "Calculate based on the price of the linked ERC20 token." - }, - "tokenButton": { - "subTitle": "The token in this list will not be added to total balance" - }, - "table": { - "assetAmount": "Asset / Amount", - "price": "Price", - "useValue": "USD Value", - "healthRate": "Health rate", - "debtRatio": "Debt Ratio", - "unlockAt": "Unlock at", - "lentAgainst": "LENT AGAINST", - "type": "Type", - "strikePrice": "Strike price", - "exerciseEnd": "Exercise end", - "tradePair": "Trade pair", - "side": "Side", - "leverage": "Leverage", - "PL": "P&L", - "unsupportedPoolType": "Unsupported pool type", - "claimable": "Claimable", - "endAt": "End at", - "dailyUnlock": "Daily unlock", - "pool": "POOL", - "token": "Token", - "balanceValue": "Balance / Value", - "percent": "Percent", - "summaryTips": "Asset value divided by total net worth", - "summaryDescription": "All assets in protocols (e.g. LP tokens) are resolved to the underlying assets for statistical calculations", - "noMatch": "No Match", - "lowValueDescription": "Low value assets will be shown here", - "lowValueAssets": "{{count}} low value assets" - }, - "noAssets": "No assets", - "blockLinkText": "Search address to block token", - "blockDescription": "Token blocked by you will be shown here", - "unfoldChain": "Unfold 1 chain", - "unfoldChainPlural": "Unfold {{moreLen}} chains", - "customLinkText": "Search address to add custom token", - "customDescription": "Custom token added by you will be shown here", - "comingSoon": "Coming Soon...", - "searchPlaceholder": "Tokens" - }, - "hd": { - "howToConnectLedger": "How to Connect Ledger", - "howToConnectKeystone": "How to Connect Keystone", - "userRejectedTheRequest": "User rejected the request.", - "ledger": { - "doc1": "Plug in a single Ledger", - "doc2": "Enter pin to unlock", - "doc3": "Open Ethereum App", - "reconnect": "If it doesn't work, please try <1>reconnecting from the beginning." - }, - "keystone": { - "title": "*USB connect only for Keystone 3(Pro)", - "doc1": "Plug in a single Keystone", - "doc2": "Enter password to unlock", - "doc3": "Approve connection to computer", - "reconnect": "If it doesn't work, please try <1>reconnecting from the beginning." - }, - "howToSwitch": "How to switch", - "imkey": { - "doc1": "Plug in a single imKey", - "doc2": "Enter pin to unlock" - }, - "howToConnectImKey": "How to Connect imKey" - }, - "GnosisWrongChainAlertBar": { - "warning": "Safe address does not support {{chain}}" - } - }, - "nft": { - "floorPrice": "/ Floor Price:", - "title": "NFT", - "all": "All", - "starred": "Starred ({{count}})", - "empty": { - "title": "No Starred NFT", - "description": "You can select NFT from \"All\" and add to \"Starred\"" - }, - "noNft": "No NFT" - }, - "newAddress": { - "title": "Add an Address", - "importSeedPhrase": "Import Seed Phrase", - "importPrivateKey": "Import Private Key", - "importMyMetamaskAccount": "Import My MetaMask Account", - "addContacts": { - "content": "Add Contacts", - "description": "You can also use it as a watch-only address", - "required": "Please input address", - "notAValidAddress": "Not a valid address", - "scanViaMobileWallet": "Scan via mobile wallet", - "scanViaPcCamera": "Scan via PC camera", - "scanQRCode": "Scan QR codes with WalletConnect-compatible wallets", - "walletConnect": "Wallet connect", - "walletConnectVPN": "WalletConnect will be unstable if you use VPN.", - "cameraTitle": "Please scan the QR code with your camera", - "addressEns": "Address / ENS" - }, - "unableToImport": { - "title": "Unable to import", - "description": "Importing multiple QR-based hardware wallets is not supported. Please delete all addresses from {{0}} before importing another device." - }, - "connectHardwareWallets": "Connect Hardware Wallets", - "connectMobileWalletApps": "Connect Mobile Wallet Apps", - "connectInstitutionalWallets": "Connect Institutional Wallets", - "createNewSeedPhrase": "Create New Seed Phrase", - "importKeystore": "Import KeyStore", - "selectImportMethod": "Select Import Method", - "theSeedPhraseIsInvalidPleaseCheck": "The seed phrase is invalid, please check!", - "seedPhrase": { - "importTips": "You can paste your entire secret recovery phrase in 1st field", - "whatIsASeedPhrase": { - "question": "What is a Seed Phrase?", - "answer": "A 12, 18, or 24-word phrase used to control your assets." - }, - "isItSafeToImportItInRabby": { - "question": "Is it safe to import it in Rabby?", - "answer": "Yes, it will be stored locally on your browser and only accessible to you." - }, - "importError": "[CreateMnemonics] unexpected step {{0}}", - "importQuestion1": "If I lose my seed phrase, my assets will be lost forever.", - "importQuestion2": "If I share my seed phrase with others, my assets will be stolen.", - "importQuestion3": "The seed phrase is only stored on my computer, and Rabby has no access to it.", - "importQuestion4": "If I uninstall Rabby without backing up the seed phrase, Rabby cannot retrieve it for me.", - "riskTips": "Before you start, please read and keep the following security tips in mind.", - "showSeedPhrase": "Show Seed Phrase", - "backup": "Backup Seed Phrase", - "backupTips": "Make sure no one else is watching your screen when you back up the seed phrase", - "copy": "Copy seed phrase", - "saved": "I've Saved the Phrase", - "pleaseSelectWords": "Please select words", - "verificationFailed": "Verification failed", - "createdSuccessfully": "Created Successfully", - "verifySeedPhrase": "Verify Seed Phrase", - "fillInTheBackupSeedPhraseInOrder": "Fill in the backup seed phrase in order", - "wordPhrase": "I have a <1>{{count}}-word phrase", - "wordPhraseAndPassphrase": "I have a <1>{{count}}-word phrase with Passphrase", - "clearAll": "Clear All", - "pastedAndClear": "Pasted and clipboard cleared", - "invalidContent": "Invalid content", - "inputInvalidCount_one": "1 input do not conform to Seed Phrase norms, please check.", - "inputInvalidCount_other": "{{count}} inputs do not conform to Seed Phrase norms, please check.", - "passphrase": "Passphrase" - }, - "metamask": { - "step1": " Export seed phrase or private key from MetaMask
<1>Click to view tutorial <1/>", - "step2": "Import the seed phrase or private key in Rabby", - "step3": "Import is completed and all your assets will
appear automatically", - "how": "How to import my MetaMask Account?", - "step": "Step", - "importSeedPhrase": "Import the seed phrase or private key", - "importSeedPhraseTips": "It will only be stored locally on the browser. Rabby will never have access to your private information.", - "tips": "Tips:", - "tipsDesc": "Your seed phrase/private key does not belong to MetaMask or any specific wallet; it only belongs to you." - }, - "privateKey": { - "required": "Please input Private key", - "placeholder": "Enter your Private key", - "whatIsAPrivateKey": { - "question": "What is a private key?", - "answer": "A string of letters and numbers used to control your assets." - }, - "isItSafeToImportItInRabby": { - "question": "Is it safe to import it in Rabby?", - "answer": "Yes, it will be stored locally on your browser and only accessible to you." - }, - "isItPossibleToImportKeystore": { - "question": "Is it possible to import KeyStore?", - "answer": "Yes, you can <1> import KeyStore here." - }, - "notAValidPrivateKey": "Not a valid private key" - }, - "importedSuccessfully": "Imported Successfully", - "ledger": { - "title": "Connect Ledger", - "cameraPermissionTitle": "Allow Rabby to access the camera", - "cameraPermission1": "Allow Rabby to access the camera in the browser pop-up", - "allowRabbyPermissionsTitle": "Allow Rabby permissions to:", - "ledgerPermission1": "Connect to an HID device", - "ledgerPermissionTip": "Please click \"Allow\" below and authorize access to your Ledger in the following pop-up window.", - "permissionsAuthorized": "Permissions Authorized", - "nowYouCanReInitiateYourTransaction": "Now you can re-initiate your transaction.", - "allow": "Allow" - }, - "keystone": { - "title": "Connect Keystone", - "allowRabbyPermissionsTitle": "Allow Rabby permissions to:", - "keystonePermission1": "Connect to an USB device", - "keystonePermissionTip": "Please click \"Allow\" below and authorize access to your Keystone in the following pop-up window.", - "noDeviceFoundError": "Plug in a single Keystone", - "deviceIsLockedError": "Enter password to unlock", - "deviceRejectedExportAddress": "Approve connection to Rabby", - "deviceIsBusy": "Device is busy", - "exportAddressJustAllowedOnHomePage": "Export address just allowed on home page", - "unknowError": "Unknown error, please try again" - }, - "walletConnect": { - "connectYour": "Connect your", - "viaWalletConnect": "via Wallet Connect", - "connectedSuccessfully": "Connected successfully", - "qrCodeError": "Please check your network or refresh the QR code", - "qrCode": "QR code", - "url": "URL", - "changeBridgeServer": "Change bridge server", - "status": { - "received": "Scan successful. Waiting to be confirmed", - "rejected": "Connection canceled. Please scan the QR code to retry.", - "brandError": "Wrong wallet app.", - "brandErrorDesc": "Please use {{brandName}} to connect", - "accountError": "Address not match.", - "accountErrorDesc": "Please switch address in your mobile wallet", - "connected": "Connected", - "duplicate": "The address you're are trying to import is duplicate", - "default": "Scan with your {{brand}}" - }, - "title": "Connect with {{brandName}}", - "disconnected": "Disconnected", - "accountError": {}, - "tip": { - "accountError": { - "tip1": "Connected but unable to sign.", - "tip2": "Please switch to the correct address in mobile wallet" - }, - "disconnected": { - "tip": "Not connected to {{brandName}}" - }, - "connected": { - "tip": "Connected to {{brandName}}" - } - }, - "button": { - "disconnect": "Disconnect", - "connect": "Connect", - "howToSwitch": "How to switch" - } - }, - "hd": { - "tooltip": { - "removed": "The address is removed from Rabby", - "added": "The address is added to Rabby", - "connectError": "Connect has stopped. Please refresh the page to connect again.", - "disconnected": "Unable to connect to Hardware wallet. Please try to re-connect." - }, - "waiting": "Waiting", - "clickToGetInfo": "Click to get the information on-chain", - "addToRabby": "Add to Rabby", - "basicInformation": "Basic information", - "addresses": "Addresses", - "loadingAddress": "Loading {{0}}/{{1}} addresses", - "notes": "Notes", - "getOnChainInformation": "Get on-chain information", - "hideOnChainInformation": "Hide on-chain information", - "usedChains": "Used chains", - "firstTransactionTime": "First transaction time", - "balance": "Balance", - "ledger": { - "hdPathType": { - "ledgerLive": "Ledger Live: Ledger official HD path. In the first 3 addresses, there are addresses used on-chain.", - "bip44": "BIP44 Standard: HDpath defined by the BIP44 protocol. In the first 3 addresses, there are addresses used on-chain.", - "legacy": "Legacy: HD path used by MEW / Mycrypto. In the first 3 addresses, there are addresses used on-chain." - }, - "hdPathTypeNoChain": { - "ledgerLive": "Ledger Live: Ledger official HD path. In the first 3 addresses, there are no addresses used on-chain.", - "bip44": "BIP44 Standard: HD path defined by the BIP44 protocol. In the first 3 addresses, there are no addresses used on-chain.", - "legacy": "Legacy: HD path used by MEW / Mycrypto. In the first 3 addresses, there are no addresses used on-chain." - } - }, - "trezor": { - "hdPathType": { - "bip44": "BIP44: HDpath defined by the BIP44 protocol." - }, - "hdPathTypeNoChain": { - "bip44": "BIP44: HDpath defined by the BIP44 protocol." - }, - "message": { - "disconnected": "{{0}}Connect has stopped. Please refresh the page to connect again." - } - }, - "onekey": { - "hdPathType": { - "bip44": "BIP44: HDpath defined by the BIP44 protocol." - }, - "hdPathTypeNoChain": { - "bip44": "BIP44: HDpath defined by the BIP44 protocol." - } - }, - "mnemonic": { - "hdPathType": { - "default": "Default: The Default HD path for importing a seed phrase is used.", - "bip44": "BIP44 Standard: HDpath defined by the BIP44 protocol.", - "ledgerLive": "Ledger Live: Ledger official HD path.", - "legacy": "Legacy: HD path used by MEW / Mycrypto." - }, - "hdPathTypeNoChain": { - "default": "Default: The Default HD path for importing a seed phrase is used." - } - }, - "gridplus": { - "hdPathType": { - "ledgerLive": "Ledger Live: Ledger official HD path. In the first 3 addresses, there are addresses used on-chain.", - "bip44": "BIP44 Standard: HDpath defined by the BIP44 protocol. In the first 3 addresses, there are addresses used on-chain.", - "legacy": "Legacy: HD path used by MEW / Mycrypto. In the first 3 addresses, there are addresses used on-chain." - }, - "hdPathTypeNochain": { - "ledgerLive": "Ledger Live: Ledger official HD path. In the first 3 addresses, there are no addresses used on-chain.", - "bip44": "BIP44 Standard: HD path defined by the BIP44 protocol. In the first 3 addresses, there are no addresses used on-chain.", - "legacy": "Legacy: HD path used by MEW / Mycrypto. In the first 3 addresses, there are no addresses used on-chain." - }, - "switch": { - "title": "Switch to a new GridPlus device", - "content": "It's not supported to import multiple GridPlus devices If you switch to a new GridPlus device, the current device's address list will be removed before starting the import process." - }, - "switchToAnotherGridplus": "Switch to another GridPlus" - }, - "keystone": { - "hdPathType": { - "bip44": "BIP44: HDpath defined by the BIP44 protocol.", - "ledgerLive": "Ledger Live: Ledger official HD path. You can only manage 10 addresses with Ledger Live path.", - "legacy": "Legacy: HD path used by MEW / Mycrypto." - }, - "hdPathTypeNochain": { - "bip44": "BIP44: HDpath defined by the BIP44 protocol.", - "ledgerLive": "Ledger Live: Ledger official HD path. You can only manage 10 addresses with Ledger Live path.", - "legacy": "Legacy: HD path used by MEW / Mycrypto." - } - }, - "bitbox02": { - "hdPathType": { - "bip44": "BIP44: HDpath defined by the BIP44 protocol." - }, - "hdPathTypeNoChain": { - "bip44": "BIP44: HDpath defined by the BIP44 protocol." - }, - "disconnected": "Cannot connect to BitBox02. Please refresh the page to connect again. Reason: {{0}}" - }, - "selectHdPath": "Select HD path:", - "selectIndexTip": "Select the serial number of addresses to start from:", - "manageAddressFrom": "Manage address from {{0}} to {{1}}", - "advancedSettings": "Advanced Settings", - "customAddressHdPath": "Custom Address HD path", - "connectedToLedger": "Connected to Ledger", - "connectedToTrezor": "Connected to Trezor", - "connectedToOnekey": "Connected to OneKey", - "manageSeedPhrase": "Manage Seed Phrase", - "manageGridplus": "Manage GridPlus", - "manageKeystone": "Manage Keystone", - "manageAirgap": "Manage AirGap", - "manageImtokenOffline": "Manage imToken", - "manageCoolwallet": "Manage CoolWallet", - "manageBitbox02": "Manage BitBox02", - "done": "Done", - "addressesIn": "Addresses in {{0}}", - "addressesInRabby": "Addresses in Rabby{{0}}", - "qrCode": { - "switch": { - "title": "Switch to a new {{0}} device", - "content": "It's not supported to import multiple {{0}} devices If you switch to a new {{0}} device, the current device's address list will be removed before starting the import process." - }, - "switchAnother": "Switch to another {{0}}" - }, - "manageImKey": "Manage imKey" - }, - "importYourKeystore": "Import Your KeyStore", - "incorrectPassword": "incorrect password", - "keystore": { - "description": "Select the keystore file you want to import and enter the corresponding password", - "password": { - "required": "Please input Password", - "placeholder": "Password" - } - }, - "coboSafe": { - "inputSafeModuleAddress": "Input Safe Module address", - "invalidAddress": "Invalid address", - "whichChainIsYourCoboAddressOn": "Which chain is your cobo address on", - "addCoboArgusAddress": "Add Cobo Argus address", - "findTheAssociatedSafeAddress": "Find the associated safe address", - "import": "Import" - }, - "imkey": { - "title": "Connect imKey" - } - }, - "unlock": { - "btn": { - "unlock": "Unlock" - }, - "password": { - "required": "Enter the Password to Unlock", - "placeholder": "Enter the Password to Unlock", - "error": "incorrect password" - } - }, - "addToken": { - "noTokenFound": "No token found", - "tokenSupported": "Token has been supported on Rabby", - "tokenCustomized": "Current token has already been added to customized", - "tokenNotFound": "Token not found from this contract address", - "title": "Add custom token to Rabby", - "balance": "Balance", - "tokenOnMultiChains": "Token address on multiple chains. Please choose one", - "noTokenFoundOnThisChain": "No token found on this chain" - }, - "switchChain": { - "title": "Switching to {{chain}}", - "chainNotSupport": "The requested chain is not supported by Rabby yet", - "testnetTip": "Please turn on \"Enable Testnets\" under \"More\" before connecting to testnets", - "chainNotSupportYet": "The requested chain is not supported by Rabby yet", - "chainId": "Chain ID:", - "unknownChain": "Unknown chain", - "requestsReceived": "1 request received", - "requestsReceivedPlural": "{{count}} requests received", - "requestRabbyToSupport": "Request Rabby to Support" - }, - "signText": { - "title": "Sign Text", - "message": "Message", - "createKey": { - "interactDapp": "Interact Dapp", - "description": "Description" - } - }, - "securityEngine": { - "yes": "Yes", - "no": "No", - "whenTheValueIs": "when the value is {{value}}", - "currentValueIs": "Current value is {{value}}", - "viewRules": "View security rules", - "undo": "Undo", - "riskProcessed": "Risk Processed", - "ignoreAlert": "Ignore the alert", - "ruleDisabled": "Security rules have been disabled. For your safety, you can turn it on anytime.", - "unknownResult": "Unknown result because security rule is unavailable", - "alertTriggerReason": "Alert triggered reason:", - "understandRisk": "I understand and accept responsibility for any loss", - "forbiddenCantIgnore": "Found forbidden risk that can't be ignored.", - "ruleDetailTitle": "Rule Detail", - "enableRule": "Enable the rule", - "viewRiskLevel": "View risk level" - }, - "connect": { - "listedBy": "Listed by", - "sitePopularity": "Site popularity", - "myMark": "My Mark", - "flagByRabby": "Flagged by Rabby", - "flagByMM": "Flagged by MetaMask", - "flagByScamSniffer": "Flagged by ScamSniffer", - "verifiedByRabby": "Verified by Rabby", - "foundForbiddenRisk": "Found forbidden risks. Connection is blocked.", - "markAsTrustToast": "Mark as \"Trusted\"", - "markAsBlockToast": "Mark as \"Blocked\"", - "markRemovedToast": "Mark removed", - "title": "Connect to Dapp", - "selectChainToConnect": "Select a chain to connect for", - "markRuleText": "My mark", - "connectBtn": "Connect", - "noWebsite": "None", - "popularLevelHigh": "High", - "popularLevelMedium": "Medium", - "popularLevelLow": "Low", - "popularLevelVeryLow": "Very Low", - "noMark": "No mark", - "blocked": "Blocked", - "trusted": "Trusted", - "addedToWhitelist": "Added to your whitelist", - "addedToBlacklist": "Added to your blacklist", - "removedFromAll": "Removed from all lists", - "notOnAnyList": "Not on any list", - "onYourBlacklist": "On your blacklist", - "onYourWhitelist": "On your whitelist", - "manageWhiteBlackList": "Manage whitelist/blacklist", - "SignTestnetPermission": { - "title": "Signing permission" - }, - "ignoreAll": "Ignore all" - }, - "addressDetail": { - "add-to-whitelist": "Add to Whitelist", - "remove-from-whitelist": "Remove from Whitelist", - "address-detail": "Address Detail", - "backup-private-key": "Backup Private Key", - "backup-seed-phrase": "Backup Seed Phrase", - "delete-address": "Delete address", - "delete-desc": "Before you delete, keep the following points in mind to understand how to protect your assets.", - "direct-delete-desc": "This address is a {{renderBrand}} address, Rabby does not store the private key or seed phrase for this address, you can just delete it", - "admins": "Admins", - "tx-requires": "Any transaction requires <2>{{num}} confirmations", - "edit-memo-title": "Edit address note", - "please-input-address-note": "Please input address note", - "address": "Address", - "address-note": "Address Note", - "assets": "Assets", - "qr-code": "QR Code", - "source": "Source", - "hd-path": "HD Path", - "manage-seed-phrase": "Manage Seed Phrase", - "manage-addresses-under-this-seed-phrase": "Manage addresses under this Seed Phrase", - "safeModuleAddress": "Safe Module Address", - "coboSafeErrorModule": "Address has expired, please delete and import the address again.", - "importedDelegatedAddress": "Imported Delegated address" - }, - "preferMetamaskDapps": { - "title": "MetaMask Preferred Dapps", - "desc": "The following dapps will remain connected through MetaMask, regardless of the wallet you've flipped to", - "howToAdd": "How to Add", - "howToAddDesc": "Right click on the website and find this option", - "empty": "No dapps" - }, - "customRpc": { - "opened": "Opened", - "closed": "Closed", - "empty": "No custom RPC", - "title": "Custom RPC", - "desc": "Enabling custom RPC will replace Rabby as the default node. To continue using Rabby, please disable or remove the custom RPC node.", - "add": "Add RPC", - "EditRPCModal": { - "invalidRPCUrl": "Invalid RPC URL", - "invalidChainId": "Invalid Chain ID", - "rpcAuthFailed": "RPC authentication failed", - "title": "Edit RPC", - "rpcUrl": "RPC URL", - "rpcUrlPlaceholder": "Enter the RPC URL" - } - }, - "requestDebankTestnetGasToken": { - "title": "Request DeBank Testnet Gas Token", - "mintedTip": "Rabby Badge holders can request once a day", - "notMintedTip": "Request available for Rabby Badge holders only", - "claimBadgeBtn": "Claim Rabby Badge", - "time": "Per day", - "requested": "You have requested today", - "requestBtn": "Request" - }, - "safeQueue": { - "title": "Queue", - "sameNonceWarning": "These transactions conflict as they use the same nonce. Executing one will automatically replace the other(s).", - "loading": "Loading pending transactions", - "noData": "No pending transactions", - "loadingFaild": "Due to the instability of Safe server, the data is not available, please check again after 5 minutes", - "accountSelectTitle": "You can submit this transaction using any address", - "LowerNonceError": "Transaction with nonce {{nonce}} needs to be executed first", - "submitBtn": "Submit transaction", - "unknownTx": "Unknown Transaction", - "cancelExplain": "Cancel {{token}} Approve for {{protocol}}", - "unknownProtocol": "Unknown protocol", - "approvalExplain": "Approve {{count}} {{token}} for {{protocol}}", - "unlimited": "unlimited", - "action": { - "send": "Send", - "cancel": "Cancel Pending Transaction" - }, - "viewBtn": "View", - "replaceBtn": "Replace", - "ReplacePopup": { - "options": { - "send": "Send Token", - "reject": "Reject Transaction" - }, - "title": "Select how to replace this transaction", - "desc": " A signed transaction cannot be removed but it can be replaced with a new transaction with the same nonce." - } - }, - "importSuccess": { - "title": "Imported Successfully", - "addressCount": "{{count}} addresses", - "gnosisChainDesc": "This address was found deployed on {{count}} chains" - }, - "backupSeedPhrase": { - "title": "Backup Seed Phrase", - "alert": "This Seed Phrase is the credential to your assets. DO NOT lose it or reveal it to others, otherwise you might lose your assets forever. Please view it in a secure environment and keep it carefully.", - "clickToShow": "Click to show Seed Phrase", - "copySeedPhrase": "Copy seed phrase" - }, - "backupPrivateKey": { - "title": "Backup Private Key", - "alert": "This Private Key is the credential to your assets. DO NOT lose it or reveal it to others, otherwise you might lose your assets forever. Please view it in a secure environment and keep it carefully.", - "clickToShow": "Click to show private key", - "clickToShowQr": "Click to show private key QR Code" - }, - "ethSign": { - "alert": "Signing with 'eth_sign' can lead to asset loss. For your safety, Rabby does not support this method." - }, - "createPassword": { - "title": "Set Password", - "passwordRequired": "Please input Password", - "passwordMin": "Password must be at least 8 characters long", - "passwordPlaceholder": "Password must be at least 8 characters long", - "confirmRequired": "Please Confirm Password", - "confirmError": "Passwords do not match", - "confirmPlaceholder": "Confirm password", - "agree": "I have read and agree to the<1/> <2>Terms of Use" - }, - "welcome": { - "step1": { - "title": "Access All Dapps", - "desc": "Rabby connects to all Dapps that MetaMask supports" - }, - "step2": { - "title": "Self-custodial", - "desc": "Private keys are stored locally with sole access to you", - "btnText": "Get Started" - } - }, - "importSafe": { - "title": "Add Safe address", - "placeholder": "Please input address", - "error": { - "invalid": "Not a valid address", - "required": "Please input address" - }, - "loading": "Searching the deployed chain of this address", - "gnosisChainDesc": "This address was found deployed on {{count}} chains" - }, - "importQrBase": { - "desc": "Scan the QR code on the {{brandName}} hardware wallet", - "btnText": "Try Again" - }, - "pendingDetail": { - "Header": { - "predictTime": "Predicted to be packed in" - }, - "TxStatus": { - "completed": "Completed", - "pendingBroadcasted": "Pending: Broadcasted", - "pendingBroadcast": "Pending: To be broadcast", - "reBroadcastBtn": "Re-broadcast" - }, - "TxHash": { - "hash": "Tx Hash" - }, - "TxTimeline": { - "pending": "Checking status...", - "created": "Transaction created", - "broadcasted": "Recently broadcasted", - "broadcastedCount_ordinal_one": "{{count}}st broadcast", - "broadcastedCount_ordinal_two": "{{count}}nd broadcast", - "broadcastedCount_ordinal_few": "{{count}}rd broadcast", - "broadcastedCount_ordinal_other": "{{count}}th broadcast" - }, - "MempoolList": { - "col": { - "nodeName": "Node name", - "nodeOperator": "Node operator", - "txStatus": "Transaction status" - }, - "txStatus": { - "appeared": "Appeared", - "appearedOnce": "Appeared once", - "notFound": "Not found" - }, - "title": "Appeared in {{count}} RPC nodes" - }, - "PendingTxList": { - "title": "GasPrice Ranks #{{rank}} in All Pending Txs", - "titleNotFound": "No Rank in All Pending Txs", - "filterBaseFee": { - "label": "Only meets Base fee requirement", - "tooltip": "Show only transactions whose Gas Price meets the block's Base fee requirements" - }, - "col": { - "gasPrice": "Gas Price", - "action": "Transaction Action", - "balanceChange": "Balance change", - "actionType": "Action type", - "interact": "Interact with" - }, - "titleSame": "GasPrice Ranks #{{rank}} in Same as Current", - "titleSameNotFound": "No Rank in Same as Current" - }, - "Empty": { - "noData": "No data found" - }, - "PrePackInfo": { - "col": { - "prePackContent": "Pre-pack content", - "expectations": "Expectations", - "prePackResults": "Pre-pack results", - "difference": "Check results" - }, - "type": { - "pay": "Pay", - "receive": "Receive" - }, - "noLoss": "No loss found", - "noError": "No error found", - "title": "Pre-pack Check", - "error": "{{count}} error found", - "loss": "{{lossCount}} loss found", - "desc": "Simulation executed in the latest block, updated {{time}}" - }, - "Predict": { - "completed": "Transaction Completed", - "predictFailed": "Packing time prediction failed", - "skipNonce": "Your address has Nonce skipped on Ethereum chain causing current transaction can’t complete" - } - }, - "dappSearch": { - "selectChain": "Select Chain", - "searchResult": { - "foundDapps": "Found <2>{{count}} Dapps", - "totalDapps": "Total <2>{{count}} Dapps" - }, - "expand": "Expand", - "emptyFavorite": "No Favorite Dapp", - "favorite": "Favorites", - "emptySearch": "No Dapp Found", - "listBy": "Dapp has been list by" - }, - "rabbyPoints": { - "title": "Rabby Points", - "out-of-x-current-total-points": "Out of {{total}} Total Distributed Points", - "share-on": "Share on", - "referral-code-copied": "Referral code copied", - "earn-points": "Earn Points", - "top-100": "Top 100", - "claimItem": { - "claim": "Claim", - "disabledTip": "No points to be claimed now", - "go": "Go", - "earnTip": "Once a day limit. Please earn points after 00:00 UTC+0", - "claimed": "Claimed" - }, - "claimModal": { - "title": "Claim Initial Points", - "snapshotTime": "Snapshot time: {{time}}", - "placeholder": "Enter Referral Code for extra points (optional)", - "claim": "Claim", - "addressBalance": "Wallet balance", - "MetaMaskSwap": "MetaMask Swap", - "rabbyUser": "Rabby Active User", - "rabbyValuedUserBadge": "Rabby Valued User Badge", - "rabbyDesktopGenesisNft": "Rabby Desktop Genesis NFT", - "referral-code": "Referral Code", - "invalid-code": "invalid code" - }, - "referralCode": { - "referral-code-cannot-be-empty": "Referral code cannot be empty", - "referral-code-cannot-exceed-15-characters": "Referral code cannot exceed 15 characters", - "referral-code-already-exists": "Referral code already exists", - "referral-code-available": "Referral code available", - "my-referral-code": "My referral code", - "refer-a-new-user-to-get-50-points": "Refer a new user to get 50 points", - "set-my-code": "Set my code", - "set-my-referral-code": "Set my referral code", - "once-set-this-referral-code-is-permanent-and-cannot-change": "Once set, this referral code is permanent and cannot be changed.", - "max-15-characters-use-numbers-and-letters-only": "Max 15 characters, use numbers and letters only.", - "confirm": "Confirm", - "verifyAddressModal": { - "verify-address": "Verify Address", - "please-sign-this-text-message-to-verify-that-you-are-the-owner-of-this-address": "Please sign this text message to verify that you are the owner of this address", - "cancel": "Cancel", - "sign": "Sign" - } - }, - "code-set-successfully": "Referral code set successfully" - } - }, - "component": { - "AccountSearchInput": { - "noMatchAddress": "No match address", - "AddressItem": { - "whitelistedAddressTip": "Whitelisted address" - } - }, - "AccountSelectDrawer": { - "btn": { - "cancel": "Cancel", - "proceed": "Proceed" - } - }, - "AddressList": { - "AddressItem": { - "addressTypeTip": "Imported by {{type}}" - } - }, - "AuthenticationModal": { - "passwordError": "incorrect password", - "passwordRequired": "Please input password", - "passwordPlaceholder": "Enter the Password to Confirm" - }, - "ConnectStatus": { - "connecting": "Connecting...", - "connect": "Connect", - "gridPlusConnected": "GridPlus is connected", - "gridPlusNotConnected": "GridPlus is not connected", - "ledgerNotConnected": "Ledger is not connected", - "ledgerConnected": "Ledger is connected", - "keystoneConnected": "Keystone is connected", - "keystoneNotConnected": "Keystone is not connected", - "imKeyrNotConnected": "imKey is not connected", - "imKeyConnected": "imKey is connected" - }, - "Contact": { - "AddressItem": { - "notWhitelisted": "This address is not whitelisted", - "whitelistedTip": "Whitelisted address" - }, - "EditModal": { - "title": "Edit address note" - }, - "EditWhitelist": { - "backModalTitle": "Discard Changes", - "backModalContent": "Changes you made will not be saved", - "title": "Edit Whitelist", - "tip": "Select the address you want to whitelist and save.", - "save": "Save to Whitelist ({{count}})" - }, - "ListModal": { - "title": "Select Address", - "whitelistEnabled": "Whitelist is enabled. You can only send assets to a whitelisted address or you can disable it in \"Settings\"", - "whitelistDisabled": "Whitelist is disabled. You can send assets to any address", - "editWhitelist": "Edit Whitelist", - "whitelistUpdated": "Whitelist Updated", - "authModal": { - "title": "Save to Whitelist" - } - } - }, - "LoadingOverlay": { - "loadingData": "Loading data..." - }, - "MultiSelectAddressList": { - "imported": "Imported" - }, - "NFTNumberInput": { - "erc1155Tips": "Your balance is {{amount}}", - "erc721Tips": "Only one NFT of ERC 721 can be sent at a time" - }, - "TiledSelect": { - "errMsg": "The seed phrase order is wrong, please check" - }, - "Uploader": { - "placeholder": "Select a JSON file" - }, - "WalletConnectBridgeModal": { - "title": "Bridge server URL", - "requiredMsg": "Please input bridge server host", - "invalidMsg": "Please check your host", - "restore": "Restore initial setting" - }, - "PillsSwitch": { - "NetSwitchTabs": { - "mainnet": "Mainnets", - "testnet": "Testnets" - } - }, - "ChainSelectorModal": { - "searchPlaceholder": "Search chain", - "noChains": "No chains" - }, - "TokenSelector": { - "listTableHead": { - "assetAmount": { - "title": "ASSET / AMOUNT" - }, - "price": { - "title": "PRICE" - }, - "usdValue": { - "title": "USD VALUE" - } - }, - "searchInput": { - "placeholder": "Search by Name / Address" - }, - "header": { - "title": "Select a token" - }, - "noTokens": "No Tokens", - "noMatch": "No Match", - "noMatchSuggestion": "Try to search contract address on {{ chainName }}" - }, - "ModalPreviewNFTItem": { - "FieldLabel": { - "Collection": "Collection", - "Chain": "Chain", - "PurschaseDate": "Purchase Date", - "LastPrice": "Last Price" - } - }, - "signPermissionCheckModal": { - "title": "You only allow this Dapp to sign on testnets", - "reconnect": "Reconnect Dapp" - }, - "testnetCheckModal": { - "title": "Please turn on \"Enable Testnets\" under \"More\" before sign on testnets" - } - }, - "global": { - "appName": "Rabby Wallet", - "appDescription": "The game-changing wallet for Ethereum and all EVM chains", - "copied": "Copied", - "confirm": "Confirm", - "next": "Next", - "back": "Back", - "ok": "OK", - "refresh": "Refresh", - "failed": "Failed", - "scamTx": "Scam tx", - "gas": "Gas", - "unknownNFT": "Unknown NFT", - "copyAddress": "Copy address", - "watchModeAddress": "Watch Mode address", - "assets": "assets", - "Confirm": "Confirm", - "Cancel": "Cancel", - "Clear": "Clear", - "Save": "Save", - "confirmButton": "Confirm", - "cancelButton": "Cancel", - "backButton": "Back", - "proceedButton": "Proceed", - "editButton": "Edit", - "addButton": "Add", - "closeButton": "Close", - "Deleted": "Deleted", - "Loading": "Loading", - "nonce": "nonce", - "Balance": "Balance", - "Done": "Done", - "Nonce": "Nonce", - "tryAgain": "Try Again" - }, - "background": { - "error": { - "noCurrentAccount": "No current account", - "invalidChainId": "Invalid chain id", - "notFindChain": "Can not find chain {{chain}}", - "unknownAbi": "unknown contract abi", - "invalidAddress": "Not a valid address", - "notFoundGnosisKeyring": "No Gnosis keyring found", - "notFoundTxGnosisKeyring": "No transaction in Gnosis keyring found", - "addKeyring404": "failed to addKeyring, keyring is undefined", - "emptyAccount": "the current account is empty", - "generateCacheAliasNames": "[GenerateCacheAliasNames]: need at least one address", - "invalidPrivateKey": "the private key is invalid", - "invalidJson": "the input file is invalid", - "invalidMnemonic": "The seed phrase is invalid, please check!", - "notFoundKeyringByAddress": "Can't find keyring by address", - "txPushFailed": "Transaction push failed", - "unlock": "you need to unlock wallet first", - "duplicateAccount": "The account you're are trying to import is duplicate", - "canNotUnlock": "Cannot unlock without a previous vault" - }, - "transactionWatcher": { - "submitted": "Transaction submitted", - "more": "click to view more information", - "txCompleteMoreContent": "{{chain}} #{{nonce}} completed. Click to view more.", - "txFailedMoreContent": "{{chain}} #{{nonce}} failed. Click to view more.", - "completed": "Transaction completed", - "failed": "Transaction failed" - }, - "alias": { - "HdKeyring": "Seed Phrase", - "simpleKeyring": "Private Key", - "watchAddressKeyring": "Contact" - } - }, - "constant": { - "KEYRING_TYPE_TEXT": { - "HdKeyring": "Created by Seed Phrase", - "SimpleKeyring": "Imported by Private Key", - "WatchAddressKeyring": "Contact" - }, - "IMPORTED_HD_KEYRING": "Imported by Seed Phrase", - "SIGN_PERMISSION_OPTIONS": { - "MAINNET_AND_TESTNET": "Mainnet & Testnet", - "TESTNET": "Only Testnets" - }, - "IMPORTED_HD_KEYRING_NEED_PASSPHRASE": "Imported by Seed Phrase (Passphrase)" - } -} From da0b60cae6a569bd19edf29f6863dcab39c38e92 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jagad Bumi <> Date: Wed, 1 Jan 2025 22:17:53 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 06/11] Create messages.json add Indonesia language --- _raw/locales/id_ID/messages.json | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 _raw/locales/id_ID/messages.json diff --git a/_raw/locales/id_ID/messages.json b/_raw/locales/id_ID/messages.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..8b137891791 --- /dev/null +++ b/_raw/locales/id_ID/messages.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + From 540411567f7b99f46e4ab756075c05cba3132216 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jagad Bumi <> Date: Wed, 1 Jan 2025 22:42:39 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 07/11] Update messages.json Add Indonesia language --- _raw/locales/id_ID/messages.json | 2698 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 2697 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/_raw/locales/id_ID/messages.json b/_raw/locales/id_ID/messages.json index 8b137891791..a06b24266f0 100644 --- a/_raw/locales/id_ID/messages.json +++ b/_raw/locales/id_ID/messages.json @@ -1 +1,2697 @@ - +[ + { + "page": { + "transactions": { + "title": "Transaksi", + "empty": { + "title": "Tidak ada transaksi", + "desc": "Tidak ada transaksi ditemukan pada <1>rantai yang didukung" + }, + "explain": { + "approve": "Setujui {{amount}} {{symbol}} untuk {{project}}", + "unknown": "Interaksi Kontrak", + "cancel": "Membatalkan transaksi yang tertunda" + }, + "txHistory": { + "tipInputData": "Transaksi termasuk pesan", + "parseInputDataError": "Gagal mengurai pesan", + "scamToolTip": "Transaksi ini diinisiasi oleh penipu untuk mengirim token dan NFT penipuan. Harap jangan berinteraksi dengannya." + }, + "modalViewMessage": { + "title": "Lihat Pesan" + }, + "filterScam": { + "title": "Sembunyikan transaksi penipuan", + "loading": "Memuat mungkin memerlukan waktu, dan penundaan data mungkin terjadi", + "btn": "Sembunyikan transaksi penipuan" + } + }, + "chainList": { + "title": "{{count}} rantai Terintegrasi", + "mainnet": "Jaringan Utama", + "testnet": "Jaringan Uji" + }, + "signTx": { + "nftIn": "NFT di", + "gasLimitNotEnough": "Batas gas kurang dari 21000. Transaksi tidak dapat dikirim", + "gasLimitLessThanExpect": "Batas gas rendah. Ada 1% kemungkinan transaksi bisa gagal.", + "gasLimitLessThanGasUsed": "Batas gas terlalu rendah. Ada 95% kemungkinan transaksi bisa gagal.", + "nativeTokenNotEngouthForGas": "Saldo gas tidak cukup untuk transaksi", + "nonceLowerThanExpect": "Nonce terlalu rendah, minimum harus {{0}}", + "canOnlyUseImportedAddress": "Anda tidak dapat menandatangani transaksi dengan alamat hanya lihat.", + "multiSigChainNotMatch": "Alamat multi-tanda tangan tidak ada di rantai ini dan tidak dapat memulai transaksi", + "safeAddressNotSupportChain": "Alamat aman saat ini tidak didukung di rantai {{0}}", + "noGasRequired": "Tidak ada gas yang diperlukan", + "gasSelectorTitle": "Gas", + "failToFetchGasCost": "Gagal memperkirakan biaya gas", + "gasMoreButton": "Lebih", + "manuallySetGasLimitAlert": "Anda telah mengatur batas gas secara manual ke", + "gasNotRequireForSafeTransaction": "Biaya gas tidak diperlukan untuk transaksi Aman", + "gasPriceTitle": "Harga Gas (Gwei)", + "maxPriorityFee": "Biaya Prioritas Maksimal (Gwei)", + "eip1559Desc1": "Pada rantai yang mendukung EIP-1559, Biaya Prioritas adalah tip untuk penambang untuk memproses transaksi Anda. Anda dapat menghemat biaya gas akhir Anda dengan menurunkan Biaya Prioritas, yang mungkin memakan waktu lebih lama untuk transaksi diproses.", + "eip1559Desc2": "Di sini di Rabby, Biaya Prioritas (Tip) = Biaya Maksimal - Biaya Dasar. Setelah Anda mengatur Biaya Prioritas Maksimal, Biaya Dasar akan dikurangkan darinya dan sisa akan diberikan sebagai tip kepada penambang.", + "hardwareSupport1559Alert": "Pastikan firmware dompet perangkat keras Anda telah diperbarui ke versi yang mendukung EIP 1559", + "gasLimitTitle": "Batas Gas", + "recommendGasLimitTip": "Estimasi {{est}}. Saat ini {{current}}x, rekomendasi ", + "nonceTitle": "Nonce", + "gasLimitModifyOnlyNecessaryAlert": "Modifikasi hanya jika perlu", + "gasPriceMedian": "Median dari 100 transaksi on-chain terakhir: ", + "myNativeTokenBalance": "Saldo Gas saya: ", + "gasLimitEmptyAlert": "Silakan masukkan batas gas", + "gasLimitMinValueAlert": "Batas gas harus lebih dari 21000", + "nativeTokenForGas": "Gunakan token {{tokenName}} di {{chainName}} untuk membayar gas", + "gasAccountForGas": "Gunakan USD dari Akun Gas saya untuk membayar gas", + "gasAccount": { + "totalCost": "Biaya total: ", + "currentTxCost": "Jumlah gas yang dikirim ke alamat Anda: ", + "gasCost": "Biaya gas untuk mentransfer gas ke alamat Anda: ", + "estimatedGas": "Perkiraan Gas: ", + "maxGas": "Gas Maksimal: ", + "sendGas": "Transfer Gas kepada Anda untuk transaksi saat ini: " + }, + "balanceChange": { + "successTitle": "Hasil Simulasi", + "failedTitle": "Simulasi Gagal", + "noBalanceChange": "Tidak ada perubahan saldo", + "tokenOut": "Token keluar", + "tokenIn": "Token masuk", + "errorTitle": "Gagal mengambil perubahan saldo", + "notSupport": "Simulasi Tidak Didukung", + "nftOut": "NFT keluar" + }, + "enoughSafeSigCollected": "Tanda tangan yang cukup dikumpulkan", + "moreSafeSigNeeded": "Membutuhkan {{0}} tanda tangan lebih banyak untuk mengonfirmasi", + "safeAdminSigned": "Ditandatangani", + "customRPCErrorModal": { + "title": "Kesalahan RPC Kustom", + "content": "RPC kustom Anda tidak tersedia saat ini. Anda dapat menonaktifkannya dan melanjutkan tanda tangan menggunakan RPC resmi Rabby", + "button": "Nonaktifkan RPC Kustom" + }, + "swap": { + "title": "Tukar Token", + "payToken": "Bayar", + "receiveToken": "Terima", + "failLoadReceiveToken": "Gagal memuat", + "valueDiff": "Perbedaan nilai", + "simulationFailed": "Simulasi transaksi gagal", + "simulationNotSupport": "Simulasi transaksi tidak didukung di rantai ini", + "minReceive": "Minimum Terima", + "slippageFailToLoad": "Gagal memuat", + "slippageTolerance": "Toleransi slippage", + "receiver": "Penerima", + "notPaymentAddress": "Bukan alamat pembayaran", + "unknownAddress": "Alamat tidak dikenal" + }, + "crossChain": { + "title": "Rantai Silang" + }, + "swapAndCross": { + "title": "Tukar Token dan Rantai Silang" + }, + "wrapToken": "Membungkus Token", + "unwrap": "Membuka Token", + "transferOwner": { + "title": "Transfer Kepemilikan Aset", + "description": "Deskripsi", + "transferTo": "Transfer ke" + }, + "swapLimitPay": { + "title": "Tukar Batas Pembayaran Token", + "maxPay": "Maksimal bayar" + }, + "send": { + "title": "Kirim Token", + "sendToken": "Kirim token", + "sendTo": "Kirim ke", + "receiverIsTokenAddress": "Alamat token", + "contractNotOnThisChain": "Tidak di rantai ini", + "notTopupAddress": "Bukan alamat setoran", + "tokenNotSupport": "{{0}} tidak didukung", + "onMyWhitelist": "Dalam daftar putih saya", + "notOnThisChain": "Tidak di rantai ini", + "cexAddress": "Alamat CEX", + "addressBalanceTitle": "Saldo alamat", + "whitelistTitle": "Daftar Putih", + "notOnWhitelist": "Tidak dalam daftar putih saya", + "scamAddress": "Alamat penipuan", + "fromMySeedPhrase": "Dari frase benih saya", + "fromMyPrivateKey": "Dari kunci pribadi saya" + }, + "tokenApprove": { + "title": "Persetujuan Token", + "approveToken": "Setujui token", + "myBalance": "Saldo saya", + "approveTo": "Setujui ke", + "eoaAddress": "EOA", + "trustValueLessThan": "≤ {{value}}", + "deployTimeLessThan": "< {{value}} hari", + "amountPopupTitle": "Jumlah yang disetujui", + "flagByRabby": "Bendera oleh Rabby", + "contractTrustValueTip": "Nilai kepercayaan mengacu pada total nilai aset yang dikeluarkan oleh kontrak ini. Nilai kepercayaan yang rendah menunjukkan risiko atau tidak aktif selama 180 hari.", + "amount": "Jumlah Disetujui:", + "exceed": "Melampaui saldo saat ini" + }, + "revokeTokenApprove": { + "title": "Cabut Persetujuan Token", + "revokeFrom": "Cabut dari", + "revokeToken": "Cabut token" + }, + "sendNFT": { + "title": "Kirim NFT", + "nftNotSupport": "NFT tidak didukung" + }, + "nftApprove": { + "title": "Persetujuan NFT", + "approveNFT": "Setujui NFT", + "nftContractTrustValueTip": "Nilai kepercayaan mengacu pada nilai NFT teratas yang dikeluarkan oleh kontrak ini. Nilai kepercayaan yang rendah menunjukkan risiko atau tidak aktif selama 180 hari." + }, + "revokeNFTApprove": { + "title": "Cabut Persetujuan NFT", + "revokeNFT": "Cabut NFT" + }, + "nftCollectionApprove": { + "title": "Persetujuan Koleksi NFT", + "approveCollection": "Setujui koleksi" + }, + "revokeNFTCollectionApprove": { + "title": "Cabut Persetujuan Koleksi NFT", + "revokeCollection": "Cabut koleksi" + }, + "deployContract": { + "title": "Terapkan Kontrak", + "descriptionTitle": "Deskripsi", + "description": "Anda menerapkan kontrak pintar" + }, + "cancelTx": { + "title": "Batalkan Transaksi Tertunda", + "txToBeCanceled": "Transaksi yang akan dibatalkan", + "gasPriceAlert": "Atur harga gas saat ini lebih dari {{value}} Gwei untuk membatalkan transaksi yang tertunda" + }, + "submitMultisig": { + "title": "Kirim Transaksi Multisig", + "multisigAddress": "Alamat multisig" + }, + "contractCall": { + "title": "Panggilan Kontrak", + "operation": "Operasi", + "operationABIDesc": "Operasi diuraikan dari ABI", + "operationCantDecode": "Operasi tidak dapat diurai", + "payNativeToken": "Bayar {{symbol}}", + "suspectedReceiver": "Alamat Pengecualian", + "receiver": "Alamat Penerima" + }, + "revokePermit2": { + "title": "Cabut Persetujuan Permit2" + }, + "batchRevokePermit2": { + "title": "Batch Cabut Persetujuan Permit2" + }, + "revokePermit": { + "title": "Cabut Persetujuan Token" + }, + "assetOrder": { + "title": "Pesanan Aset", + "listAsset": "Daftar aset", + "receiveAsset": "Terima aset" + }, + "unknownAction": "Jenis Tanda Tangan Tidak Dikenal", + "interactContract": "Interaksi kontrak", + "markAsTrust": "Ditandai sebagai tepercaya", + "markAsBlock": "Ditandai sebagai diblokir", + "interacted": "Pernah berinteraksi sebelumnya", + "neverInteracted": "Belum pernah berinteraksi sebelumnya", + "transacted": "Pernah bertransaksi sebelumnya", + "neverTransacted": "Belum pernah bertransaksi sebelumnya", + "importedAddress": "Alamat yang diimpor", + "fakeTokenAlert": "Ini adalah token penipuan yang ditandai oleh Rabby", + "scamTokenAlert": "Ini adalah token yang berpotensi berkualitas rendah dan penipuan berdasarkan deteksi Rabby", + "trusted": "Tepercaya", + "blocked": "Diblokir", + "noMark": "Tidak ada tanda", + "markRemoved": "Tanda dihapus", + "speedUpTooltip": "Transaksi yang dipercepat ini dan transaksi asli, hanya satu yang akan diselesaikan", + "decodedTooltip": "Tanda tangan ini diuraikan oleh Dompet Rabby", + "signTransactionOnChain": "Tandatangani Transaksi {{chain}}", + "viewRaw": "Lihat Mentah", + "chain": "Rantai", + "unknownActionType": "Jenis Aksi Tidak Dikenal", + "sigCantDecode": "Tanda tangan ini tidak dapat diurai oleh Dompet Rabby", + "nftCollection": "Koleksi NFT", + "floorPrice": "Harga Dasar", + "contractAddress": "Alamat kontrak", + "protocolTitle": "Protokol", + "deployTimeTitle": "Waktu Diterapkan", + "popularity": "Popularitas", + "contractPopularity": "No.{{0}} di {{1}}", + "addressNote": "Catatan alamat", + "myMarkWithContract": "Tanda saya pada kontrak {{chainName}}", + "myMark": "Tanda saya", + "collectionTitle": "Koleksi", + "addressTypeTitle": "Tipe alamat", + "firstOnChain": "Pertama di on-chain", + "trustValue": "Nilai kepercayaan", + "importedDelegatedAddress": "Alamat delegasi yang diimpor", + "noDelegatedAddress": "Tidak ada alamat delegasi yang diimpor", + "coboSafeNotPermission": "Alamat delegasi ini tidak memiliki izin untuk memulai transaksi ini", + "l2GasEstimateTooltip": "Perkiraan gas untuk rantai L2 tidak termasuk biaya gas L1. Biaya aktual akan lebih tinggi dari perkiraan saat ini.", + "BroadcastMode": { + "instant": { + "title": "Instan", + "desc": "Transaksi akan segera disiarkan ke jaringan" + }, + "lowGas": { + "title": "Hemat Gas", + "desc": "Transaksi akan disiarkan saat biaya gas jaringan rendah" + }, + "mev": { + "title": "Dilindungi MEV", + "desc": "Transaksi akan disiarkan ke node MEV yang ditunjuk" + }, + "title": "Mode Siaran", + "tips": { + "walletConnect": "Tidak didukung oleh WalletConnect", + "notSupportChain": "Tidak didukung di rantai ini", + "customRPC": "Tidak didukung saat menggunakan RPC kustom", + "notSupported": "Tidak didukung" + }, + "lowGasDeadline": { + "label": "Batas Waktu", + "1h": "1 jam", + "4h": "4 jam", + "24h": "24 jam" + } + }, + "SafeNonceSelector": { + "explain": { + "contractCall": "Panggilan Kontrak", + "send": "Kirim Token", + "unknown": "Transaksi Tidak Dikenal" + }, + "optionGroup": { + "recommendTitle": "Nonce yang Direkomendasikan", + "replaceTitle": "Ganti transaksi dalam Antrian " + }, + "option": { + "new": "Transaksi Baru" + }, + "error": { + "pendingList": "Gagal memuat transaksi tertunda, <1/><2>Coba Lagi" + } + }, + "coboSafeCreate": { + "safeWalletTitle": "Safe{Wallet}", + "descriptionTitle": "Deskripsi", + "title": "Buat Cobo Safe" + }, + "coboSafeModificationRole": { + "title": "Kirim Modifikasi Peran Safe", + "safeWalletTitle": "Safe{Wallet}", + "descriptionTitle": "Deskripsi" + }, + "coboSafeModificationDelegatedAddress": { + "title": "Kirim Modifikasi Alamat Delegasi", + "safeWalletTitle": "Safe{Wallet}", + "descriptionTitle": "Deskripsi" + }, + "coboSafeModificationTokenApproval": { + "title": "Kirim Modifikasi Persetujuan Token", + "safeWalletTitle": "Safe{Wallet}", + "descriptionTitle": "Deskripsi" + }, + "common": { + "description": "Deskripsi", + "interactContract": "Interaksi kontrak", + "descTipSafe": "Tanda tangan tidak menyebabkan perubahan aset atau memverifikasi kepemilikan alamat", + "descTipWarningPrivacy": "Tanda tangan mungkin memverifikasi kepemilikan alamat", + "descTipWarningAssets": "Tanda tangan mungkin menyebabkan perubahan aset", + "descTipWarningBoth": "Tanda tangan mungkin menyebabkan perubahan aset dan memverifikasi kepemilikan alamat" + }, + "protocol": "Protokol", + "yes": "Ya", + "no": "Tidak", + "hasInteraction": "Pernah berinteraksi sebelumnya", + "address": "Alamat", + "advancedSettings": "Pengaturan Lanjutan", + "amount": "Jumlah", + "contract": "Kontrak pintar", + "trustValueTitle": "Nilai kepercayaan", + "typedDataMessage": "Tandatangani Data Berjenis", + "label": "Label", + "addressSource": "Sumber Alamat", + "maxPriorityFeeDisabledAlert": "Silakan atur Harga Gas terlebih dahulu" + }, + "signFooterBar": { + "requestFrom": "Permintaan dari", + "processRiskAlert": "Silakan proses peringatan sebelum menandatangani", + "ignoreAll": "Abaikan semua", + "gridPlusConnected": "GridPlus terhubung", + "gridPlusNotConnected": "GridPlus tidak terhubung", + "connectButton": "Sambungkan", + "connecting": "Menyambungkan...", + "ledgerNotConnected": "Ledger tidak terhubung", + "keystoneNotConnected": "Keystone tidak terhubung", + "keystoneConnected": "Keystone terhubung", + "ledgerConnected": "Ledger terhubung", + "signAndSubmitButton": "Tandatangani", + "gasless": { + "unavailable": "Saldo Gas Anda tidak cukup", + "notEnough": "Saldo gas tidak cukup", + "GetFreeGasToSign": "Dapatkan Gas Gratis", + "rabbyPayGas": "Rabby akan membayar gas yang diperlukan – cukup tanda tangani", + "customRpcUnavailableTip": "RPC kustom tidak didukung untuk Gas Gratis", + "walletConnectUnavailableTip": "Dompet seluler yang terhubung melalui WalletConnect tidak didukung untuk Gas Gratis", + "watchUnavailableTip": "Alamat hanya lihat tidak didukung untuk Gas Gratis" + }, + "gasAccount": { + "customRPC": "Tidak didukung saat menggunakan RPC kustom", + "notEnough": "GasAccount tidak cukup", + "useGasAccount": "Gunakan GasAccount", + "WalletConnectTips": "WalletConnect tidak didukung oleh GasAccount", + "chainNotSupported": "Rantai ini tidak didukung oleh GasAccount", + "loginFirst": "Silakan masuk ke GasAccount terlebih dahulu", + "login": "Masuk", + "gotIt": "Mengerti", + "deposit": "Setoran" + }, + "walletConnect": { + "connectedButCantSign": "Terhubung tetapi tidak dapat menandatangani.", + "switchToCorrectAddress": "Silakan beralih ke alamat yang benar di dompet seluler", + "switchChainAlert": "Silakan beralih ke {{chain}} di dompet seluler", + "notConnectToMobile": "Tidak terhubung ke {{brand}}", + "connected": "Terhubung dan siap untuk menandatangani", + "howToSwitch": "Cara beralih", + "wrongAddressAlert": "Anda telah beralih ke alamat yang berbeda di dompet seluler. Silakan beralih ke alamat yang benar di dompet seluler", + "connectBeforeSign": "{{0}} tidak terhubung ke Rabby, silakan sambungkan sebelum menandatangani", + "chainSwitched": "Anda telah beralih ke rantai yang berbeda di dompet seluler. Silakan beralih ke {{0}} di dompet seluler", + "latency": "Latensi", + "requestSuccessToast": "Permintaan berhasil dikirim", + "sendingRequest": "Mengirim permintaan tanda tangan", + "signOnYourMobileWallet": "Silakan tanda tangani di dompet seluler Anda.", + "requestFailedToSend": "Permintaan tanda tangan gagal dikirim" + }, + "beginSigning": "Mulai proses tanda tangan", + "addressTip": { + "onekey": "Alamat OneKey", + "trezor": "Alamat Trezor", + "bitbox": "Alamat BitBox02", + "keystone": "Alamat Keystone", + "airgap": "Alamat AirGap", + "coolwallet": "Alamat CoolWallet", + "privateKey": "Alamat Kunci Pribadi", + "seedPhrase": "Alamat Frasa Benih", + "watchAddress": "Tidak dapat menandatangani dengan alamat hanya lihat", + "safe": "Alamat Aman", + "coboSafe": "Alamat Cobo Argus", + "seedPhraseWithPassphrase": "Alamat Frasa Benih (Passphrase)" + }, + "qrcode": { + "signWith": "Tandatangani dengan {{brand}}", + "failedToGetExplain": "Gagal mendapatkan penjelasan", + "txFailed": "Gagal membuat", + "sigReceived": "Tanda tangan diterima", + "sigCompleted": "Transaksi dibuat", + "getSig": "Dapatkan tanda tangan", + "qrcodeDesc": "Pindai dengan {{brand}} Anda untuk menandatangani

Setelah menandatangani, klik tombol di bawah untuk menerima tanda tangan", + "misMatchSignId": "Data transaksi tidak cocok. Silakan periksa detail transaksi.", + "unknownQRCode": "Kesalahan: Kami tidak dapat mengidentifikasi kode QR itu", + "afterSignDesc": "Setelah menandatangani, tempatkan kode QR di {{brand}} di depan kamera PC Anda" + }, + "keystone": { + "signWith": "Beralih ke {{method}} untuk menandatangani", + "qrcodeDesc": "Pindai untuk menandatangani. Setelah menandatangani, klik di bawah untuk mendapatkan tanda tangan. Untuk USB, sambungkan kembali dan otorisasi untuk memulai proses tanda tangan lagi.", + "misMatchSignId": "Data transaksi tidak cocok. Silakan periksa detail transaksi.", + "unsupportedType": "Kesalahan: Jenis transaksi tidak didukung atau tidak dikenal.", + "siging": "Mengirim permintaan tanda tangan", + "txRejected": "Transaksi ditolak", + "shouldRetry": "Terjadi kesalahan. Silakan coba lagi.", + "hardwareRejectError": "Permintaan Keystone dibatalkan. Untuk melanjutkan, silakan otorisasi ulang.", + "mismatchedWalletError": "Dompet tidak cocok", + "verifyPasswordError": "Gagal tanda tangan, silakan coba lagi setelah membuka kunci", + "shouldOpenKeystoneHomePageError": "Pastikan Keystone 3 Pro Anda berada di halaman utama" + }, + "ledger": { + "resent": "Dikirim ulang", + "signError": "Kesalahan tanda tangan Ledger:", + "notConnected": "Dompet Anda tidak terhubung. Silakan sambungkan kembali.", + "siging": "Mengirim permintaan tanda tangan", + "txRejected": "Transaksi ditolak", + "unlockAlert": "Silakan colokkan dan buka kunci Ledger Anda, buka Ethereum di dalamnya", + "updateFirmwareAlert": "Silakan perbarui firmware dan Aplikasi Ethereum di Ledger Anda", + "txRejectedByLedger": "Transaksi ditolak di Ledger Anda", + "blindSigTutorial": "Tutorial Tanda Tangan Buta dari Ledger", + "submitting": "Ditandatangani. Membuat transaksi", + "resubmited": "Dikirim ulang" + }, + "common": { + "notSupport": "{{0}} tidak didukung" + }, + "resend": "Coba lagi", + "submitTx": "Kirim Transaksi", + "testnet": "Jaringan Uji", + "mainnet": "Jaringan Utama", + "cancelTransaction": "Batalkan Transaksi", + "detectedMultipleRequestsFromThisDapp": "Terdeteksi beberapa permintaan dari Dapp ini", + "cancelCurrentTransaction": "Batalkan transaksi saat ini", + "cancelAll": "Batalkan semua {{count}} permintaan dari Dapp", + "blockDappFromSendingRequests": "Blokir Dapp dari mengirim permintaan selama 1 menit", + "cancelConnection": "Batalkan koneksi", + "cancelCurrentConnection": "Batalkan koneksi saat ini", + "imKeyNotConnected": "imKey tidak terhubung", + "imKeyConnected": "imKey terhubung" + } + } + }, + { + "signTypedData": { + "signTypeDataOnChain": "Tandatangani Data Bertipe {{chain}}", + "safeCantSignText": "Ini adalah alamat Safe, dan tidak dapat digunakan untuk menandatangani teks.", + "permit": { + "title": "Persetujuan Token Permit" + }, + "permit2": { + "title": "Persetujuan Token Permit2", + "sigExpireTimeTip": "Durasi tanda tangan ini berlaku di on-chain", + "sigExpireTime": "Waktu kedaluwarsa tanda tangan", + "approvalExpiretime": "Waktu kedaluwarsa persetujuan" + }, + "swapTokenOrder": { + "title": "Urutan Token" + }, + "sellNFT": { + "title": "Pesanan NFT", + "receiveToken": "Terima token", + "listNFT": "Daftar NFT", + "specificBuyer": "Pembeli tertentu" + }, + "signMultiSig": { + "title": "Konfirmasi Transaksi" + }, + "createKey": { + "title": "Buat Kunci" + }, + "verifyAddress": { + "title": "Verifikasi Alamat" + }, + "buyNFT": { + "payToken": "Bayar token", + "receiveNFT": "Terima NFT", + "expireTime": "Waktu kedaluwarsa", + "listOn": "Daftar di" + }, + "contractCall": { + "operationDecoded": "Operasi terdekripsi dari pesan" + } + }, + "activities": { + "title": "Rekam Tanda Tangan", + "signedTx": { + "label": "Transaksi", + "empty": { + "title": "Belum ada transaksi yang ditandatangani", + "desc": "Semua transaksi yang ditandatangani melalui Rabby akan terdaftar di sini." + }, + "common": { + "unlimited": "tidak terbatas", + "unknownProtocol": "Protokol tidak dikenal", + "unknown": "Tidak dikenal", + "speedUp": "Percepat", + "cancel": "Batalkan", + "pendingDetail": "Detail tertunda" + }, + "tips": { + "pendingDetail": "Hanya satu transaksi yang akan diselesaikan, dan hampir selalu yang memiliki harga gas tertinggi", + "canNotCancel": "Tidak dapat mempercepat atau membatalkan: Bukan transaksi tertunda pertama", + "pendingBroadcast": "Mode hemat gas: menunggu biaya jaringan yang lebih rendah. Maks {{deadline}} jam tunggu.", + "pendingBroadcastBtn": "Siarkan sekarang", + "pendingBroadcastRetry": "Siaran gagal. Percobaan terakhir: {{pushAt}}", + "pendingBroadcastRetryBtn": "Siarkan ulang" + }, + "status": { + "canceled": "Dibatalkan", + "failed": "Gagal", + "submitFailed": "Gagal mengirim", + "pending": "Tertunda", + "withdrawed": "Pembatalan cepat", + "pendingBroadcasted": "Tertunda: disiarkan", + "pendingBroadcast": "Tertunda: akan disiarkan", + "pendingBroadcastFailed": "Tertunda: Siaran gagal" + }, + "txType": { + "initial": "Transaksi awal", + "cancel": "Transaksi batal", + "speedUp": "Percepat transaksi" + }, + "explain": { + "unknown": "Transaksi Tidak Dikenal", + "send": "Kirim {{amount}} {{symbol}}", + "cancel": "Batalkan Persetujuan {{token}} untuk {{protocol}}", + "approve": "Persetujuan {{count}} {{token}} untuk {{protocol}}", + "cancelNFTCollectionApproval": "Batalkan Persetujuan Koleksi NFT untuk {{protocol}}", + "cancelSingleNFTApproval": "Batalkan Persetujuan NFT Tunggal untuk {{protocol}}", + "singleNFTApproval": "Persetujuan NFT Tunggal untuk {{protocol}}", + "nftCollectionApproval": "Persetujuan Koleksi NFT untuk {{protocol}}" + }, + "CancelTxPopup": { + "title": "Batalkan transaksi", + "options": { + "quickCancel": { + "title": "Pembatalan Cepat", + "desc": "Batalkan sebelum disiarkan, tanpa biaya gas", + "tips": "Hanya didukung untuk transaksi yang belum disiarkan" + }, + "onChainCancel": { + "title": "Pembatalan On-chain", + "desc": "Transaksi baru untuk dibatalkan, memerlukan gas" + } + } + }, + "MempoolList": { + "empty": "Tidak ditemukan di node mana pun", + "reBroadcastBtn": "Siarkan ulang", + "title": "Muncul di {{count}} node RPC" + }, + "message": { + "reBroadcastSuccess": "Siaran ulang berhasil", + "broadcastSuccess": "Siaran berhasil", + "cancelSuccess": "Dibatalkan" + }, + "gas": { + "noCost": "Tidak ada biaya Gas" + }, + "SkipNonceAlert": { + "alert": "Nonce #{{nonce}} dilewati di rantai {{chainName}}. Ini mungkin menyebabkan transaksi tertunda di depan. <5> <6>Kirim tx <7> di rantai untuk menyelesaikan", + "clearPendingAlert": "Transaksi {{chainName}} ({{nonces}}) telah tertunda lebih dari 3 menit. Anda dapat <5> <6>membersihkan transaksi tertunda di rantai ini <7> dan memulai yang baru." + }, + "PredictTime": { + "time": "Diperkirakan akan dikemas dalam {{time}}", + "noTime": "Waktu pengemasan sedang diperkirakan", + "failed": "Prediksi waktu pengemasan gagal" + } + }, + "signedText": { + "label": "Teks", + "empty": { + "title": "Belum ada teks yang ditandatangani", + "desc": "Semua teks yang ditandatangani melalui Rabby akan terdaftar di sini." + } + } + }, + "receive": { + "title": "Terima {{token}} di {{chain}}", + "watchModeAlert1": "Ini adalah alamat Mode Lihat.", + "watchModeAlert2": "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menggunakannya untuk menerima aset?" + }, + "sendToken": { + "addressNotInContract": "Tidak ada dalam daftar alamat. <1><2>Tambahkan ke kontak", + "AddToContactsModal": { + "addedAsContacts": "Ditambahkan sebagai kontak", + "editAddr": { + "placeholder": "Masukkan Catatan Alamat", + "validator__empty": "Silakan masukkan catatan alamat" + }, + "editAddressNote": "Edit catatan alamat", + "error": "Gagal menambahkan ke kontak" + }, + "allowTransferModal": { + "error": "kata sandi salah", + "placeholder": "Masukkan Kata Sandi untuk Mengonfirmasi", + "validator__empty": "Silakan masukkan kata sandi", + "addWhitelist": "Tambahkan ke daftar putih" + }, + "GasSelector": { + "confirm": "Konfirmasi", + "level": { + "$unknown": "Tidak Dikenal", + "custom": "Kustom", + "fast": "Instan", + "normal": "Cepat", + "slow": "Normal" + }, + "popupDesc": "Biaya gas akan dicadangkan dari jumlah transfer berdasarkan harga gas yang Anda atur", + "popupTitle": "Atur Harga Gas (Gwei)" + }, + "header": { + "title": "Kirim" + }, + "modalConfirmAddToContacts": { + "confirmText": "Konfirmasi", + "title": "Tambahkan ke kontak" + }, + "modalConfirmAllowTransferTo": { + "cancelText": "Batalkan", + "confirmText": "Konfirmasi", + "title": "Masukkan Kata Sandi untuk Mengonfirmasi" + }, + "sectionBalance": { + "title": "Saldo" + }, + "sectionChain": { + "title": "Rantai" + }, + "sectionFrom": { + "title": "Dari" + }, + "sectionTo": { + "addrValidator__empty": "Silakan masukkan alamat", + "addrValidator__invalid": "Alamat ini tidak valid", + "searchInputPlaceholder": "Cari atau masukkan alamat", + "title": "Ke" + }, + "sendButton": "Kirim", + "tokenInfoFieldLabel": { + "chain": "Rantai", + "contract": "Alamat Kontrak" + }, + "tokenInfoPrice": "Harga", + "whitelistAlert__disabled": "Daftar putih dinonaktifkan. Anda dapat mentransfer ke alamat mana pun.", + "whitelistAlert__notWhitelisted": "Alamat ini tidak ada dalam daftar putih. <1 /> Saya setuju memberikan izin sementara untuk transfer.", + "whitelistAlert__temporaryGranted": "Izin sementara diberikan", + "whitelistAlert__whitelisted": "Alamat ini ada dalam daftar putih", + "balanceWarn": { + "gasFeeReservation": "Cadangan biaya gas diperlukan" + }, + "balanceError": { + "insufficientBalance": "Saldo tidak cukup" + }, + "max": "MAKS", + "sectionMsgDataForEOA": { + "placeholder": "Opsional", + "title": "Pesan", + "currentIsOriginal": "Input saat ini adalah Data Asli. UTF-8 adalah:", + "currentIsUTF8": "Input saat ini adalah UTF-8. Data Asli adalah:" + }, + "sectionMsgDataForContract": { + "placeholder": "Opsional", + "title": "Panggilan kontrak", + "parseError": "Gagal mendekode panggilan kontrak", + "simulation": "Simulasi panggilan kontrak:", + "notHexData": "Hanya mendukung data hex" + } + }, + "sendTokenComponents": { + "GasReserved": "Dicadangkan <1>0 {{ tokenName }} untuk biaya gas", + "SwitchReserveGas": "Cadangkan Gas <1 />" + }, + "sendNFT": { + "header": { + "title": "Kirim" + }, + "sectionChain": { + "title": "Rantai" + }, + "sectionFrom": { + "title": "Dari" + }, + "sectionTo": { + "title": "Ke", + "addrValidator__empty": "Silakan masukkan alamat", + "addrValidator__invalid": "Alamat ini tidak valid", + "searchInputPlaceholder": "Cari atau masukkan alamat" + }, + "nftInfoFieldLabel": { + "Collection": "Koleksi", + "Contract": "Kontrak", + "sendAmount": "Jumlah Kirim" + }, + "sendButton": "Kirim", + "whitelistAlert__disabled": "Daftar putih dinonaktifkan. Anda dapat mentransfer ke alamat mana pun.", + "whitelistAlert__whitelisted": "Alamat ini ada dalam daftar putih", + "whitelistAlert__temporaryGranted": "Izin sementara diberikan", + "whitelistAlert__notWhitelisted": "Alamat ini tidak ada dalam daftar putih. <1 /> Saya setuju memberikan izin sementara untuk transfer.", + "tipNotOnAddressList": "Tidak ada dalam daftar alamat.", + "tipAddToContacts": "Tambahkan ke kontak", + "confirmModal": { + "title": "Masukkan Kata Sandi untuk Mengonfirmasi" + } + }, + "approvals": { + "header": { + "title": "Persetujuan di {{ address }}" + }, + "tab-switch": { + "contract": "Berdasarkan Kontrak", + "assets": "Berdasarkan Aset" + }, + "component": { + "table": { + "bodyEmpty": { + "loadingText": "Memuat...", + "noDataText": "Tidak ada Persetujuan", + "noMatchText": "Tidak Ada Kecocokan" + } + }, + "ApprovalContractItem": { + "ApprovalCount_one": "Persetujuan", + "ApprovalCount_other": "Persetujuan" + }, + "RevokeButton": { + "btnText_zero": "Batalkan", + "btnText_one": "Batalkan ({{count}})", + "btnText_other": "Batalkan ({{count}})", + "permit2Batch": { + "modalContent": "Persetujuan dari kontrak Permit2 yang sama akan dikemas bersama di bawah tanda tangan yang sama.", + "modalTitle_one": "Total <2>{{count}} tanda tangan diperlukan", + "modalTitle_other": "Total <2>{{count}} tanda tangan diperlukan" + } + }, + "ViewMore": { + "text": "Lihat lebih banyak" + } + }, + "search": { + "placeholder": "Cari {{ type }} berdasarkan nama/alamat" + }, + "tableConfig": { + "byContracts": { + "columnTitle": { + "contract": "Kontrak", + "contractTrustValue": "Nilai Kepercayaan Kontrak", + "revokeTrends": "Tren Pembatalan 24 jam", + "myApprovedAssets": "Aset Saya yang Disetujui", + "myApprovalTime": "Waktu Persetujuan Saya" + }, + "columnTip": { + "contractTrustValue": "Nilai kepercayaan mengacu pada total nilai aset yang dikeluarkan oleh kontrak ini. Nilai kepercayaan yang rendah menunjukkan risiko atau tidak aktif selama 180 hari.", + "contractTrustValueWarning": "Nilai kepercayaan kontrak < $100,000", + "contractTrustValueDanger": "Nilai kepercayaan kontrak < $10,000" + } + }, + "byAssets": { + "columnTitle": { + "asset": "Aset", + "type": "Tipe", + "approvedAmount": "Jumlah yang Disetujui", + "approvedSpender": "Pengguna yang Disetujui", + "myApprovalTime": "Waktu Persetujuan Saya" + }, + "columnCell": { + "approvedAmount": { + "tipApprovedAmount": "Jumlah yang Disetujui", + "tipMyBalance": "Saldo Saya" + } + } + } + }, + "RevokeApprovalModal": { + "subTitleTokenAndNFT": "Token dan NFT yang Disetujui", + "subTitleContract": "Disetujui untuk Kontrak Berikut", + "selectAll": "Pilih Semua", + "unSelectAll": "Batalkan Pilihan Semua", + "confirm": "Konfirmasi {{ selectedCount }}", + "title": "Persetujuan", + "tooltipPermit2": "Persetujuan ini disetujui melalui kontrak Permit2:\n{{ permit2Id }}" + }, + "revokeModal": { + "confirmRevokePrivateKey": "Menggunakan frase benih atau alamat kunci pribadi, Anda dapat membatalkan {{count}} persetujuan dengan 1 klik.", + "confirmRevokeLedger": "Menggunakan alamat Ledger, Anda dapat membatalkan {{count}} persetujuan dengan 1 klik.", + "batchRevoke": "Batch Batalkan", + "revokeOneByOne": "Batalkan Satu per Satu", + "revoked": "Dibatalkan:", + "totalRevoked": "Total:", + "approvalCount_zero": "{{count}} persetujuan", + "approvalCount_one": "{{count}} persetujuan", + "approvalCount_other": "{{count}} persetujuan", + "signAndStartRevoke": "Tandatangani dan Mulai Pembatalan", + "pause": "Jeda", + "resume": "Lanjutkan", + "done": "Selesai", + "confirmTitle": "Batch Batalkan dengan Satu Klik", + "cancelTitle": "Batalkan Pembatalan yang Tersisa", + "confirm": "Konfirmasi", + "cancelBody": "Jika Anda menutup halaman ini, pembatalan yang tersisa tidak akan dieksekusi.", + "gasNotEnough": "Gas tidak cukup untuk dikirim", + "gasTooHigh": "Biaya gas tinggi", + "submitTxFailed": "Gagal Mengirim", + "defaultFailed": "Transaksi gagal", + "stillRevoke": "Masih Membatalkan", + "paused": "Dijeda", + "waitInQueue": "Menunggu dalam antrean", + "useGasAccount": "Saldo gas Anda rendah. GasAccount Anda akan menanggung biaya gas.", + "revokeWithLedger": "Mulai Pembatalan dengan Ledger", + "connectLedger": "Sambungkan Ledger", + "ledgerSended": "Silakan tanda tangani permintaan di Ledger ({{current}}/{{total}})", + "ledgerSending": "Mengirim permintaan tanda tangan ({{current}}/{{total}})", + "ledgerAlert": "Silakan buka Aplikasi Ethereum di perangkat Ledger Anda", + "ledgerSigned": "Ditandatangani. Membuat transaksi ({{current}}/{{total}})", + "simulationFailed": "Simulasi Gagal", + "gasTopUp": { + "title": "Isi Ulang Gas Instan", + "description": "Isi ulang gas dengan mengirimkan token yang tersedia di rantai lain. Transfer instan segera setelah pembayaran Anda dikonfirmasi, tanpa menunggu hingga tidak dapat dibatalkan.", + "topUpChain": "Rantai Isi Ulang", + "Amount": "Jumlah", + "Continue": "Lanjutkan", + "InsufficientBalance": "Saldo tidak cukup di alamat kontrak Rabby untuk rantai saat ini. Silakan coba lagi nanti.", + "hightGasFees": "Jumlah isi ulang ini terlalu kecil karena jaringan target memerlukan biaya gas yang tinggi.", + "No_Tokens": "Tidak Ada Token", + "InsufficientBalanceTips": "Saldo tidak cukup", + "payment": "Pembayaran Isi Ulang Gas", + "Loading_Tokens": "Memuat Token...", + "Including-service-fee": "Termasuk biaya layanan {{fee}}", + "service-fee-tip": "Dengan menyediakan layanan untuk Isi Ulang Gas, Rabby harus menanggung kerugian fluktuasi token dan biaya gas untuk isi ulang. Oleh karena itu, biaya layanan sebesar 20% dikenakan.", + "Confirm": "Konfirmasi", + "Select-from-supported-tokens": "Pilih dari token yang didukung", + "Value": "Nilai", + "Payment-Token": "Token Pembayaran", + "Select-payment-token": "Pilih token pembayaran", + "Token": "Token", + "Balance": "Saldo" + }, + "swap": { + "title": "Tukar", + "pendingTip": "Transaksi diajukan. Jika transaksi tertunda terlalu lama, Anda dapat mencoba menghapus pending di pengaturan.", + "Pending": "Tertunda", + "completedTip": "Transaksi di rantai, mendekode data untuk menghasilkan catatan", + "Completed": "Selesai", + "slippage_tolerance": "Toleransi slippage:", + "actual-slippage": "Slippage Aktual:", + "gas-x-price": "Harga gas: {{price}} Gwei.", + "no-transaction-records": "Tidak ada catatan transaksi", + "swap-history": "Riwayat Tukar", + "InSufficientTip": "Saldo tidak cukup untuk simulasi transaksi dan estimasi gas. Kutipan agregator asli ditampilkan", + "testnet-is-not-supported": "Jaringan kustom tidak didukung", + "not-supported": "Tidak didukung", + "slippage-adjusted-refresh-quote": "Slippage disesuaikan. Segarkan kutipan.", + "price-expired-refresh-quote": "Harga kedaluwarsa. Segarkan kutipan.", + "approve-x-symbol": "Setujui {{symbol}}", + "approve-and-swap": "Setujui dan Tukar melalui {{name}}", + "approve-swap": "Setujui dan Tukar", + "swap-via-x": "Tukar melalui {{name}}", + "get-quotes": "Dapatkan kutipan", + "chain": "Rantai", + "swap-from": "Tukar dari", + "from": "Dari", + "to": "Ke", + "search-by-name-address": "Cari berdasarkan Nama / Alamat", + "amount-in": "Jumlah dalam {{symbol}}", + "unlimited-allowance": "Batas tidak terbatas", + "insufficient-balance": "Saldo tidak cukup", + "no-fee-for-wrap": "Tidak ada biaya Rabby untuk Wrap", + "hidden-no-quote-rates_one": "{{count}} tarif tidak tersedia", + "hidden-no-quote-rates_other": "{{count}} tarif tidak tersedia", + "Gas-fee-too-high": "Biaya gas terlalu tinggi", + "rabby-fee": "Biaya Rabby", + "preferMEV": "Sukai MEV Guarded", + "preferMEVTip": "Aktifkan fitur \"MEV Guarded\" untuk pertukaran Ethereum untuk mengurangi risiko serangan sandwich. Catatan: fitur ini tidak didukung jika Anda menggunakan RPC kustom atau alamat wallet connect", + "minimum-received": "Minimum diterima", + "there-is-no-fee-and-slippage-for-this-trade": "Tidak ada slippage untuk perdagangan ini", + "no-slippage-for-wrap": "Tidak ada slippage untuk Wrap", + "approve-tips": "1. Setujui → 2. Tukar", + "best": "Terbaik", + "unable-to-fetch-the-price": "Tidak dapat mengambil harga", + "fail-to-simulate-transaction": "Gagal mensimulasikan transaksi", + "security-verification-failed": "Verifikasi keamanan gagal", + "need-to-approve-token-before-swap": "Perlu menyetujui token sebelum tukar", + "this-exchange-is-not-enabled-to-trade-by-you": "Pertukaran ini tidak diizinkan untuk Anda.", + "enable-it": "Aktifkan", + "this-token-pair-is-not-supported": "Pasangan token tidak didukung", + "QuoteLessWarning": "Jumlah yang diterima diperkirakan dari simulasi transaksi Rabby. Tawaran yang diberikan oleh dex adalah {{receive}}. Anda akan menerima {{diff}} kurang dari tawaran yang diharapkan.", + "by-transaction-simulation-the-quote-is-valid": "Dengan simulasi transaksi, kutipan valid", + "wrap-contract": "Kontrak Wrap", + "directlySwap": "Membungkus token {{symbol}} langsung dengan kontrak pintar", + "rates-from-cex": "Tarif dari CEX", + "edit": "Sunting", + "tradingSettingTips": "{{viewCount}} pertukaran menawarkan kutipan, dan {{tradeCount}} memungkinkan perdagangan", + "the-following-swap-rates-are-found": "Ditemukan tarif berikut", + "sort-with-gas": "Urutkan dengan gas", + "est-payment": "Estimasi Pembayaran:", + "est-receiving": "Estimasi Penerimaan:", + "est-difference": "Estimasi Perbedaan:", + "selected-offer-differs-greatly-from-current-rate-may-cause-big-losses": "Tawaran yang dipilih sangat berbeda dari tarif saat ini, dapat menyebabkan kerugian besar", + "rate": "Tarif", + "low-slippage-may-cause-failed-transactions-due-to-high-volatility": "Slippage rendah dapat menyebabkan transaksi gagal karena volatilitas tinggi", + "transaction-might-be-frontrun-because-of-high-slippage-tolerance": "Transaksi mungkin akan di depan karena toleransi slippage tinggi", + "recommend-slippage": "Untuk mencegah front-running, kami merekomendasikan slippage <2>{{ slippage }}%", + "slippage-tolerance": "Toleransi slippage", + "select-token": "Pilih Token", + "enable-exchanges": "Aktifkan Pertukaran", + "exchanges": "Pertukaran", + "view-quotes": "Lihat kutipan", + "trade": "Perdagangan", + "dex": "Dex", + "cex": "Cex", + "enable-trading": "Aktifkan Perdagangan", + "i-understand-and-accept-it": "Saya mengerti dan menerimanya", + "confirm": "Konfirmasi", + "tradingSettingTip1": "1. Setelah diaktifkan, Anda akan berinteraksi dengan kontrak dari pertukaran secara langsung", + "tradingSettingTip2": "2. Rabby tidak bertanggung jawab atas risiko yang timbul dari kontrak pertukaran", + "gas-fee": "Biaya Gas: {{gasUsed}}", + "estimate": "Estimasi:", + "actual": "Aktual:", + "max": "MAKS", + "two-step-approve": "Tandatangani 2 transaksi untuk mengubah batas", + "two-step-approve-details": "Token USDT memerlukan 2 transaksi untuk mengubah batas. Pertama Anda perlu mengatur batas menjadi nol, dan hanya kemudian menetapkan nilai batas baru.", + "process-with-two-step-approve": "Lanjutkan dengan persetujuan dua langkah", + "fetch-best-quote": "Mengambil kutipan terbaik", + "usd-after-fees": "≈ {{usd}} ", + "no-fees-for-wrap": "Tidak ada biaya Rabby untuk Wrap", + "No-available-quote": "Tidak ada kutipan yang tersedia", + "price-impact": "Dampak Harga", + "loss-tips": "Anda kehilangan {{usd}}. Cobalah jumlah yang lebih kecil di pasar kecil.", + "Auto": "Otomatis", + "no-quote-found": "Tidak ada kutipan ditemukan", + "source": "Sumber", + "rabbyFee": { + "title": "Biaya Rabby", + "swapDesc": "Dompet Rabby akan selalu menemukan tarif terbaik yang mungkin dari agregator teratas dan memverifikasi keandalan tawaran mereka. Rabby mengenakan biaya 0,25% (0% untuk membungkus), yang secara otomatis termasuk dalam kutipan.", + "bridgeDesc": "Dompet Rabby akan selalu menemukan tarif terbaik yang mungkin dari agregator teratas dan memverifikasi keandalan tawaran mereka. Rabby mengenakan biaya 0,25%, yang secara otomatis termasuk dalam kutipan.", + "wallet": "Dompet", + "rate": "Tarif biaya", + "button": "Mengerti" + }, + "lowCreditModal": { + "title": "Token ini memiliki nilai kredit rendah", + "desc": "Nilai kredit rendah sering kali menandakan risiko tinggi, seperti token honeypot atau likuiditas yang sangat rendah." + }, + "bridge": { + "From": "Dari", + "To": "Ke", + "Balance": "Saldo: ", + "Select": "Pilih", + "select-chain": "Pilih Rantai", + "no-quote-found": "Tidak ada kutipan ditemukan. Silakan coba pasangan token lainnya.", + "no-quote": "Tidak Ada Kutipan", + "title": "Jembatan", + "history": "Riwayat Jembatan", + "the-following-bridge-route-are-found": "Ditemukan rute berikut", + "no-transaction-records": "Tidak ada catatan transaksi", + "pendingTip": "Transaksi diajukan. Jika transaksi tertunda terlalu lama, Anda dapat mencoba menghapus pending di pengaturan.", + "Pending": "Tertunda", + "completedTip": "Transaksi di rantai, mendekode data untuk menghasilkan catatan", + "Completed": "Selesai", + "estimate": "Estimasi:", + "actual": "Aktual:", + "gas-fee": "Biaya Gas: {{gasUsed}}", + "gas-x-price": "Harga gas: {{price}} Gwei.", + "detail-tx": "Detail", + "unlimited-allowance": "Batas tidak terbatas", + "insufficient-balance": "Saldo tidak cukup", + "bridgeTo": "Jembatani Ke", + "BridgeTokenPair": "Pasangan Token Jembatan", + "tokenPairPlaceholder": "Pilih Pasangan Token", + "Amount": "Jumlah", + "getRoutes": "Dapatkan rute", + "slippage-adjusted-refresh-quote": "Slippage disesuaikan. Segarkan rute.", + "price-expired-refresh-route": "Harga kedaluwarsa. Segarkan rute.", + "approve-x-symbol": "Setujui {{symbol}}", + "approve-and-bridge": "Setujui dan Jembatan", + "need-to-approve-token-before-bridge": "Perlu menyetujui token sebelum jembatan", + "via-bridge": "via {{bridge}}", + "duration": "{{duration}} menit", + "estimated-value": "≈ {{value}} ", + "best": "Terbaik", + "bridge-cost": "Biaya Jembatan", + "rabby-fee": "Biaya Rabby", + "bridge-via-x": "Jembatan di {{name}}", + "no-route-found": "Tidak ada rute ditemukan", + "aggregator-not-enabled": "Agregator ini tidak diizinkan untuk Anda.", + "enable-it": "Aktifkan", + "recommendFromToken": "Jembatani dari <1> untuk kutipan yang tersedia", + "est-payment": "Estimasi Pembayaran:", + "est-receiving": "Estimasi Penerimaan:", + "est-difference": "Estimasi Perbedaan:", + "loss-tips": "Anda kehilangan {{usd}}. Cobalah jumlah yang berbeda.", + "price-impact": "Dampak Harga", + "max-tips": "Nilai ini dihitung dengan mengurangkan biaya gas untuk jembatan.", + "showMore": { + "title": "Tampilkan Lebih Banyak", + "source": "Sumber Jembatan" + }, + "settingModal": { + "title": "Aktifkan Agregator Jembatan untuk perdagangan", + "confirm": "Konfirmasi", + "SupportedBridge": "Jembatan yang Didukung:", + "confirmModal": { + "title": "Aktifkan Perdagangan dengan Agregator ini", + "tip1": "1. Setelah diaktifkan, Anda akan berinteraksi langsung dengan kontrak dari agregator ini.", + "tip2": "2. Rabby tidak bertanggung jawab atas risiko yang timbul dari kontrak agregator ini", + "i-understand-and-accept-it": "Saya mengerti dan menerimanya" + } + }, + "tokenPairDrawer": { + "title": "Pilih dari pasangan token yang didukung", + "tokenPair": "Pasangan Token", + "balance": "Nilai Saldo", + "noData": "Tidak Ada Pasangan Token yang Didukung" + } + }, + "manageAddress": { + "no-address": "Tidak ada alamat", + "no-match": "Tidak ada kecocokan", + "current-address": "Alamat Saat Ini", + "address-management": "Manajemen Alamat", + "update-balance-data": "Perbarui data saldo", + "search": "Cari", + "manage-address": "Kelola Alamat", + "deleted": "Dihapus", + "whitelisted-address": "Alamat yang Diizinkan", + "addressTypeTip": "Diimpor oleh {{type}}", + "delete-desc": "Sebelum Anda menghapus, ingatlah hal berikut untuk memahami cara melindungi aset Anda.", + "delete-checklist-1": "Saya mengerti bahwa jika saya menghapus alamat ini, Kunci Pribadi & Frasa Benih yang sesuai dengan alamat ini akan dihapus dan Rabby TIDAK akan dapat memulihkannya.", + "delete-checklist-2": "Saya mengonfirmasi bahwa saya telah mencadangkan kunci pribadi atau Frasa Benih dan saya siap untuk menghapusnya sekarang.", + "confirm": "Konfirmasi", + "cancel": "Batal", + "delete-private-key-modal-title_one": "Hapus alamat kunci pribadi {{count}}", + "delete-private-key-modal-title_other": "Hapus alamat kunci pribadi {{count}}", + "delete-seed-phrase-title_one": "Hapus frasa benih dan alamat {{count}}-nya", + "delete-seed-phrase-title_other": "Hapus frasa benih dan alamat {{count}}-nya", + "delete-title_one": "Hapus alamat {{count}} {{brand}}", + "delete-title_other": "Hapus alamat {{count}} {{brand}}", + "delete-empty-seed-phrase": "Hapus frasa benih dan alamat 0-nya", + "hd-path": "Jalur HD:", + "no-address-under-seed-phrase": "Anda belum mengimpor alamat apapun di bawah frasa benih ini.", + "add-address": "Tambah alamat", + "delete-seed-phrase": "Hapus frasa benih", + "confirm-delete": "Konfirmasi Hapus", + "private-key": "Kunci Pribadi", + "seed-phrase": "Frasa Benih", + "watch-address": "Alamat Tonton", + "backup-seed-phrase": "Cadangkan Frasa Benih", + "delete-all-addresses-but-keep-the-seed-phrase": "Hapus semua alamat, tetapi simpan frasa benih", + "delete-all-addresses-and-the-seed-phrase": "Hapus semua alamat dan frasa benih", + "seed-phrase-delete-title": "Hapus frasa benih?", + "sort-by-balance": "Urutkan berdasarkan saldo", + "sort-by-address-type": "Urutkan berdasarkan jenis alamat", + "sort-by-address-note": "Urutkan berdasarkan catatan alamat", + "sort-address": "Urutkan Alamat", + "enterThePassphrase": "Masukkan Passphrase", + "enterPassphraseTitle": "Masukkan Passphrase untuk Menandatangani", + "passphraseError": "Passphrase tidak valid", + "addNewAddress": "Tambah Alamat Baru" + }, + "dashboard": { + "home": { + "offline": "Jaringan terputus dan tidak ada data yang diperoleh", + "panel": { + "swap": "Tukar", + "send": "Kirim", + "receive": "Terima", + "gasTopUp": "Isi Ulang Gas", + "queue": "Antrian", + "transactions": "Transaksi", + "approvals": "Persetujuan", + "feedback": "Umpan Balik", + "rabbyPoints": "Poin Rabby", + "more": "Lebih", + "manageAddress": "Kelola Alamat", + "nft": "NFT", + "ecology": "Ekosistem", + "bridge": "Jembatan" + }, + "comingSoon": "Segera Hadir", + "soon": "Segera", + "refreshTheWebPageToTakeEffect": "Segarkan halaman web untuk mengambil efek", + "rabbyIsInUseAndMetamaskIsBanned": "Rabby sedang digunakan dan Metamask diblokir", + "flip": "Balik", + "metamaskIsInUseAndRabbyIsBanned": "MetaMask sedang digunakan dan Rabby diblokir", + "transactionNeedsToSign": "transaksi perlu ditandatangani", + "transactionsNeedToSign": "transaksi perlu ditandatangani", + "view": "Lihat", + "viewFirstOne": "Lihat yang pertama", + "rejectAll": "Tolak Semua", + "pendingCount": "1 Tertunda", + "pendingCountPlural": "{{countStr}} Tertunda", + "queue": { + "title": "Antrian", + "count": "{{count}} dalam" + }, + "whatsNew": "Apa yang baru", + "importType": "Diimpor oleh {{type}}", + "missingDataTooltip": "Saldo mungkin tidak diperbarui karena masalah jaringan saat ini dengan {{text}}.", + "chain": " rantai, ", + "chainEnd": " rantai" + }, + "recentConnection": { + "disconnected": "Terputus", + "rpcUnavailable": "RPC kustom tidak tersedia", + "metamaskTooltip": "Anda lebih suka menggunakan MetaMask dengan dapp ini. Perbarui pengaturan ini kapan saja di Pengaturan > Dapps yang Dipilih MetaMask", + "connected": "Terhubung", + "notConnected": "Tidak terhubung", + "connectedDapp": "Rabby tidak terhubung ke Dapp saat ini. Untuk terhubung, temukan dan klik tombol sambungkan di halaman web Dapp.", + "noDappFound": "Tidak ada Dapp ditemukan", + "disconnectAll": "Putuskan Semua", + "disconnectRecentlyUsed": { + "title_one": "Putuskan {{count}} Dapp yang terhubung", + "title_other": "Putuskan {{count}} Dapps yang terhubung", + "description": "DApps yang dipin akan tetap terhubung", + "title": "Putuskan {{count}} DApps yang baru digunakan" + }, + "title": "Dapps Terhubung", + "pinned": "Dipin", + "noPinnedDapps": "Tidak ada dapps yang dipin", + "dragToSort": "Seret untuk mengurutkan", + "recentlyConnected": "Baru saja terhubung", + "noRecentlyConnectedDapps": "Tidak ada Dapps yang baru terhubung", + "noConnectedDapps": "Tidak ada Dapps yang terhubung", + "dapps": "Dapps" + }, + "feedback": { + "directMessage": { + "content": "Pesan Langsung", + "description": "Obrolan dengan Rabby Wallet Resmi di DeBank" + }, + "proposal": { + "content": "Usulan", + "description": "Kirim usulan untuk Rabby Wallet di DeBank" + }, + "title": "Umpan Balik" + }, + "nft": { + "empty": "Tidak ada NFT ditemukan di Koleksi yang didukung", + "collectionList": { + "collections": { + "label": "Koleksi" + }, + "all_nfts": { + "label": "Semua NFT" + } + }, + "listEmpty": "Anda belum mendapatkan NFT apapun", + "modal": { + "collection": "Koleksi", + "chain": "Rantai", + "lastPrice": "Harga Terakhir", + "purchaseDate": "Tanggal Pembelian", + "sendTooltip": "Hanya NFT ERC 721 dan ERC 1155 yang didukung untuk saat ini", + "send": "Kirim" + } + }, + "rabbyBadge": { + "imageLabel": "lencana rabby", + "title": "Klaim Lencana Rabby untuk", + "freeGasTitle": "Klaim Lencana Gas Gratis untuk", + "enterClaimCode": "Masukkan kode klaim", + "swapTip": "Anda perlu menyelesaikan tukar dengan dex yang terkenal dalam Rabby Wallet terlebih dahulu.", + "freeGasTip": "Silakan tanda tangani transaksi menggunakan Gas Gratis. Tombol 'Gas Gratis' akan muncul secara otomatis ketika gas Anda tidak cukup.", + "learnMore": "Pelajari Lebih Lanjut", + "goToSwap": "Pergi ke Tukar", + "claim": "Klaim", + "viewYourClaimCode": "Lihat kode klaim Anda di DeBank", + "noCode": "Anda belum mengaktifkan kode klaim untuk alamat ini", + "freeGasNoCode": "Silakan klik tombol di bawah untuk mengunjungi DeBank dan mendapatkan kode klaim menggunakan alamat Anda saat ini terlebih dahulu.", + "learnMoreOnDebank": "Pelajari lebih lanjut di DeBank", + "rabbyValuedUserNo": "Pengguna Berharga Rabby No.{{num}}", + "rabbyFreeGasUserNo": "Pengguna Gas Gratis Rabby No.{{num}}", + "claimSuccess": "Klaim Sukses", + "viewOnDebank": "Lihat di DeBank" + }, + "contacts": { + "noDataLabel": "tidak ada data", + "noData": "Tidak ada data", + "oldContactList": "Daftar Kontak Lama", + "oldContactListDescription": "Karena penggabungan kontak dan alamat model tonton, kontak lama akan dicadangkan untuk Anda di sini dan setelah beberapa waktu kami akan menghapus daftar tersebut. Harap tambahkan tepat waktu jika Anda terus menggunakan." + }, + "security": { + "tokenApproval": "Persetujuan Token", + "nftApproval": "Persetujuan NFT", + "comingSoon": "Fitur lebih banyak segera hadir", + "title": "Keamanan" + }, + "settings": { + "lock": { + "never": "Tidak Pernah" + }, + "7Days": "7 hari", + "1Day": "1 hari", + "4Hours": "4 jam", + "1Hour": "1 jam", + "10Minutes": "10 menit", + "backendServiceUrl": "URL Layanan Backend", + "inputOpenapiHost": "Silakan masukkan host openapi", + "pleaseCheckYourHost": "Silakan periksa host Anda", + "host": "Host", + "reset": "Kembalikan pengaturan awal", + "save": "Simpan", + "pendingTransactionCleared": "Transaksi yang tertunda dibersihkan", + "clearPending": "Bersihkan Pending", + "clearPendingTip1": "Ini akan membersihkan semua transaksi yang tertunda. Ini dapat membantu Anda menyelesaikan masalah bahwa dalam beberapa kasus status transaksi di Rabby tidak cocok dengan status di blockchain.", + "clearPendingTip2": "Ini tidak akan mengubah saldo di akun Anda atau meminta Anda untuk memasukkan kembali frasa benih Anda. Semua informasi aset dan akun Anda akan tetap aman.", + "autoLockTime": "Waktu kunci otomatis", + "claimRabbyBadge": "Klaim Lencana Rabby!", + "cancel": "Batal", + "enableWhitelist": "Aktifkan Daftar Putih", + "disableWhitelist": "Nonaktifkan Daftar Putih", + "enableWhitelistTip": "Setelah diaktifkan, Anda hanya dapat mengirim aset ke alamat dalam daftar putih menggunakan Rabby.", + "disableWhitelistTip": "Anda dapat mengirim aset ke alamat mana pun setelah dinonaktifkan", + "warning": "Peringatan", + "clearWatchAddressContent": "Apakah Anda yakin untuk menghapus semua alamat Mode Tonton?", + "updateVersion": { + "content": "Pembaruan baru untuk Rabby Wallet tersedia. Klik untuk memeriksa cara memperbarui secara manual.", + "okText": "Lihat Tutorial", + "successTip": "Anda menggunakan versi terbaru", + "title": "Pembaruan Tersedia" + }, + "features": { + "label": "Fitur", + "lockWallet": "Kunci Dompet", + "signatureRecord": "Rekaman Tanda Tangan", + "manageAddress": "Kelola Alamat", + "connectedDapp": "Dapps Terhubung", + "searchDapps": "Cari Dapps", + "gasTopUp": "Isi Ulang Gas", + "rabbyPoints": "Poin Rabby" + }, + "settings": { + "label": "Pengaturan", + "enableWhitelistForSendingAssets": "Aktifkan Daftar Putih Untuk Mengirim Aset", + "customRpc": "Ubah URL RPC", + "metamaskPreferredDapps": "Dapps yang Dipilih MetaMask", + "currentLanguage": "Bahasa Saat Ini", + "enableTestnets": "Aktifkan Testnets", + "toggleThemeMode": "Mode Tema", + "themeMode": "Mode Tema", + "customTestnet": "Tambahkan Jaringan Kustom" + }, + "aboutUs": "Tentang kami", + "currentVersion": "Versi Saat Ini", + "updateAvailable": "Pembaruan Tersedia", + "supportedChains": "Rantai yang Terintegrasi", + "followUs": "Ikuti Kami", + "testnetBackendServiceUrl": "URL Layanan Backend Testnet", + "clearWatchMode": "Bersihkan Mode Tonton", + "requestDeBankTestnetGasToken": "Minta Token Gas Testnet DeBank" + }, + "tokenDetail": { + "blockedTip": "Token yang diblokir tidak akan ditampilkan dalam daftar token", + "blocked": "Diblokir", + "selectedCustom": "Token tidak terdaftar oleh Rabby. Anda telah menambahkannya ke daftar token secara manual.", + "notSelectedCustom": "Token tidak terdaftar oleh Rabby. Ini akan ditambahkan ke daftar token jika Anda menghidupkannya.", + "customized": "Disesuaikan", + "scamTx": "Transaksi penipuan", + "txFailed": "Gagal", + "notSupported": "Token di rantai ini tidak didukung", + "swap": "Tukar", + "send": "Kirim", + "receive": "Terima", + "noTransactions": "Tidak Ada Transaksi", + "customizedButton": "token kustom", + "customizedButtons": "token kustom", + "blockedButton": "token diblokir", + "blockedButtons": "token diblokir" + }, + "assets": { + "usdValue": "NILAI USD", + "amount": "JUMLAH", + "portfolio": { + "nftTips": "Dihitung berdasarkan harga lantai yang dikenali oleh protokol ini.", + "fractionTips": "Dihitung berdasarkan harga token ERC20 yang terhubung." + }, + "tokenButton": { + "subTitle": "Token di daftar ini tidak akan ditambahkan ke total saldo" + }, + "table": { + "assetAmount": "Aset / Jumlah", + "price": "Harga", + "useValue": "Nilai USD", + "healthRate": "Tingkat kesehatan", + "debtRatio": "Rasio Utang", + "unlockAt": "Buka kunci di", + "lentAgainst": "DIPINJAM MELAWAN", + "type": "Tipe", + "strikePrice": "Harga strike", + "exerciseEnd": "Akhir latihan", + "tradePair": "Pasangan perdagangan", + "side": "Sisi", + "leverage": "Leverage", + "PL": "P&L", + "unsupportedPoolType": "Tipe pool tidak didukung", + "claimable": "Dapat diklaim", + "endAt": "Akhir di", + "dailyUnlock": "Buka kunci harian", + "pool": "POOL", + "token": "Token", + "balanceValue": "Saldo / Nilai", + "percent": "Persen", + "summaryTips": "Nilai aset dibagi dengan total kekayaan bersih", + "summaryDescription": "Semua aset dalam protokol (misalnya token LP) diselesaikan ke aset dasar untuk perhitungan statistik", + "noMatch": "Tidak Ada Kecocokan", + "lowValueDescription": "Aset nilai rendah akan ditampilkan di sini", + "lowValueAssets_0": "{{count}} token nilai rendah", + "lowValueAssets_one": "{{count}} token nilai rendah", + "lowValueAssets_other": "{{count}} token nilai rendah" + }, + "noAssets": "Tidak ada aset", + "blockLinkText": "Cari alamat untuk memblokir token", + "blockDescription": "Token yang diblokir oleh Anda akan ditampilkan di sini", + "unfoldChain": "Buka 1 rantai", + "unfoldChainPlural": "Buka {{moreLen}} rantai", + "customButtonText": "Tambahkan token kustom", + "customDescription": "Token kustom yang ditambahkan oleh Anda akan ditampilkan di sini", + "comingSoon": "Segera Hadir...", + "searchPlaceholder": "Token", + "AddMainnetToken": { + "title": "Tambahkan Token Kustom", + "selectChain": "Pilih rantai", + "searching": "Mencari Token", + "tokenAddress": "Alamat Token", + "tokenAddressPlaceholder": "Alamat Token", + "notFound": "Token tidak ditemukan", + "isBuiltInToken": "Token sudah didukung" + }, + "AddTestnetToken": { + "title": "Tambahkan Token Jaringan Kustom", + "selectChain": "Pilih rantai", + "searching": "Mencari Token", + "tokenAddress": "Alamat Token", + "tokenAddressPlaceholder": "Alamat Token", + "notFound": "Token tidak ditemukan" + }, + "TestnetAssetListContainer": { + "add": "Token", + "addTestnet": "Jaringan" + }, + "noTestnetAssets": "Tidak Ada Aset Jaringan Kustom", + "addTokenEntryText": "Token" + }, + "hd": { + "howToConnectLedger": "Cara Menghubungkan Ledger", + "howToConnectKeystone": "Cara Menghubungkan Keystone", + "userRejectedTheRequest": "Pengguna menolak permintaan.", + "ledger": { + "doc1": "Colokkan satu Ledger", + "doc2": "Masukkan PIN untuk membuka kunci", + "doc3": "Buka Aplikasi Ethereum", + "reconnect": "Jika tidak berhasil, coba <1>hubungkan kembali dari awal.", + "connected": "Ledger terhubung" + }, + "keystone": { + "title": "Pastikan Keystone 3 Pro Anda ada di beranda", + "doc1": "Colokkan satu Keystone", + "doc2": "Masukkan kata sandi untuk membuka kunci", + "doc3": "Setujui koneksi ke komputer", + "reconnect": "Jika tidak berhasil, silakan coba <1>hubungkan kembali dari awal." + }, + "howToSwitch": "Cara beralih", + "imkey": { + "doc1": "Colokkan satu imKey", + "doc2": "Masukkan PIN untuk membuka kunci" + }, + "howToConnectImKey": "Cara Menghubungkan imKey", + "ledgerIsDisconnected": "Ledger Anda tidak terhubung" + }, + "GnosisWrongChainAlertBar": { + "warning": "Alamat aman tidak mendukung {{chain}}" + }, + "echologyPopup": { + "title": "Ekosistem" + } + }, + "nft": { + "floorPrice": "/ Harga Dasar:", + "title": "NFT", + "all": "Semua", + "starred": "Ditaruh Bintang ({{count}})", + "empty": { + "title": "Tidak Ada NFT yang Ditaruh Bintang", + "description": "Anda dapat memilih NFT dari \"Semua\" dan menambahkannya ke \"Ditaruh Bintang\"" + }, + "noNft": "Tidak Ada NFT" + }, + "newAddress": { + "title": "Tambahkan Alamat", + "importSeedPhrase": "Impor Frasa Benih", + "importPrivateKey": "Impor Kunci Pribadi", + "importMyMetamaskAccount": "Impor Akun MetaMask Saya", + "addContacts": { + "content": "Tambahkan Kontak", + "description": "Anda juga dapat menggunakannya sebagai alamat hanya untuk ditonton", + "required": "Silakan masukkan alamat", + "notAValidAddress": "Bukan alamat yang valid", + "scanViaMobileWallet": "Pindai melalui dompet seluler", + "scanViaPcCamera": "Pindai melalui kamera PC", + "scanQRCode": "Pindai kode QR dengan dompet yang kompatibel dengan WalletConnect", + "walletConnect": "Koneksi dompet", + "walletConnectVPN": "WalletConnect akan tidak stabil jika Anda menggunakan VPN.", + "cameraTitle": "Silakan pindai kode QR dengan kamera Anda", + "addressEns": "Alamat / ENS" + }, + "unableToImport": { + "title": "Tidak Dapat Mengimpor", + "description": "Impor beberapa dompet perangkat keras berbasis QR tidak didukung. Silakan hapus semua alamat dari {{0}} sebelum mengimpor perangkat lain." + }, + "connectHardwareWallets": "Sambungkan Dompet Perangkat Keras", + "firefoxLedgerDisableTips": "Ledger tidak kompatibel dengan Firefox", + "connectMobileWalletApps": "Sambungkan Aplikasi Dompet Seluler", + "connectInstitutionalWallets": "Sambungkan Dompet Institusional", + "createNewSeedPhrase": "Buat Frasa Benih Baru", + "importKeystore": "Impor KeyStore", + "selectImportMethod": "Pilih Metode Impor", + "theSeedPhraseIsInvalidPleaseCheck": "Frasa benih tidak valid, silakan periksa!", + "seedPhrase": { + "importTips": "Anda dapat menempelkan seluruh frasa pemulihan rahasia Anda di kolom pertama", + "whatIsASeedPhrase": { + "question": "Apa itu Frasa Benih?", + "answer": "Frasa 12, 18, atau 24 kata yang digunakan untuk mengontrol aset Anda." + }, + "isItSafeToImportItInRabby": { + "question": "Apakah aman untuk mengimpornya di Rabby?", + "answer": "Ya, itu akan disimpan secara lokal di browser Anda dan hanya dapat diakses oleh Anda." + }, + "importError": "[CreateMnemonics] langkah tak terduga {{0}}", + "importQuestion1": "Jika saya kehilangan frasa benih saya, aset saya akan hilang selamanya.", + "importQuestion2": "Jika saya membagikan frasa benih saya dengan orang lain, aset saya akan dicuri.", + "importQuestion3": "Frasa benih hanya disimpan di komputer saya, dan Rabby tidak memiliki akses ke sana.", + "importQuestion4": "Jika saya menghapus Rabby tanpa mencadangkan frasa benih, Rabby tidak dapat mengambilnya untuk saya.", + "riskTips": "Sebelum Anda mulai, harap baca dan ingat tips keamanan berikut.", + "showSeedPhrase": "Tampilkan Frasa Benih", + "backup": "Cadangkan Frasa Benih", + "backupTips": "Pastikan tidak ada orang lain yang melihat layar Anda saat Anda mencadangkan frasa benih", + "copy": "Salin frasa benih", + "saved": "Saya Telah Menyimpan Frasa", + "pleaseSelectWords": "Silakan pilih kata-kata", + "verificationFailed": "Verifikasi gagal", + "createdSuccessfully": "Berhasil Dibuat", + "verifySeedPhrase": "Verifikasi Frasa Benih", + "fillInTheBackupSeedPhraseInOrder": "Isi frasa benih cadangan dalam urutan", + "wordPhrase": "Saya memiliki frasa <1>{{count}}-kata", + "wordPhraseAndPassphrase": "Saya memiliki frasa <1>{{count}}-kata dengan Passphrase", + "slip39SeedPhrase": "Saya memiliki Frasa Benih <0>{{SLIP39}}", + "slip39SeedPhraseWithPassphrase": "Saya memiliki Frasa Benih <0>{{SLIP39}} dengan Passphrase", + "slip39SeedPhrasePlaceholder_one": "Masukkan ${count} frasa benih di sini", + "slip39SeedPhrasePlaceholder_two": "Masukkan ${count} frasa benih di sini", + "slip39SeedPhrasePlaceholder_few": "Masukkan ${count} frasa benih di sini", + "slip39SeedPhrasePlaceholder_other": "Masukkan ${count} frasa benih di sini", + "clearAll": "Bersihkan Semua", + "pastedAndClear": "Ditempelkan dan clipboard dibersihkan", + "invalidContent": "Konten tidak valid", + "inputInvalidCount_one": "1 input tidak sesuai dengan norma Frasa Benih, silakan periksa.", + "inputInvalidCount_other": "{{count}} input tidak sesuai dengan norma Frasa Benih, silakan periksa.", + "passphrase": "Passphrase" + }, + "metamask": { + "step1": "Ekspor frasa benih atau kunci pribadi dari MetaMask
<1>Klik untuk melihat tutorial <1/>", + "step2": "Impor frasa benih atau kunci pribadi di Rabby", + "step3": "Impor selesai dan semua aset Anda akan
muncul secara otomatis", + "how": "Bagaimana cara mengimpor Akun MetaMask saya?", + "step": "Langkah", + "importSeedPhrase": "Impor frasa benih atau kunci pribadi", + "importSeedPhraseTips": "Ini hanya akan disimpan secara lokal di browser. Rabby tidak akan pernah memiliki akses ke informasi pribadi Anda.", + "tips": "Tips:", + "tipsDesc": "Frasa benih/kunci pribadi Anda tidak dimiliki oleh MetaMask atau dompet tertentu mana pun; itu hanya milik Anda." + }, + "privateKey": { + "required": "Silakan masukkan Kunci Pribadi", + "placeholder": "Masukkan kunci pribadi Anda", + "whatIsAPrivateKey": { + "question": "Apa itu kunci pribadi?", + "answer": "Serangkaian huruf dan angka yang digunakan untuk mengontrol aset Anda." + }, + "repeatImportTips": { + "desc": "Alamat ini telah diimpor.", + "question": "Apakah Anda ingin beralih ke alamat ini?" + }, + "isItSafeToImportItInRabby": { + "question": "Apakah aman untuk mengimpornya di Rabby?", + "answer": "Ya, itu akan disimpan secara lokal di browser Anda dan hanya dapat diakses oleh Anda." + }, + "isItPossibleToImportKeystore": { + "question": "Apakah mungkin untuk mengimpor KeyStore?", + "answer": "Ya, Anda dapat <1> mengimpor KeyStore di sini." + }, + "notAValidPrivateKey": "Bukan kunci pribadi yang valid" + }, + "importedSuccessfully": "Berhasil Diimpor", + "ledger": { + "title": "Sambungkan Ledger", + "cameraPermissionTitle": "Izinkan Rabby mengakses kamera", + "cameraPermission1": "Izinkan Rabby untuk mengakses kamera dalam pop-up browser", + "allowRabbyPermissionsTitle": "Izinkan izin Rabby untuk:", + "ledgerPermission1": "Sambungkan ke perangkat HID", + "ledgerPermissionTip": "Silakan klik \"Izinkan\" di bawah ini dan beri otorisasi akses ke Ledger Anda di jendela pop-up berikutnya.", + "permissionsAuthorized": "Izin Diberikan", + "nowYouCanReInitiateYourTransaction": "Sekarang Anda dapat memulai ulang transaksi Anda.", + "allow": "Izinkan", + "error": { + "ethereum_app_not_installed_error": "Silakan instal aplikasi Ethereum di perangkat Ledger Anda.", + "ethereum_app_unconfirmed_error": "Anda telah menolak permintaan untuk membuka aplikasi Ethereum.", + "ethereum_app_open_error": "Silakan instal/terima aplikasi Ethereum di perangkat Ledger Anda.", + "running_app_close_error": "Gagal menutup aplikasi yang sedang berjalan di perangkat Ledger Anda." + } + }, + "imkey": { + "title": "Sambungkan imKey", + "imkeyPermissionTip": "Silakan klik \"Izinkan\" di bawah ini dan beri otorisasi akses ke imKey Anda di jendela pop-up berikutnya." + }, + "keystone": { + "title": "Sambungkan Keystone", + "allowRabbyPermissionsTitle": "Izinkan izin Rabby untuk:", + "keystonePermission1": "Sambungkan ke perangkat USB", + "keystonePermissionTip": "Silakan klik \"Izinkan\" di bawah ini untuk memberi otorisasi akses ke Keystone Anda di jendela pop-up berikutnya, dan pastikan Keystone 3 Pro Anda berada di halaman utama.", + "noDeviceFoundError": "Colokkan satu Keystone", + "deviceIsLockedError": "Masukkan kata sandi untuk membuka kunci", + "deviceRejectedExportAddress": "Setujui koneksi ke Rabby", + "deviceIsBusy": "Perangkat sedang sibuk", + "exportAddressJustAllowedOnHomePage": "Ekspor alamat hanya diizinkan di halaman utama", + "unknowError": "Kesalahan tidak diketahui, silakan coba lagi" + }, + "walletConnect": { + "connectYour": "Sambungkan", + "viaWalletConnect": "melalui Wallet Connect", + "connectedSuccessfully": "Terhubung dengan sukses", + "qrCodeError": "Silakan periksa jaringan Anda atau segarkan kode QR", + "qrCode": "Kode QR", + "url": "URL", + "changeBridgeServer": "Ubah server jembatan", + "status": { + "received": "Pindai berhasil. Menunggu konfirmasi", + "rejected": "Koneksi dibatalkan. Silakan pindai kode QR untuk mencoba lagi.", + "brandError": "Aplikasi dompet salah.", + "brandErrorDesc": "Silakan gunakan {{brandName}} untuk terhubung", + "accountError": "Alamat tidak cocok.", + "accountErrorDesc": "Silakan ganti alamat di dompet seluler Anda", + "connected": "Terhubung", + "duplicate": "Alamat yang Anda coba impor adalah duplikat", + "default": "Pindai dengan {{brand}} Anda" + }, + "title": "Sambungkan dengan {{brandName}}", + "disconnected": "Terputus", + "accountError": {}, + "tip": { + "accountError": { + "tip1": "Terhubung tetapi tidak dapat menandatangani.", + "tip2": "Silakan ganti ke alamat yang benar di dompet seluler" + }, + "disconnected": { + "tip": "Tidak terhubung ke {{brandName}}" + }, + "connected": { + "tip": "Terhubung ke {{brandName}}" + } + }, + "button": { + "disconnect": "Putuskan Koneksi", + "connect": "Sambungkan", + "howToSwitch": "Bagaimana cara beralih" + } + }, + "hd": { + "tooltip": { + "removed": "Alamat telah dihapus dari Rabby", + "added": "Alamat telah ditambahkan ke Rabby", + "connectError": "Koneksi telah berhenti. Silakan segarkan halaman untuk menyambung kembali.", + "disconnected": "Tidak dapat terhubung ke dompet perangkat keras. Silakan coba sambung kembali." + }, + "waiting": "Menunggu", + "clickToGetInfo": "Klik untuk mendapatkan informasi di rantai", + "addToRabby": "Tambahkan ke Rabby", + "basicInformation": "Informasi Dasar", + "addresses": "Alamat", + "loadingAddress": "Memuat {{0}}/{{1}} alamat", + "notes": "Catatan", + "getOnChainInformation": "Dapatkan informasi di rantai", + "hideOnChainInformation": "Sembunyikan informasi di rantai", + "usedChains": "Rantai yang Digunakan", + "firstTransactionTime": "Waktu transaksi pertama", + "balance": "Saldo", + "ledger": { + "hdPathType": { + "ledgerLive": "Ledger Live: Jalur HD resmi Ledger. Di 3 alamat pertama, terdapat alamat yang digunakan di rantai.", + "bip44": "Standar BIP44: Jalur HD yang ditentukan oleh protokol BIP44. Di 3 alamat pertama, terdapat alamat yang digunakan di rantai.", + "legacy": "Legacy: Jalur HD yang digunakan oleh MEW / Mycrypto. Di 3 alamat pertama, terdapat alamat yang digunakan di rantai." + }, + "hdPathTypeNoChain": { + "ledgerLive": "Ledger Live: Jalur HD resmi Ledger. Di 3 alamat pertama, tidak ada alamat yang digunakan di rantai.", + "bip44": "Standar BIP44: Jalur HD yang ditentukan oleh protokol BIP44. Di 3 alamat pertama, tidak ada alamat yang digunakan di rantai.", + "legacy": "Legacy: Jalur HD yang digunakan oleh MEW / Mycrypto. Di 3 alamat pertama, tidak ada alamat yang digunakan di rantai." + } + }, + "trezor": { + "hdPathType": { + "bip44": "BIP44: Jalur HD yang ditentukan oleh protokol BIP44.", + "ledgerLive": "Ledger Live: Jalur HD resmi Ledger.", + "legacy": "Legacy: Jalur HD yang digunakan oleh MEW / Mycrypto." + }, + "hdPathTypeNoChain": { + "bip44": "BIP44: Jalur HD yang ditentukan oleh protokol BIP44.", + "ledgerLive": "Ledger Live: Jalur HD resmi Ledger.", + "legacy": "Legacy: Jalur HD yang digunakan oleh MEW / Mycrypto." + }, + "message": { + "disconnected": "{{0}} Koneksi telah berhenti. Silakan segarkan halaman untuk menyambung kembali." + } + }, + "onekey": { + "hdPathType": { + "bip44": "BIP44: Jalur HD yang ditentukan oleh protokol BIP44." + }, + "hdPathTypeNoChain": { + "bip44": "BIP44: Jalur HD yang ditentukan oleh protokol BIP44." + } + }, + "mnemonic": { + "hdPathType": { + "default": "Default: Jalur HD Default untuk mengimpor frasa benih digunakan.", + "bip44": "Standar BIP44: Jalur HD yang ditentukan oleh protokol BIP44.", + "ledgerLive": "Ledger Live: Jalur HD resmi Ledger.", + "legacy": "Legacy: Jalur HD yang digunakan oleh MEW / Mycrypto." + }, + "hdPathTypeNoChain": { + "default": "Default: Jalur HD Default untuk mengimpor frasa benih digunakan." + } + }, + "gridplus": { + "hdPathType": { + "ledgerLive": "Ledger Live: Jalur HD resmi Ledger. Di 3 alamat pertama, terdapat alamat yang digunakan di rantai.", + "bip44": "Standar BIP44: Jalur HD yang ditentukan oleh protokol BIP44. Di 3 alamat pertama, terdapat alamat yang digunakan di rantai.", + "legacy": "Legacy: Jalur HD yang digunakan oleh MEW / Mycrypto. Di 3 alamat pertama, terdapat alamat yang digunakan di rantai." + } + }, + "hdPathTypeNoChain": { + "ledgerLive": "Ledger Live: Jalur HD resmi Ledger. Di 3 alamat pertama, tidak ada alamat yang digunakan di rantai.", + "bip44": "Standar BIP44: Jalur HD yang ditentukan oleh protokol BIP44. Di 3 alamat pertama, tidak ada alamat yang digunakan di rantai.", + "legacy": "Legacy: Jalur HD yang digunakan oleh MEW / Mycrypto. Di 3 alamat pertama, tidak ada alamat yang digunakan di rantai." + }, + "switch": { + "title": "Beralih ke perangkat GridPlus baru", + "content": "Tidak mendukung impor beberapa perangkat GridPlus. Jika Anda beralih ke perangkat GridPlus baru, daftar alamat perangkat saat ini akan dihapus sebelum memulai proses impor." + }, + "switchToAnotherGridplus": "Beralih ke GridPlus lain", + "keystone": { + "hdPathType": { + "bip44": "BIP44: Jalur HD yang ditentukan oleh protokol BIP44.", + "ledgerLive": "Ledger Live: Jalur HD resmi Ledger. Anda hanya dapat mengelola 10 alamat dengan jalur Ledger Live.", + "legacy": "Legacy: Jalur HD yang digunakan oleh MEW / Mycrypto." + }, + "hdPathTypeNoChain": { + "bip44": "BIP44: Jalur HD yang ditentukan oleh protokol BIP44.", + "ledgerLive": "Ledger Live: Jalur HD resmi Ledger. Anda hanya dapat mengelola 10 alamat dengan jalur Ledger Live.", + "legacy": "Legacy: Jalur HD yang digunakan oleh MEW / Mycrypto." + } + }, + "bitbox02": { + "hdPathType": { + "bip44": "BIP44: Jalur HD yang ditentukan oleh protokol BIP44." + }, + "hdPathTypeNoChain": { + "bip44": "BIP44: Jalur HD yang ditentukan oleh protokol BIP44." + }, + "disconnected": "Tidak dapat terhubung ke BitBox02. Silakan segarkan halaman untuk menyambung kembali. Alasan: {{0}}" + }, + "selectHdPath": "Pilih jalur HD:", + "selectIndexTip": "Pilih nomor seri alamat untuk memulai dari:", + "manageAddressFrom": "Kelola alamat dari {{0}} hingga {{1}}", + "advancedSettings": "Pengaturan Lanjutan", + "customAddressHdPath": "Jalur HD Alamat Kustom", + "connectedToLedger": "Terhubung ke Ledger", + "connectedToTrezor": "Terhubung ke Trezor", + "connectedToOnekey": "Terhubung ke OneKey", + "manageSeedPhrase": "Kelola Frasa Benih", + "manageGridplus": "Kelola GridPlus", + "manageKeystone": "Kelola Keystone", + "manageAirgap": "Kelola AirGap", + "manageImtokenOffline": "Kelola imToken", + "manageCoolwallet": "Kelola CoolWallet", + "manageBitbox02": "Kelola BitBox02", + "manageNgraveZero": "Kelola NGRAVE ZERO", + "done": "Selesai", + "addressesIn": "Alamat di {{0}}", + "addressesInRabby": "Alamat di Rabby{{0}}", + "qrCode": { + "switch": { + "title": "Beralih ke perangkat {{0}} baru", + "content": "Tidak mendukung impor beberapa perangkat {{0}}. Jika Anda beralih ke perangkat {{0}} baru, daftar alamat perangkat saat ini akan dihapus sebelum memulai proses impor." + }, + "switchAnother": "Beralih ke {{0}} lain" + }, + "manageImKey": "Kelola imKey", + "importYourKeystore": "Impor KeyStore Anda", + "incorrectPassword": "kata sandi salah", + "keystore": { + "description": "Pilih file keystore yang ingin Anda impor dan masukkan kata sandi yang sesuai", + "password": { + "required": "Silakan masukkan Kata Sandi", + "placeholder": "Kata Sandi" + } + }, + "coboSafe": { + "inputSafeModuleAddress": "Masukkan alamat Safe Module", + "invalidAddress": "Alamat tidak valid", + "whichChainIsYourCoboAddressOn": "Jaringan mana yang digunakan alamat cobo Anda", + "addCoboArgusAddress": "Tambahkan alamat Cobo Argus", + "findTheAssociatedSafeAddress": "Temukan alamat aman yang terkait", + "import": "Impor" + }, + "addFromCurrentSeedPhrase": "Tambahkan dari Frasa Benih Saat Ini", + "unlock": { + "btn": { + "unlock": "Buka Kunci" + }, + "password": { + "required": "Masukkan Kata Sandi untuk Membuka Kunci", + "placeholder": "Masukkan Kata Sandi untuk Membuka Kunci", + "error": "kata sandi salah" + } + }, + "addToken": { + "noTokenFound": "Tidak ada token yang ditemukan", + "tokenSupported": "Token telah didukung di Rabby", + "tokenCustomized": "Token saat ini telah ditambahkan ke kustom", + "tokenNotFound": "Token tidak ditemukan dari alamat kontrak ini", + "title": "Tambahkan token kustom ke Rabby", + "balance": "Saldo", + "tokenOnMultiChains": "Alamat token di beberapa rantai. Silakan pilih salah satu", + "noTokenFoundOnThisChain": "Tidak ada token yang ditemukan di rantai ini", + "hasAdded": "Anda telah menambahkan token ini." + }, + "switchChain": { + "title": "Tambahkan Jaringan Kustom ke Rabby", + "chainNotSupport": "Rantai yang diminta belum didukung oleh Rabby", + "testnetTip": "Silakan aktifkan \"Aktifkan Testnet\" di bawah \"Lainnya\" sebelum menghubungkan ke testnet", + "chainNotSupportYet": "Rantai yang diminta belum didukung oleh Rabby", + "chainId": "ID Rantai:", + "unknownChain": "Rantai tidak dikenal", + "requestsReceived": "1 permintaan diterima", + "requestsReceivedPlural": "{{count}} permintaan diterima", + "requestRabbyToSupport": "Minta Rabby untuk Mendukung", + "chainNotSupportAddChain": "Rantai yang diminta belum terintegrasi oleh Rabby. Anda dapat menambahkannya sebagai Testnet Kustom.", + "addChain": "Tambahkan Testnet", + "desc": "Jaringan yang diminta belum terintegrasi oleh Rabby. Anda dapat menambahkannya sebagai jaringan kustom secara manual." + }, + "signText": { + "title": "Tandatangani Teks", + "message": "Pesan Teks", + "createKey": { + "interactDapp": "Interaksi Dapp", + "description": "Deskripsi" + }, + "sameSafeMessageAlert": "Pesan yang sama telah dikonfirmasi; tidak perlu tanda tangan tambahan." + }, + "securityEngine": { + "yes": "Ya", + "no": "Tidak", + "whenTheValueIs": "ketika nilai adalah {{value}}", + "currentValueIs": "Nilai saat ini adalah {{value}}", + "viewRules": "Lihat aturan keamanan", + "undo": "Batalkan", + "riskProcessed": "Peringatan risiko telah diabaikan", + "ignoreAlert": "Abaikan peringatan", + "ruleDisabled": "Aturan keamanan telah dinonaktifkan. Demi keselamatan Anda, Anda dapat mengaktifkannya kapan saja.", + "unknownResult": "Hasil tidak diketahui karena mesin keamanan tidak tersedia saat ini", + "alertTriggerReason": "Alasan pemicu peringatan:", + "understandRisk": "Saya memahami dan menerima tanggung jawab atas segala kerugian", + "forbiddenCantIgnore": "Menemukan risiko terlarang yang tidak dapat diabaikan.", + "ruleDetailTitle": "Detail Risiko", + "enableRule": "Aktifkan aturan", + "viewRiskLevel": "Lihat tingkat risiko" + }, + "connect": { + "listedBy": "Terdaftar oleh", + "sitePopularity": "Popularitas situs", + "myMark": "Tanda Saya", + "flagByRabby": "Ditandai oleh Rabby", + "flagByMM": "Ditandai oleh MetaMask", + "flagByScamSniffer": "Ditandai oleh ScamSniffer", + "verifiedByRabby": "Diverifikasi oleh Rabby", + "foundForbiddenRisk": "Menemukan risiko terlarang. Koneksi diblokir.", + "markAsTrustToast": "Tandai sebagai \"Terpercaya\"", + "markAsBlockToast": "Tandai sebagai \"Diblokir\"", + "markRemovedToast": "Tanda dihapus", + "title": "Sambungkan ke Dapp", + "selectChainToConnect": "Pilih rantai untuk terhubung", + "markRuleText": "Tanda Saya", + "connectBtn": "Sambungkan", + "noWebsite": "Tidak ada", + "popularLevelHigh": "Tinggi", + "popularLevelMedium": "Sedang", + "popularLevelLow": "Rendah", + "popularLevelVeryLow": "Sangat Rendah", + "noMark": "Tidak ada tanda", + "blocked": "Diblokir", + "trusted": "Terpercaya", + "addedToWhitelist": "Ditambahkan ke daftar putih Anda", + "addedToBlacklist": "Ditambahkan ke daftar hitam Anda", + "removedFromAll": "Dihapus dari semua daftar", + "notOnAnyList": "Tidak ada di daftar mana pun", + "onYourBlacklist": "Di daftar hitam Anda", + "onYourWhitelist": "Di daftar putih Anda", + "manageWhiteBlackList": "Kelola daftar putih/hitam", + "SignTestnetPermission": { + "title": "Izin Penandatanganan" + }, + "ignoreAll": "Abaikan semua" + }, + "addressDetail": { + "add-to-whitelist": "Tambahkan ke Daftar Putih", + "remove-from-whitelist": "Hapus dari Daftar Putih", + "address-detail": "Detail Alamat", + "backup-private-key": "Cadangkan Kunci Pribadi", + "backup-seed-phrase": "Cadangkan Frasa Benih", + "delete-address": "Hapus alamat", + "delete-desc": "Sebelum Anda menghapus, ingatlah poin-poin berikut untuk memahami cara melindungi aset Anda.", + "direct-delete-desc": "Alamat ini adalah alamat {{renderBrand}}, Rabby tidak menyimpan kunci pribadi atau frasa benih untuk alamat ini, Anda dapat langsung menghapusnya.", + "admins": "Admin", + "tx-requires": "Setiap transaksi memerlukan <2>{{num}} konfirmasi", + "edit-memo-title": "Edit catatan alamat", + "please-input-address-note": "Silakan masukkan catatan alamat", + "address": "Alamat", + "address-note": "Catatan Alamat", + "assets": "Aset", + "qr-code": "Kode QR", + "source": "Sumber", + "hd-path": "Jalur HD", + "manage-seed-phrase": "Kelola Frasa Benih", + "manage-addresses-under-this-seed-phrase": "Kelola alamat di bawah Frasa Benih ini", + "safeModuleAddress": "Alamat Safe Module", + "coboSafeErrorModule": "Alamat telah kedaluwarsa, silakan hapus dan impor alamat lagi.", + "importedDelegatedAddress": "Alamat Delegasi yang Diimpor", + "manage-addresses-under": "Kelola alamat di bawah {{brand}} ini" + }, + "preferMetamaskDapps": { + "title": "Dapps yang Dipilih MetaMask", + "desc": "Dapps berikut akan tetap terhubung melalui MetaMask, terlepas dari dompet yang Anda gunakan", + "howToAdd": "Cara Menambahkan", + "howToAddDesc": "Klik kanan pada situs web dan temukan opsi ini", + "empty": "Tidak ada dapps" + }, + "customRpc": { + "opened": "Dibuka", + "closed": "Tutup", + "empty": "Tidak ada URL RPC kustom", + "title": "Modifikasi URL RPC", + "desc": "Setelah dimodifikasi, RPC kustom akan menggantikan node Rabby. Untuk terus menggunakan node Rabby, hapus RPC kustom.", + "add": "Modifikasi URL RPC", + "EditRPCModal": { + "invalidRPCUrl": "URL RPC tidak valid", + "invalidChainId": "ID Rantai tidak valid", + "rpcAuthFailed": "Autentikasi RPC gagal", + "title": "Modifikasi URL RPC", + "rpcUrl": "URL RPC", + "rpcUrlPlaceholder": "Masukkan URL RPC" + }, + "EditCustomTestnetModal": { + "title": "Tambahkan Jaringan Kustom", + "quickAdd": "Tambah cepat dari Chainlist" + } + }, + "requestDebankTestnetGasToken": { + "title": "Minta Token Gas Testnet DeBank", + "mintedTip": "Pemegang Lencana Rabby dapat meminta sekali sehari", + "notMintedTip": "Permintaan tersedia hanya untuk pemegang Lencana Rabby", + "claimBadgeBtn": "Klaim Lencana Rabby", + "time": "Per hari", + "requested": "Anda telah meminta hari ini", + "requestBtn": "Permintaan" + }, + "safeQueue": { + "title": "Antrian ({{total}})", + "sameNonceWarning": "Transaksi ini konflik karena menggunakan nonce yang sama. Melaksanakan satu akan secara otomatis menggantikan yang lain.", + "loading": "Memuat transaksi yang tertunda", + "noData": "Tidak ada transaksi yang tertunda", + "loadingFaild": "Karena ketidakstabilan server Safe, data tidak tersedia, silakan periksa lagi setelah 5 menit", + "accountSelectTitle": "Anda dapat mengajukan transaksi ini menggunakan alamat apa pun", + "LowerNonceError": "Transaksi dengan nonce {{nonce}} perlu dijalankan terlebih dahulu", + "submitBtn": "Ajukan transaksi", + "unknownTx": "Transaksi Tidak Dikenal", + "cancelExplain": "Batalkan {{token}} Persetujuan untuk {{protocol}}", + "unknownProtocol": "Protokol Tidak Dikenal", + "approvalExplain": "Setujui {{count}} {{token}} untuk {{protocol}}", + "unlimited": "tidak terbatas", + "action": { + "send": "Kirim", + "cancel": "Batalkan Transaksi Tertunda" + }, + "viewBtn": "Lihat", + "replaceBtn": "Ganti", + "ReplacePopup": { + "options": { + "send": "Kirim Token", + "reject": "Tolak Transaksi" + }, + "title": "Pilih cara untuk mengganti transaksi ini", + "desc": "Transaksi yang telah ditandatangani tidak dapat dihapus tetapi dapat diganti dengan transaksi baru dengan nonce yang sama." + } + }, + "importSuccess": { + "title": "Berhasil Diimpor", + "addressCount": "{{count}} alamat", + "gnosisChainDesc": "Alamat ini ditemukan diterapkan di {{count}} rantai" + }, + "backupSeedPhrase": { + "title": "Cadangkan Frasa Benih", + "alert": "Frasa Benih ini adalah kredensial untuk aset Anda. JANGAN kehilangan atau mengungkapkannya kepada orang lain, jika tidak Anda mungkin kehilangan aset Anda selamanya. Silakan lihat di lingkungan yang aman dan simpan dengan hati-hati.", + "clickToShow": "Klik untuk menunjukkan Frasa Benih", + "copySeedPhrase": "Salin frasa benih", + "showQrCode": "Tampilkan Kode QR", + "qrCodePopupTitle": "Kode QR", + "qrCodePopupTips": "Jangan pernah bagikan kode QR frasa benih kepada orang lain. Silakan lihat di lingkungan yang aman dan simpan dengan hati-hati." + }, + "backupPrivateKey": { + "title": "Cadangkan Kunci Pribadi", + "alert": "Kunci Pribadi ini adalah kredensial untuk aset Anda. JANGAN kehilangan atau mengungkapkannya kepada orang lain, jika tidak Anda mungkin kehilangan aset Anda selamanya. Silakan lihat di lingkungan yang aman dan simpan dengan hati-hati.", + "clickToShow": "Klik untuk menunjukkan kunci pribadi", + "clickToShowQr": "Klik untuk menunjukkan Kode QR kunci pribadi" + }, + "ethSign": { + "alert": "Menandatangani dengan 'eth_sign' dapat menyebabkan kehilangan aset. Demi keamanan Anda, Rabby tidak mendukung metode ini." + }, + "createPassword": { + "title": "Atur Kata Sandi", + "passwordRequired": "Silakan masukkan Kata Sandi", + "passwordMin": "Kata sandi harus terdiri dari minimal 8 karakter", + "passwordPlaceholder": "Kata sandi harus terdiri dari minimal 8 karakter", + "confirmRequired": "Silakan Konfirmasi Kata Sandi", + "confirmError": "Kata sandi tidak cocok", + "confirmPlaceholder": "Konfirmasi kata sandi", + "agree": "Saya telah membaca dan setuju dengan <1/> <2>Ketentuan Penggunaan dan <4>Kebijakan Privasi" + }, + "welcome": { + "step1": { + "title": "Akses Semua Dapps", + "desc": "Rabby terhubung ke semua Dapps yang didukung oleh MetaMask" + }, + "step2": { + "title": "Kemandirian", + "desc": "Kunci pribadi disimpan secara lokal dengan akses eksklusif untuk Anda", + "btnText": "Mulai" + } + }, + "importSafe": { + "title": "Tambahkan alamat Safe", + "placeholder": "Silakan masukkan alamat", + "error": { + "invalid": "Bukan alamat yang valid", + "required": "Silakan masukkan alamat" + }, + "loading": "Mencari rantai yang diterapkan untuk alamat ini", + "gnosisChainDesc": "Alamat ini ditemukan diterapkan di {{count}} rantai" + }, + "importQrBase": { + "desc": "Pindai kode QR di dompet perangkat keras {{brandName}}", + "btnText": "Coba Lagi" + }, + "pendingDetail": { + "Header": { + "predictTime": "Diprediksi akan dikemas dalam" + }, + "TxStatus": { + "completed": "Selesai", + "pendingBroadcasted": "Tertunda: Disiarkan", + "pendingBroadcast": "Tertunda: Akan disiarkan", + "reBroadcastBtn": "Siarkan ulang" + }, + "TxHash": { + "hash": "Hash Tx" + }, + "TxTimeline": { + "pending": "Memeriksa status...", + "created": "Transaksi dibuat", + "broadcasted": "Baru saja disiarkan", + "broadcastedCount_ordinal_one": "{{count}} siaran", + "broadcastedCount_ordinal_two": "{{count}} siaran", + "broadcastedCount_ordinal_few": "{{count}} siaran", + "broadcastedCount_ordinal_other": "{{count}} siaran" + }, + "MempoolList": { + "col": { + "nodeName": "Nama node", + "nodeOperator": "Operator node", + "txStatus": "Status transaksi" + }, + "txStatus": { + "appeared": "Tampil", + "appearedOnce": "Tampil sekali", + "notFound": "Tidak ditemukan" + }, + "title": "Tampil di {{count}} node RPC" + }, + "PendingTxList": { + "title": "GasPrice Peringkat #{{rank}} di Semua Tx Tertunda", + "titleNotFound": "Tidak Ada Peringkat di Semua Tx Tertunda", + "filterBaseFee": { + "label": "Hanya memenuhi syarat biaya dasar", + "tooltip": "Tampilkan hanya transaksi yang harga gasnya memenuhi persyaratan biaya dasar blok" + }, + "col": { + "gasPrice": "Harga Gas", + "action": "Aksi Transaksi", + "balanceChange": "Perubahan Saldo", + "actionType": "Jenis Aksi", + "interact": "Interaksi dengan" + }, + "titleSame": "GasPrice Peringkat #{{rank}} di Sama dengan Saat Ini", + "titleSameNotFound": "Tidak Ada Peringkat di Sama dengan Saat Ini" + }, + "Empty": { + "noData": "Data tidak ditemukan" + }, + "PrePackInfo": { + "col": { + "prePackContent": "Konten Pra-paket", + "expectations": "Ekspektasi", + "prePackResults": "Hasil Pra-paket", + "difference": "Periksa hasil" + }, + "type": { + "pay": "Bayar", + "receive": "Terima" + }, + "noLoss": "Tidak ada kerugian ditemukan", + "noError": "Tidak ada kesalahan ditemukan", + "title": "Pemeriksaan Pra-paket", + "error": "{{count}} kesalahan ditemukan", + "loss": "{{lossCount}} kerugian ditemukan", + "desc": "Simulasi dieksekusi di blok terbaru, diperbarui {{time}}" + }, + "Predict": { + "completed": "Transaksi Selesai", + "predictFailed": "Prediksi waktu pengemasan gagal", + "skipNonce": "Alamat Anda memiliki Nonce yang dilewati di rantai Ethereum yang menyebabkan transaksi saat ini tidak dapat diselesaikan" + } + }, + "dappSearch": { + "selectChain": "Pilih Rantai", + "searchResult": { + "foundDapps": "Ditemukan <2>{{count}} Dapps", + "totalDapps": "Total <2>{{count}} Dapps" + }, + "expand": "Perluas", + "emptyFavorite": "Tidak Ada Dapp Favorit", + "favorite": "Favorit", + "emptySearch": "Tidak Ada Dapp Ditemukan", + "listBy": "Dapp telah terdaftar oleh" + }, + "rabbyPoints": { + "title": "Poin Rabby", + "out-of-x-current-total-points": "Dari {{total}} Total Poin yang Didistribusikan", + "share-on": "Bagikan di", + "referral-code-copied": "Kode rujukan disalin", + "earn-points": "Dapatkan Poin", + "top-100": "Top 100", + "claimItem": { + "claim": "Klaim", + "disabledTip": "Tidak ada poin yang dapat diklaim sekarang", + "go": "Ayo", + "earnTip": "Batas sekali sehari. Silakan dapatkan poin setelah 00:00 UTC+0", + "claimed": "Telah diklaim" + }, + "claimModal": { + "title": "Klaim Poin Awal", + "snapshotTime": "Waktu snapshot: {{time}}", + "placeholder": "Masukkan Kode Rujukan untuk poin tambahan (opsional)", + "claim": "Klaim", + "addressBalance": "Saldo dompet", + "MetaMaskSwap": "Pertukaran MetaMask", + "rabbyUser": "Pengguna Aktif Rabby", + "rabbyValuedUserBadge": "Lencana Pengguna Bernilai Rabby", + "rabbyDesktopGenesisNft": "NFT Genesis Desktop Rabby", + "walletBalance": "Saldo Dompet", + "activeStats": "Status Aktif", + "referral-code": "Kode Rujukan", + "invalid-code": "kode tidak valid", + "cantUseOwnCode": "Anda tidak dapat menggunakan kode rujukan Anda sendiri.", + "season2": "Musim 2" + }, + "referralCode": { + "referral-code-cannot-be-empty": "Kode rujukan tidak boleh kosong", + "referral-code-cannot-exceed-15-characters": "Kode rujukan tidak boleh lebih dari 15 karakter", + "referral-code-already-exists": "Kode rujukan sudah ada", + "referral-code-available": "Kode rujukan tersedia", + "my-referral-code": "Kode rujukan saya", + "refer-a-new-user-to-get-50-points": "Rujuk pengguna baru untuk mendapatkan 50 poin", + "set-my-code": "Atur kode saya", + "set-my-referral-code": "Atur kode rujukan saya", + "once-set-this-referral-code-is-permanent-and-cannot-change": "Setelah diatur, kode rujukan ini permanen dan tidak dapat diubah.", + "max-15-characters-use-numbers-and-letters-only": "Maksimal 15 karakter, gunakan hanya angka dan huruf.", + "confirm": "Konfirmasi", + "verifyAddressModal": { + "verify-address": "Verifikasi Alamat", + "please-sign-this-text-message-to-verify-that-you-are-the-owner-of-this-address": "Silakan tandatangani pesan teks ini untuk memverifikasi bahwa Anda adalah pemilik alamat ini", + "cancel": "Batal", + "sign": "Tandatangani" + } + }, + "code-set-successfully": "Kode rujukan berhasil diatur", + "initialPointsClaimEnded": "Klaim Poin Awal telah berakhir", + "firstRoundEnded": "🎉 Putaran pertama Poin Rabby telah berakhir", + "secondRoundEnded": "🎉 Putaran kedua Poin Rabby telah berakhir" + }, + "customTestnet": { + "title": "Jaringan Kustom", + "desc": "Rabby tidak dapat memverifikasi keamanan jaringan kustom. Silakan tambahkan hanya jaringan yang tepercaya.", + "add": "Tambahkan Jaringan Kustom", + "empty": "Tidak Ada Jaringan Kustom", + "currency": "Mata Uang", + "id": "ID", + "CustomTestnetForm": { + "id": "ID Rantai", + "name": "Nama Jaringan", + "rpcUrl": "URL RPC", + "idRequired": "Silakan masukkan ID rantai", + "nameRequired": "Silakan masukkan nama jaringan", + "rpcUrlRequired": "Silakan masukkan URL RPC", + "nativeTokenSymbol": "Simbol mata uang", + "nativeTokenSymbolRequired": "Silakan masukkan simbol mata uang", + "blockExplorerUrl": "URL penjelajah blok (Opsional)" + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + }, + { + "AddFromChainList": { + "title": "Tambah Cepat dari Chainlist", + "search": "Cari nama atau ID jaringan kustom", + "empty": "Tidak ada rantai yang ditemukan", + "tips": { + "added": "Anda sudah menambahkan rantai ini", + "supported": "Rantai sudah terintegrasi oleh Rabby Wallet" + } + }, + "signTx": { + "title": "Data Transaksi" + }, + "ConfirmModifyRpcModal": { + "desc": "Rantai sudah terintegrasi oleh Rabby. Apakah Anda perlu memodifikasi URL RPC-nya?" + }, + "addChain": { + "title": "Tambahkan Jaringan Kustom ke Rabby", + "desc": "Rabby tidak dapat memverifikasi keamanan jaringan kustom. Silakan tambahkan jaringan yang tepercaya saja." + }, + "sign": { + "transactionSpeed": "Kecepatan Transaksi" + }, + "ecology": { + "sonic": { + "home": { + "airdrop": "Airdrop", + "airdropDesc": "~200 juta S untuk pengguna di Opera dan Sonic.", + "airdropBtn": "Dapatkan poin", + "arcadeDesc": "Mainkan permainan gratis untuk mendapatkan poin untuk airdrop S.", + "arcadeBtn": "Mainkan sekarang", + "migrateTitle": "Migrasi", + "migrateDesc": "→", + "migrateBtn": "Segera hadir", + "earnTitle": "Dapatkan", + "earnDesc": "Staking $S Anda", + "earnBtn": "Segera hadir", + "socialsTitle": "Terlibat" + }, + "points": { + "sonicPoints": "Poin Sonic", + "referralCode": "Kode rujukan", + "referralCodeCopied": "Kode rujukan disalin", + "today": "Hari ini", + "shareOn": "Bagikan di", + "sonicArcade": "Sonic Arcade", + "sonicArcadeBtn": "Mulai bermain", + "pointsDashboard": "Dasbor Poin", + "pointsDashboardBtn": "Mulai dapatkan poin", + "errorTitle": "Tidak dapat memuat poin", + "errorDesc": "Terjadi kesalahan saat memuat poin Anda. Silakan coba lagi.", + "retry": "Coba lagi", + "getReferralCode": "Dapatkan kode rujukan" + } + }, + "dbk": { + "home": { + "bridge": "Jembatan ke DBK Chain", + "bridgePoweredBy": "Ditenagai oleh OP Superchain", + "bridgeBtn": "Jembatan", + "mintNFT": "Mint NFT Genesis DBK", + "mintNFTDesc": "Jadilah saksi DBK Chain", + "mintNFTBtn": "Mint" + }, + "bridge": { + "tabs": { + "deposit": "Setor", + "withdraw": "Tarik" + }, + "labelFrom": "Dari", + "labelTo": "Ke", + "info": { + "toAddress": "Alamat tujuan", + "receiveOn": "Terima di {{chainName}}", + "completeTime": "Waktu penyelesaian", + "gasFee": "Biaya gas" + }, + "error": { + "notEnoughBalance": "Saldo tidak mencukupi" + }, + "ActivityPopup": { + "empty": "Belum ada aktivitas", + "deposit": "Setor", + "withdraw": "Tarik", + "status": { + "deposit": "Setor", + "withdraw": "Tarik", + "waitingToProve": "Akar keadaan diterbitkan", + "rootPublished": "Akar keadaan diterbitkan", + "readyToProve": "Siap untuk membuktikan", + "proved": "Terbukti", + "challengePeriod": "Periode tantangan", + "readyToClaim": "Siap untuk mengklaim", + "claimed": "Telah diklaim" + }, + "proveBtn": "Buktikan", + "claimBtn": "Klaim", + "title": "Aktivitas" + }, + "WithdrawConfirmPopup": { + "question1": "Saya mengerti bahwa akan memakan waktu ~7 hari sampai dana saya dapat diklaim di Ethereum setelah saya membuktikan penarikan saya", + "question2": "Saya mengerti bahwa sekali penarikan dimulai, tidak dapat dipercepat atau dibatalkan", + "question3": "Saya mengerti bahwa biaya jaringan bersifat perkiraan dan akan berubah", + "title": "Penarikan DBK Chain memakan waktu ~7 hari", + "tips": "Penarikan melibatkan proses 3 langkah, memerlukan 1 transaksi DBK Chain dan 2 transaksi Ethereum", + "step1": "Mulai penarikan", + "step2": "Buktikan di Ethereum", + "step3": "Klaim di Ethereum", + "btn": "Tarik" + } + }, + "minNFT": { + "title": "DBK Genesis", + "minted": "Telah dimint", + "myBalance": "Saldo Saya", + "mintBtn": "Mint" + } + } + }, + "miniSignFooterBar": { + "signWithLedger": "Tanda tangani dengan Ledger", + "status": { + "txCreated": "Transaksi dibuat", + "txSigned": "Ditandatangani. Membuat transaksi", + "txSending": "Mengirim permintaan tanda tangan", + "txSendings": "Mengirim permintaan tanda tangan({{current}}/{{total}})" + } + }, + "gasAccount": { + "title": "GasAccount", + "deposit": "Setor", + "withdraw": "Tarik", + "gasExceed": "Saldo GasAccount tidak boleh melebihi $1000", + "risk": "Alamat Anda saat ini terdeteksi berisiko, jadi fitur ini tidak tersedia.", + "logout": "Keluar dari GasAccount saat ini", + "history": { + "noHistory": "Tidak ada riwayat" + }, + "loginInTip": { + "title": "Setor USDC / USDT", + "desc": "Bayar Biaya Gas di Semua Rantai", + "login": "Masuk ke GasAccount", + "gotIt": "Mengerti" + }, + "loginConfirmModal": { + "title": "Masuk dengan Alamat Saat Ini", + "desc": "Setelah dikonfirmasi, Anda hanya dapat menyetorkan di alamat ini" + }, + "logoutConfirmModal": { + "title": "Keluar dari GasAccount saat ini", + "desc": "Setelah keluar, Anda tidak akan dapat menggunakan GasAccount untuk membayar biaya gas.", + "logout": "Keluar" + }, + "depositPopup": { + "title": "Setor", + "desc": "Lakukan setoran ke Akun DeBank L2 Rabby tanpa biaya tambahan—tarik kapan saja.", + "amount": "Jumlah", + "token": "Token", + "selectToken": "Pilih Token untuk Disetor" + }, + "withdrawPopup": { + "title": "Tarik", + "desc": "Anda dapat menarik saldo GasAccount Anda ke Dompet DeBank L2 Anda. Masuk ke Dompet DeBank L2 Anda untuk mentransfer dana ke blockchain yang didukung sesuai kebutuhan.", + "amount": "Jumlah", + "to": "Ke" + }, + "withdrawConfirmModal": { + "title": "Ditransfer ke Dompet DeBank L2 Anda", + "button": "Lihat di DeBank" + }, + "GasAccountDepositTipPopup": { + "title": "Buka GasAccount dan Setor", + "gotIt": "Mengerti" + }, + "switchLoginAddressBeforeDeposit": { + "title": "Ganti alamat sebelum setor", + "desc": "Silakan ganti ke alamat login Anda." + } + }, + "safeMessageQueue": { + "loading": "Memuat pesan", + "noData": "Tidak ada pesan" + }, + "newUserImport": { + "guide": { + "title": "Selamat datang di Rabby Wallet", + "desc": "Dompet yang mengubah permainan untuk Ethereum dan semua rantai EVM", + "createNewAddress": "Buat alamat baru", + "importAddress": "Saya sudah memiliki alamat" + }, + "createNewAddress": { + "title": "Buat Frasa Benih Baru", + "desc": "Sebelum Anda mulai, silakan baca dan simpan tips keamanan berikut.", + "tip1": "Jika saya kehilangan atau membagikan frasa benih saya, aset saya akan hilang selamanya.", + "tip2": "Frasa benih hanya disimpan di komputer saya, dan Rabby tidak memiliki akses ke sana.", + "tip3": "Jika saya menghapus Rabby tanpa mencadangkan frasa benih, Rabby tidak dapat mengambilnya untuk saya.", + "showSeedPhrase": "Tampilkan Frasa Benih" + }, + "importList": { + "title": "Pilih Metode Impor" + }, + "importPrivateKey": { + "title": "Impor Kunci Pribadi", + "pasteCleared": "Disalin dan clipboard dibersihkan" + }, + "PasswordCard": { + "title": "Atur Kata Sandi", + "form": { + "password": { + "label": "Kata Sandi", + "placeholder": "minimal 8 karakter", + "required": "Silakan masukkan Kata Sandi", + "min": "Kata Sandi harus memiliki panjang minimal 8 karakter" + }, + "confirmPassword": { + "label": "Konfirmasi Kata Sandi", + "placeholder": "Kata Sandi", + "required": "Silakan Konfirmasi Kata Sandi", + "notMatch": "Kata Sandi tidak cocok" + } + }, + "agree": "Saya setuju dengan <1/> <2>Syarat Penggunaan dan <4>Kebijakan Privasi", + "desc": "Ini akan digunakan untuk membuka kunci dompet dan mengenkripsi data" + }, + "successful": { + "create": "Berhasil Dibuat", + "import": "Berhasil Diimpor", + "start": "Mulai", + "addMoreAddr": "Tambahkan lebih banyak alamat dari Frasa Benih ini", + "addMoreFrom": "Tambahkan lebih banyak alamat dari {{name}}" + }, + "readyToUse": { + "title": "Rabby Wallet Siap Digunakan", + "desc": "Sematkan Rabby Wallet di toolbar Anda untuk akses mudah.", + "pin": "Sematkan Rabby Wallet", + "extensionTip": "Klik <1/> dan kemudian <3/>" + }, + "importSeedPhrase": { + "title": "Impor Frasa Benih" + }, + "importOneKey": { + "title": "OneKey", + "tip1": "1. Instal <1>OneKey Bridge<1/>", + "tip2": "2. Colokkan perangkat OneKey Anda", + "tip3": "3. Buka kunci perangkat Anda", + "connect": "Sambungkan OneKey" + }, + "importTrezor": { + "title": "Trezor", + "tip1": "1. Colokkan perangkat Trezor Anda", + "tip2": "2. Buka kunci perangkat Anda", + "connect": "Sambungkan Trezor" + }, + "ImportGridPlus": { + "title": "GridPlus", + "tip1": "1. Buka perangkat GridPlus Anda", + "tip2": "2. Sambungkan melalui Lattice Connector", + "connect": "Sambungkan GridPlus" + }, + "importLedger": { + "title": "Ledger", + "tip1": "Colokkan perangkat Ledger Anda.", + "tip2": "Masukkan PIN Anda untuk membuka kunci.", + "tip3": "Buka aplikasi Ethereum.", + "connect": "Sambungkan Ledger" + }, + "importBitBox02": { + "title": "BitBox02", + "tip1": "1. Instal <1>BitBoxBridge<1/>", + "tip2": "2. Colokkan BitBox02 Anda", + "tip3": "3. Buka kunci perangkat Anda", + "connect": "Sambungkan BitBox02" + }, + "importKeystone": { + "qrcode": { + "desc": "Pindai kode QR di dompet keras Keystone" + }, + "usb": { + "desc": "Pastikan Keystone 3 Pro Anda berada di beranda", + "tip1": "Colokkan perangkat Keystone Anda", + "tip2": "Masukkan kata sandi Anda untuk membuka kunci", + "tip3": "Setujui koneksi ke komputer Anda", + "connect": "Sambungkan Keystone" + } + }, + "importSafe": { + "title": "Tambahkan Alamat Aman", + "error": { + "required": "Silakan masukkan alamat", + "invalid": "Bukan alamat yang valid" + }, + "placeholder": "Masukkan alamat aman", + "loading": "Mencari rantai yang diterapkan untuk alamat ini" + } + }, + "component": { + "AccountSearchInput": { + "noMatchAddress": "Tidak ada alamat yang cocok", + "AddressItem": { + "whitelistedAddressTip": "Alamat yang diizinkan" + } + }, + "AccountSelectDrawer": { + "btn": { + "cancel": "Batal", + "proceed": "Lanjutkan" + } + }, + "AddressList": { + "AddressItem": { + "addressTypeTip": "Diimpor oleh {{type}}" + } + }, + "AuthenticationModal": { + "passwordError": "kata sandi tidak benar", + "passwordRequired": "Silakan masukkan kata sandi", + "passwordPlaceholder": "Masukkan Kata Sandi untuk Mengonfirmasi" + }, + "ConnectStatus": { + "connecting": "Menghubungkan...", + "connect": "Sambungkan", + "gridPlusConnected": "GridPlus terhubung", + "gridPlusNotConnected": "GridPlus tidak terhubung", + "ledgerNotConnected": "Ledger tidak terhubung", + "ledgerConnected": "Ledger terhubung", + "keystoneConnected": "Keystone terhubung", + "keystoneNotConnected": "Keystone tidak terhubung", + "imKeyrNotConnected": "imKey tidak terhubung", + "imKeyConnected": "imKey terhubung" + }, + "Contact": { + "AddressItem": { + "notWhitelisted": "Alamat ini tidak diizinkan", + "whitelistedTip": "Alamat yang diizinkan" + }, + "EditModal": { + "title": "Edit catatan alamat" + }, + "EditWhitelist": { + "backModalTitle": "Buang Perubahan", + "backModalContent": "Perubahan yang Anda buat tidak akan disimpan", + "title": "Edit Daftar Putih", + "tip": "Pilih alamat yang ingin Anda izinkan dan simpan.", + "save": "Simpan ke Daftar Putih ({{count}})" + }, + "ListModal": { + "title": "Pilih Alamat", + "whitelistEnabled": "Daftar putih diaktifkan. Anda hanya dapat mengirim aset ke alamat yang diizinkan atau Anda dapat menonaktifkannya di \"Pengaturan\"", + "whitelistDisabled": "Daftar putih dinonaktifkan. Anda dapat mengirim aset ke alamat mana pun", + "editWhitelist": "Edit Daftar Putih", + "whitelistUpdated": "Daftar Putih Diperbarui", + "authModal": { + "title": "Simpan ke Daftar Putih" + } + } + }, + "LoadingOverlay": { + "loadingData": "Memuat data..." + }, + "MultiSelectAddressList": { + "imported": "Diimpor" + }, + "NFTNumberInput": { + "erc1155Tips": "Saldo Anda adalah {{amount}}", + "erc721Tips": "Hanya satu NFT dari ERC 721 yang dapat dikirim sekaligus" + }, + "TiledSelect": { + "errMsg": "Urutan frasa benih salah, silakan periksa" + }, + "Uploader": { + "placeholder": "Pilih file JSON" + }, + "WalletConnectBridgeModal": { + "title": "URL server jembatan", + "requiredMsg": "Silakan masukkan host server jembatan", + "invalidMsg": "Silakan periksa host Anda", + "restore": "Pulihkan pengaturan awal" + }, + "PillsSwitch": { + "NetSwitchTabs": { + "mainnet": "Jaringan Terintegrasi", + "testnet": "Jaringan Kustom" + } + }, + "ChainSelectorModal": { + "searchPlaceholder": "Cari rantai", + "noChains": "Tidak ada rantai", + "addTestnet": "Tambahkan Jaringan Kustom" + }, + "TokenSelector": { + "listTableHead": { + "assetAmount": { + "title": "ASET / JUMLAH" + }, + "price": { + "title": "HARGA" + }, + "usdValue": { + "title": "NILAI USD" + } + }, + "bridge": { + "token": "Token", + "value": "Nilai", + "liquidity": "Likuiditas", + "liquidityTips": "Semakin tinggi volume perdagangan historis, semakin besar kemungkinan jembatan akan berhasil.", + "low": "Rendah", + "high": "Tinggi" + }, + "searchInput": { + "placeholder": "Cari berdasarkan Nama / Alamat" + }, + "header": { + "title": "Pilih Token" + }, + "noTokens": "Tidak Ada Token", + "noMatch": "Tidak Ada Kecocokan", + "noMatchSuggestion": "Coba cari alamat kontrak di {{ chainName }}", + "hot": "Populer", + "recent": "Terbaru" + }, + "ModalPreviewNFTItem": { + "FieldLabel": { + "Collection": "Koleksi", + "Chain": "Rantai", + "PurschaseDate": "Tanggal Pembelian", + "LastPrice": "Harga Terakhir" + } + } + } + }, + { + "signPermissionCheckModal": { + "title": "Anda hanya mengizinkan Dapp ini untuk menandatangani di testnet", + "reconnect": "Sambungkan kembali Dapp" + }, + "testnetCheckModal": { + "title": "Silakan aktifkan \"Aktifkan Testnet\" di bawah \"Lainnya\" sebelum menandatangani di testnet" + }, + "EcologyNavBar": { + "providedBy": "Disediakan oleh {{chainName}}" + }, + "EcologyNoticeModal": { + "title": "Pemberitahuan", + "desc": "Layanan berikut akan disediakan langsung oleh Mitra Ekosistem pihak ketiga. Rabby Wallet tidak bertanggung jawab atas keamanan layanan ini.", + "notRemind": "Jangan ingatkan saya lagi" + }, + "ReserveGasPopup": { + "title": "Cadangkan Gas", + "instant": "Instan", + "fast": "Cepat", + "normal": "Normal", + "doNotReserve": "Jangan cadangkan Gas" + }, + "OpenExternalWebsiteModal": { + "title": "Anda akan meninggalkan Rabby Wallet", + "content": "Anda akan mengunjungi situs web eksternal. Rabby Wallet tidak bertanggung jawab atas konten atau keamanan situs ini.", + "button": "Lanjutkan" + }, + "global": { + "appName": "Rabby Wallet", + "appDescription": "Dompet yang mengubah permainan untuk Ethereum dan semua rantai EVM", + "copied": "Disalin", + "confirm": "Konfirmasi", + "next": "Berikutnya", + "back": "Kembali", + "ok": "OK", + "refresh": "Segarkan", + "failed": "Gagal", + "scamTx": "Transaksi penipuan", + "gas": "Gas", + "unknownNFT": "NFT tidak dikenal", + "copyAddress": "Salin alamat", + "watchModeAddress": "Alamat Mode Tonton", + "assets": "aset", + "Confirm": "Konfirmasi", + "Cancel": "Batal", + "Clear": "Bersihkan", + "Save": "Simpan", + "confirmButton": "Konfirmasi", + "cancelButton": "Batal", + "backButton": "Kembali", + "proceedButton": "Lanjutkan", + "editButton": "Edit", + "addButton": "Tambah", + "closeButton": "Tutup", + "Deleted": "Dihapus", + "Loading": "Memuat", + "nonce": "nonce", + "Balance": "Saldo", + "Done": "Selesai", + "Nonce": "Nonce", + "tryAgain": "Coba Lagi", + "notSupportTesntnet": "Tidak didukung untuk jaringan kustom" + }, + "background": { + "error": { + "noCurrentAccount": "Tidak ada akun saat ini", + "invalidChainId": "ID rantai tidak valid", + "notFindChain": "Tidak dapat menemukan rantai {{chain}}", + "unknownAbi": "ABI kontrak tidak dikenal", + "invalidAddress": "Bukan alamat yang valid", + "notFoundGnosisKeyring": "Tidak ada keyring Gnosis ditemukan", + "notFoundTxGnosisKeyring": "Tidak ada transaksi dalam keyring Gnosis ditemukan", + "addKeyring404": "gagal menambahkan keyring, keyring tidak terdefinisi", + "emptyAccount": "akun saat ini kosong", + "generateCacheAliasNames": "[GenerateCacheAliasNames]: perlu setidaknya satu alamat", + "invalidPrivateKey": "Kunci pribadi tidak valid", + "invalidJson": "file input tidak valid", + "invalidMnemonic": "Frasa benih tidak valid, silakan periksa!", + "notFoundKeyringByAddress": "Tidak dapat menemukan keyring berdasarkan alamat", + "txPushFailed": "Pengiriman transaksi gagal", + "unlock": "Anda perlu membuka kunci dompet terlebih dahulu", + "duplicateAccount": "Akun yang Anda coba impor adalah duplikat", + "canNotUnlock": "Tidak dapat membuka kunci tanpa brankas sebelumnya" + }, + "transactionWatcher": { + "submitted": "Transaksi telah diajukan", + "more": "klik untuk melihat lebih banyak informasi", + "txCompleteMoreContent": "{{chain}} #{{nonce}} selesai. Klik untuk melihat lebih banyak.", + "txFailedMoreContent": "{{chain}} #{{nonce}} gagal. Klik untuk melihat lebih banyak.", + "completed": "Transaksi selesai", + "failed": "Transaksi gagal" + }, + "alias": { + "HdKeyring": "Frasa Benih", + "simpleKeyring": "Kunci Pribadi", + "watchAddressKeyring": "Kontak" + } + }, + "constant": { + "KEYRING_TYPE_TEXT": { + "HdKeyring": "Dibuat oleh Frasa Benih", + "SimpleKeyring": "Diimpor oleh Kunci Pribadi", + "WatchAddressKeyring": "Kontak" + }, + "IMPORTED_HD_KEYRING": "Diimpor oleh Frasa Benih", + "SIGN_PERMISSION_OPTIONS": { + "MAINNET_AND_TESTNET": "Mainnet & Testnet", + "TESTNET": "Hanya Testnet" + }, + "IMPORTED_HD_KEYRING_NEED_PASSPHRASE": "Diimpor oleh Frasa Benih (Passphrase)" + } + } +] From e183757bd0040fbc94b40756855e44d3c6d73aa6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jagad Bumi <> Date: Sun, 5 Jan 2025 22:08:06 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 08/11] Update messages.json remove unnecessary line --- _raw/locales/id_ID/messages.json | 4 +--- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/_raw/locales/id_ID/messages.json b/_raw/locales/id_ID/messages.json index a06b24266f0..fec36624719 100644 --- a/_raw/locales/id_ID/messages.json +++ b/_raw/locales/id_ID/messages.json @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -[ - { +{ "page": { "transactions": { "title": "Transaksi", @@ -2694,4 +2693,3 @@ "IMPORTED_HD_KEYRING_NEED_PASSPHRASE": "Diimpor oleh Frasa Benih (Passphrase)" } } -] From 715df71c1c8de20ca691a5b58e449612fb30ac5b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jagad Bumi <> Date: Sun, 5 Jan 2025 22:20:04 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 09/11] Minor Corrections for Grammar and Clarity Small corrections made to enhance grammatical accuracy and clarity, aiming to achieve a more professional tone throughout the content. --- _raw/locales/en/messages.json | 16 ++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/_raw/locales/en/messages.json b/_raw/locales/en/messages.json index 03de2481f4e..361a6fa3244 100644 --- a/_raw/locales/en/messages.json +++ b/_raw/locales/en/messages.json @@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ }, "signTx": { "nftIn": "NFT in", - "gasLimitNotEnough": "Gas limit is less than 21000. Transaction can't be submitted", - "gasLimitLessThanExpect": "Gas limit is low. There is 1% chance that the transaction may fail.", - "gasLimitLessThanGasUsed": "Gas limit is too low. There is 95% chance that the transaction may fail.", - "nativeTokenNotEngouthForGas": "Gas balance is not enough for transaction", + "gasLimitNotEnough": "Gas limit is less than 21000. Transaction cannot be submitted", + "gasLimitLessThanExpect": "The gas limit is low, resulting in a 1% chance of transaction failure.", + "gasLimitLessThanGasUsed": "Gas limit is too low. There is a 95% chance of transaction failure.", + "nativeTokenNotEngouthForGas": "The gas balance is insufficient for the transaction.", "nonceLowerThanExpect": "Nonce is too low, the minimum should be {{0}}", "canOnlyUseImportedAddress": "You cannot sign transactions with a watch-only address.", "multiSigChainNotMatch": "Multi-signature addresses are not on this chain and cannot initiate transactions", @@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ "gasLimitModifyOnlyNecessaryAlert": "Modify only when necessary", "gasPriceMedian": "Median of last 100 on-chain transactions: ", "myNativeTokenBalance": "My Gas balance: ", - "gasLimitEmptyAlert": "Please input gas limit", - "gasLimitMinValueAlert": "Gas limit should be more than 21000", + "gasLimitEmptyAlert": "Please enter the gas limit", + "gasLimitMinValueAlert": "Gas limit should be greater than 21000", "nativeTokenForGas": "Use {{tokenName}} token on {{chainName}} to pay for gas", "gasAccountForGas": "Use USD from my GasAccount to pay for gas", "gasAccount": { @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ }, "sendNFT": { "title": "Send NFT", - "nftNotSupport": "NFT not supported" + "nftNotSupport": "NFTs are not supported" }, "nftApprove": { "title": "NFT Approval", @@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ "whitelistAlert__temporaryGranted": "Temporary permission granted", "whitelistAlert__whitelisted": "The address is whitelisted", "balanceWarn": { - "gasFeeReservation": "Gas fee reservation required" + "gasFeeReservation": "Gas fee reservation is required" }, "balanceError": { "insufficientBalance": "Insufficient balance" From 37c7a04dae890b07d90c6fcfa07284915179d83a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jagad Bumi <> Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2025 22:50:03 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 10/11] Update index.json Add Indonesian Language --- _raw/locales/index.json | 3 ++- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/_raw/locales/index.json b/_raw/locales/index.json index eee9e2e8463..38bc42e2843 100644 --- a/_raw/locales/index.json +++ b/_raw/locales/index.json @@ -9,5 +9,6 @@ { "code": "pt-BR", "name": "Português Brasileiro" }, { "code": "ru", "name": "Русский" }, { "code": "de", "name": "Deutsch" }, - { "code": "ja", "name": "日本語" } + { "code": "ja", "name": "日本語" }, + { "code": "id", "name": "Bahasa Indonesia" } ] From de5744b5b83e20578ad9eba9381731ebf6bcacba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jagad Bumi <> Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2025 20:19:17 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 11/11] Update messages.json Revert back the correction --- _raw/locales/en/messages.json | 16 ++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/_raw/locales/en/messages.json b/_raw/locales/en/messages.json index c2de0845781..d2f0dbbc1e6 100644 --- a/_raw/locales/en/messages.json +++ b/_raw/locales/en/messages.json @@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ }, "signTx": { "nftIn": "NFT in", - "gasLimitNotEnough": "Gas limit is less than 21000. Transaction cannot be submitted", - "gasLimitLessThanExpect": "The gas limit is low, resulting in a 1% chance of transaction failure.", - "gasLimitLessThanGasUsed": "Gas limit is too low. There is a 95% chance of transaction failure.", - "nativeTokenNotEngouthForGas": "The gas balance is insufficient for the transaction.", + "gasLimitNotEnough": "Gas limit is less than 21000. Transaction can't be submitted", + "gasLimitLessThanExpect": "Gas limit is low. There is 1% chance that the transaction may fail.", + "gasLimitLessThanGasUsed": "Gas limit is too low. There is 95% chance that the transaction may fail.", + "nativeTokenNotEngouthForGas": "Gas balance is not enough for transaction", "nonceLowerThanExpect": "Nonce is too low, the minimum should be {{0}}", "canOnlyUseImportedAddress": "You cannot sign transactions with a watch-only address.", "multiSigChainNotMatch": "Multi-signature addresses are not on this chain and cannot initiate transactions", @@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ "gasLimitModifyOnlyNecessaryAlert": "Modify only when necessary", "gasPriceMedian": "Median of last 100 on-chain transactions: ", "myNativeTokenBalance": "My Gas balance: ", - "gasLimitEmptyAlert": "Please enter the gas limit", - "gasLimitMinValueAlert": "Gas limit should be greater than 21000", + "gasLimitEmptyAlert": "Please input gas limit", + "gasLimitMinValueAlert": "Gas limit should be more than 21000", "nativeTokenForGas": "Use {{tokenName}} token on {{chainName}} to pay for gas", "gasAccountForGas": "Use USD from my GasAccount to pay for gas", "gasAccount": { @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ }, "sendNFT": { "title": "Send NFT", - "nftNotSupport": "NFTs are not supported" + "nftNotSupport": "NFT not supported" }, "nftApprove": { "title": "NFT Approval", @@ -674,7 +674,7 @@ "whitelistAlert__temporaryGranted": "Temporary permission granted", "whitelistAlert__whitelisted": "The address is whitelisted", "balanceWarn": { - "gasFeeReservation": "Gas fee reservation is required" + "gasFeeReservation": "Gas fee reservation required" }, "balanceError": { "insufficientBalance": "Insufficient balance"