All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
Packages with breaking changes:
- There are no breaking changes in this release.
Packages with other changes:
Packages with dependency updates only:
Packages listed below depend on other packages in this workspace that have had changes. Their versions have been incremented to bump the minimum dependency versions of the packages they depend upon in this project.
- FIX: remove superfluous ceil() calls for picking coordinates.
- FEAT: expose zoomSensitivity argument for flight input handler.
- FIX: multiply coordinates by pixelRatio for scale events.
Packages with breaking changes:
- There are no breaking changes in this release.
Packages with other changes:
Packages with dependency updates only:
Packages listed below depend on other packages in this workspace that have had changes. Their versions have been incremented to bump the minimum dependency versions of the packages they depend upon in this project.
- FIX: reduce size of pick functor for compatibility with armeabi-v7a.
- FEAT: sanitize file paths in build.dart for Windows compatibility.
- FEAT: pass through fragment coordinates for picking.
- FEAT: pass through fragment coordinates for picking.
Packages with breaking changes:
- There are no breaking changes in this release.
Packages with other changes:
Packages with dependency updates only:
Packages listed below depend on other packages in this workspace that have had changes. Their versions have been incremented to bump the minimum dependency versions of the packages they depend upon in this project.
- FIX: properly pass through loadResourcesAsync flag for loadGlbFromBuffer.
- FIX: properly pass through loadResourcesAsync flag for loadGlbFromBuffer.
- FEAT: pass through fragment coordinates for picking.
- FEAT: add SCALE2_MOVE InputType.
- FEAT: add SCALE2_MOVE InputType.
Packages with breaking changes:
- There are no breaking changes in this release.
Packages with other changes:
Packages with dependency updates only:
Packages listed below depend on other packages in this workspace that have had changes. Their versions have been incremented to bump the minimum dependency versions of the packages they depend upon in this project.
- FIX: properly pass through loadResourcesAsync flag for loadGlbFromBuffer.
- FIX: properly pass through loadResourcesAsync flag for loadGlbFromBuffer.
- FEAT: add SCALE2_MOVE InputType.
- FEAT: add SCALE2_MOVE InputType.
- FIX: (flutter) (windows) remove deleted source file from Windows CMakeLists.
Packages with breaking changes:
- There are no breaking changes in this release.
Packages with other changes:
Packages with dependency updates only:
Packages listed below depend on other packages in this workspace that have had changes. Their versions have been incremented to bump the minimum dependency versions of the packages they depend upon in this project.
- FIX: properly pass through loadResourcesAsync flag for loadGlbFromBuffer.
- FEAT: add SCALE2_MOVE InputType.
Packages with breaking changes:
Packages with other changes:
Packages with dependency updates only:
Packages listed below depend on other packages in this workspace that have had changes. Their versions have been incremented to bump the minimum dependency versions of the packages they depend upon in this project.
- FEAT: add SCALE2_ROTATE to InputHandler.
- BREAKING FEAT: expose velocity, rotation and timestamp for scale events in listener. accept rotationSensitivity/zoomSensitivity for FixedOrbitRotateInputHandlerDelegate.
- REFACTOR: continual refactor to support multiple render targets.
- FIX: fix all Windows warnings so apps will compile with /WX.
- FIX: use internal Set for determining first ThermionTextureWidget to call requestFrame and cleanup destruction logic.
- FIX: (flutter) pass ThermionFlutterOptions to ThermionWidget, use dpr for resizeTexture, delete unnecessary TransparencyPainter class.
- FIX: (flutter/web) use window.devicePixelRatio for viewport.
- FIX: (flutter) desktop gesture detector changes for new Gizmo methods.
- FEAT: (flutter) (windows) add DestroyRenderingSurface method.
- FEAT: (flutter) (windows) add DestroyRenderingSurface method.
- FEAT: (flutter) (windows) add DestroyRenderingSurface method.
- FEAT: (flutter) (windows) add Destroy() to BackingWindow.
- FEAT: camera and resizing improvements.
- FEAT: support multiple ThermionWidget on Android.
- FEAT: use imported texture on iOS.
- FEAT: working implementation of multiple widgets on macos.
- FEAT: add rendering check to ThermionWidget ticker.
- FEAT: allow passing null options to ThermionWidget.
- FEAT: (flutter) (web) if importCanvasAsWidget is false, render transparency.
- FEAT: add createViewerWithOptions to ThermionFlutterPlugin and mark createViewer as deprecated.
- FEAT: add createViewerWithOptions to ThermionFlutterPlugin and mark createViewer as deprecated.
- FEAT: highlight gizmo on hover.
- BREAKING FIX: remove EntityControllerMouseWidget (replace with GestureHandler).
- BREAKING FIX: (flutter) pass pixelRatio to createTexture.
- BREAKING FIX: (flutter) pass pixelRatio to createTexture.
- BREAKING FEAT: expose velocity, rotation and timestamp for scale events in listener. accept rotationSensitivity/zoomSensitivity for FixedOrbitRotateInputHandlerDelegate.
- BREAKING FEAT: (web) (flutter) create canvas when createViewer is called (no longer need to manually add canvas element to web HTML).
- BREAKING FEAT: resize canvas on web.
- BREAKING CHORE: remove superseded HardwareKeyboard* classes.
- BREAKING CHORE: (flutter) cleanup for publishing.
- BREAKING CHORE: remove EntityListWidget - will replace with new Scene.
- BREAKING CHORE: rename controller to viewer in gesture detector widgets.
Packages with breaking changes:
Packages with other changes:
- There are no other changes in this release.
Change defaults for DelegateInputHandler
REFACTOR: move native types to own header, add methods for create/destroy material instance, add priority/layer to load_glb_from_buffer.
REFACTOR: native types.
REFACTOR: continual refactor to support multiple render targets.
REFACTOR: native types.
REFACTOR: move native types to own header, add methods for create/destroy material instance, add priority/layer to load_glb_from_buffer.
REFACTOR: Dart types.
REFACTOR: Dart types.
REFACTOR: continual refactor to support multiple render targets.
REFACTOR: native types.
REFACTOR: native types.
FIX: set render target to null for each view and then destroy render targets when viewer disposed.
FIX: add check for nan NDC coordinates for viewport translation.
FIX: move createUnlitMaterialInstance and createGeometry to render thread.
FIX: properly destroy entities/material/etc in Gizmo on destruction, remove custom scene creation logic.
FIX: dont calculate surface orientation for non-triangle geometry.
FIX: set View render target to nullptr if Dart renderTarget is null.
FIX: properly destroy entities/material/etc in Gizmo on destruction, remove custom scene creation logic.
FIX: add Fence to capture() and set stencil buffer by default.
FIX: emscripten export visibility for add_light.
FIX: (wasm) use correct coords for pick, free memory correctly, keep pixelratio copy.
FIX: add more nan checks for gizmo manipulation.
FIX: add check for nan NDC coordinates for viewport translation.
FIX: (web) add emscripten guards for flushAndWait call when swapchain destroyed.
FIX: move createUnlitMaterialInstance and createGeometry to render thread.
FIX: move createUnlitMaterialInstance and createGeometry to render thread.
FIX: move createUnlitMaterialInstance and createGeometry to render thread.
FIX: dont calculate surface orientation for non-triangle geometry.
FIX: add more nan checks for gizmo manipulation.
FIX: set View render target to nullptr if Dart renderTarget is null.
FIX: set render target to null for each view and then destroy render targets when viewer disposed.
FIX: move ThermionWin32.h to include.
FIX: move ThermionWin32.h to include.
FIX: (wasm) use correct coords for pick, free memory correctly, keep pixelratio copy.
FIX: emscripten export visibility for add_light.
FIX: ignore pick results directly on axis.
FIX: add Fence to capture() and set stencil buffer by default.
FIX: move createUnlitMaterialInstance and createGeometry to render thread.
FIX: (web) add emscripten guards for flushAndWait call when swapchain destroyed.
FIX: ignore pick results directly on axis.
FIX: move createUnlitMaterialInstance and createGeometry to render thread.
FEAT: download WASM module directly on web (no need to embed in index.html any more) and expose updateViewportAndCameraProjection.
FEAT: layers, grid.
FEAT: simplify FixedOrbitCameraRotationDelegate.
FEAT: produce debug symbols on Windows.
FEAT: move HighlightOverlay to nested class, move createGeometry to SceneManager, add queueRelativePositionUpdateFromViewportVector.
FEAT: set InputType.SCALE1 to ROTATE by default for DelegateInputHandler.fixedOrbit.
FEAT: parent the cloned entity instance when setting stencil highlight.
FEAT: add getAncestor method.
FEAT: add getAncestor method.
FEAT: set stencil highlight on gizmo attach.
FEAT: move createGeometry to SceneManager, add queueRelativePositionUpdateFromViewportVector and removeStencilHighlight.
FEAT: download WASM module directly on web (no need to embed in index.html any more) and expose updateViewportAndCameraProjection.
FEAT: move HighlightOverlay to nested class, move createGeometry to SceneManager, add queueRelativePositionUpdateFromViewportVector.
FEAT: add removeStencilHighlight, accept color param for setStencilHighlight, queuePositionUpdateFromViewportCoords to ThermionDartApi.
FEAT: add removeStencilHighlight, queuePositionUpdateFromViewportCoords to ThermionViewer.
FEAT: camera and resizing improvements.
FEAT: add flag for keepData for gltf instancing, add highlightScene, add stencilHighlight method.
FEAT: grid uses own material.
FEAT: set SCALE2:InputAction.ZOOM by default.
FEAT: add grid material.
FEAT: expose setLightDirection and setLightPosition.
FEAT: support multiple ThermionWidget on Android.
FEAT: use imported texture on iOS.
FEAT: add setGizmoVisibility/pickGizmo methods to ThermionViewer.
FEAT: remove gizmo view references, exclude gizmo entities from picking, add createIbl.
FEAT: createIbl.
FEAT: working implementation of multiple widgets on macos.
FEAT: expose API methods for create_ibl, pick/set gizmo visibility.
FEAT: create transparent overlay for gizmo for easier picking.
FEAT: rescale gizmo based on distance from camera.
FEAT: rescale gizmo based on distance from camera.
FEAT: track zoom delta for DelegateInputHandler.
FEAT: expose setLayerEnabled, viewportDimensions and getCameraFov on ThermionView.
FEAT: layers, grid.
FEAT: add capture() function and expose viewportDimensions on ThermionViewer (allows easier saving of captured images to PNG).
FEAT: ignore grid overlay and gizmo center when picking, implement highlighting.
FEAT: SceneManager updates (setLayer, add grid, queueRelativePositionUpdateWorld.
FEAT: expose set_layer_enabled, get_camera_fov and queue_relative_position_updateg_world_axis to ThermionDartApi.h.
FEAT: add getCameraFov to FilamentViewer.
FEAT: add new grid overlay files to web CmakeLists.
FEAT: re-implement (native) Gizmo class, expose preserveScaling parameter for setParent, add methods for getting viewport bounding box from renderable entity.
FEAT: more work on multiple views/swapchains.
FEAT: rescale gizmo based on distance from camera.
FEAT: add capture() function and expose viewportDimensions on ThermionViewer (allows easier saving of captured images to PNG).
FEAT: (web) allow table growth in emscripten module for passing C-style callback function pointers.
FEAT: (web) add capture() method and missing camera navigation controls.
FEAT: rescale gizmo based on distance from camera.
FEAT: add grid material.
FEAT: add startOffset parameter to gltf playAnimation.
FEAT: create transparent overlay for gizmo for easier picking.
FEAT: working implementation of multiple widgets on macos.
FEAT: produce debug symbols on Windows.
FEAT: (web) add capture() method and missing camera navigation controls.
FEAT: re-implement (native) Gizmo class, expose preserveScaling parameter for setParent, add methods for getting viewport bounding box from renderable entity.
FEAT: add new grid overlay files to web CmakeLists.
FEAT: expose API methods for create_ibl, pick/set gizmo visibility.
FEAT: add setParameterFloat2 method.
FEAT: createIbl.
FEAT: simplify FixedOrbitCameraRotationDelegate.
FEAT: add setParameterFloat2 method.
FEAT: expose setLayerEnabled, viewportDimensions and getCameraFov on ThermionView.
FEAT: (web) allow table growth in emscripten module for passing C-style callback function pointers.
FEAT: add getCameraFov to FilamentViewer.
FEAT: camera and resizing improvements.
FEAT: support multiple ThermionWidget on Android.
FEAT: use imported texture on iOS.
FEAT: add removeStencilHighlight, accept color param for setStencilHighlight, queuePositionUpdateFromViewportCoords to ThermionDartApi.
FEAT: expose set_layer_enabled, get_camera_fov and queue_relative_position_updateg_world_axis to ThermionDartApi.h.
FEAT: more work on multiple views/swapchains.
FEAT: move createGeometry to SceneManager, add queueRelativePositionUpdateFromViewportVector and removeStencilHighlight.
FEAT: remove gizmo view references, exclude gizmo entities from picking, add createIbl.
FEAT: add setGizmoVisibility/pickGizmo methods to ThermionViewer.
FEAT: add uvScale to unlit material.
FEAT: add setParameterFloat2 method.
FEAT: add setParameterFloat2 method.
FEAT: set stencil highlight on gizmo attach.
FEAT: add startOffset parameter to gltf playAnimation.
FEAT: add ThirdPersonCameraDelegate.
FEAT: add uvScale to unlit material.
FEAT: add ThirdPersonCameraDelegate.
FEAT: expose setLightDirection and setLightPosition.
FEAT: set camera model matrix directly.
FEAT: expose more camera methods.
FEAT: add getAncestor method.
FEAT: grid uses own material.
FEAT: add flag for keepData for gltf instancing, add highlightScene, add stencilHighlight method.
FEAT: set camera model matrix directly.
FEAT: add removeStencilHighlight, queuePositionUpdateFromViewportCoords to ThermionViewer.
FEAT: expose more camera methods.
FEAT: ignore grid overlay and gizmo center when picking, implement highlighting.
FEAT: layers, grid.
FEAT: layers, grid.
FEAT: parent the cloned entity instance when setting stencil highlight.
FEAT: add getAncestor method.
FEAT: SceneManager updates (setLayer, add grid, queueRelativePositionUpdateWorld.
DOCS: add quickstart to README.
DOCS: add quickstart to README.
BREAKING REFACTOR: remove RenderThread methods no longer needed.
BREAKING REFACTOR: refactor to support multiple Views/Render Targets.
BREAKING REFACTOR: refactor to support multiple Views/Render Targets.
BREAKING REFACTOR: remove RenderThread methods no longer needed.
BREAKING FIX: Dart-only release mode builds on Window.
BREAKING FIX: (windows) add flushAndWait call to capture() to prevent stalling on Windows; use provided buffer as pixelBuffer rather than duplicate allocation.
BREAKING FIX: fix min SDK for thermion_dart.
BREAKING FIX: replace queuePosition/Rotation with queueTransforms.
BREAKING FIX: add meshoptimizer lib on Windows.
BREAKING FIX: replace queuePosition/Rotation with queueTransforms.
BREAKING FIX: replace queuePosition/Rotation with queueTransforms.
BREAKING FIX: replace queuePosition/Rotation with queueTransforms.
BREAKING FIX: Dart-only release mode builds on Window.
BREAKING FIX: (web/wasm) free pick callbacks on dispose.
BREAKING FIX: (windows) add flushAndWait call to capture() to prevent stalling on Windows; use provided buffer as pixelBuffer rather than duplicate allocation.
BREAKING FIX: add meshoptimizer lib on Windows.
BREAKING FIX: (web/wasm) free pick callbacks on dispose.
BREAKING FIX: fix min SDK for thermion_dart.
BREAKING FIX: replace queuePosition/Rotation with queueTransforms.
BREAKING FIX: replace queuePosition/Rotation with queueTransforms.
BREAKING FIX: replace queuePosition/Rotation with queueTransforms.
BREAKING FIX: replace queuePosition/Rotation with queueTransforms.
BREAKING FEAT: update web/http dependencies.
BREAKING FEAT: big refactor to support multiple swapchains.
BREAKING FEAT: update web/http dependencies.
BREAKING FEAT: (web) (flutter) create canvas when createViewer is called (no longer need to manually add canvas element to web HTML).
BREAKING FEAT: set baseColorIndex to -1 by default in unlit materialss.
BREAKING FEAT: (web) (flutter) create canvas when createViewer is called (no longer need to manually add canvas element to web HTML).
BREAKING FEAT: big refactor to support multiple swapchains.
BREAKING FEAT: set baseColorIndex to -1 by default in unlit materialss.
BREAKING CHORE: cleanup deleted export.
BREAKING CHORE: remove EntityTransformController (requires replacement).
BREAKING CHORE: restructure viewer folders as libraries to only export the public interface.
BREAKING CHORE: View.getCamera returns Future.
BREAKING CHORE: cleanup deleted export.
BREAKING CHORE: remove EntityTransformController (requires replacement).
BREAKING CHORE: View.getCamera returns Future.
BREAKING CHORE: restructure viewer folders as libraries to only export the public interface.
- REFACTOR: continual refactor to support multiple render targets.
- REFACTOR: continual refactor to support multiple render targets.
- FIX: (flutter) pass ThermionFlutterOptions to ThermionWidget, use dpr for resizeTexture, delete unnecessary TransparencyPainter class.
- FIX: (flutter/web) use window.devicePixelRatio for viewport.
- FIX: use internal Set for determining first ThermionTextureWidget to call requestFrame and cleanup destruction logic.
- FIX: (flutter) pass ThermionFlutterOptions to ThermionWidget, use dpr for resizeTexture, delete unnecessary TransparencyPainter class.
- FIX: fix all Windows warnings so apps will compile with /WX.
- FIX: (flutter) desktop gesture detector changes for new Gizmo methods.
- FIX: (flutter/web) use window.devicePixelRatio for viewport.
- FIX: use internal Set for determining first ThermionTextureWidget to call requestFrame and cleanup destruction logic.
- FIX: fix all Windows warnings so apps will compile with /WX.
- FIX: (flutter) desktop gesture detector changes for new Gizmo methods.
- FEAT: highlight gizmo on hover.
- FEAT: add rendering check to ThermionWidget ticker.
- FEAT: (flutter) (windows) add DestroyRenderingSurface method.
- FEAT: add createViewerWithOptions to ThermionFlutterPlugin and mark createViewer as deprecated.
- FEAT: add createViewerWithOptions to ThermionFlutterPlugin and mark createViewer as deprecated.
- FEAT: allow passing null options to ThermionWidget.
- FEAT: (flutter) (web) if importCanvasAsWidget is false, render transparency.
- FEAT: (flutter) (windows) add DestroyRenderingSurface method.
- FEAT: add createViewerWithOptions to ThermionFlutterPlugin and mark createViewer as deprecated.
- FEAT: add createViewerWithOptions to ThermionFlutterPlugin and mark createViewer as deprecated.
- FEAT: use imported texture on iOS.
- FEAT: support multiple ThermionWidget on Android.
- FEAT: highlight gizmo on hover.
- FEAT: (flutter) (web) if importCanvasAsWidget is false, render transparency.
- FEAT: working implementation of multiple widgets on macos.
- FEAT: add rendering check to ThermionWidget ticker.
- FEAT: working implementation of multiple widgets on macos.
- FEAT: camera and resizing improvements.
- FEAT: (flutter) (windows) add DestroyRenderingSurface method.
- FEAT: (flutter) (windows) add DestroyRenderingSurface method.
- FEAT: (flutter) (windows) add DestroyRenderingSurface method.
- FEAT: (flutter) (windows) add Destroy() to BackingWindow.
- FEAT: (flutter) (windows) add Destroy() to BackingWindow.
- FEAT: camera and resizing improvements.
- FEAT: support multiple ThermionWidget on Android.
- FEAT: (flutter) (windows) add DestroyRenderingSurface method.
- FEAT: allow passing null options to ThermionWidget.
- FEAT: use imported texture on iOS.
- BREAKING FIX: remove EntityControllerMouseWidget (replace with GestureHandler).
- BREAKING FIX: (flutter) pass pixelRatio to createTexture.
- BREAKING FIX: (flutter) pass pixelRatio to createTexture.
- BREAKING FIX: remove EntityControllerMouseWidget (replace with GestureHandler).
- BREAKING FIX: (flutter) pass pixelRatio to createTexture.
- BREAKING FIX: (flutter) pass pixelRatio to createTexture.
- BREAKING FEAT: (web) (flutter) create canvas when createViewer is called (no longer need to manually add canvas element to web HTML).
- BREAKING FEAT: resize canvas on web.
- BREAKING FEAT: (web) (flutter) create canvas when createViewer is called (no longer need to manually add canvas element to web HTML).
- BREAKING FEAT: resize canvas on web.
- BREAKING CHORE: remove superseded HardwareKeyboard* classes.
- BREAKING CHORE: (flutter) cleanup for publishing.
- BREAKING CHORE: remove EntityListWidget - will replace with new Scene.
- BREAKING CHORE: rename controller to viewer in gesture detector widgets.
- BREAKING CHORE: rename controller to viewer in gesture detector widgets.
- BREAKING CHORE: remove EntityListWidget - will replace with new Scene.
- BREAKING CHORE: (flutter) cleanup for publishing.
- BREAKING CHORE: remove superseded HardwareKeyboard* classes.
- REFACTOR: continual refactor to support multiple render targets.
- REFACTOR: continual refactor to support multiple render targets.
- FIX: on resize, destroy swapchain if destroySwapChainOnResize is true.
- FIX: add listener in ThermionFlutterTextureBackedPlatform to unset viewer on dispose.
- FIX: add listener in ThermionFlutterMethodChannelInterface to unset viewer on dispose.
- FIX: clean up destruction logic for FlutterPlatformTexture.
- FIX: on resize, destroy swapchain if destroySwapChainOnResize is true.
- FIX: add listener in ThermionFlutterTextureBackedPlatform to unset viewer on dispose.
- FIX: add listener in ThermionFlutterMethodChannelInterface to unset viewer on dispose.
- FIX: clean up destruction logic for FlutterPlatformTexture.
- FIX: web/JS bool checks need to compare to int.
- FEAT: support multiple ThermionWidget on Android.
- FEAT: use imported texture on iOS.
- FEAT: working implementation of multiple widgets on macos.
- FEAT: (flutter) move DPR calculation to resizeTexture and add createViewerWithOptions method to ThermionFlutterFFI.
- FEAT: support multiple ThermionWidget on Android.
- FEAT: use imported texture on iOS.
- FEAT: working implementation of multiple widgets on macos.
- FEAT: (flutter) move DPR calculation to resizeTexture and add createViewerWithOptions method to ThermionFlutterFFI.
- BREAKING REFACTOR: refactor to support multiple Views/Render Targets.
- BREAKING REFACTOR: refactor to support multiple Views/Render Targets.
- BREAKING FIX: (flutter) pass pixelRatio to createTexture.
- BREAKING FIX: (flutter) pass pixelRatio to createTexture.
- BREAKING FEAT: big refactor to support multiple swapchains.
- BREAKING FEAT: big refactor to support multiple swapchains.
- REFACTOR: continual refactor to support multiple render targets.
- REFACTOR: continual refactor to support multiple render targets.
- FEAT: support multiple ThermionWidget on Android.
- FEAT: working implementation of multiple widgets on macos.
- FEAT: add createViewerWithOptions to ThermionFlutterPlugin and mark createViewer as deprecated.
- FEAT: add ThermionFlutterOptions classes, rename interface parameter for offsetTop and ensure pixelRatio is passed to resizeTexture.
- FEAT: support multiple ThermionWidget on Android.
- FEAT: working implementation of multiple widgets on macos.
- FEAT: add createViewerWithOptions to ThermionFlutterPlugin and mark createViewer as deprecated.
- FEAT: add ThermionFlutterOptions classes, rename interface parameter for offsetTop and ensure pixelRatio is passed to resizeTexture.
- BREAKING FIX: (flutter) pass pixelRatio to createTexture.
- BREAKING FIX: (flutter) pass pixelRatio to createTexture.
- FIX: (flutter/web) use window.devicePixelRatio for viewport.
- FIX: (flutter/web) use window.devicePixelRatio for viewport.
- FEAT: (flutter) (web) use options to determine whether to create canvas, and set fixed position + offset.
- FEAT: add ThermionFlutterOptions classes, rename interface parameter for offsetTop and ensure pixelRatio is passed to resizeTexture.
- FEAT: (flutter) (web) use options to determine whether to create canvas, and set fixed position + offset.
- FEAT: add ThermionFlutterOptions classes, rename interface parameter for offsetTop and ensure pixelRatio is passed to resizeTexture.
- FEAT: allow passing assetPathPrefix to ThermionViewerWasm to account for Flutter build asset paths.
- BREAKING FEAT: (flutter) (web) upgrade package:web dep to 1.0.0.
- BREAKING FEAT: (web) (flutter) create canvas when createViewer is called (no longer need to manually add canvas element to web HTML).
- BREAKING FEAT: resize canvas on web.
- BREAKING FEAT: (flutter) (web) upgrade package:web dep to 1.0.0.
- BREAKING FEAT: (web) (flutter) create canvas when createViewer is called (no longer need to manually add canvas element to web HTML).
- BREAKING FEAT: resize canvas on web.
- BREAKING CHORE: restructure viewer folders as libraries to only export the public interface.
- BREAKING CHORE: restructure viewer folders as libraries to only export the public interface.
Packages with breaking changes:
Packages with other changes:
Packages with dependency updates only:
Packages listed below depend on other packages in this workspace that have had changes. Their versions have been incremented to bump the minimum dependency versions of the packages they depend upon in this project.
Fix release builds on Windows
FIX: move createUnlitMaterialInstance and createGeometry to render thread.
FIX: move createUnlitMaterialInstance and createGeometry to render thread.
FIX: move createUnlitMaterialInstance and createGeometry to render thread.
FIX: dont calculate surface orientation for non-triangle geometry.
FIX: set View render target to nullptr if Dart renderTarget is null.
FIX: set render target to null for each view and then destroy render targets when viewer disposed.
FEAT: produce debug symbols on Windows.
FEAT: simplify FixedOrbitCameraRotationDelegate.
DOCS: add quickstart to README.
BREAKING FIX: (windows) add flushAndWait call to capture() to prevent stalling on Windows; use provided buffer as pixelBuffer rather than duplicate allocation.
BREAKING FIX: add meshoptimizer lib on Windows.
BREAKING FIX: Dart-only release mode builds on Window.
BREAKING CHORE: View.getCamera returns Future.
- FIX: fix all Windows warnings so apps will compile with /WX.
- FIX: use internal Set for determining first ThermionTextureWidget to call requestFrame and cleanup destruction logic.
- FEAT: (flutter) (windows) add DestroyRenderingSurface method.
- FEAT: (flutter) (windows) add DestroyRenderingSurface method.
- FEAT: (flutter) (windows) add DestroyRenderingSurface method.
- FEAT: (flutter) (windows) add Destroy() to BackingWindow.
- FIX: on resize, destroy swapchain if destroySwapChainOnResize is true.
- FIX: add listener in ThermionFlutterTextureBackedPlatform to unset viewer on dispose.
- FIX: add listener in ThermionFlutterMethodChannelInterface to unset viewer on dispose.
- FIX: clean up destruction logic for FlutterPlatformTexture.
- FIX: web/JS bool checks need to compare to int.
- FEAT: allow passing assetPathPrefix to ThermionViewerWasm to account for Flutter build asset paths.
Packages with breaking changes:
- There are no breaking changes in this release.
Packages with other changes:
Packages with dependency updates only:
Packages listed below depend on other packages in this workspace that have had changes. Their versions have been incremented to bump the minimum dependency versions of the packages they depend upon in this project.
- FIX: move ThermionWin32.h to include.
Packages with breaking changes:
- There are no breaking changes in this release.
Packages with other changes:
Packages with dependency updates only:
Packages listed below depend on other packages in this workspace that have had changes. Their versions have been incremented to bump the minimum dependency versions of the packages they depend upon in this project.
- Bump "thermion_dart" to
Packages with breaking changes:
- There are no breaking changes in this release.
Packages with other changes:
Packages with dependency updates only:
Packages listed below depend on other packages in this workspace that have had changes. Their versions have been incremented to bump the minimum dependency versions of the packages they depend upon in this project.
- Bump "thermion_dart" to
Packages with breaking changes:
- There are no breaking changes in this release.
Packages with other changes:
Packages with dependency updates only:
Packages listed below depend on other packages in this workspace that have had changes. Their versions have been incremented to bump the minimum dependency versions of the packages they depend upon in this project.
- Bump "thermion_dart" to
Packages with breaking changes:
- There are no breaking changes in this release.
Packages with other changes:
Packages with dependency updates only:
Packages listed below depend on other packages in this workspace that have had changes. Their versions have been incremented to bump the minimum dependency versions of the packages they depend upon in this project.
Packages with breaking changes:
- There are no breaking changes in this release.
Packages with other changes:
Packages with dependency updates only:
Packages listed below depend on other packages in this workspace that have had changes. Their versions have been incremented to bump the minimum dependency versions of the packages they depend upon in this project.
- Bump "thermion_dart" to
Packages with breaking changes:
- There are no breaking changes in this release.
Packages with other changes:
Packages with dependency updates only:
Packages listed below depend on other packages in this workspace that have had changes. Their versions have been incremented to bump the minimum dependency versions of the packages they depend upon in this project.
Packages with breaking changes:
- There are no breaking changes in this release.
Packages with other changes:
Packages with dependency updates only:
Packages listed below depend on other packages in this workspace that have had changes. Their versions have been incremented to bump the minimum dependency versions of the packages they depend upon in this project.
Packages with breaking changes:
- There are no breaking changes in this release.
Packages with other changes:
Packages with dependency updates only:
Packages listed below depend on other packages in this workspace that have had changes. Their versions have been incremented to bump the minimum dependency versions of the packages they depend upon in this project.
- y
- y
- y
- y
Packages with breaking changes:
- There are no breaking changes in this release.
Packages with other changes:
Packages graduated to a stable release (see pre-releases prior to the stable version for changelog entries):
Packages with breaking changes:
Packages with other changes:
Packages with dependency updates only:
Packages listed below depend on other packages in this workspace that have had changes. Their versions have been incremented to bump the minimum dependency versions of the packages they depend upon in this project.
- REFACTOR: continual refactor to support multiple render targets.
- FEAT: camera and resizing improvements.
- FEAT: support multiple ThermionWidget on Android.
- FEAT: use imported texture on iOS.
- FEAT: working implementation of multiple widgets on macos.
- FEAT: more work on multiple views/swapchains.
- FEAT: add setParameterFloat2 method.
- FEAT: add setParameterFloat2 method.
- FEAT: add uvScale to unlit material.
- FEAT: add ThirdPersonCameraDelegate.
- FEAT: set camera model matrix directly.
- FEAT: expose more camera methods.
- BREAKING REFACTOR: refactor to support multiple Views/Render Targets.
- BREAKING REFACTOR: remove RenderThread methods no longer needed.
- BREAKING FIX: replace queuePosition/Rotation with queueTransforms.
- BREAKING FIX: replace queuePosition/Rotation with queueTransforms.
- BREAKING FIX: replace queuePosition/Rotation with queueTransforms.
- BREAKING FIX: replace queuePosition/Rotation with queueTransforms.
- BREAKING FEAT: big refactor to support multiple swapchains.
- BREAKING FEAT: set baseColorIndex to -1 by default in unlit materialss.
- REFACTOR: continual refactor to support multiple render targets.
- FEAT: support multiple ThermionWidget on Android.
- FEAT: use imported texture on iOS.
- FEAT: working implementation of multiple widgets on macos.
- BREAKING REFACTOR: refactor to support multiple Views/Render Targets.
- BREAKING FEAT: big refactor to support multiple swapchains.
- REFACTOR: continual refactor to support multiple render targets.
- FEAT: camera and resizing improvements.
- FEAT: support multiple ThermionWidget on Android.
- FEAT: use imported texture on iOS.
- FEAT: working implementation of multiple widgets on macos.
- FEAT: add rendering check to ThermionWidget ticker.
- REFACTOR: continual refactor to support multiple render targets.
- FEAT: support multiple ThermionWidget on Android.
- FEAT: working implementation of multiple widgets on macos.
- BREAKING Dart SDK 3.6.0 required
- BREAKING Libraries have been restructured so you should only need to import
- BREAKING The former GestureDetector widgets and EntityControllerMouseWidget/EntityTransformController have been removed and replaced with ThermionListenerWidget. that accepts an InputHandler.
- BREAKING The former debugging widgets and Scene class have been removed.
- REFACTOR The creation of the main camera has been refactored; the default projection & near/far planes should not have changed, but pay close attention.
- REFACTOR: add methods for create/destroy material instance, add priority/layer to load_glb_from_buffer.
- FEAT: Translation gizmo, stencil highlight & overlays.
- FEAT: new setLightDirection and setLightPosition.
- FEAT: move HighlightOverlay to nested class, move createGeometry to SceneManager, add queueRelativePositionUpdateFromViewportVector.
- FEAT: move createGeometry to SceneManager, add queueRelativePositionUpdateFromViewportVector and removeStencilHighlight.
- FEAT: add setGizmoVisibility/pickGizmo methods to ThermionViewer.
- FEAT: remove gizmo view references, exclude gizmo entities from picking, add createIbl.
- FEAT: set stencil highlight on gizmo attach.
- FEAT: add getAncestor method.
- FEAT: expose API methods for create_ibl, pick/set gizmo visibility.
- FEAT: create transparent overlay for gizmo for easier picking.
- FEAT: rescale gizmo based on distance from camera.
- FEAT: rescale gizmo based on distance from camera.
- FEAT: add getAncestor method.
- FEAT: add startOffset parameter to gltf playAnimation.
- FEAT: layers, grid.
- FEAT: layers, grid.
- FEAT: ignore grid overlay and gizmo center when picking, implement highlighting.
- FEAT: SceneManager updates (setLayer, add grid, queueRelativePositionUpdateWorld.
- FEAT: expose set_layer_enabled, get_camera_fov and queue_relative_position_updateg_world_axis to ThermionDartApi.h.
- FEAT: add getCameraFov to FilamentViewer.
- FEAT: add new grid overlay files to web CmakeLists.
- FEAT: re-implement (native) Gizmo class, expose preserveScaling parameter for setParent, add methods for getting viewport bounding box from renderable entity.
- FEAT: expose setLayerEnabled, viewportDimensions and getCameraFov on ThermionView.
- FEAT: download WASM module directly on web (no need to embed in index.html any more) and expose updateViewportAndCameraProjection.
- FEAT: add capture() function and expose viewportDimensions on ThermionViewer (allows easier saving of captured images to PNG).
- FEAT: (web) allow table growth in emscripten module for passing C-style callback function pointers.
- FEAT: (web) add capture() method and missing camera navigation controls.
- FEAT: createIbl.
- BREAKING FEAT: (web) (flutter) create canvas when createViewer is called (no longer need to manually add canvas element to web HTML).
- BREAKING FEAT: update web/http dependencies.
- FIX: (flutter) pass ThermionFlutterOptions to ThermionWidget, use dpr for resizeTexture, delete unnecessary TransparencyPainter class.
- FIX: (flutter/web) use window.devicePixelRatio for viewport.
- FIX: (flutter) desktop gesture detector changes for new Gizmo methods.
- FEAT: allow passing null options to ThermionWidget.
- FEAT: (flutter) (web) if importCanvasAsWidget is false, render transparency.
- FEAT: add createViewerWithOptions to ThermionFlutterPlugin and mark createViewer as deprecated.
- FEAT: add createViewerWithOptions to ThermionFlutterPlugin and mark createViewer as deprecated.
- FEAT: highlight gizmo on hover.
- BREAKING FIX: (flutter) pass pixelRatio to createTexture.
- BREAKING FIX: (flutter) pass pixelRatio to createTexture.
- BREAKING FEAT: (web) (flutter) create canvas when createViewer is called (no longer need to manually add canvas element to web HTML).
- BREAKING FEAT: resize canvas on web.
- BREAKING CHORE: rename controller to viewer in gesture detector widgets.
- FEAT: (flutter) move DPR calculation to resizeTexture and add createViewerWithOptions method to ThermionFlutterFFI.
- BREAKING FIX: (flutter) pass pixelRatio to createTexture.
- FEAT: add createViewerWithOptions to ThermionFlutterPlugin and mark createViewer as deprecated.
- FEAT: add ThermionFlutterOptions classes, rename interface parameter for offsetTop and ensure pixelRatio is passed to resizeTexture.
- BREAKING FIX: (flutter) pass pixelRatio to createTexture.
- FIX: (flutter/web) use window.devicePixelRatio for viewport.
- FEAT: (flutter) (web) use options to determine whether to create canvas, and set fixed position + offset.
- FEAT: add ThermionFlutterOptions classes, rename interface parameter for offsetTop and ensure pixelRatio is passed to resizeTexture.
- BREAKING FEAT: (flutter) (web) upgrade package:web dep to 1.0.0.
- BREAKING FEAT: (web) (flutter) create canvas when createViewer is called (no longer need to manually add canvas element to web HTML).
- BREAKING FEAT: resize canvas on web.
- FIX: manually remove leading slash for compiler path on Windows when building for Android.
- FIX: web/JS bool checks need to compare to int.
- FIX: shadow JS<->WASM bridge methods.
- FIX: manually remove leading slash for compiler path on Windows when building for Android.
- FIX: web/JS bool checks need to compare to int.
- FIX: shadow JS<->WASM bridge methods.
- FEAT: add clearMorphAnimationData function.
- FEAT: allow passing assetPathPrefix to ThermionViewerWasm to account for Flutter build asset paths.
- FEAT: allow passing assetPathPrefix to ThermionViewerWasm to account for Flutter build asset paths.
- FIX: add logging dependency.
- FIX: web/JS bool checks need to compare to int.
- FIX: add logging dependency.
- FIX: web/JS bool checks need to compare to int.
- FEAT: allow passing assetPathPrefix to ThermionViewerWasm to account for Flutter build asset paths.
- FEAT: allow passing assetPathPrefix to ThermionViewerWasm to account for Flutter build asset paths.
Packages with breaking changes:
- There are no breaking changes in this release.
Packages with other changes:
Packages with dependency updates only:
Packages listed below depend on other packages in this workspace that have had changes. Their versions have been incremented to bump the minimum dependency versions of the packages they depend upon in this project.
- FIX: add logging dependency.
Packages with breaking changes:
- There are no breaking changes in this release.
Packages with other changes:
Packages with dependency updates only:
Packages listed below depend on other packages in this workspace that have had changes. Their versions have been incremented to bump the minimum dependency versions of the packages they depend upon in this project.
- FIX: manually remove leading slash for compiler path on Windows when building for Android.
- FIX: web/JS bool checks need to compare to int.
- FIX: shadow JS<->WASM bridge methods.
- FEAT: allow passing assetPathPrefix to ThermionViewerWasm to account for Flutter build asset paths.
- FIX: web/JS bool checks need to compare to int.
- FEAT: allow passing assetPathPrefix to ThermionViewerWasm to account for Flutter build asset paths.
Packages with breaking changes:
- There are no breaking changes in this release.
Packages with other changes:
Packages with dependency updates only:
Packages listed below depend on other packages in this workspace that have had changes. Their versions have been incremented to bump the minimum dependency versions of the packages they depend upon in this project.
- Bump "thermion_dart" to
Packages with breaking changes:
- There are no breaking changes in this release.
Packages with other changes:
Packages with dependency updates only:
Packages listed below depend on other packages in this workspace that have had changes. Their versions have been incremented to bump the minimum dependency versions of the packages they depend upon in this project.
- FIX: defer creating image entity/material/etc until actually requested.
Packages with breaking changes:
- There are no breaking changes in this release.
Packages with other changes:
Packages with dependency updates only:
Packages listed below depend on other packages in this workspace that have had changes. Their versions have been incremented to bump the minimum dependency versions of the packages they depend upon in this project.
- FIX: bump ffigen dependency version & regenerate bindings (and revert to ffi.Int rather than ffi.Int32).
- DOCS: update homepage links and minor documentation updates.
- DOCS: update homepage links and minor documentation updates.
Packages with breaking changes:
Packages with other changes:
Packages graduated to a stable release (see pre-releases prior to the stable version for changelog entries):
Packages with breaking changes:
- There are no breaking changes in this release.
Packages with other changes:
Packages with dependency updates only:
Packages listed below depend on other packages in this workspace that have had changes. Their versions have been incremented to bump the minimum dependency versions of the packages they depend upon in this project.
- FIX: revert to std::thread (pthreads not easily available on Windows).
- FIX: on Windows, pass static libs via -l rather than custom linkWith property so build.dart stays compatible between published & custom versions.
- FIX: add ResourceBuffer header directly to Windows build so I don't have to fiddle around getting the CMake path right.
Packages with breaking changes:
- There are no breaking changes in this release.
Packages with other changes:
Packages with dependency updates only:
Packages listed below depend on other packages in this workspace that have had changes. Their versions have been incremented to bump the minimum dependency versions of the packages they depend upon in this project.
- DOCS: update with links to playground.
- DOCS: update with links to playground.
Packages with breaking changes:
- There are no breaking changes in this release.
Packages with other changes:
- Bump "thermion_dart" to
Packages with breaking changes:
- There are no breaking changes in this release.
Packages with other changes:
Packages with dependency updates only:
Packages listed below depend on other packages in this workspace that have had changes. Their versions have been incremented to bump the minimum dependency versions of the packages they depend upon in this project.
- FIX: add dummy asset to build.dart on Linux builds so we can use the package on a Linux host.
Packages with breaking changes:
- There are no breaking changes in this release.
Packages with other changes:
Packages with dependency updates only:
Packages listed below depend on other packages in this workspace that have had changes. Their versions have been incremented to bump the minimum dependency versions of the packages they depend upon in this project.
- FIX: exit build.dart early on Linux builds so we can use the package on a Linux host.
Packages with breaking changes:
- There are no breaking changes in this release.
Packages with other changes:
Packages with dependency updates only:
Packages listed below depend on other packages in this workspace that have had changes. Their versions have been incremented to bump the minimum dependency versions of the packages they depend upon in this project.
- REFACTOR: rearrange some stubs/imports for easier web WASM deployment.
- REFACTOR: rearrange some stubs/imports for easier web WASM deployment.
Packages with breaking changes:
- There are no breaking changes in this release.
Packages with other changes:
- FIX: update Flutter example project to use new API.
- FIX: add logging dependency to thermion_flutter.
Packages with breaking changes:
- There are no breaking changes in this release.
Packages with other changes:
Packages with dependency updates only:
Packages listed below depend on other packages in this workspace that have had changes. Their versions have been incremented to bump the minimum dependency versions of the packages they depend upon in this project.
- REFACTOR: export ThermionViewerWasm for web and hide FFI/WASM version.
- FIX: use preserveDrawingBuffer=true on web.
- REFACTOR: export ThermionViewerWasm for web and hide FFI/WASM version.
- FIX: catch exception if gizmo unavailable in ThermionGestureDestectorDesktop.
- REFACTOR: export ThermionViewerWasm for web and hide FFI/WASM version.