##Lesson Title Procedural
Goal goes here
Give real world context.
Format Instructor does, student follow closely behind. Errors handled in real time.
Please Note:
- Best to have support instructors during procedural lessons
- Table egregious errors for outside of class
- Slowest buffalo sets pace
- 5 min: Intro
Alternating, ad infinitum:
Instructor step
Student copy
**Assessment **
10 min: Conclusion/ Q&A
###Intro Intro/context:
- Point 1
- Point 2
####Step 1
- Detail 1
- Detail 2 (if needed)
####Step 2
- Detail 1
- Detail 2 (if needed)
####Step 3
- Detail 1
- Detail 2 (if needed)
####Goal Assessment
- Was the install/deploy/branch completed correctly
- Field questions
- (Optional) Set additional objectives
- Wrap up / bring back to context
- Field general questions
Lesson Plan Boilerplates by Philipe Navarro @RasPhilCo, licensed under the CC BY-SA