This project follows Semantic Versioning.
- Change protocol of urls to https.
- Use $validate API on FHIR server to validate Questionnaire.
- Added
event type to messages sent to parent window when using API.
- Fixed the issue where the 'Terminology server' field was not refreshed when the 'SNOMED answer value set' option was selected and the ECL field changed.
- Changed tooltip font, background and link colors.
- Updated the tooltip text to be read by screen reader.
- Fix a bug to retain contained field in Questionnaire.
- Update @lhncbc/ngx-schema-form to address a performance issue.
- Accept terms of use only once a week.
- Added sequence numbers to questions in conditional display source field. (Thanks to @ghaliouss)
- Upgraded to angular 17.
- Feature to add a copy of a selected node of a questionnaire item tree (contributed by @ghaliouss).
- Menu option to download LHC-Forms format.
- Added notice for window opener invocation.
- Display error messages in preview reported by lforms widget.
- Added a feature to invoke formbuilder from a parent window, in a new child window and optionally initialize it with a questionnaire.
- If opened from another window, the formbuilder will post a message back the parent window with the updated questionnaire. It will post a final message, when the child window is closed, with final version of questionnaire.
- Added a tagline to header.
- Changed text in terms of use.
- Added text to preview dialog
- Fixed flaky unit tests.
- Fixed a cypress test.
- Always use the latest lforms version for preview. The package is loaded at run time from the CDN.
- Fixed missing nested extensions.
- Disable unsupported date/time restrictions (Thanks to @ghaliouss)
- Fix enableWhen condition when source item is an answerValueSet.
- Fixed README.
- Fixed a bug where a wrong node in the sidebar tree is highlighted.
- Fixed a bug where the unit extensions are not removed when deleted from the input field.
- Fixed a bug where the system field is missing after loading an item with a non-ucum unit.
- Changed the help text field to allow multi-line input.
- Added item control extension to support radio and checkbox layout for answer list.
- Added support for stu3 export and import.
- Added these fields to advanced section in the form level fields: implicit rules, version, name, date, publisher, copyright, approvalDate, lastReviewDate
- Converted schema and layout json files to json5 format.
- Refactored the widget configuration code for better organization of widgets defined in schema.
- Updated the copy-lforms.js script to use the latest version (v34) of lforms.
- Changed code field to be multiple instances.
- Fixed a bug which was missing scores in answerOption field.
- Replaced initial[x] objects with answerOption[x].initialSelected flag to indicate default answers in choice/open-choice type items.
- Updated lforms to 33.4.1 to fix a bug with list positioning of autocomplete input box in preview dialog.
- Add item control extension. For now, the support restricted to autocomplete in ValueSet fields.
- Fix z-index of autocomplete #searchResults window.
- Support for SNOMED value set URI.
- Fix layout issues in answer-option-methods component.
- Upper case 'uri' in a label.
- Fix display of validation errors for string component.
- Change Questionnaire.url validation to FHIR specified pattern.
- Added support for Questionnaire.url.
- Updated angular to version 15.x.x
- Updated bootstrap version to 5.x.x
- Updated ngBootstrap version to 14.x.x
- Refactored radio button groups.
- Added support for answerValueSet field.
- Added display column to code field.
- Added terminology server field to form level fields and item level fields.
- Added collapse/expand panel for advanced fields.
- Changed code field labels.
- Moved conditional display, observation link period, and observation extract fields to advanced panel.
- Fixed visibleIf issue with answerOption and code when visibility is false.
- Display LOINC terms of use acceptance dialog after displaying home page.
- Fix screen reader announcing blank on tooltip icons.
- Support extension for observation extract.
- Support import of forms that are in LForms format.
- Fix display of decimal answer field in conditional display when source item is decimal type.
- Fix loading initial component when switched type from choice to decimal.
- Fix placing cursor position in integer input when invalid character is typed.
- Fixed item type and missing answer display strings when importing a LOINC question from CTSS.
- Fix number type fields to accept decimal numbers.
- Updated lforms to 33.0.0, which removed support for IE 11.
- Update angular version to 14.x.x
- Update angular-tree-component to @bugsplat/[email protected]
- Update ngx-schema-form to @lhncbc/[email protected]
- Added context menu for nodes on the sidebar tree
- Fix units in valueQuantity of initial field.
- Add app version information to the header.
- Add tabindex to active node in sidebar tree to improve accessibility.
- In Conditional Display field, fixed missing answerBoolean field when condition is empty or not empty.
- In Conditional Display field, fixed missing answer field when the first condition is based on empty or not empty.
- Removed total score calculation.
- Fixed a bug which overwrites a node when clicking two nodes rapidly.
- Added a spinner to indicate loading of item into the editor.
- Fixed a bug in deleting last item in the tree.
- Fixed a bug in missing form level field values.
- Load LOINC forms from CTSS.
- Add observation link period field.
- Fix test descriptions.
- Add warning dialog when replacing an existing form.
- Fix type display/group based on presence of child items.
- Fix missing answer coding in conditional display.
- Add user specified FHIR server.
- Fix scrolling in conditional display source field.
- Update LForms down load script.
- Fix setting FHIR context for lforms preview.
- This version of form builder is revised using angular2 framework. The user interface is revised aligning with FHIR questionnaire definition.
- Fixed a bug that fails to load forms after loading a form with ValueSet having no terminology server.
- Changed broken CTSS url.
- Added support for attachment type.
- Updated nodejs to 14.17.5.
- Updated lforms to version 29.1.2, to get an update to fhirpath.js to fix an issue with choice types.
- Fixed a bug in outputting FHIR choice orientation extension when displayControl.answerLayout.columns is one.
- Fixed a bug in changing the loinc code with prefix 'Modified_' when a loinc item is edited
- Updated formbuilder package to 29.0.3.
- Updated npm packages to address security vulnerabilities
- Updated link to contact us page.
- New NLM logo
- Merged dependabot PR.
- Added functionality to narrow down the results from FHIR Server using a search term.
- Removed delete buttons from search results of a FHIR server.
- Upgrade AngularJS to 1.8.x to address a security alert.
- Display FHIR search results, even if
is absent.
- Import LOINC forms.
- Added support for FHIR Identifier. Thanks to contribution from
- Updated an npm package to address npm audit vulnerability.
- Added support for observation link period.
- Fixed a bug in skip logic, when skip logic source is pointing to its parent which is a question type.
- Fixed missing node id labels in the auto complete box for skip logic sources.
- Fixed problem with updating skip logic source list when link id is updated.
The range definition of skip logic trigger for numeric types is changed to align with FHIR enableWhen definition. This could be a breaking change if you have a form definition like the following. skipLogic = { condition = [{ source: '1', trigger = {minExclusive: 10, maxExclusive: 100} }] }
The above definition can be changed to the following to specify the range. skipLogic = { logic: 'ALL', condition = [{ source: '1', trigger = {minExclusive: 10} },{ source: '1', trigger = {maxExclusive: 100} }] }
Changed UI to build skip logic condition to support exists and not exists operators.
Fixed a bug in loading a FHIR questionnaire with enable when source of type boolean.
Added a setting export format to R4 as default in the file export dialog.
- Update lforms version to 25.0.0. It changed the FHIR extension url of calculated expression.
- Added input fields to support CSS styles on item name and prefix.
- Fixed a bug in selection of display item type.
- Changed unique key of an item, from questionCode to linkId as per lforms version 24.0.0. Updated lforms package to 24.0.0.
- Changed questionCodeSystem to accept any input, still defaults to 'Custom'.
- Fixed skip logic trigger equal and not equal operators.
- Updated lforms package to 21.2.1. Since lforms package has a major version update, bumped up the major version in this package as well.
- Fix import of lforms having calculationMethod field.
- Support FHIR calculatedExpression extension. The extension will take FHIRPath expression. Validation of expression is not supported yet. The user is expected to enter a valid FHIRPath expression.
- Support FHIR display (LForms TITLE) type.
- Added a new field to select item type to align with FHIR notion of group, display and question.
- Improved performance on collection of skip logic sources.
- Fixed a problem in conversion of lforms panel after importing from lforms-service.
- Updated lforms to support change in skip logic trigger definition.
- Added support to specify third party fhir servers by the user.
- Fixed a bug importing a file with an item having answer list and answerRequired fields.
- Added support for TX data type.
- Remove default form name.
- Fix a bug converting restrictions to corresponding FHIR extensions.
- Fix a bug in conversion of
in form level fields. - Fix a bug in importing FHIR Questionnaire without meta field.
- Fixed overwriting of linkId in
, when converted to FHIR Questionnaire.
- Removed restriction on insisting code for answer lists.
- Added support for Questionnaire.item.prefix field
- Fix file export problem.
- Fix missing file in bower.json for wiredep output.
- Added form level fields defined in FHIR Questionnaire.
- Added a warning message about losing the changes when the browser tab is closed or new form is imported.
- Update node dependencies to fix npm audit vulnerabilities.
- Update lforms package.
- Remove CSP middleware, let the package users handle the csp headers.
- Fix critical npm audit alerts.
- Fixed a bug in importing items with CNE/CWE type triggers in skip logic.
- Fixed a bug in ui-tree display for multiple items on the root.
- Fixed a bug in importing R4 version of Questionnaire from the local disk.
- Fixed restrictions output format to conform to latest lforms spec.
- Removed hard coded templateOptions in the lforms format for export.
- Fix next/previous page display in FHIR results dialog.
- Fix errors in mocking FHIR server for protractor tests.
- Fix errors in tests.
- Whitelist to allow google/facebook/twitter logins.
- Support exporting/importing R4 versions of FHIR format.
- Breaking change: Added FHIR version number to the FHIR server definition in client/config.js. It is mandatory that the servers are tagged with supported FHIR version such as R4, STU3 etc.
- Added displayControl. Supports questionLayout, answerLayout, and listColHeaders for now.
- Fixed a bug to include answer list and units when importing a LOINC question.
- Updated lforms package which has support for parsing argonaut questionnaires.
- Add Google Analytics to white list of content security policy.
- Fix bower package name.
- Support to export and import FHIR Questionnaire to local disk.
- Changed module exports of the server. Newly exported functions will help to pre-configure the express app with customized middlewares before doing form builder specific configurations.
This is a breaking change due to signature changes in import/require statements if using this as a npm package.
- Fixed bower packaging issues.
- Fixed npm audited vulnerabilities.
- In units field, units associated with item's loinc property are ranked higher during the auto-completion.
- Fixed a bug in usage clause of the server.
- Rename package
- Cleanup code to release as open source
- Updated node version to 8.11.4
- Switch protractor browser from firefox to chrome and update protractor to 5.x.x
- Used lforms-util logger to create web server access logs.
- Upgraded nodejs to version 8.11.3.
- Changed units lookup from static list to ajax call to clinical table search service and used table format display for auto-completion.
- Used grunt wiredep to inject bower components into karma.conf.js
- Added tags for Google Analytics
- Fixed the behavior of the autocompleting field and Import button in the Import dialog so that the currently selected field value is what gets imported.
- Fixed a bug in importing questionCardinality and answerCardinality fields.
- Added support to access multiple FHIR servers.
- Added server redirect from urls with alias names to main production url.
- Added firebase authentication.
- Added Export and import from FHIR server
- moved advanced panel items under their boolean as skip logic items.
- Update pm2 package and remove nsp exception on moment package.
- Updated npm packages and nodejs.
- The scroll bars on the preview panel are moved from whole panel to tab content.
- Added FHIR output to preview source tabs.
- Fixed popup menu display under production environment.
- Added popup menu to the nodes on the sidebar.
- Added dialog box to capture target item to move nodes on the sidebar using popup menu items.
- Addressed some accessibility issues.
- Fixed converting section/header to regular item
- Fixed displaying other in answer list item.
- Changed Text and Code fields to be required.