diff --git a/man/internal.selfref.rd b/man/internal.selfref.rd index e69de29bb..59827a7fb 100644 --- a/man/internal.selfref.rd +++ b/man/internal.selfref.rd @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +\name{.internal.selfref} +\alias{.internal.selfref} +\title{Internal Self-Reference Attribute in data.table} +\description{ +The `.internal.selfref` attribute is an internal mechanism used by \code{data.table} to optimize memory management and performance. This attribute ensures that \code{data.table} objects can be modified by reference without unnecessary copying, enabling efficient data manipulation. +} +\usage{ +\code{.internal.selfref} +} +\details{ +The `.internal.selfref` attribute is a pointer that allows \code{data.table} objects to reference their own memory location. This avoids redundant memory allocation when performing in-place modifications such as adding or updating columns, filtering rows, or performing joins. + +If the `.internal.selfref` attribute is lost or corrupted (e.g., due to operations that inadvertently break reference semantics), \code{data.table} falls back to standard \code{data.frame}-like behavior, which can lead to reduced performance due to copying. + +Users generally do not need to interact directly with `.internal.selfref`, but understanding its purpose can help debug issues related to memory usage or unexpected copying in \code{data.table} operations. + +Note that `.internal.selfref` is automatically managed by \code{data.table} and is not intended to be modified by users. +} +\value{ +The `.internal.selfref` attribute is an internal implementation detail and does not produce a value that users would typically interact with. It is invisible during regular \code{data.table} operations. +} +\seealso{ +\code{\link{data.table}}, \code{\link{setkey}}, \code{\link{merge}}, \code{\link{[.data.table}} +} +\examples{ +# Example to illustrate the presence of .internal.selfref +dt <- data.table(A = 1:5, B = letters[1:5]) +attr(dt, ".internal.selfref") # Check the internal self-reference attribute + +# Modify the data.table in-place +dt[, C := A * 2] + +# Verify .internal.selfref is maintained +attr(dt, ".internal.selfref") +} +\keyword{ internal }