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+# SubSolution
+SubSolution is a tool giving you control on your Visual Studio solutions.
+It came in three forms:
+- __Configuration files ".subsln"__ to describe the content of a Visual Studio solution.
+- __Command line tool "subsln"__ to generate/update .sln files from .subsln files.
+- __.NET libraries__ to manipulate read/edit/write solutions as you want.
+> SubSolution is currently released as version __v0__. All core features are already implemented but it needs to be tested in more practical cases.
+> Also be aware of the following:
+> - Some small API breaking changes might happen until version v1.
+> - Some MSBuild project types are not supported yet. ([Supported project types](https://github.com/ReMinoer/SubSolution/blob/master/Sources/SubSolution/ProjectType.cs))
+# Configuration files: `.subsln`
+SubSolution introduce a XML file format using extension `.subsln` to describe the content of Visual Studio solutions with a more user-friendly syntax than .sln format. You can generate solutions from it or update existing ones.
+## XML Syntax
+- Describe your item hierarchy: ``
+ - Create folders to organize your items: ``
+ - Add projects with glob patterns: ``
+ - Add files for quick-access: ``
+ - Find project dependencies and dependents: `` / ``
+ - Include the content of existing solutions: `` / ``
+ - Select what you want to keep from other solutions: ``
+ - Apply complex filters on your item sources: ``
+- Setup your solution configuration-platforms: `` / ``
+ - Ignore them to auto-generate from projects.
+ - Create new ones: `` / ``
+ - Match them with project configurations and platforms: `` / ``
+- And a lot more options as XML attributes !
+## Why use a `.subsln` file ?
+- It allows you to __express your organization rules__ ("those projects in that folder, unit tests in that one...") and __ensure they are respected__ on solution changes.
+- It acts as a __substitute or edition assistant__ of .sln files, to describe the solution content with a __user-friendly structure__ similar to Visual Studio representation.
+- It can also be used as a punctual tool, to __apply a one-time update__.
+- It allows to __quickly iterate__ on your solution structure until it matches your needs, without even running Visual Studio.
+- It can __build an entirely customized hierarchy__, or at contrary __mirror your file system structure__.
+- It can __find and fill your solution with dependencies__ of your central project.
+- It can describe solutions __in a modular way__ by including the content of a solution into another.
+- It can __apply changes to multiple solutions__ sharing the same projects.
+- It can __divide a big solution in smaller ones__ to reduce impact on Visual Studio performances.
+# Command line tool: `subsln`
+`subsln.exe` is a command line tool using `.subsln` configuration files to build your Visual Studio solutions.
+> subsln create MySolution
+> subsln generate MySolution.subsln
+> subsln validate MySolution.subsln
+> subsln display MySolution.sln
+Use `subsln help` or `subsln [command] --help` for more details on commands.
+## Download
+You can download the last version from [Releases page](https://github.com/ReMinoer/SubSolution/releases).
+Or install it as a tool with the [.NET SDK](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download):
+> dotnet tool install subsln --global
+# .NET libraries
+If you have specific needs or need a high level of control, you can use those .NET libraries as Nuget packages:
+- [SubSolution](): core package to edit solutions using minimum dependencies.
+- [SubSolution.Builders](): solution building features used by .subsln format.
+- [SubSolution.MsBuild](): project reader implementation based on MSBuild.
+The API is structured around 3 representations of solutions:
+- __`Solution`__:
+ - Match the Visual Studio edition experience.
+ - Edit the item hierarchy as it show in the Solution Explorer.
+ - Automatically fill solution configurations-platforms with your projects.
+ - Use __`ManualSolution`__ to manually fill configuration-platforms.
+- __`RawSolution`__:
+ - Match the .sln format.
+ - Dedicated to input/ouput files (but hard to edit).
+ - Convert to/from __`Solution`__ with __`RawSolutionConverter`__/__`SolutionConverter`__.
+- __`SubSolutionConfiguration`__:
+ - Match the .subsln format.
+ - Dedicated to build patterns & modular usages.
+ - Build __`Solution`__ with __`SolutionBuilder`__.
+## Contribute
+- Install [.NET SDK](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download)
+- Make a fork of the repo.
+- Clone it locally (including submodules if you are using ReSharper in Visual Studio).
+- Build the solution.
+ - It will automatically download [LinqToXsdCore](https://github.com/mamift/LinqToXsdCore) to generate C# from the XML schema.
+- Make your changes.
+- Submit a pull request.
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