diff --git a/qr-code-auth/README.md b/qr-code-auth/README.md
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+++ b/qr-code-auth/README.md
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+# Collection - QrCodeAuth
+## API Endpoints
+| Route | Description |
+| :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: |
+| [POST /auth/qr-code-auth](#post-authqr-code-auth) | Creates a new authentication document. |
+| [GET /auth/qr-code-auth](#get-authqr-code-auth) | Retrieves all the authentication document belonging to a specified user |
+| [PATCH /auth/qr-code-auth](#patch-authqr-code-authauthorization_statusauthorization_status) | Updates the authorization_status field of an existing qr-code-auth document for the specified user. |
+## POST /auth/qr-code-auth
+ Creates a new qr-code-auth document.
+- **Params**
+ None
+- **Query**
+ None
+- **Body**
+ - Attributes
+ - **user_id** (required, string): Specifies the user id for the document.
+ - **device_info** (required, string): Specifies the device information associated with the authentication.
+ - **device_id** : Specifies the ID of the User' device whose device id will be unique.
+- **Headers**
+ - Content-Type: application/json
+- **Cookie**
+ None
+- **Success Response:**
+ - **Code:** 201
+ - **Content:**
+ ```json
+ {
+ "message": "String",
+ "data": {
+ "user_id": "String",
+ "device_info": "String",
+ "device_id": "String",
+ "authorization_status": "String",
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+- **Error Response:**
+ - **Code:** 400
+ - **Content:**
+ ```json
+ {
+ "message": "Bad Request"
+ }
+ ```
+ - **Code:** 409
+ - **Content:**
+ ```json
+ {
+ "message": "The authentication document has already been created"
+ }
+ ```
+ - **Code:** 500
+ - **Content:**
+ ```json
+ {
+ "message": "The server has encountered an unexpected error. Please contact the administrator for more information."
+ }
+ ```
+- **Example for user authentication document creation request:**
+ POST /auth/qr-code-auth
+ Content-Type: application/json
+ Request-Body:
+ ```json
+ {
+ "device_info": "t5k77PHnuDSrgEzvMJAj",
+ "user_id": "NLFSj7Kz30oHgolfIZtJ",
+ "device_id": "sdkdjASdjdsfns3kdj"
+ }
+ ```
+ Response :
+ Status 201
+ Content-Type: application/json
+ ```json
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "user_id": "SooJK37gzjIZfFNH0tlL",
+ "device_info": "t5k77PHnuDSrgEzvMJAj",
+ "device_id": "sdkdjASdjdsfns3kdj",
+ "authorization_status": "NOT_INIT",
+ },
+ "message": "authentication document created successfully."
+ }
+ ```
+## GET /auth/qr-code-auth
+Retrieves THE authentication document.
+- **Params**
+ None
+- **Query**
+ - device_id : Specifies the ID of the User' device whose device id will be unique.
+- **Body**
+ None
+- **Headers**
+ None
+- **Cookie**
+ None
+- **Success Response:**
+ - **Code:** 200
+ - **Content:**
+ ```json
+ {
+ "message": "String",
+ "data": {
+ "user_id": "String",
+ "device_id": "String",
+ "device_info": "String",
+ "authorization_status": "String",
+ "access_token": "String"
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+- **Error Response:**
+ - **Code:** 400
+ - **Content:**
+ ```json
+ {
+ "message": "Bad Request"
+ }
+ ```
+ - **Code:** 404
+ - **Content:**
+ ```json
+ {
+ "message": "User with id <:id> does not exist."
+ }
+ ```
+ - **Code:** 500
+ - **Content:**
+ ```json
+ {
+ "message": "The server has encountered an unexpected error. Please contact the administrator for more information."
+ }
+ ```
+- **Example:**
+ GET /auth/qr-code-auth?device_id=3ioui23u29sjkdnsjkndsk
+ Status: 200 OK
+ ```json
+ {
+ "message": "Authentication document retrieved successfully.",
+ "data": {
+ "user_id": "SooJK37gzjIZfFNH0tlL",
+ "device_info": "t5k77PHnuDSrgEzvMJAj",
+ "device_id":"3ioui23u29sjkdnsjkndsk",
+ "authorization_status": "NOT_INIT",
+ "access_token": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ ```
+ GET /auth/qr-code-auth?device_id=InvalidUserData
+ Status: 404 Not Found
+ ```json
+ {
+ "message": "No Authentication found."
+ }
+ ```
+ GET /auth/qr-code-auth?user_id=GTB4UUtlKwGemRN2lwBp11&mobileId=3ioui23u29sjkdnsjkndsk
+ Status: 400 Bad Request
+ ```json
+ {
+ "statusCode": 400,
+ "error": "Bad Request",
+ "message": "invalid query parameters passed"
+ }
+ ```
+ GET /?device_id=3ioui23u29sjkdnsjkndsk
+ Status: 500 Internal Server Error
+ ```json
+ {
+ "message": "The server has encountered an unexpected error. Please contact the administrator for more information."
+ }
+ ```
+## PATCH /auth/qr-code-auth/authorization_status/{authorization_status}
+Updates the authorization_status field of an existing qr-code-auth document for the specified user.
+- **Params**
+ - **authorization_status** (required, string): Specifies the authorization status of the user. The possible values are "NOT_INIT" , "AUTHORIZED" , "REJECTED". The default value will be "NOT_INIT"
+- **Query**
+ None
+- **Headers**
+ Content-Type: application/json
+- **Cookie**
+ rds-session: ``
+- **Success Response:**
+ - **Code:** 200
+ - **Content:**
+ ```json
+ {
+ "message": "String",
+ "data": {
+ "user_id": "String",
+ "device_info": "String",
+ "authorization_status": "String",
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+- **Error Response:**
+ - **Code:** 400
+ - **Content:**
+ ```json
+ {
+ "message": "Bad Request"
+ }
+ ```
+ - **Code:** 401
+ - **Content:**
+ ```json
+ {
+ "statusCode": 401,
+ "error": "Unauthorized",
+ "message": "Unauthenticated User."
+ }
+ ```
+ - **Code:** 404
+ - **Content:**
+ ```json
+ {
+ "message": "Document not found"
+ }
+ ```
+ - **Code:** 500
+ - **Content:**
+ ```json
+ {
+ "message": "The server has encountered an unexpected error. Please contact the administrator for more information."
+ }
+ ```
+- **Example for updating an existing authentication document:**
+ PATCH /auth/qr-code-auth/authorization_status/AUTHORIZED
+ Content-Type: application/json
+ Request-Body:
+ None
+ Response :
+ Status 200 OK
+ Content-Type: application/json
+ ```json
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "user_id": "SooJK37gzjIZfFNH0tlL",
+ "device_info": "t5k77PHnuDSrgEzvMJAj",
+ "authorization_status": "AUTHORIZED",
+ },
+ "message": "Authentication document for user SooJK37gzjIZfFNH0tlL updated successfully."
+ }
+ ```