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EQLizr keeps all your data on an equal footing.


EQLizr provides a plugin for Pathom Connect that automatically sets up resolvers for a variety of databases with near-zero configuration

Why not Walkable?

While walkable is a fantastic library, it does not support Pathom Connect completely, and requires complex configuration via the floor plan. However, Walkable is probably more efficient than this library.



EQLizr can be installed using deps.edn.

{:deps {reilysiegel/eqlizr {:git/url ""
                            :sha     "84a2cde16cbec309f572745e4b8492afc185a8cc"}}}


Due to its use of ~next.jdbc~, the PostgreSQL backend is only available on JVM Clojure (CLJ).

Lets say you have a few tables in a PostgreSQL database: (Primary Key)person.first_nameperson.last_name
2JohnDoe (Primary Key) (Unique)account.person (Unique, Foreign Key)
1[email protected]1
2[email protected]2 (Primary Key)
3Fido (Primary Key)person_pet.person (Foreign Key) (Foreign Key
(ns eqlizr.example
   [clojure.core.async :as a]
   [com.wsscode.pathom.core :as p]
   [com.wsscode.pathom.connect :as pc]
   [com.wsscode.pathom.sugar :as ps]
   [eqlizr.core :as eqlizr]
   [eqlizr.database :as database]
   [next.jdbc :as jdbc]))

;; Set up a connectable object for jdbc.
;; This is the connection EQLizr will use to connect to your database.
(def ds (jdbc/get-datasource {:dbtype "postgresql"
                              :dbname "test"
                              :user   "test"}))

;; Add a derivative resolver that requires input from two database fields, and
;; constructs a new output from them.
(pc/defresolver full-name [env {:person/keys [first_name last_name]}]
  {::pc/input  #{:person/first_name :person/last_name}
   ::pc/output [:person/name]}
  {:person/name (str first_name " " last_name)})

(def parser
   ;; This is a (possibly nested) vector of all Pathom Connect resolvers.
   ;; EQLizr's resolvers, as well as your own, should go in this vector.
    (eqlizr/resolvers {::jdbc/connectable ds
                       ::database/type    :ansi})]))

;; Run a query against the parser.
(a/<!! (parser {} [ ;; Join on all people.
                    [;; Request a derived attribute.
                     ;; One to one join can be done in the same context!
                     ;; Join with a bridge table.
;; => #:person{:all
;;             [{:person/name "John Smith",
;;               :account/email "[email protected]",
;;               :person/person_pet [#:pet{:name "Spot"} #:pet{:name "Fido"}]}
;;              {:person/name "John Doe",
;;               :account/email "[email protected]",
;;               :person/person_pet [#:pet{:name "Buddy"} #:pet{:name "Fido"}]}]}

How it Works

EQLizr queries the ANSI catalog of your database to find the tables and relationships. In doing so, we make a few assumptions about the structure of the database.

  • If :table_one/column is a foreign key with a unique constraint to :table_two/column, the relationship is treated as one-to-one
  • If :table_one/column is a foreign key without a unique constraint to :table_two/column, the relationship is treated as one-to-many
  • Many-to-many relationships are handled as two one-to-many lookups, which is why in the example above we join on the bridge table, not the pet table.

Google Sheets

Yep. EQLizr supports Google Sheets. This example uses this one. Make sure to read the documentation for clojure-sheets, as this is a thin wrapper around that.

(ns eqlizr.example
   [clojure.core.async :as a]
   [com.wsscode.pathom.core :as p]
   [com.wsscode.pathom.connect :as pc]
   [com.wsscode.pathom.sugar :as ps]
   [eqlizr.core :as eqlizr]
   [eqlizr.database :as database]
   [clojure-sheets.core :as sheets]
   [clojure-sheets.key-fns :as sheets.key-fns]))

;; Add a derivative resolver that requires input from two database fields, and
;; constructs a new output from them.
(pc/defresolver full-name [env {:person/keys [first-name last-name]}]
  {::pc/input  #{:person/first-name :person/last-name}
   ::pc/output [:person/name]}
  {:person/name (str first-name " " last-name)})

(def parser
   ;; This is a (possibly nested) vector of all Pathom Connect resolvers.
   ;; EQLizr's resolvers, as well as your own, should go in this vector.
     {;; REQUIRED
      ::database/type       :sheets
      ;; SEMI-OPTIONAL - Uses `::sheets/all` by
      ;; default if `::sheets/primary-key` is also
      ;; left as default. You should set this to
      ;; something more appropriate if you don't set
      ;; `::sheets/primary-key`.
      ::sheets/global-ident :person/all
      ;; OPTIONAL - Default value shown.
      ::sheets/page         1
      ::sheets/unique-keys  #{}
      ::sheets/primary-key  ::sheets/row
      [:person/first-name :person/last-name :person/address
       :person/address1 :person/address2 :person.address/city

;; Run a query against the parser.
(a/<!! (parser {} [ ;; Join on all people.
                    [;; Request a derived attribute
                     ;; Request an attribute in a different namespace.
;; => #:person{:all
;;             [{:person.address/city "Somewhereville",
;;               :person/name "Matilda Jones"}
;;              {:person.address/city "Somewhereville",
;;               :person/name "Michael Jones"}
;;              {:person.address/city "Boston",
;;               :person/name "Another Person"}
;;              {:person.address/city "Noplace",
;;               :person/name "Nobody Noname"}]}

Let’s take a closer look at just the EQLizr configuration, as it’s a bit more complicated than the PostgreSQL config.

  ::database/type       :sheets
  ;; SEMI-OPTIONAL - Uses `::sheets/all` by
  ;; default if `::sheets/primary-key` is also
  ;; left as default. You should set this to
  ;; something more appropriate if you don't set
  ;; `::sheets/primary-key`.
  ::sheets/global-ident :person/all
  ;; OPTIONAL - Default value shown.
  ::sheets/page         1
  ::sheets/unique-keys  #{}
  ::sheets/primary-key  ::sheets/row
  [:person/first-name :person/last-name :person/address
   :person/address1 :person/address2 :person.address/city

There are a few things here that aren’t self explanatory. First, the ::database/columns entry. This is only required in ClojureScript, so you should leave it out on the JVM. If you do happen to be in ClojureScript, then this is a list of all “column” names, after they have been processed by the ::sheets/key-fn. Second, ::sheets/unique-keys are unique keys that a resolver should be generated for.



When using this library with JVM Clojure (CLJ), it requires only a small amount of configuration, as EQLizr can obtain much of the required information from the database on startup. However, on ClojureScript (CLJS), EQLizr cannot block on startup to obtain this information, so it must be provided. If anyone has any ideas to make this process better, please open an issue.