Releases: RensTillmann/super-forms
Releases · RensTillmann/super-forms
Jan 08, 2021 - Version 4.9.573
- Added:
WooCommerce Checkout Add-on
option to update Contact Entry status after WooCommerce order completed - Added: Option for google autocomplete to return
The place's name
,Formatted phone number
,International phone number
andWebsite of the business
- Improved: When using google autocomplete the code will now determine what data is being used in your form, and strip out any unnecessary data from the API request which could considerably reduce costs
- Improved: Focus/Filled status for currency field
- Fix: JavaScript error on currency field when
Number format
contained space(s)
Jan 04, 2020 - Version 4.9.572
- Fix: Builder UI scrolling bug in Firefox browser causing a continues scroll
- Fix: When selecting default items for
element it would still display the placeholder instead of the actual selected item - Fix: US States element contained some incorrectly sorted items by alphabet
Dec 24, 2020 - Version 4.9.571
- Fix: Issue with SMTP on older PHP versions due to WordPress moving the class to a different location
Dec 22, 2020 - Version 4.9.570
- Added: Option for Address auto complete (google places) to specify the types of results to return e.g:
: return only geocoding results, rather than business results. Generally, you use this request to disambiguate results where the location specified may be indeterminate.address
: return only geocoding results with a precise address. Generally, you use this request when you know the user will be looking for a fully specified address.establishment
: return only business results.(regions)
: return any result matching the following types: locality, sublocality, postal_code, country, administrative_area_level_1, administrative_area_level_2(cities)
: type collection instructs the Places service to return results that match locality or administrative_area_level_3
- Added: Option for Address auto complete (google places) to restrict results by countrie(s) e.g: fr,nl,de (to restrict results by France, Netherlands and Germany)
- Improved:
Keyword field
style improvements - Improved: Auto suggest style improvements
- Improved: Allow setting
The types of place results to return
to be empty forAddress auto complete
feature, so that all types can be returned when left blank - Improved: Clean up generated PDF datauri, no need to store it in contact entry data in database, it could also cause the database to throw error due to reaching maximum Text/Blob size
- Fix: When filtering Auto suggest make sure to preserve any spaces in the search results
- Fix: Firefox adaptive placeholders focus automatically getting unfocussed
- Fix: When using
field with aDefault value
make sure the masked is applied upon page load - Fix: When using connected datepickers in combination with a custom
and a min/max connected date, the connection would not function due to difference in date formats - Fix: Multi-part thinking there was still a field that required validation when in fact the field had become conditionally hidden while after the field had thrown a validation error. This caused the form being unable to submit.
Dec 08, 2020 - Version 4.9.556
- Fix: When using double quotes in radio/checkbox/dropdown Labels (when using custom HTML for instance) make sure any backslashes are not saved
- Fix: Calculator Add-on conditional logic wasn't working due to new CSS rule
Dec 02, 2020 - Version 4.9.555
- Added:
Default value
setting forTimepicker
element, this way you can set a default time upon page load - Improved: PDF Generation will now be identical between mobile and desktop, no longer applies bigger font size, and or responsiveness
- Improved:
regular expression, so that values in a HTML element like{something like this / and this}
are not being detected as valid{tags}
- Fix: JS error when using signature element in combination with any top level conditional logic
- Fix: WordPress moved PHPMailer class into different location from v5.5 and above. Causing issues for those that had SMTP enabled in super forms.
Nov 16, 2020 - Version 4.9.550
- Added: Secrets to savely store sensitive data on server side, but still be able to retrieve it conditionally and use it in the form settings
- Fix: When using Accordion or TAB element and using columns inside the column was not correctly closed in some scenario's
- Fix: When using a
Global secret
inside a Hidden fields default value, it would be converted to the underlaying value upon page load - Fix: Problem with datepicker connected to a datepicker that allows a user to choose multiple dates automatically clearing the field value upon selecting dates
- Fix: Issue when adaptive placeholders are being used, but are empty, would cause it to be prefixed with numbers "1" or "2"
- Fix: JS error when not using adaptive placeholders
Oct 22, 2020 - Version 4.9.530
- New: PDF Generator will now generate text to make PDF searchable
- Improved: Use the build in WordPress PHP Mailer library instead of included one, and removed the library from plugin source code
- Fix: Form not loading when using multiple forms on a single page
- Fix: Internet Explorer javascript error (added polyfill for promises)
- Fix: FireFox 17 issue with adaptive placeholders causing to overlapping placeholder with text from the browsers remembered values (fields history)
- Fix: Some PHP Notices/Warnings
- Fix: {tags} for PDF filename not working
- Fix: When using a field to search previous contact entry a JavaScript error is thrown causing the form to not load.
- Changed: Default font family is now set to
"Helvetica", "Arial", sans-serif
Sep 03, 2020 - Version 4.9.514
- Fix: JavaScript error when using conditional validation e.g:
Allow field to be empty > Yes, but not when the following conditions are met
Aug 27, 2020 - Version 4.9.513
- Added: Setting to turn of the new "Processing overlay/popup" and fall back to the legacy (old) thank you message
Form Settings > Form Settings > Display form processing overlay (popup)
- Added: Prefix
classname for zero conflict policy - Improved: When using the
Popup Add-on
andShow thank you message
is disabled the popup should automatically close after form submission (this will prevent displaying an empty popup) - Improved: Added timestamp to Contact Entries export file name (solves problem with cached files)
Aug 04, 2020 - Version 4.9.508
- Fix: Multi-part autostep function passed incorrect parameter causing problems with checkboxes and other selectable elements
Aug 03, 2020 - Version 4.9.507
- Fix: Google Maps not loading due to JavaScript error
- Fix: Several other JS errors fixed
Jul 31, 2020 - Version 4.9.506
- Fix: JS error with Multi-part element when
Check for errors before going to next step
is enabled