Search Salesforce CRM Configuration in the Apps menu on your Rocket.Chat administration panel, as shown below:
Click open your Salesforce CRM app to see the settings available to you as an administrator under the Settings tab.
Following are the settings available:
- Consumer Key is available inside your Salesforce instance.
- Private Key is also available inside your Salesforce instance.
- Salesforce Username: This is the salesforce username used here for identification.
- Display Contact information when assigning the agent to the chat: If enabled, Salesforce contact information will be displayed to agents when they are assigned to chats.
- Auto-Save/Update Contacts when a Chat Ends: If enabled, the app will auto-save/update the visitor info on Salesforce once an agent closes the chat.
- Metadata Refresh Interval(in Minutes): For better user experience, the app will cache some meta-data information from Salesforce. This setting defines the duration within which the app will automatically refresh its cache
- Salesforce Session Timeout(in Minutes): This should be the same as Session Timeout setting on your Salesforce Setting ( Setup --> Session Settings --> Session Timeout --> Timeout Value )
- Hit Save.
Salesforce CRM app is successfully configured.