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An Rust-based implementation of a Virtual Machine designed for the decentralized hosting and playing of Chess games


  • Rust must be already installed
  • Protoc must be already installed (for Mac users using Homebrew, run the following command: brew install protobuf)

Spinning Up ChessVM

To deploy a local instance of ChessVM, run the following in your terminal:

# build the chessvm plugin, run e2e tests, and keep the network running
./scripts/ \
&& VM_PLUGIN_PATH=$(pwd)/target/release/chessvm \

If all goes well, you should see the following message:

Recommended HTTP-RPC:
Recommended URL-Path: ext/bc/7kPBUWKQDvAY8jEsGUuz4RaUj8GhrnjWgWhJeakQmMvjzrTUo/rpc
test tests::start_network ... ok

At this point, an Avalanche subnet with ChessVM bootstrapped is now running in the background. If you want to interact with your instance of ChessVM via ChessVM-CLI, please save the information above!

Interacting with ChessVM via ChessVM-CLI

To get started with ChessVM-CLI, go to the root directory of this repository and execute the following:

cargo build \
  --release \
  --bin chessvm-cli

If all goes well, the binary chessvm-cli should now exist under ./target/release/chessvm-cli. To check that you binary is executing correctly, run the following command:

./target/release/chessvm-cli --help

You should see the following:

./target/release/chessvm-cli --help

A CLI to interact with an existing ChessVM instance

Usage: chessvm-cli -h <http-rpc> -u <url-path> [COMMAND]

  ping             Checks if the given instance of ChessVM is running
  does-game-exist  Returns true if a game with the associated ID exists, false otherwise
  create-game      Creates a new Chess Game
  get-game         Returns FEN representation of the associated game if it exists
  make-move        Creates a transaction for the move
  help             Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h <http-rpc>
  -u <url-path>
  -h, --help         Print help
  -V, --version      Print version

To avoid having to pass in the http-rpc, url-path arguments every time you make a ChessVM-CLI command, simply export the HTTP-RPC, URL-PATH variables you were given as environment variables:

export HTTP_RPC=""
export URL_PATH="ext/bc/7kPBUWKQDvAY8jEsGUuz4RaUj8GhrnjWgWhJeakQmMvjzrTUo/rpc"

To test that you are able to succesfully interact with your instance of ChessVM, you can ping the server (using the recommended HTTP-RPC/URL-Path variables you were given when deploying ChessVM):

./target/release/chessvm-cli -h "" -u "ext/bc/2Qi9MXGenu8FxAPKjZqCjd7ev9QwFETTzdM7HeV9uV7cmfUR1K/rpc" ping

Response is true

Congrats; at this point, you're ready to interact with ChessVM!

Gameplay Commands

To create a new game (where the first address is the white player, and the second address is the black player):

./target/release/chessvm-cli -h "" -u "ext/bc/2Qi9MXGenu8FxAPKjZqCjd7ev9QwFETTzdM7HeV9uV7cmfUR1K/rpc" create-game 0x7f610402ccc4CC1BEbcE9699819200f5f28ED6e3

Created Chess Game with ID: 17000072326831680876

To check if a game exists:

./target/release/chessvm-cli -h "" -u "ext/bc/2Qi9MXGenu8FxAPKjZqCjd7ev9QwFETTzdM7HeV9uV7cmfUR1K/rpc" does-game-exist 17000072326831680876

Response is true

To get the state of a game:

./target/release/chessvm-cli -h "" -u "ext/bc/2Qi9MXGenu8FxAPKjZqCjd7ev9QwFETTzdM7HeV9uV7cmfUR1K/rpc" get-game 17000072326831680876

Current game board is the following: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR

To make a move:

./target/release/chessvm-cli -h "" -u "ext/bc/2Qi9MXGenu8FxAPKjZqCjd7ev9QwFETTzdM7HeV9uV7cmfUR1K/rpc" make-move normal 0x7f610402ccc4CC1BEbcE9699819200f5f28ED6e3 17000072326831680876 P e2 e4

Normal Move Transaction Submission Status: true

Note: To capture a piece, append the piece that you wish to capture to your make-move command (in FEN notation)

Getting the updated game state:

./target/release/chessvm-cli -h "" -u "ext/bc/2Qi9MXGenu8FxAPKjZqCjd7ev9QwFETTzdM7HeV9uV7cmfUR1K/rpc" get-game 17000072326831680876

Current game board is the following: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR

At any point, using the --help flag in the CLI will give more details about what a command does.

Common Errors

Below is a list of common errors that you may run into while working with ChessVM:

Already Bootstrapped Error:

If this error occurs, you should see the following error message:

thread 'tests::start_network' panicked at 'failed start: Custom { kind: Other, error: "failed stop 'status: Unknown, message: \"already bootstrapped\", details: [], metadata: MetadataMap { headers: {\"content-type\": \"application/grpc\"} }'" }', tests/e2e/src/tests/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

This implies that an instance of ChessVM is already running in the background; we will need to kill the associated process in order to boot up a new instance of ChessVM. If you scroll up in your terminal, you should see the following:

[2024-02-07T14:50:53Z INFO  e2e::tests] RUN THESE COMMANDS IF THE TESTS FAIL
[2024-02-07T14:50:53Z INFO  e2e::tests] pkill -P 35673 || true
[2024-02-07T14:50:53Z INFO  e2e::tests] kill -2 35673 || true

Execute the pkill and kill commands printed in your terminal; these commands will kill the processes associated with the already existing instance of ChessVM. After executing these commands, you should be able to deploy a new instance of ChessVM without any issue.


This project is inspired by and forks the TimestampVM project by Ava Labs.