Alias | Opcode | Description |
NOP | 0000 | Does nothing and wastes a CLK cycle |
LDX | 0001 | Loads a value from operand to Register X |
XOUT | 0010 | Loads value from Register X to Out Register for display |
LDY | 0011 | Loads a value from operand to Register Y |
YOUT | 0100 | Loads value from Register Y to Out Register for display |
LDR | 0101 | Loads a value from operand to Register R |
ROUT | 0110 | Loads value from Register R to Out Register for display |
SWP | 0111 | Swaps the values of Register X and Y Warning: This will cause the value of R Register be deleted |
AOUT | 1000 | Loads sum of Register X and Y to Out Register for display |
SOUT | 1001 | Loads the difference of Register X and Y to Out Register for display |
JMP | 1010 | Jumps to an address provided in the operand within the same CLK cycle for execution |
ATX | 1011 | Add and store in X register Warning: This will delete the value in R as R is used for copy |
ATY | 1100 | Add and store in Y register Warning: This will delete the value in R as R is used for copy |
STX | 1101 | Substract and store in X register Warning: This will delete the value in R as R is used for copy |
STY | 1110 | Substract and store in Y register Warning: This will delete the value in R as R is used for copy |
XTR | 1111 | Copy from X to R register |
YTR | 10000 | Copy from Y to R register |
RTX | 10001 | Copy from R to X register |
RTY | 10010 | Copy from R to Y register |
ATR | 10011 | Add and store to R register |
STR | 10100 | Subtract and store to R register |
SAD | 10101 | Store address for a data to be fetched or stored for RAM |
XLM | 10110 | Load a data from the specified address in Address Register to X Register |
XTM | 10111 | Store a data to the specified address in Address Register from X Register |
RLM | 11000 | Load a data from the specified address in Address Register to R Register |
RTM | 11001 | Store a data to the specified address in Address Register from R Register |
YLM | 11010 | Load a data from the specified address in Address Register to Y Register |
YTM | 11011 | Store a data to the specified address in Address Register from Y Register |
SADR | 11100 | Set the Address Register to the value in R Register |
SADX | 11101 | Set the Address Register to the value in X Register |
SADY | 11110 | Set the Address Register to the value in Y Register |
CMP | 11111 | Compares the values in registers X and Y and updates CPU flags accordingly |
JNE | 100000 | Jumps to the immediate address specified if the Negative(N) flag is 1 |
JZE | 100001 | Jumps to the immediate address specified if the Zero(Z) flag is 1 |
JOV | 100010 | Jumps to the immediate address specified if the Overflow(V) flag is 1 |
JPE | 100011 | Jumps to the immediate address specified if the Positive(P) flag is 1 |
GDRAW | 100100 | Draws a pixel with thr datas from the X Register(X coord) Y Register(Y coord) and R Resister(Pixel color XTERM-255) |
GRESET | 100101 | Resets the display to all Black (0 in XTERM-255) |
PCR | 100110 | Reads in the current program counter location to R register, to help in returning from functions |
JTX | 100111 | Jumps to the location pointed to by the X register |
HLT | 10000000 | Stops CPU execution |