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RuedigerMoeller edited this page Aug 19, 2014 · 31 revisions

Documentation for 1.x is archived here

FST 1.x is somewhat faster, 2.x pays a small price for an overall better abstraction and additional features.

changes from 1.x to 2.x:

  • renamed package :-)
  • Removed some old classes (rarely used stuff like OffHeap/Compressed Objects classes) + some annotations & flags in order to get fst easier to maintain.
  • Added limited versioning support
  • KSon: easy text => object mapping with an extension of JSon. [config files, testdata]
  • New implementation of OffHeap support: Easy to use OffHeap Map, persistant Map's (based on memory mapped files). Focus is on convenience, ease of use + fast iteration (leverages fast-serialization for that).
  • MinBin binary codec to enable cross-platform serialization (currently only javascript reader implemented). Also enables reading serialized streams without the need to have the original classes.
  • cleaned up test mess.

##How to use Serialization

Plain ObjectOutputStream Replacement

Basically you just replace ObjectOutputStream, ObjectInputStream with FSTObjectOutput,FSTObjectInput.

public MyClass myreadMethod( InputStream stream ) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException 
    FSTObjectInput in = new FSTObjectInput(stream);
    MyClass result = (MyClass)in.readObject();
    in.close(); // required !
    return result;

public void mywriteMethod( OutputStream stream, MyClass toWrite ) throws IOException 
    FSTObjectOutput out = new FSTObjectOutput(stream);
    out.writeObject( toWrite );
    out.close(); // required !

if you know the type of the Object (saves some bytes for the class name of the initial Object) you can do:

public MyClass myreadMethod(InputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
    FSTObjectInput in = new FSTObjectInput(stream);
    MyClass result = in.readObject(MyClass.class);
    return result;

public void mywriteMethod( OutputStream stream, MyClass toWrite ) throws IOException 
    FSTObjectOutput out = new FSTObjectOutput(stream);
    out.writeObject( toWrite, MyClass.class );

if you write with a type, you also have to read with the same type.

if you create an instance with each serialization you should close the FSTStream, because behind the scenes some datastructures are cached and reused. If this fails, you might observe a performance hit (too much object creation going on), especially if you encode lots of smallish objects.

Recommended threadsafe Use

In order to optimize object reuse and thread safety, FSTConfiguration provides 2 simple factory methods to obtain input/outputstream instances (they are stored thread local):

// ! reuse this Object, it caches metadata. Performance degrades massively
// if you create a new Configuration Object with each serialization !
static FSTConfiguration conf = FSTConfiguration.createDefaultConfiguration();
public MyClass myreadMethod(InputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
    FSTObjectInput in = conf.getObjectInput(stream);
    MyClass result = in.readObject(MyClass.class);
    // DON'T: in.close(); here prevents reuse and will result in an exception      
    return result;

public void mywriteMethod( OutputStream stream, MyClass toWrite ) throws IOException 
    FSTObjectOutput out = conf.getObjectOutput(stream);
    out.writeObject( toWrite, MyClass.class );
    // DON'T out.close() when using factory method;

This will create and reuse a single FSTIn/OutputStream instance per thread, which implies you should not save references to streams returned from that method. You can also use a global FSTConfiguration throughout your app using FSTConfiguration.getDefaultConfiguration() (that's what configuration free constructors do)

FSTObjectIn/Output are not threadsafe, only one thread can read/write at a time. FSTConfiguration (holding class metadata) is threadsafe and can be shared applicationwide.

What is that FSTConfiguration ?

This class defines the encoders/decoders used during serialization. Usually you just create one global singleton (instantiation of this class is very expensive). Usage of several distinct Configurations is for special use cases which require some in-depth knowledge of FST code. You probably never will need more than this one default instance.


public class MyApplication {
    static FSTConfiguration singletonConf = FSTConfiguration.createDefaultConfiguration();
    public static FSTConfiguration getInstance() {
        return singletonConf;

You can customize the FSTConfiguration returned by createDefaultConfiguration(). E.g. register new or different serializers, some hooks, set additional flags on defined serializers etc. . Just have a look at the source, there are also some utils such as asByteArray(Serializable object).

Ressolvement Order

  • If a serializer is registered, this will be used
  • Check for externalizable interface
  • Check for JDK special methods (e.g. writeObject/readObject/readReplace/writeReplace). If found, use compatibility mode for that class (=>slow, avoid)
  • Use default FST serialization implementation

####Pregistering Classes

One easy and important optimization is to register classes which are serialized for sure in your application at the FSTCOnfiguration object. This way FST can avoid writing classnames.

        final FSTConfiguration conf = FSTConfiguration.createDefaultConfiguration();

Frequently it is no problem figuring out most frequently serialized classes and register them at application startup time. Especially for short messages/small objects the need to write full qualified classnames hampers performance. Anyway fst writes a class name only once per stream.

Reader and writer configuration should be identical. Even the order of class registration matters.

Unshared mode

In case you just want to serialize plain cycle-free message objects as fast as possible, you can make use of the FSTObjectIn/OutputNoShared subclasses. Omitting cycle detection and detection of identical objects allows to cut corners in many places. You might also want to preregister all message classes. Performance difference can be up to 40%.

Set FSTConfiguration.setShareReferences() to false. When mixing shared/unshared mode in a single application, create two instances of FSTConfiguration.

The unshared versions do not support JDK serialization methods such as readReplace/writeObject/readObject. If you need these to be reflected, use regular FSTObjectInput/Output streams having a configuration with setSharedReferences(false). This will still yield a reasonable performance improvement.

Huge Objects / chunked, streaming I/O:

The encoded Objects are written to the underlying stream once you close/flush the FSTOutputStream. Vice versa, the FSTInput reads the underlying stream in chunks until it starts decoding. This means you cannot read directly from blocking streams (e.g. as returned by a Socket). Example on how to solve this.

I know of users still preferring FST for very large object graphs. Maximum size is then determined by int index, so an object graph has a max size of ~1.5 GB.

Conditional Decoding

There are scenarios (e.g. when using multicast), where a receiver conditionally wants to skip decoding parts of a received Object in order to save CPU time. With FST one can achieve that using the @Conditional annotation.

class ConditionalExample {
   int messagetype;

   BigObject aBigObject;


if you read the Object, do the following:

        FSTObjectInput.ConditionalCallback conditionalCallback = new FSTObjectInput.ConditionalCallback() {
            public boolean shouldSkip(Object halfDecoded, int streamPosition, Field field) {
                return ((ConditionalExample)halfDecoded).messagetype != 13;
        FSTObjectInput fstin = new FSTObjectInput(instream, conf);
        fstin .setConditionalCallback(conditionalCallback);
        Object res = in.readObject(cl);

The FSTObjectInput will deserialize all fields of ConditionalExample then call 'shouldSkip' giving in the partially-deserialized Object. If the shouldSkip method returns false, the @Conditional reference will be decoded and set, else it will be skipped.

Custom Serializers

By default FST falls back to the methods defined by the JDK. Especially if private methods like 'writeObject' are involved, performance suffers, because reflection must be used. Additionally the efficiency of some stock JDK classes is cruel regarding size and speed. The FST default configuration already registers some serializers for common classes (popular Collections and some other frequently used classes).

So if you have trouble with stock JDK serilaization speed/efficiency, you might want to register a piece of custom code defining how to read and write an object of a specific class.

the basic interface to define the serialization of an Object is FSTObjectSerializer. However in most cases you'll use a subclass of FSTBasicObjectSerializer.

The FSTDateSerializer delivered with FST (note the registration in the instantiate method, you need to do it if you instantiate the object by yourself):

public class FSTDateSerializer extends FSTBasicObjectSerializer {
    public void writeObject(FSTObjectOutput out, Object toWrite, FSTClazzInfo clzInfo, FSTClazzInfo.FSTFieldInfo referencedBy) 

    public void readObject(FSTObjectInput in, Object toRead, FSTClazzInfo clzInfo, FSTClazzInfo.FSTFieldInfo referencedBy)

    public Object instantiate(Class objectClass, FSTObjectInput in, FSTClazzInfo serializationInfo, FSTClazzInfo.FSTFieldInfo referencee, int streamPositioin) 
        Object res = new Date(in.readFLong());
        return res;

a serializer is registered at the FSTConfiguration Object:

   static {
   conf = FSTConfiguration.createDefaultConfiguration();     
   conf.registerSerializer(Date.class, new FSTDateSerializer(), false);

(ofc you have to use exactly this configuration later on in the FSTObjectIn/OutputStream).

The reason having 3 methods (read, write, instantiate) allows to read from the stream before creating the object (e.g. to decide which class to create). Common case is to just override and implement read/write, however there are cases where read is empty and the full object is created and read in the instantiate method.

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