The open metadata and governance standards provide a Java implementation broken down into embeddable packages to make it easier for different technologies to adopt the open metadata standards.
The packages are as follows:
frameworks - the frameworks define the interfaces for pluggable components. These components provide much of the customization offered by the open metadata and governance implementation.
repository-services - the repository services provides the events, interfaces and implementation of the metadata exchange and federation capabilities for a metadata repository that supports the open metadata standards.
access-services - the access services provide domain-specific services for data tools, engines and platforms that manage the function and support the work of the people engaged with the organization.
governance-servers - the governance servers pull combinations of the services together to support different integration patterns.
adapters - the adapters provide the pre-written pluggable components to the frameworks.
user-interfaces - basic user interfaces to demonstrate the power of the open metadata and governance capabilities.
License: CC BY 4.0, Copyright Contributors to the ODPi Egeria project.