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74 lines (63 loc) · 3.58 KB

File metadata and controls

74 lines (63 loc) · 3.58 KB


Social media represents a rich environment to collect huge amount of data containing useful information on people's behaviors and interactions. This information is particularly useful in the context of analyzing the mobility of people, where social media posts marked with geographic coordinates or other information for identifying locations, allow to extract very precise rules on the mobility and movements of people.

This paper presents AUDESOME (AUtomatic Detection of user trajEctories from SOcial MEdia), an automatic method aimed at discovering user mobility patterns from social media posts. In particular, we have defined two new unsupervised algorithms:

  • A text mining algorithm that analyzes the content of posts to automatically extract the main keywords identifying the Places of Interest (PoI) present in a given area;
  • a clustering algorithm that detects the Regions of Interest (RoIs) starting from the extracted keywords and geotagged posts of users. We experimentally evaluated the accuracy of AUDESOME taking into account following aspects: i) extraction the keywords identifying the PoIs; ii) detection of the RoIs; iii) mining of user trajectories.

The experiments, performed on a real datasets containing about 3.1 millions of geotagged items published in Flickr in the areas of Rome and Paris, demonstrate that AUDESOME achieves better results than existing techniques.

How to use Audesome

To use this project you must install sbt. From repository directory open a shell and type:

sbt compile
sbt run <commands_argument>

Command arguments are:

      --dataset-path  <arg>           Path to input dataset.
      --debug-level                   Log level.
  -d, --driver-memory  <arg>          Amount of memory reserved for driver
                                      program application
  -e, --executor-memory  <arg>        Amount of memory reserved for Spark
  -k, --keywords-path  <arg>          Path to keyword's file.
  -l, --limits  <arg>                 Limit output.
  -n, --number-of-partitions  <arg>   Number of partitions used for Dataframe
  -r, --rois-path  <arg>              Path to computed roi's file.
      --spark-application  <arg>      Name of current spark application
  -s, --spark-hostname  <arg>         Endpoint of a spark cluster (empty if you
                                      want to use a local cluster)
      --stop-words  <arg>             Path to stop word's file.
  -t, --threads-count  <arg>          Number of threads for spark driver in
                                      local execution
  -h, --help                          Show help message

For example to start audesome with 2 threads:

sbt run --threads-count 2

AUDESOME with 2 threads and 50 partitions

sbt run --threads-count 2 --number-of-partitions 50

AUDESOME with 2 threads and 50 partitions and custom memory

sbt run --threads-count 2 --number-of-partitions 50 -driver-memory 1Gi --executor-memory 2Gi

AUDESOME change data path

sbt run --dataset-path /path/to/input --keywords-path /path/to/keywords

Docker support

In order to use the source code we provide a Dockerfile definition with a pratical example. To use container you must have docker runtime environment. To use container open a shell and type:

sh ./

How to cite

L. Belcastro, F. Marozzo, E. Perrella, "Automatic detection of user trajectories from social media posts". Expert Systems with Applications, 2021.