diff --git a/2022_SISBID_Clustering_Demo.html b/2022_SISBID_Clustering_Demo.html deleted file mode 100644 index f8ba24f..0000000 --- a/2022_SISBID_Clustering_Demo.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,642 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -2022 SISBID Clustering Demo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Load packages


K-means Clustering

  1. Data set 1 - Simulated Data
  2. -
- -

Simulate data: generate data from a mixture of three normal -distribution

n = 300
-mu1 = c(3,3)
-mu2 = c(7,4)
-mu3 = c(5.5,5.5)
-Sig = matrix(c(1,.5,.5,1),2,2)
-x1 = t(matrix(mu1,2,n/3)) + matrix(rnorm(n*2/3),n/3,2)
-xx = matrix(rnorm(n*2/3),n/3,2)
-x2 = t(matrix(mu2,2,n/3)) + xx%*%chol(Sig)
-xx = matrix(rnorm(n*2/3),n/3,2)
-x3 = t(matrix(mu3,2,n/3)) + xx%*%chol(Sig)
-X = rbind(x1,x2,x3)
-Y = c(rep(1,n/3),rep(2,n/3),rep(3,n/3))
-Data = cbind(X,Y)
-Data = data.frame(Data)
-colnames(Data) = c("x1","x2","label")
-Data$label = factor(Data$label)

Plot with true labels

ggplot(data = Data) + 
-  geom_point(mapping = aes(x = x1,y = x2,color = label),pch = 16)


Apply k-means

k = 3
-km = kmeans(X,centers=k)
-gd = data.frame(km$centers)
-gd$label = rownames(gd)
-colnames(gd) = c("x1","x2","label")
-Data$PredLabel = factor(km$cluster)
-ggplot() + 
-    geom_point(data = Data,mapping = aes(x = x1,y = x2,color = PredLabel), pch = 16)  + 
-    geom_point(gd,mapping = aes(x = x1,y = x2,color= factor(label)),size = 4) 


Code to understand K-means algorithm: raw code for k-means

-k = 3  
-n = nrow(X)
-cens = X[sample(1:n,k),]
-for(i in 1:4){
-    oldcen = cens
-    km = kmeans(X,centers=cens,iter.max=1,nstart=1,algorithm="MacQueen")
-    plot(X[,1],X[,2],col=km$cluster,pch=16)
-    points(cens[,1],cens[,2],col=1:k,pch=16,cex=3)
-    cens = km$centers
-    plot(X[,1],X[,2],col=km$cluster,pch=16)
-    points(cens[,1],cens[,2],col=1:k,pch=16,cex=3)
-    ind = sum(diag((oldcen-cens)%*%t(oldcen-cens)))
-    }
## Warning: did not converge in 1 iteration
-## Warning: did not converge in 1 iteration
-## Warning: did not converge in 1 iteration

## Warning: did not converge in 1 iteration

  1. Data set 2 - NCI Microarray data: The data contains expression -levels on 6830 genes from 64 cancer cell lines. Cancer type is also -recorded.
  2. -
- -
ncidat = NCI60$data
-rownames(ncidat) = NCI60$labs # cancer type
## [1]   64 6830
-##      BREAST         CNS       COLON K562A-repro K562B-repro    LEUKEMIA 
-##           7           5           7           1           1           6 
-## MCF7A-repro MCF7D-repro    MELANOMA       NSCLC     OVARIAN    PROSTATE 
-##           1           1           8           9           6           2 
-##       RENAL     UNKNOWN 
-##           9           1

Apply K-means

K = 9
-km = kmeans(ncidat,centers=K)

How do we visualize K-means results?
-PCA - take SVD to get solution
-Center genes, but don’t scale

X = scale(ncidat,center=TRUE,scale=FALSE)
-sv = svd(X)
-U = sv$u
-V = sv$v
-D = sv$d
-Z = X%*%V


# projected data
-PCData = data.frame(cbind(Z[,1],Z[,2],km$cluster,NCI60$labs),stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
-colnames(PCData) = c("PC1","PC2","PredLabel","CancerType")
-PCData$PC1 = as.numeric(PCData$PC1)
-PCData$PC2 = as.numeric(PCData$PC2)
-# projected k-means centers
-GroupData = data.frame(km$centers%*%V[,1:2])
-GroupData$label = rownames(GroupData)
-colnames(GroupData) = c("PC1","PC2","PredLabel")
ggplot(PCData,mapping=aes(x = PC1,y= PC2,color = PredLabel)) + 
-  geom_text(mapping=aes(label = CancerType)) + 
-  geom_point(data = GroupData,size = 4) + 
-  theme(legend.position="none")


Re-run and see if solution changes

K = 9
-km = kmeans(ncidat,centers=K)
-PCData$PredLabel = as.factor(km$cluster)
-# projected k-means centers
-GroupData = data.frame(km$centers%*%V[,1:2])
-GroupData$label = rownames(GroupData)
-colnames(GroupData) = c("PC1","PC2","PredLabel")
-# plot
-ggplot(PCData,mapping=aes(x = PC1,y= PC2,color = PredLabel)) + 
-  geom_text(mapping=aes(label = CancerType)) + 
-    geom_point(data = GroupData,size = 4) + 
-  theme(legend.position="none")


Try different K

K = 5
-km = kmeans(ncidat,centers=K)
-PCData$PredLabel = as.factor(km$cluster)
-# projected k-means centers
-GroupData = data.frame(km$centers%*%V[,1:2])
-GroupData$label = rownames(GroupData)
-colnames(GroupData) = c("PC1","PC2","PredLabel")
-# plot
-ggplot(PCData,mapping=aes(x = PC1,y= PC2,color = PredLabel)) + 
-  geom_text(mapping=aes(label = CancerType)) + 
-    geom_point(data = GroupData,size = 4) + 
-  theme(legend.position="none")


Hierarchical clustering


Real Data: NCI 60 data in ISLR package
-Complete linakge - Euclidean distance

cols = as.numeric(as.factor(rownames(ncidat)))
-Dmat = dist(ncidat)
-com.hclust = hclust(Dmat,method="complete")
-plot(com.hclust,cex=.7,main="Complete Linkage")


Single linakge

sing.hclust = hclust(Dmat,method="single")
-plot(sing.hclust,cex=.7,main="Single Linkage")


Average linakge

ave.hclust = hclust(Dmat,method="average")
-plot(ave.hclust,cex=.7,main="Average Linkage")


Ward’s linakge

ward.hclust = hclust(Dmat,method="ward.D")
-plot(ward.hclust,cex=.7,main="Ward's Linkage")


Complete linkage with different distances - L1 distance

Dmat = dist(ncidat,method="manhattan") #L1 distance
-com.hclust = hclust(Dmat,method="complete")
-plot(com.hclust,cex=.7,main="Complete Linkage - L1 Dist")


Biclustering - Cluster Heatmap


Filter genes using PCA
-PC loadings - visualize data by limiting to top genes in magnitude in -the PC loadings

aa = grep("grey",colors())
-bb = grep("green",colors())
-cc = grep("red",colors())
-gcol2 = colors()[c(aa[1:30],bb[1:20],rep(cc,2))]
-j = 2
-ord = order(abs(V[,j]),decreasing=TRUE)
-x = as.matrix(X[,ord[1:250]])

#cluster heatmap - uses Ward’s linkage (complete is default)

heatmap(x,col=gcol2,hclustfun=function(x) hclust(x,method="ward.D"))


Spectral clustering

K = 9
-SC_NCI = specClust(ncidat, centers=K, nn = 7, method = "symmetric", gmax=NULL)


X = scale(ncidat,center=TRUE,scale=FALSE)
-sv = svd(X)
-U = sv$u
-V = sv$v
-D = sv$d
-Z = X%*%V
-# projected data
-SCData = data.frame(cbind(Z[,1],Z[,2],SC_NCI$cluster,NCI60$labs),stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
-colnames(SCData) = c("PC1","PC2","PredLabel","CancerType")
-SCData$PC1 = as.numeric(SCData$PC1)
-SCData$PC2 = as.numeric(SCData$PC2)
-# plot
-ggplot(SCData,mapping=aes(x = PC1,y= PC2,color = PredLabel)) + 
-  geom_text(mapping=aes(label = CancerType)) + 
-  theme(legend.position="none")

- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -