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Log4Shell Detection & Mitigation

This page contains an overview of any detection and mitigation software regarding the Log4j vulnerability. On this page NCSC-NL will maintain a list of all known rules to detect Log4j presence or (suspected) exploitation. Furthermore, any references will contain specific information regarding detection and mitigation.

NCSC-NL has not verified the rules and software listed below and therefore cannot guarantee the validity of said rules. However, NCSC-NL strives to provide rules and detection and mitigation software from reliable sources.

Table of Contents:

  1. Overall mitigation process
  2. Detection Guidance
  3. Detection
  4. Opensource Intelligence
  5. Closed source intelligence

Overall mitigation process

Complete guide to the Log4Shell vulnerability from the point of view of Operators of essential services is available in the Log4Shell for OES - presentation slides. The presentation includes:

  • description of the vulnerability
  • mitigation methodology and templates for CISO or other security managers
  • detailed steps for mitigation on technical level (patching is not enough)
    • identify all vulnerable software and hardware
    • prioritise and plan
    • mitigate: patching and other mitigation methods, and which to chose
    • assume compromise / check for signs of compromise (and follow-up process)
    • build visibility
    • build resiliency

The rest of this page provides a different take on some selected technical parts of the process and does not cover all topics and themes presented in the above slide deck.

Detection Guidance

** Credits to Deloitte and for the image and the report on which this section is based.

Detection can be split up to three phases:

  1. Identify who is scanning the environment for vulnerable machines.
  2. Identify if a vulnerable application has attempted to retrieve the malicious code for potential execution.
  3. Download of the malicious code and execution of the malicious code on the vulnerable machine.

Phase 1: Identify who is scanning the environment for vulnerable machines


  1. Scan inbound requests in the proxy/firewall/load balancer logs.
  2. Investigate the application logs to determine web requests which contain indicators of scanning attempts.
  3. Identify the source and protocol used by the attack.


  1. Web proxy (inbound)
  2. Firewall (inbound)
  3. Web application firewall (inbound)
  4. Load balancer (inbound)
  5. IDS/IPS (across the network)
  6. Application logs (Log4J) (inbound) - See here for more information about the log-writing behavior of vulnerable Log4J instances.
  7. IP addresses of attackers which are known to actively exploit the vulnerability (enrichment)
    • See [../iocs/]

Possible conclusion:

  1. Somebody has scanned your asset to identify if it is vulnerable.

Phase 2: Identify if a vulnerable application has attempted to retrieve the malicious code for potential execution.


  1. Identify whether the outbound request has been blocked or allowed.
  2. Identify the source IP of the attack and determine if the IP is known to present a malicious payload to execute code or if the IP has been used to scan for vulnerabilities to obtain risk context.


  1. Web proxy (outbound)
  2. Firewall (outbound)
  3. Load balancer (outbound)
  4. IDS/IPS (across the network)
  5. Machine logs (Sysmon/security logs)
    • See here for more information about the log-writing behavior of vulnerable Log4J instances.
  6. IP addresses of attackers which are known to actively exploit the vulnerability (enrichment)
    • See [../iocs/]

Possible conclusion:

  1. The targeted application is vulnerable and has contacted the remote server to download a payload. You still need to verify whether this was a scan from a benign actor or an actual attack, by verifying whether a malicious payload was retrieved to the application’s host.

Phase 3: Download of the malicious code and execution of the malicious code on the vulnerable machine


  1. Identify if the malicious payload has passed any network device (proxy, firewall, load balancer, IDS/IPS).
  2. Investigate the local machine if the server process has initiated any new child processes which show signs of malicious intent.
  3. Generic signs of command-and-control or beaconing traffic.


  1. Web proxy (inbound)
  2. Firewall (inbound)
  3. Load balancer (inbound)
  4. IDS/IPS (across the network)
  5. Application logs (Log4J) (inbound) - See here for more information about the log-writing behavior of vulnerable Log4J instances.
  6. Machine logs (Sysmon/security logs)
    • Some exploitation attempts have been observed where Log4J crashes while attempting to execute a malicious LDAP payload. Machine/System logs might provide stack traces of these failures.
  7. Process monitoring

Possible conclusion:

  1. The targeted application has downloaded the malicious payload. Execution of the payload can be identified through host-based process monitoring and forensic analysis.


Overall JNDI detection regex

Used in the wild obfuscation examples:


The regular expression (regex) which can detect obfuscations:




Deobfuscation method

The following method can be used for deobfuscation:

sed -E -e 's/%24/\$/'g -e 's/%7B/{/'gi -e 's/%7D/\}/'gi -e 's/%3A/:/'gi -e 's/%2F/\//'gi -e 's/\\(\\*u0*|\\*0*)44/\$/'g -e 's/\\(\\*u0*|\\*0*)24/\$/'g -e 's/\$\{(lower:|upper:|::-)([^\}]+)\}/\2/'g -e 's/\$\{(lower:|upper:|::-)([^\}]+)\}\}/\2/'g -e 's/\$\{[^-$]+-([^\}]+)\}/\1/'g input.txt >> output.txt


${${::-j}nd${upper:ı}:rm${upper:ı}://} ->> ${jndı:rmı://}

Thanks and credits to Aholzel (


  • Please note that due to nested resolution of ${...} and multiple available obfuscation methods, this regular expression may not detect all forms of exploitation. It is impossible to write exhaustive regular expression.
  • This regular expression only works on URL-decoded logs. URL encoding is a popular second layer of obfuscation currently in use by attackers.

Warning: In a non-vulnerable Log4J instance injected JNDI strings will be logged by Log4J but not evaluated. However the presence of injected JNDI strings in log files written to by Log4J does not mean your Log4J instance is not vulnerable, since JNDI strings might also be logged (and evaluated) in vulnerable Log4J instances. See the section Behavior of injected JNDI strings in vulnerable Log4J instances below for more details.

Behavior of injected JNDI strings in vulnerable Log4J instances

Injected JNDI strings are displayed differently in log files written to by a vulnerable Log4J instance depending on the situation. A JNDI string is always evaluated first (e.g. a DNS/LDAP/RMI request is sent). Depending on the response a different result is logged:

  • In case no successful (e.g. a DNS NXDOMAIN response or no response at all) response is received, the injected JNDI string will be displayed.
  • In case a response is received the corresponding classname will be logged such as com.sun.jndi.dns.DnsContext@<hashcode> for DNS. In case of RMI the loaded local class will be displayed, for example javax.el.ELProcessor@<hashcode>, but this might be any class on the vulnerable host loaded by an attacker.
  • Some cases have been observed where LDAP requests are being sent and a malicious class being loaded/executed, but no logging was written by Log4J, probably due to Log4J crashing while executing/evaluating the provided class.

Java Hashcodes: When an object is printed it is followed by a @<hashcode>. For example: com.sun.jndi.dns.DnsContext@28a418fc. Java uses the hash of an object to perform actions such as sorting a collection of object. For more information see Object::hashCode.

Presence of these signatures in log files written to by Log4J is a strong sign of successful exploitation, but you should investigate whether these signatures appeared due to your own actions (e.g. Log4J scanning tools):

Class signatures:


Note: Hashcodes are omitted because they change based on the value in the fields of Java object.

Warning: Since RMI can be used to load classes on the vulnerable Log4J system the list presented here cannot be seen as a complete. Other classes might be loaded and misused to manipulate the system.**

More generic strings:

Error looking up JNDI resource

Metadata Detection

Metadata detection rules for web traffic:

http.method = 'GET'
http.uri = '/Exploit[a-zA-Z0-9]{10}.class'
http.user_agent = 'Java/.*' (depends on version installed on system)
http.response_mime_type = 'application/x-java-applet'
http.response_body = Java-class file (0xcafebabe00 file magic)

http.method = 'GET'
http.uri = '/ExecTemplateJDK[5678].class'
User-agent = 'Java/.*' (depends on version installed on system)
http.response_mime_type = 'application/x-java-applet'
http.response_body = Java-class file (0xcafebabe00 file magic)

http.uri = '*.class'
http.user_agent = 'Java/.*' (depends on version installed on system)
http.response_mime_type = 'application/x-java-applet'
http.response_body = Java-class file (0xcafebabe00 file magic)

Snort Rules

alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HOME_NET any (msg:"Detection - Log4j LDAP searchResEntry response with javaSerializedData - JNDI-Exploit-Kit"; content:"|30|"; depth:1; content:"|64|"; within:8; content:"javaSerializedData"; content: "javaCodeBase"; content: "http"; within:8; content:"javaClassName"; sid:21122001; priority:1;)
alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HOME_NET any (msg:"Detection - Log4j LDAP response with JNDIExploit framework attributes"; content:"|30|"; depth:1; content:"|64|"; within:8; content:"javaClassName"; content:"javaCodeBase"; content:"http"; within:8; content:"objectClass"; content:"javaFactory"; sid:21122002; priority:1;)
alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HOME_NET any (msg:"Detection - Log4j LDAP searchResEntry response with javaSerializedData - JNDIExploit"; content:"|30|"; depth:1; content:"|64|"; within:8; content: "javaClassName"; content:"javaSerializedData"; sid:21122003; priority:1;)
alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HOME_NET any (msg:"Detection - Log4J RMI ReturnData with Java Serialized Object"; content:"|51 ac ed 00 05|"; depth:5; sid:21122004; priority:2;)

PCAP Examples with JNDI exploits

For PCAP examples with JNDI exploits see here

Opensource Intelligence

Network based detection

Source Notes Links
NCC Group / Fox-IT Log4Shell: Reconnaissance and post exploitation network detection source

Snort and Suricata rules:

Note Rule-range Rule
These are ET Open free community detections to alert on current exploit activity. SID range 2034647-2034652. source

Web-server mitigation

Web-server Source Notes Links
Nginx Infiniroot Block requests with known patterns in URI and headers using LUA Github

ModSecurity OWASP CoreRuleSet :

Note Rule Links
Included rule which blocks all, when applied to all headers, with 1 exception. 932130 source
New rule which blocks all 1005 source challenge

Host based detection

Source Notes Links
Neo23x0 Florian Roth Grep and YARA rule for log4j2 exploitation
Neo23x0 Florian Roth Detects exploitation attempt against log4j RCE vulnerability fields (Sigma rule)
Neo23x0 Florian Roth Detects exploitation attempt against log4j RCE vulnerability (Sigma rule)
Neo23x0 Florian Roth Fenrir Simple IOC scanner bash script

Generic detection guidance

Source Notes Links
w4rguy Gerrit Kortlever guidance on which detections can take place in different steps of the attack, which conclusions can be derived from them and which logs are required to detect the attempts

Closed source intelligence

Supplier Product Links / Rule
Akamai Cloud
AWS Cloud
Chaser Systems discrimiNAT Firewall
Cloudflare Cloud
Citrix Citrix WAF
Elastic Elastic
Fortinet FortiEDR
Google Cloud
Gravwell Gravwell
McAfee ePO (ExtraDAT)
Microsoft Defender
Microsoft Sentinel
Palo Alto Networks Prisma Cloud
Palo Alto Networks Firewall Threat ID 91991 ingested after content update 8498
Tanium Tanium
Tenable Nessus
Tenable Nessus, Cloud and on prem
Trend Micro Cloud One LI Rule 1011241 (See also
Qualys Cloud Platform
Rapid7 InsightVM and Nexpose
RSA NetWitness client.all contains "${j"
Rubrik Rubrik API
Secure2me Network Intrusion Detection
Splunk Splunk
Splunk Splunk
Siemplify SOAR platform
Vectra Cognito Detect and Cognito Recall