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Christian Morford-Waite [SSW] edited this page Jul 21, 2020 · 67 revisions

Welcome to the SSW.People wiki!

For information on why we created SSW.People, see Adam’s blog post about the SSW.People project
You can watch a video on why we chose GitHub as the backend for SSW.People here

Creating and changing profiles is easy, follow the steps on the right -->

After following these steps, a nice profile page can be created like this: Figure: This is what a profile page looks like

SSW.People has 6 awesome widgets.

A widget is just a section on the page. Each part is created/edited in its own way: Figure: Highlighted are the different areas that can be edited on the profile

Figure: Widgets indicated on the above image

Other widgets not in the above images:

Next Step: 1. Quick Edits >

SSW.People YouTube Channel