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Welcome to ClusterSlice

Installation and Administration Instructions

Table of Contents

Installing Prerequisites

The ClusterSlice software requires a fresh Kubernetes installation as well as docker engine and ansible. It provides a containarized version of ISC DHCP server, but one may use a local version. You should first clone the ClusterSlice repository and move to the install directory:

user@boss:~$ git clone

user@boss:~$ cd clusterslice/install

We provide quick installation instructions for ansible, vanilla Kubernetes and Docker, for Ubuntu Linux.


Install ansible:

user@boss:~/clusterslice/install$ sudo apt install software-properties-common

user@boss:~/clusterslice/install$ sudo add-apt-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible

user@boss:~/clusterslice/install$ sudo apt install ansible


Install vanilla kubernetes from vanilla-kubernetes directory:

In master node:

user@boss:~/clusterslice/install/vanilla-kubernetes$ ansible-playbook install_kubernetes_base.yaml 

user@boss:~/clusterslice/install/vanilla-kubernetes$ ansible-playbook install_kubernetes_master.yaml

In worker nodes:

user@boss:~/clusterslice/install/vanilla-kubernetes$ ansible-playbook install_kubernetes_base.yaml

Finally, retrieve the cluster join command that appears in the master host (file kubernetes_join_command) and execute it in all worker nodes.

Docker Engine

Install docker in all nodes. There is no need to add the docker repository, because it was added with the kubernetes installation.

user@boss:~$ sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli

user@boss:~$ sudo usermod -aG docker user

Using a Private Repository

A private image repository may be optionally enabled. In that case, one should follow the steps briefly described below.

  1. Add the self-signed certificate from private repository to both masters and workers at /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/domain.crt and execute update-ca-certificates. You should also run the following commands:
user@boss:~$ sudo mkdir -p /etc/docker/certs.d/private_repository:port

user@boss:~$ sudo cp domain.crt /etc/docker/certs.d/private_repository:port/ca.crt

This is an example command that produces a self-signed certificate on behalf of the private repository:

user@repository-server:~$ openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -days 3650 -nodes -keyout docker_reg_certs/domain.key -out docker_reg_certs/domain.crt -subj "/CN=private_repository" -addext "subjectAltName=DNS:private_repository"

You can verify the installed certificate with the following command:

user@repository-server:~$ openssl s_client -connect private_repository:port -showcerts
  1. Login to the private repository with docker:
user@boss:~$ docker login private_repository_address

This command stores the access credentials in $HOME/.docker/config.json

  1. Create a secret kubernetes object by executing the following script:
user@boss:~/clusterslice/install$ ./

The above three steps allow kubernetes and docker engine to access the private repository. If it does not work (e.g., the pods return a ImagePullBackOff status), we suggest to reboot all cluster nodes.

Configuring ClusterSlice

The next step is to update the main ClusterSlice configuration file clusterslice/controllers/common_scripts/ You should execute the following commands:

user@boss:~/clusterslice/controllers/common_scripts$ cp

Now, edit the file and fix at least the following parameters:

# define test-bed gateway

# enable infrastructure managers

# enable DHCP server

# image prefix (i.e., define it in the case of a private image repository)

# define if containers are being pushed in the repository or not (enable it in the case of a private repository)

At this point, we support VirtualBox, XCP-NG and CloudLab resources, so enable the infrastructure managers at your will.

Test-bed Compute Resources

The test-bed compute resources should be configured in two places, in the configuration file of DHCP server and a ComputeResources manifest. We should first clone and edit relevant example configuration files.

user@boss:~/clusterslice/controllers/clusterslice-dhcp$ cp dhcpd.conf.example dhcpd.conf

Now edit dhcpd.conf and specify the IP and MAC addresses of all test-bed nodes, as well as the test-bed subnet configuration and DNS servers. The DHCP server runs in a docker container that should be manually executed:

user@boss:~/clusterslice/controllers$ ./

Make sure that it works, e.g., with docker container ls or docker logs commands.

An equivalent process should be followed for the ComputeResources manifest:

user@boss:~/clusterslice/install$ cp computeresources-example.yaml computeresources.yaml

The cloud server details should be configured, as well as the parameters of all test-bed nodes. One can also see the multi-clustering example clusterslice/install/computeresources-multi-cluster-example.yaml.

Virtualization Systems

In each one of the enabled infrastructure managers residing at the clusterslice/controllers directory, the example configuration scripts should be cloned and edited, in a similar manner. Please note that the configuration script names should be in the form of configuration.serverip.

At this point, you should create a VM template:

  • Create a clean Linux VM installation. We suggest to use Ubuntu 22.04 for maximum compatibility.
  • Add a user with root privileges named user.
  • Enable sudo without a password for user named user. You can run the following command: sudo visudo and then add at the end of the file: user ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
  • Create ssh keys in the ClusterSlice master node with the ssh-keygen command and share them with both cloud server and VM, using the command ./ username@server. Make sure that you can access them without a password.
  • Export the VM and place it in the cloud server directory, as indicated in the infrastructure manager's configuration file.

Finally, share the ssh keys with operators through a kubernetes secret object (i.e., allows clusterslice containers to access the keys):

user@boss:~/clusterslice/install$ ./

Custom Resources and Operators

We now install the Custom Resources and Operators of ClusterSlice with the following commands:

user@boss:~/clusterslice/controllers$ ./

The images of the Operators have been created and optionally uploaded to the private repository.

user@boss:~/clusterslice/install$ ./

user@boss:~/clusterslice/install$ kubectl apply -f install-clusterslice.yaml

All ClusterSlice Custom Resources have been applied, including the security manifests. You can check if the operators and requested infrastructure managers are running with the following command:

user@boss:~/clusterslice/install$ kubectl get pods -n swn

Now it is time to apply the ComputeResources:

user@boss:~/clusterslice/install$ kubectl apply -f computeresources.yaml

You can check their status:

user@boss:~/clusterslice/install$ kubectl get computeresources -n swn

New Test-bed Users

Start by generating a new namespace for the user (with the same name with his/her username):

user@boss:~$ kubectl create namespace username

The new users have been given access, as defined in the Role and RoleBinding objects defined in security/clusterslice-user-rbac-rules.yaml. Create a new YAML file based on security/clusterslice-user-rbac-rules.yaml and execute kubectl apply -f clusterslice-newuser-rbac-rules.yaml.

The new username should also be added in clusterslice-allusers-rbac-rules.yaml like the existing ones. Then execute kubectl apply -f clusterslice-allusers-rbac-rules.yaml.

Create a private key for the user (we use the example username lefteris).

user@boss:~$ openssl genrsa -out lefteris.key 2048

Create a certificate sign request using this private key. You specify the username and group in the subj section (CN is for username and O for the group):

user@boss:~$ openssl req -new -key lefteris.key -out lefteris.csr -subj "/CN=lefteris/O=uom"

Generate a final certificate, e.g., for 500 days (execute this as root):

user@boss:~$ sudo openssl x509 -req -in lefteris.csr -CA /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt -CAkey /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.key -CAcreateserial -out lefteris.crt -days 500

Save .crt and .key files in $HOME/.certs/

Add a new context with the new credential for the kubernetes cluster.

user@boss:~$ kubectl config set-cluster kubernetes --server=https://ServerIP:6443 --certificate-authority=/etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.key --embed-certs=true --kubeconfig=$HOME/.kube/config

user@boss:~$ kubectl config set-credentials lefteris --client-certificate=$HOME/.certs/lefteris.crt  --client-key=$HOME/.certs/lefteris.key --embed-certs=true --kubeconfig=$HOME/.kube/config

user@boss:~$ kubectl config set-context lefteris-context --namespace=swn --cluster=kubernetes --user=lefteris

Alternatively, a config file like the one described below should be given to the user. He/she should add it to folder $HOME/.kube (as well as the user.key and user.crt files in $HOME/.certs):

Example config file:

apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
    certificate-authority-data: <ADD FROM /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt>
    server: https://ServerIP:6443
  name: kubernetes
- context:
    cluster: kubernetes
    namespace: lefteris
    user: lefteris
  name: lefteris-context@kubernetes
current-context: lefteris-context@kubernetes
kind: Config
preferences: {}
- name: lefteris
    client-certificate: /home/user/.certs/lefteris.crt
    client-key: /home/user/.certs/lefteris.key

The key and certificate could also be embeded in the config file.

The user is now able to execute a number of test-bed control commands. Some examples follow.

  1. Apply a new slice request:
lefteris@boss:~/clusterslice/examples$ kubectl apply -f slicerequest.yaml
  1. Check the slice request and its status:
lefteris@boss:~/clusterslice/examples$ kubectl get slicerequests
  1. Check the to be allocated / allocated slices:
lefteris@boss:~/clusterslice/examples$ kubectl get slices
  1. Check the allocated test-bed resources (testbed-wide kubernetes resources belong in the swn namespace):
lefteris@boss:~/clusterslice/examples$ kubectl get computeresources -n swn

Missing features

  • Debugging, debugging, debugging.
  • Synchronizing dhcpd.conf with computeresources objects.
  • Create a straightforward installation process based on a single YAML file.
  • Build support of alternative resource types (e.g., cloud systems, physical nodes and RPIs).
  • Support of multiple master nodes, i.e., currently one is supported.
  • Improve documentation and create a website.

Good luck!