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By contributing, you are agreeing that we may redistribute your work under this license.

Table of contents

Getting started as a developer

If you are onboarding to the RECOVER project as a developer, we provide onboarding documentation via Confluence. There you will find everything you need to know about gaining write access to this GitHub repository and our AWS environments (and more)! An overview of the system architecture is here. Documentation is only accessible to Sage Bionetworks employees.

The development life cycle

To keep work organized and predictable, developers follow specific development patterns. For a high level overview of development patterns within the DPE team, see the DPE Handbook.


Before there was work, there was the work request. Work requests a.k.a. tickets for this repository are tracked in the ETL Jira project. No development work should be done without first having a Jira ticket which outlines the context and goals of the work to be done.

Developing and testing locally

  1. Clone this repository (do not fork). Create a feature branch off the main branch. Branch names must contain the identifier of the corresponding Jira ticket (e.g., etl-574). Optionally, add keywords describing the work that is being done to the branch name (e.g., etl-574-add-contributing-doc).


Keep branch names as short as possible and use safe characters ([a-z], hyphens or underscore). We use the branch name to namespace resources in AWS -- as described below. Since AWS imposes limits on the name length and character sets of some resources, the deployment may fail if the branch name is too long or uses invalid characters. For this same reason, it's not possible to provide a comprehensive list of safe characters, so err on the side of caution.

  1. We use pipenv to manage our development environment. Simply run the below code from the repository root to create a virtual environment and install all dependencies:
pipenv shell
pipenv install --dev
  1. Make any number of commits that solve the problem or leave the project in a better place. These commits may need to be consolidated later on during code review.

  2. If anything in the src directory is modified, tests in the tests directory must be added or updated. We use pytest to run our unit tests. Any convention supported by pytest for organizing tests is acceptable, but please do consider the organization of existing tests before attempting anything drastic. Documentation on how to run tests can be found here.

  3. Once you are happy with your changes and all tests are passing, push the local branch to a remote branch of the same name. This will trigger the relevant CI/CD actions and deploy the branch to its own namespaced stack in the development environment. Progress can be monitored via the Actions tab.

Testing remotely

Once the branch is deployed to the develop AWS environment (either via the CI/CD workflow or manually), we can run integration tests. Test events are submitted to the pipeline automatically via CI/CD using the first method described below, although there are various entrypoints available for us to inject these events into the pipeline.

Submitting test events via an S3 copy operation

This is the preferred method for submitting test events because it mimics how events propagate in the production environment.

Assuming that the namespaced S3 Event Config Lambda has run at least once (either automatically via CI/CD or manually), submit test events to the pipeline by copying objects from s3://recover-dev-ingestion/pilot-data/ to the appropriate namespaced location in s3://recover-dev-input-data. This will result in a bucket event notification being sent to the SQS queue, which is polled by the S3 to Glue Lambda, which then triggers the S3 to JSON Glue workflow. All of these resources (excepting the S3 bucket) are specific to the stack's namespace.

Submitting test events to the S3 to Glue Lambda

To submit SQS events directly to the S3 to Glue Lambda, follow the instructions in its README.

Submitting test events to the S3 to JSON Glue workflow

To run the S3 to JSON Glue workflow directly, either edit the workflow by adding a --messages workflow argument which matches the format of the S3 to Glue Lambda, or start a workflow run and add the --messages argument programmatically (mimicking the behavior of the S3 to Glue Lambda).

JSON to Parquet Workflow

Once the S3 to JSON workflow has successfully completed, the JSON to Parquet workflow will need to be run manually to produce the Parquet datasets, which are written to a namespaced location in s3://recover-dev-processed-data. This workflow does not require any configuration once deployed and can be run directly without passing any additional workflow run arguments.

Evaluating correctness of integration tests

We do not yet have a complete, automated data quality framework for our integration tests. Instead, in addition to hand checks that everything is operating normally, we have some tools that allow us to compare results within and across workflow runs.

Parquet dataset comparison

To evaluate what effect this branch's changes had on the test data, we have Glue jobs which run as part of the JSON to Parquet workflow which compare the Parquet datasets within this branch's {namespace} to those of the main namespace. Data reports are written to s3://recover-dev-processed-data/{namespace}/comparison_result.

Record count comparison

We use a structured logging framework in our Glue jobs so that logs can be consumed in a programmatic way. At the time of writing, this is limited to a script that will compare the count of lines read versus the count of lines written for each NDJSON file in each S3 to JSON workflow run within a given time frame.

Code review

Once integration testing is complete, submit a pull request against the main branch. At least one approving review is required to merge, although it is common courtesy to give everyone on the review team time to approve the PR.

Before and/or after code review, clean up your commit history. If the main branch has changed since you last pushed your branch, rebase on main. If you have multiple commits, make sure that each commit is focused on delivering one complete feature. If you need to consolidate commits, consider doing an interactive rebase or a git merge --squash if you are more comfortable with that method.

Post review

Overview: Once the pull request has been approved and merged, this pulls your commits into the main branch. It does not yet deploy your changes to the main production pipeline. RECOVER data has FISMA restrictions, but only our production account is FISMA compliant. Since there is no guarantee that the test data provided to us (which doesn't have FISMA restrictions) perfectly models the production dataset, we maintain a staging namespace in the production account which enables us to test changes on production data before pulling those changes into the main namespace. There is a diagram of this process here.


  1. After pull request approval, squash and merge your pull request into main. Merging into main will deploy the changes to the staging namespace.
  2. Wait for changes to deploy to the staging namespace in the production account
  3. After successful deployment, wait for the staging S3 to JSON workflow to finish
  4. Trigger the staging JSON to Parquet workflow manually to produce the Parquet datasets in the staging namespace
  5. Review staging datasets for expected differences and similarities
  6. To complete deployment to the main namespace of production, follow release process

Release process

To complete deployment to the main namespace of production, we push a new tag with a specific format to this repository, which will trigger this GitHub action.

This package uses semantic versioning for releasing new versions.

Background Pages:


  1. Once there are important features that need to be added we will need to create a new tag and release. Once released it will be applied to production data.
  2. Draft a new release for the repo here, specify the main branch as the target, and choose a tag name. You can specify a tag name that doesn't exist to invoke the github auto tag create feature.
  3. Click Generate release notes, review the content and be sure to include any known bugs for the release.
  4. Wait for the CI/CD (specifically the upload-and-deploy-to-prod-main GH action which deploys the features to main) to finish successfully.
  5. Now your features have been deployed to production, the next production data run on main will include your features!

Code style

Code ought to conform to PEP8, but may deviate if it helps with readability. There are many popular libraries for validating against PEP8, including pylint and black (which is a code formatter).

We also encourage never nesting, a slight misnomer which refers to never nesting code beyond three levels. This helps with readability and testing.

Test scripts

The following are a small number of test scripts used for various testing and is meant to aid in the contribution to this project.

Use PANDAS to print out a specific record from a parquet file

import pandas as pd
import json
import os

test_data = "part-00000-cf1aa98f-2ea2-48ea-81d5-2c0359437bf0.c000.snappy.parquet"
test_data_2 = "part-00000-2038617e-8480-4f63-ba05-f5046a7da0d1.c000.snappy.parquet"
data = pd.read_parquet(

result = data[data["ParticipantIdentifier"] == "**********"].to_dict(
print(json.dumps(result, indent=4))

Use PYSPARK to read, query, and print an ndjson file

This relies on pyspark being install. See the instructions:

import os

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()


    "enrolledparticipants": ["ParticipantIdentifier"],

def drop_table_duplicates(
    table_name: str,
    """ """
    table_name_components = table_name.split("_")
    table_data_type = table_name_components[1]

    if "InsertedDate" in spark_df.columns:
        sorted_spark_df = spark_df.sort(spark_df.InsertedDate.desc())
        sorted_spark_df = spark_df.sort(spark_df.export_end_date.desc())
    table = sorted_spark_df.dropDuplicates(subset=INDEX_FIELD_MAP[table_data_type])
    return table

original_table =

# Displays the content of the DataFrame
record_to_compare = spark.sql(
    f"SELECT CustomFields FROM enrolledParticipants WHERE ParticipantIdentifier = '{RECORD_TO_RETRIEVE}'"
json_result = record_to_compare.toJSON().collect()

# Print each JSON string in the list to the console
print(f"Record count: {original_table.count()}")
for json_str in json_result:

# Check to see if there are actually any duplicates on this table
record_to_compare = spark.sql(
    "SELECT * FROM (SELECT ParticipantIdentifier, count(*) as partCount FROM enrolledParticipants group by ParticipantIdentifier order by partCount desc) WHERE partCount > 1 "
json_result = record_to_compare.toJSON().collect()

# Print each JSON string in the list to the console
for json_str in json_result:

# # De-dupe table and comapre results
modified_table = drop_table_duplicates(
    spark_df=original_table, table_name="dataset_enrolledparticipants"

no_dupe_record_to_compare = spark.sql(
    f"SELECT CustomFields FROM enrolledParticipants_no_dupe WHERE ParticipantIdentifier = '{RECORD_TO_RETRIEVE}'"
json_result = no_dupe_record_to_compare.toJSON().collect()

print(f"Record count: {modified_table.count()}")
# Print each JSON string in the list to the console
for json_str in json_result: