Make sure to have the following packages installed:
- Python >=3.7:
- requires: numpy, scipy, pandas, rdkit
- optional: openforcefield for OpenForceField and Serenityff functions
#with pip installer:
pip install <package_name>
#or if you use conda:
conda install <package_name>
cd PyGromosTools
python install
For using this repository and developing it, clone it into a directory on your machine and add the path to the repo to your python path.
If you are using Anaconda, you might need to use to this instead:
conda develop -n <EnvironmentName> /path/to/pygromos/containint/folder/pygromos
Please if your writing code for this repository, first develop it on an own branch.
git branch <MyBranch> #generate your branch
git checkout <MyBranch> #switch to your branch
git merge master #for adding new features from master to your branch
If you implemented in your branch features, that you would like to share, just issue a merge/pull request with the master branch on gitlab.
If you find a bug or have an feature request, please raise an Issue.
P.s.: I can recommend Pycharm or VisualStuudioCode, for exploring the repository.