A small javascript plugin to create an oscilloscope of an audio-context. You can see an example here
bower install oscilloscope.js
// Create an audio-context
var audioContext = new window.AudioContext(),
oscillator = audioContext.createOscillator();
oscillator.type = 'sine';
oscillator.frequency.value = 400;
// Create an Oscilloscope instance
// Parameters:
// - The container in which the oschilloscope gets created
// - an optional audio-context on which the oscilloscope creates an analyser-node,
// and can connect to the destination.
// If no audio-context is specified, a new one will be created created.
var oscilloscope = new Oscilloscope('.js-oscilloscope', audioContext);
// Connect the oscillator-node to the oscilloscope
// Start the oscilloscope
Oscilloscope.target // Container
Oscilloscope.width // The oscilloscope' width
Oscilloscope.height // The oscilloscope' height
Oscilloscope.svg // The svg-element in which we draw the oscilloscope
Oscilloscope.wave // The path svg-element which represents the audio wave
Oscilloscope.audioContext // The oscilloscope' audio-context
Oscilloscope.running // Indicates if the oscilloscope is running
Oscilloscope.hasAudio // Indicates if the oscilloscope is connected to the audio-context' destination
* Start the oscilloscope
* Stop the oscilloscope
* Connect the analyser-node to another audio-node
* @param {audioNode} node An audio-node to connect to
* Connect the analyser-node to the audio-context' destination
Oscilloscope.js is licensed under the MIT license.